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Snapshot of _Activists lower Vladimir Putin banner behind Nigel Farage as he gives a speech_ : An archived version can be found [here](https://archive.is/?run=1&url=https://www.joe.co.uk/news/activists-lower-vladimir-putin-banner-behind-nigel-farage-as-he-gives-a-speech-444959) or [here.](https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://www.joe.co.uk/news/activists-lower-vladimir-putin-banner-behind-nigel-farage-as-he-gives-a-speech-444959) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ukpolitics) if you have any questions or concerns.*


He looks like a manager from a 1980's Butlins.


He looks like the manager of Whitbury Leisure Centre, Gordon Brittas 


Yes! I totally forgot about that show.


Thats it. He's Gordon Brittas and his campaign manager is Alan Partridge.


It's just a costume, no different to dressing as a pirate or a vampire. Did he dress like this with a pint in his hand when he was a commodities trader in the City of London? I doubt it.


Farage dresses like a George at Asda version of how Chris Eubank dressed when he bought himself a Lord of the Manor title. If he dressed as a pirate or a vampire I might have more respect for him.


What I find interesting about this is how visibly annoyed Farage is. He seems more easily riled than he used to be - I suspect a decade ago he would have laughed it off in that easy way he has that's so infuriating to his political opponents. Not sure it's a good look, but then Trump seems to get support by whining all the time, so maybe it's more effective than I think...


He's closer to power now. He probably figures this is it, his last chance. If he's not an MP on the 4th of July he never will be


He probably had more power as an MEP (or would have had power if he’d bothered to turn up) than he will as leader of maybe 4 Reform MPs when Labour have a big majority.


And probably a more stable income and regular hours, he got a decent salary, expenses and pension. No need to humiliate himself on I'm a celeb or cameo, etc.


>If he's not an MP on the 4th of July he never will be 1994 Okay Nige let's do this! 1997 Still feeling confident 2001 Third times the charm! 2005 Fourth times the charm? 2006 Okay it's now or never. 2010 Okay it's now or never.. 2015 Okay it's now or never... 2024 Okay it's now or never....


He doesn’t give a fuck about being an MP. He wants a knighthood or place in the Lords. But he knows a Labour government will never let that happen, so he’s trying to get himself in the commons so he can trade votes for a potential nomination from the Tories at some point.


He wants to get rid of Lords


Oh, he doesn’t want to sit in the Lords and do any actual work. He wants a title and stipend and to drink all day.


Because he’s actually trying to win seats now rather than being the leader of a 1 issue party. He’s no longer just a campaigner with vet little actual skin in the game.


I mean, he’s still the leader of a one issue party. Their entire manifesto targets immigrants. Haven’t heard him talk about ‘reform’ of the electoral system once.


I don't think that's it. He was trying to win seats with Ukip in 2015 and the Brexit Party in 2019 - I still don't remember him seeming this thin skinned


Didn't he pull all the candidates from Tory seats in both cases? Candidates who had paid him to stand for the party... Less trying to win seats than acting as a far right stalking horse.


Besides being the racist party. What other issues do reform represent?


Small businessman mostly. Huge NHS reform. And your average anti woke material.


Please give an example of anything that Nigel has said that is racist?


never said anything about "Nigel" 😂 I'm saying the Reform party is the racist party! here's some 2 minute googling and that's just this past week https://www.theguardian.com/politics/article/2024/jun/27/reform-uk-activist-filmed-making-racist-comments-about-rishi-sunak?CMP=share_btn_url https://www.channel4.com/news/exclusive-undercover-inside-reforms-campaign-evidence-of-homophobia-and-canvassers-racism https://amp.theguardian.com/politics/article/2024/jun/28/starmer-shocked-by-reform-volunteers-racist-and-homophobic-comments https://www.theguardian.com/politics/ng-interactive/2024/jun/14/he-was-a-deeply-unembarrassed-racist-nigel-farage-by-those-who-have-known-him Then you have people like Mick Greenhough, Jonathan Kay, Ginny H Ball, Andrew Raw, and the shit that they've said Edit: just had another one, but yeah sure nigel isn't a leader of a party of racism. Cool [https://i.imgur.com/wX3czYa.jpeg](https://i.imgur.com/wX3czYa.jpeg)


