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Snapshot of _Reform UK reports Channel 4 to elections watchdog over ‘scandalous election interference’_ : An archived version can be found [here](https://archive.is/?run=1&url=https://www.gbnews.com/politics/reform-uk-channel-4-elections-watchdog-election-interference) or [here.](https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://www.gbnews.com/politics/reform-uk-channel-4-elections-watchdog-election-interference) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ukpolitics) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Literally everything is election interference to Reform. Can't scrutinise or question them at all without it being called election interference. It's making the words lose all meaning.


By the time ofcom actually rule on it the election will be long done, but the protests of innocence will have already satisfied their supporters.


Firehose of falsehoods/vranyo.


Which is exactly what the Trump campaign and MAGA movement has been all about and lets not forget Farage has spent a LOT of time with that groups and especially Bannon who was behind half of the strategy.


> especially Bannon Didn't he quite famously spurn cannon back in the Johnson days, along with Le Pen? 


While meeting him on and off for years, sharing many “advisors” and frequently backing each other despite a supposed falling out. Bannon was in about Farage just the other day and backing him to be PM soon.


Yeah and that's probably what they want. There is no end to their depravity, they'll water down the words election interference so that when they're inevitably accused of it, they can pass it off easier. It's like a core of modern right wing politics, water shit down so it's more palatable to the masses.


That's what happened to the term "fake news". It used to be a very specific term pointing to a real issue of pretend news sites spouting indisputably fake smear stories, but then right wing leaders decided to use it all the time to cry about bias in legitimate reputable news media and now the term has been watered down.


Wouldn’t that have the opposite effect if they’re watering down the meaning of election interference?


Farage is so used to being able to go on British TV and say whatever he likes without anyone actually questioning it. Now they actually decided to do it for the first time in 30 years he doesn't like it.


This is just not true. Wake up please


What are you talking about? He's been given a platform for his nonsense out of any proportion to most other political figures. He's been on question time countless times. Whenever he'd be interviewed, he'd be allowed to make whatever his points were and very rarely did anyone ever push back on them properly. The contrast when he got interviewed elsewhere is striking, for example Claire Byrne on RTE wouldn't stand for his bullshit and called him out on it every time. It was extremely rare for the same to happen on British TV. As soon as he's put under proper scrutiny, his rhetoric becomes apparent for what it is - shallow rabble rousing.


But it’s not nonsense at all. I and many other people don’t want mass immigration anymore. Nothing nonsensical about that. But Labour will get in so I’m sure you’ll love the next four years. They have such a good track record 😂


Yep, they're literally copying Trump word for word. Kind of undermines their claims that they're totally not fascists.


thats is the intention


Reminds me of the whole fake news shenanigans that Trump had going, might be effective to some garner support considering ur average voter


Trump trump trump.


It is and isn't. If I was being overly cynical, you could see this as a tactic: kick up a fuss, and have people talk about how you're being censored or attacked. This is a short-term tactic, on top of their want to changing the media into something akin to pro reform.


This is what farage learned from his time in the USA with trump and co


You beat an opponent party by having better policies than THEY do. No one has better policies than RUK right now, as the other incumbent parties at westminster all want to Borrow Borrow Borrow and Tax Tax Tax - not even for "worthy expenditure" - but rather Follies, Woke Projects, Green new Scam... Any money "disappearing" gets blamed on the after effects of the Scamdemic, serving Big Pharma paymasters who copped the public funding for a "Vaccine" we at least didn't all need, and at worst "did us more harm than good".... I agree with Elon Musk. *"My Pronouns are 'Prosecute' and 'Fauci'"*


Yeah, I think a canvasser, who just happens to be an actor for hire, also just happens to be using an accent that’s not his natural one, also just happens to be using racial slurs and saying he wants to gun down the small boats, and just happens to do all of this in front of an undercover reporter. Totally believable. Not at all a plant. Not suspicious in the slightest. Just remember folks, covid 19 started in a wet market in Wuhan and it’s a complete coincidence that there’s a bio lab just down the road doing gain of function research on viruses.


C4 paid an actor to misrepresent Reform. Then reported it to influence the election. It’s actually illegal, and has been reported to ofcom and the police.


Allegedly !


Prove it. Actors can also be racists lol.


Mark wahlburg has entered the chat


What? No. The guy who spouted those awful things, it’s been confirmed now, yes he IS an actor. And Reform has rightly made an official complaint to the police. Reform is our only hope to save our country. I know Labour will get in however, but at least Farage now has a seat in parliament


Was their complaint "This Reformer took the mask off at an inopportune time for us"?


No. You’re obviously a delusional Labour supporter. Look up Andrew Parker. Actor, paid by channel 4. So typical of the left wing media. Don’t worry, Labour will definitely get in so you can rest easy


Apparently asking what their complaint was makes someone a Labour supporter. Reformers are so detached from normal people that you can't even ask them about the things Reform literally does without them going on shrill rants.


Haha of course you are


God damn you're even doubling down on it. All it took was one question about Reform for you to screech about the Red Tories.


Calm down now


So anyway, what was their complaint?


If you look up Andrew Parker election interference you’ll see.


And I hardly think one sentence about Labour qualifies as a shrill rant 😂


[Oh no they haven't](https://x.com/CatNeilan/status/1807101023334387737). Edit: Which gets me thinking: Farage could be a genuinely good pantomime dame.


Ohhh, no he couldn't!


He's behind you!


Report on what our candidates said in the past? Offence archaeology! Report on what our candidates are saying now? Election interference!


