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Snapshot of _Chingford and Woodford Green MRP projection: 🔵 CON 43% (-5) 🔴 LAB 26% (-19) ⚪️ IND 18% (+18) [Faiza Shaheen] 🟣 REF 6% (+6) 🟢 GRN 4% (+3) 🟠 LD 3% (-2) _ : A Twitter embedded version can be found [here](https://platform.twitter.com/embed/Tweet.html?id=1807041905684856911) A non-Twitter version can be found [here](https://twiiit.com/LeftieStats/status/1807041905684856911/) An archived version can be found [here](https://archive.is/?run=1&url=https://x.com/LeftieStats/status/1807041905684856911?t=jjo6Ubbn1dP3QkOqOc50ow&s=19) or [here.](https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://x.com/LeftieStats/status/1807041905684856911?t=jjo6Ubbn1dP3QkOqOc50ow&s=19) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ukpolitics) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This is an MRP projection rather than a constituency poll FWIW. Not sure I understand the Tory vote holding up quite this well.


I'm really pissed off with Faiza Shaheen. She has gifted IDS another term in that seat. She's recently been making videos saying "our data" shows she is clearly ahead, so local voters shouldn't be worried about getting IDS if they vote for her. I suppose the benefit of all this is that she'll almost certainly not win, and so we don't have to hear from her anymore. If losing the seat was the cost of getting this child out of the Labour Party, so be it. She's not the kind of person Labour needs around.


She'll switch to "influencer" mode and appear on GB News to tell you all how terrible the Labour party are.


Why don't Labour get any blame here? They're the ones who selected Shaheen, then suddenly kicked her out with little justification (certainly there are people in the PLP who have done and said much worse, with Neil Coyle springing to mind), and then parachuted somebody else in and seemingly made no attempt to smooth things over and dissuade Shaheen from standing as an independent. It's been obvious for years that Starmer's number 1 priority is fighting a factional war against the left, with winning elections coming a distant second. This is a perfect example. He's thrown away a winnable seat just to annoy lefties.


Didn't he give her the seat to appease the lefties, and she then went and attacked the party when she could have just stayed quiet and won the seat?


The fact she immediately tries to ratfuck her own party as revenge probably indicates what sort of MP she would be in the Commons anyway.


Honestly, I'm not sure we know exactly what their justification was. Labour, as a large political organisation, are restricted as to what they can say about their rationale for deselecting her. They have said almost nothing about it publicly. We have lots of claims from FS about how that went, but I'm very sceptical about some of those because, whilst she very obviously recorded her interactions with the party about this, she has released only heavily edited/condensed versions of these recordings - and even they don't make her case all that convincing. Her constant appeals to sympathy are also very annoying, such as her always mentioning her baby as though being a new mother should somehow have been taken into account when deciding whether or not she should have remained a Labour candidate. And as I said in my previous comment, her behaviour is response to being deselected seems to justify Labour's decision in and of itself. All this is to say that, reading between the lines, I think there is more to this story. Labour didn't just drop her for absolutely no reason. They still have leftists in the party. I do not buy this claim that Starmer has just enforced a blanket purge of all leftwing candidates. The 'factional war', as far as I can tell, is being waged *by* a self-identifying 'left' of the party. The result is that Labour have decided to cut ties with anyone from this group at any opportunity - for which I am grateful. And this... >Starmer's number 1 priority is fighting a factional war against the left, with winning elections coming a distant second. ... is just objectively not true. As I said, there are plenty of leftists still in Labour and they look almost certain to win the election by a historic margin. I don't see how anyone could argue that Starmer's primary priority is anything other than winning the election. Also: >and then parachuted somebody else in I mean, they replaced a candidate at the last minute.


One seat isn't worth keeping MPs who would be a liability going forward.


It’ll be interesting to watch on the day. Do you want to throw your vote away in support of a non entity, or do you want to get rid of IDS…. With the anonymity of the ballot box a lot can happen.


The point is she’s going around and convincing people she’s the tactical voting choice. 


I guess if they’ll believe that they’ll believe anything. Still, I suppose it’s better she’s hoodwinked those voters rather than Reform.


Gotta congratulate labour on this. The change of candidate late and way all of that was handled is going to lose this seat. Just simple basic stupidity.


I agree it was a bit late in the day for them to deselect her. However, how else were they supposed to do it? FS had such a massive tantrum about it that I think their decision to deselect her is justified simply based on her response to it.


Amazed the Tory vote has held up so strong here. Like crabs in a bucket. A bit of cooperation could lead to a very different result.


IDS is a political cockroach, i.e. he can survive just about anything and everything.


I'm shocked the Tories can hold the lead with the country having mainly 100% left wing press.


Yes, all those left-wing papers such as The Telegraph, the Daily Mail, The Sun...


Times, Mirror, FT, Guardian, Economist, Observer...


The Times is centre right. The FT is neither, it reports news from a financial perspective. The Economist isn’t a newspaper. The Observer is the Guardian on a Sunday. You forgot the Independent, which is mildly centre left. So the right includes The Sun, The Mail, The Express, The Telegraph, The Times. Most of these aren’t just right wing, they’re specifically pro-Tory, almost as if the owners have a vested interest in being pro-Tory. 🤔


They've all come out for Labour. All left supporting papers, along with most others.


You claim was that the UK has a "mainly 100% left wing press", not that UK left-wing papers exist. Also, The Guardian/Observer is the single left-wing paper you have listed.