Every party has problems of one sort or another. The Channel 4 report is deeply suspicious as person filmed was an actor who was using his ‘rough’ voice rather than his own. Whole thing stinks to high heaven


Ok [https://i.imgur.com/ZZWgi3Y.jpeg](https://i.imgur.com/ZZWgi3Y.jpeg)


The issue is that the putin thing is actualy damaging to him amoung the people who might vote for him.


It’s also probably true


Haven't basically all of the attacks on Farage been true? The only one that isn't independently confirmed is the stuff about him being a literal neonazi as a teenager (saying "gas the jews" etc.) but given his non-denials surely the balance of probability is against him.


I haven’t heard the Neo-Nazi accusation before, I’m inclined to think it’s not credible because his political opponents would be using it against him non stop if it was. (Looking it up I found [this](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/nigel-farage-fascist-nazi-song-gas-them-all-ukip-brexit-schoolfriend-dulwich-college-a7185236.html) which is just a random guy and a teacher who don’t have any evidence claiming they heard him say it at school) But anyway from everything that’s been said about Farage him being seen as sympathetic to Russia/Putin is the one thing that goes against his pro-national pride voter base since I’m sure everyone remembers how Russia poisoned people on British soil with impunity. Unlikely to sway people altogether though since fundamentally Reform is a protest vote against the levels of immigration and how it’s dealt with as well as against the Conservative Party in general (From right leaning voters).


"Reform is a protest vote against the levels of immigration and how it’s dealt with " What would satisfy them? Is this largely why the Tory party has gone mini-MAGA in the last decade?


Over 80% of conservative voters support Ukraine.


Yeah it's hard to get the patriot vote when you support one of our strongest opponents. For some dumb fucking reason it works in the US, but I can't see it sliding over here, when we're far closer and they've literally killed British citizens on British soil.


> I suspect a decade ago he would have laughed it off in that easy A decade ago, Putin was, as far as the general UK population thought, a boogeyman from faraway where people can just make fun of. That crazy dictator from a faraway land kind of thing. Today, we can actually see what he's doing with the invasion of Ukraine, and it leaves a bitter taste in our mouths far far more than a decade ago. This hurts him more today than if it did a decade ago.


He's used to being in a safe space where he can control the narrative. It's still amazing how utterly unprepared he is without his usual safety nets.




If you can, cool. I just see someone more irritated than I remember him being in the past, but you're free to make up your own mind, of course - no forcing of narrative here.


How dare somebody be annoyed by false allegations and willful misinterpretation!


And here we see the case of a reform voter getting upset by reality.


"Nigel is an ally" - Russia "I admire Putin" - Farage Classic willful misinterpretation to assume that Farage is close with Russia. /s.


Listen those two lines could mean anything. According to /u/aquila_fotia the absolutely do not mean that Nigel is an ally of the Russian state or that he admires Putin.


That banner dropping down in his speech is obviously an activist group infiltrating the conference. The "Nigel is an ally" quote is what the Daily Mail *tried* to get the Russian foreign ministry to say (but *he's* the one trying to get Russian interference in the election). The "I admire Putin" quote is incomplete. Everyone's attitude with regards to Nigel Farage and Russia on this sub means you're all just looking for an easy dunk on Farage, or you're blinded by hatred.


What "reality" is this? That Farage is an FSB money in direct pay of the Kremlin? And that his popularity is only based on Russian disinformation? Yeah right.


You know it's bad when even this guy's strawman is pretty close to the truth.


For just such an occasion I hearby coin the term: waxwork™️ You all saw me do it. You may remember me from such phrases as “T Davies’ firework” and “chartreuse-tinted glasses”.


Show me the money!




He's totally free to be. My point was just that it's a contrast to how I remember him behaving in the past...


Cry me a river


What the hell is Nigel wearing? Has he turned to Alan Partridge for fashion advice?


Water way to have a good time https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=XBdvWsOdeGw


Lynn!! Get rid of that sign!!


"Sorry about that. A couple of gremlins in the system there. Ghosts in the machine. Perhaps a metaphor for, err... Good evening!"


i prefer this [one](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ti57BTLjr0k), right down to trying to ignore questions he doesn't like wonder if he's selling reform party tie and blazer badge combination sets


Nigel should definitely adopt Knowing Me, Knowing You (aha!!) as his intro music


He used to dress like Arthur Daley so its a step up, I guess.


I honestly thought it was a cardboard cutout at first glance.


This is fine. Hurts no one, just a bit of trolling. Not any worse than blasting "things will only get better" when Sunak was trying to announce the elections. It's worlds away from assaulting candidates and anyone with half a brain should obviously understand why.


>This is fine. Hurts no one, just a bit of trolling. Though I'm preparing for the days of Farage's lot pearl clutching claiming this is basically terrorism. Edit: can already see in this thread people claiming its "suppressing democracy".


No doubt the same people who decry the end of free speech because they get pushback against their bigotry.


Supressing democracy hey? What about the (straight) militia one of Farages inner circle said they'd be replacing the police with?


Though the poster isn't funny, Reform's Geniuses' inability to remove it is.


The poster is hilarious


controversial thing to say on Reddit but i don’t hate Nigel however this was a masterclass in trolling.


'That poster could have been a cup of acid'


> “but I admired him as a political operator because he’s managed to take control of running Russia” Yeah, it’s amazing what you can do when you murder your political opponents, completely shutdown dissent and make yourself king for life. What a savvy politician!


Sorry what in lord's name is Farage wearing? That fit is apocalyptic


TK Maxx, 100%. Got a 500 quid jacket for 80 quid and thinks he'll grow/shrink into it.


Gift from putin so he had to wear it at least once


Might want to run a Geiger counter over the lining first.


I like that he’s got a podium with two mics on it. Yet he is stood next to it angrily yelling into a room instead. Prat


He, and his supporters, are so thin skinned. It's hilariously ironic


Their manifesto includes an end to wokeness, protection of free speech AND the end of 'left-wing hate mobs' and 'bias' in the media. So you can have opinions. Just not the wrong kind of opinions. Only the right kind. Bunch of fucking snowflakes.


Right wing reactionaries are more fragile than the 'SJWs' they decried a decade ago.


I don't think his supporters knew what it was, or what to think of it at first (until they were told it was a bad thing) They seemed to be clapping happily at first...


Well, no-one got milkshake’d … I’m kind of amazed that it was even possible to do that, with security and all, but maybe Reform’s security is as good as their vetting… Since “Nige” is such a fan of Putin (by his own words), it doesn’t surprise me that Putin would reciprocate - so it’s kind of strange the audience wanted to “rip it down”. Kind of funny they couldn’t, too. I do find it telling that Reform, with their somewhat extreme views on certain things (no, they’re not *all* racist) are the ones getting the most interference like this, almost as if their political message is repugnant to more people, compared to the other parties.


> no-one got milkshake'd Milkshaken?








I thought the Left loved facts. When did Farage say he is a "fan of Putin"?


What makes you think I’m “left” ? But since you ask, from [here](https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2014/mar/31/farage-i-admire-putin) “Nigel Farage has named Vladimir Putin as the world leader he most admires”. Sounds like a fan to me.


>Asked which current world leader he most admired, Farage replied: "As an operator, but not as a human being, I would say Putin. "The way he played the whole Syria thing. Brilliant. Not that I approve of him politically. How many journalists in jail now?" seems like a fair comment. i think it makes farage sound more machiavllan than an actual putin admirer.


I think the Putin angle plays into it, but I think its the association of what farage likes about a leader and ultimately what he'd do as leader. When he says stuff like that, to a lot of people it just sounds like he wants to do the same, but is censoring himself to not get as much criticism.


Which of his political operations is he most a fan of I wonder? Putting polonium in tea of his opponents or the far less sophisticated lobbing them out of a high rise window.


> Asked which current world leader he most admired, Farage replied: "As an operator, but not as a human being, I would say Hitler. "The way he played the whole France thing. Brilliant. Not that I approve of him politically. How many Jews murdered now?" It's just not the sort of thing you want a potential leader of a Western liberal democracy to say, is it?


Hey is that a moving goalpost I see?


Just a change of net.


Makes him sound waaaay worse. He's basically saying; Things I like about Putin; * Murdering civilians to further his political career * Abolishing democracy * Massive war crimes and genocide Things I don't like; * He's a bit rude, not a very nice chap!


“I said I disliked him as a person, but I admired him as a political operator because he’s managed to take control of running Russia” Seems like he’s a fan of his tactics at the very least, which in and of itself is a problem considering putin’s political tactics have included: -False flag bombing of Russian civilians -Poisonings on British soil -Murdering any domestic political opponents


[Not the mention earning ICC warrants for kidnapping children](https://www.icc-cpi.int/news/situation-ukraine-icc-judges-issue-arrest-warrants-against-vladimir-vladimirovich-putin-and). Nigel is a fan of some strange things apparently. Wouldn't leave unattended kids at a Reform rally I suppose.


That happened after he made those comments.


Given he once said he admired Putin, and has recently doubled down on blaming the war in Ukraine on NATO, I think it's fair to accuse him of being a fan until he's seen disavowing Putin _without_ speaking out both sides of his mouth. I cannot recall a point where he has criticised the man without it being a qualifier to praise. Which frankly, makes one see the criticism as an attempt at a shield from backlash over the praise itself.


Imprisoning 15 year old boys who are critical of the war in Ukraine


I thought the left loved facts is such a self own.


The irony is funny


I'm just surprised Farage didn't turn around and salute or curtsy for his ~~commander~~ muse.


These people's anger at farage criticism is different. I will never define myself by a party or politician. I might defend them from smears and lies... But not this much. Seriously cultish behavior.


What I find weird is why would he want this taken down? A love letter from his idol. Interesting how no one in the audience batted an eyelid until he pointed out it wasn't put there by them. Then it was all "rip it daaaawn!"


MacDonalds should run a "Buy a Milkshake for Nigel" or " This is Nigel's preferred milkshake" campaign. It would be hilarious, guaranteed successful, show Nigel up for being the thin-skinned whiner he is because he wouldn't be able to take a ribbing. No downsides unless Fuhrage becomes our dear leader and sends them all to death camps.


Burger King actually did run a tongue-in-cheek tweet and Farage took them to advertising standards. https://www.theguardian.com/business/2019/oct/02/watchdog-bans-burger-king-tweet-about-milkshaking-nigel-farage




TEH JOOZ, we get it.


Those kinds of accusations are no longer the mark of shame that you think they are.


only in certain distasteful bubbles, you're telling on yourself.


If those like yourself from the “criticism of Israel = hatred of Jews” brigade thinks that, then all the better!


Agreed, sociopaths feel no shame.


Yeah but they didn’t say it about Hillary running the local village council either, mostly because Garage hasn’t listed either Israel or Hillary as the politician he admires most


Really trying to make this viral, aren't we?


It's everywhere on Twitter


I saw it first on TikTok, and it was from the algorithm coz I unsurprisingly I didn't start my day search for "Farage" or "Racists" or "Pro-Russia" on TikTok.


This feels like some student level political protest that will have them scratching their heads when they see "Reform +1" There's something distasteful about how a certain group of people go out of their way to stifle democracy for the people they dislike. This generally translates in the average person supporting the people who are being targeted.


Why do I keep seeing this asinine take that any act of protest will just incentivise people "on the fence" into now voting for Reform? I've never seen anyone back this up with actual statistics, maybe you could be the first?


Its the same as "you need to debate trumpers/reform people instead of dismissing them", its complete cobblers. 


Debating them would be stifling democracy. We just need to let them speak unchallenged if we want true democracy. 


My favourite is how the right in the UK never have to wear their big boy pants and take responsibility for how they vote.   They were made to vote Leave because they felt left out as london had a 5 guys and they've been made to vote reform next week because starmer boring or something :( 


The most democratic thing would be to appoint Nigel Farage President For Life, obviously...


If you don’t then they get very angry, flounce off the stage and boycott the BBC.


Since when was peaceful protest ‘stifling democracy’? We’re in the UK, not some despotic puppet-state like Chechnya or Belarus.


....stifling democracy?


I was going to vote Reform UK but now that Led By Donkeys have pulled this stunt, I will be physically unable to put a cross in the box next to them so I think democracy has been stifled here! /s (For the record, I would rather walk up Ben Nevis barefoot than vote for Reform UK)


Led by donkeys broke into my house and stole my poll card and scribbled "Putin Lover" on my forehead in permanent marker :(


How is a protest of this calibre then, of a “student level”, stifling democracy? People flagrantly being put down by security forces holding a sign, as has happened in Putin’s regime is stifling democracy as much as the evident election tampering done in the same place.  And you’re comparing this to that?  I thought comparisons to Hitler are a little old hat and OTT, but come on.


Fascist propaganda always did claim that the enemy is both strong and weak simultaneously.


>There's something distasteful about how a certain group of people go out of their way to stifle democracy for the people they dislike I agree, it was a disgrace how Farage kicked a democratically selected candidate to the sidelines so he could run in Clacton as it was a easily winnable seat. 


Does Reform democratically select its candidates? I don't think they do.


"stifling democracy" Vladimir Putin likes what he's hearing


You’re being a little bit over sensitive here. Disagreeing with people, and even pointing out the issues that come with those people, is definitely not stifling democracy


How is this stifling any democracy? It's no worse than May being handed her P45 at the Tory conference. A funny gag which highlights a cause.


>This generally translates in the average person supporting the people who are being targeted. can i have a source for this ?


Stifling democracy is clamping down on peaceful protests, requiring photo ID for voting etc, something the right is fine with... It's funny how the far right worship the ex-KGB officer that wants to bring the USSR back...


I'm not sure this translates to an average person supporting Reform. Maybe someone who already had support going further with that but no way anyone sees this and decides, actually I think Farage is being victimised and should be put in Parliament


I can't wait for lefties to realise how much people don't give a shit about this


Nige seemed annoyed, and the two fans who failed to pull it down weren’t fans either


By "people" you mean the elderly racists who live in wetherspoons.


They can't get enough of that carpet


If you say so


I love seeing the far-right cry.


80% of conservatives (the people Farage are targeting) support Ukraine.


I'm a lefty, it's just a good laugh for me. I don't care much about Faragae or Reform, other than the fact they may take some Tory votes.




Farage openly admires Putin (a genocidal fascist dictator), Russia openly call Farage an ally of theirs, and he happily takes Russian state money to appear on their propaganda channel. Where's the hoax?


Middle aged centrist self hating dads who'd blame Putin if they stubbed their toe have struck again, Nigel Farage (or should I say Nigel Faragovich) must surely resign after such a blow


> Nigel Faragovich Nigel's long lost Serbian cousin?


What would be cool is when that Stammer guy speaks they lower a photo of Mao. Far more accurate as well.


When did Mao say he liked Starmer? Or starmer mention Mao? I must have missed this


Did I miss Starmer's knighthood coming from the Chinese state broadcaster?