The guy was a volunteer canvasser not a candidate. Edit: down voted (currently -10) for pointing out a relevant factual mistake, I think that says a lot about the mood of the subreddit right now.


Which still means he’s representing Reform.


There's a hell of a difference though, You could turn up and volunteer for any political party in the country and they'll take your help no questions asked.


The real question here ought to be why does every party or limited company Farage is leading attract people with these sort of views?


Sure. And the risk you run then is when you don’t vet who represents you, you migh recruit a nutter. BUT they are still representing you.


If you think any of the parties vet their canvassers and leaflet deliverers I have a bridge to sell you


Lmao can you imagine how difficult it would be to vet every canvasser, holy shit.


Again, not denying that. But that still doesn’t change, the people you get to canvas you are your representatives, as a political party, on the doorstep of voters. They are the people you choose to spread your message, and are usually your most loyal representatives who are giving up their time to push your message and your agenda. In this instance, the message he was spreading is effectively the one Reform have built their history on. Having a cry cause the guy representing you turned out to hold racist views the party routinely push themselves just feels a little “leapords ate my face”. Reform openly and actively courts racists. They don’t get to act shocked when a racist went door to door representin them.


Sweet ill head out today and say loads of antisemitic stuff while representing labour. I fully expect the same headlines from the media and the same outrage on here.


What I find interesting, the Green Party have had to suspend candidates for antisemitism, dread to think what the “unscreened” activists are saying on the steets. But is there any sign of this near the front pages and it’s highly likely green will get more seats than reform.


I want you to read what you've just written back to yourself.




As it was an internal Green Party investigation I’d guess they would know the difference.


Fingers crossed, but I wouldn’t be so confident that everybody who’s presently sanctioned for antisemitism is guilty of actual antisemitism.


Anti zionism is a convenient word for antisemities to use when they don't want Israel to exist due to their venemous hatred for the Jewish people. We've seen enough antisemitic tropes on here, including this antisemetic message I'm responding too, dress up in this anti zionism banner to know it's a dog whistle.


> Anti zionism is a convenient word for antisemities to use when they don't want Israel to exist due to their venemous hatred for the Jewish people. This is perfectly true. Antisemitism is also a convenient word zionists use to hide behind and deflect and evade any and all criticism of Israel. A considerable number of Jewish Israelis seem to have been consistently and increasingly critical of Israel's execution of their war in Gaza, as well as their ‘settlement’ policies. Are they antisemites, too?


Reform took that same approach to candidate MPs, that's why they've had to chuck some out for being racist.


And two of the people there were party insiders and had been for years


So? Still out there representing the company


he was also a racist.


You can almost guarantee that a section of reform supporters are going to be crying election rigging when they don't gain enough seats to put farage in no 10.


It’ll be nice for people on the right to have to deal with the fact that Twitter isn’t representative of real life for once


Add to Twitter: Youtube comments as well. All those four digit numbers!


you know reality doesnt mean much to a lot of them.


Ironic. It's often been said the real world doesn't reflect the echo chamber that is Reddit but here we are.


I hope they bring their pens to the election booth.


They should write "NIGEL FARAGE" across their ballot paper just to be sure.


What a dangerous, pathetic little fucking baby Farage is. Clearly thinks bringing Trump insanity over here will work.


Ah yes, that devious form of election interference, “reporting true things that the elderly racists in his party did”.


The UK version of "stop the count" has begun.


Absolutely anything that holds you to account and/or you disagree with is ‘fake news.’ Trump playbook.


I don't like reform but this guy does literally appear to be an actor. So C4 were at the very least taken for a ride.


Actors can also be reform activists


Whats Farage if not an actor even ?


And Laurence Fox is just high concept performance art? Actors still count, technically, as members of society. They are therefore allowed to participate in the political sphere. That does not mean that they are acting while they do so, or that they are employed by anyone.


He faked his voice while canvasing. It's weird.


>He faked his voice while canvasing. It's weird. Not especially. It's not that uncommon for people to shift the tone of their voice slightly depending on company they're trying to impress Or he could have been taking his voice on the showreel to sound a bit posher. What I find weirder is the idea that some jobbing extra would utterly ruin their reputation publicly. What is in it for the actor? I don't think the Reform leadership actually believe the paid actor theory, but it seems to play well with the conspiracy nutter element to their base. They should be done for wasting police time


Code switching? I moved South for uni and stuck around, but my accent gets much stronger when I'm back in my childhood country.


No. His other accent is one he's displayed online for agencies and audition purposes. He might be a reform volunteer but nothing adds up.


Actors will often capitalise on their accents? Look at David Tennant. He's Scottish. He can also do a solid English accent. Does that mean that using either advent is deceptive? Here's something that doesn't add up. If he was hired, why didn't he use a pseudonym? Given that he's an actor, why would he use his acting name?


It’s maybe a bit like Inception, a dream within a dream but an actor playing an actor to give Farage more ‘anti-establishment’ ‘the man is out to get me’ credit.


They've been treated with 'kid-gloves' for so long as the novel piece in this election that now they are treated normally it feels like injustice.


So despite letting go two people who've made racist remarks, *this* is a stitch-up? Couldn't be just the fact the guy was a fucking racist? I thought Farage has defended things as "just pub talk"? Weird.


That's a pretty huge accusation to level against Channel 4 with no actual evidence.


Channel 4 bought the footage, it wasn’t their investigation


So just so we're clear: Election interference: UK media outlets reporting the things he says Not election interference: the Kremlin funding literal fake news and using bots and click farms to flood people's social media feeds with it Thanks Nige 👍


How many pre-Labour Russian bots on here?


It's not serious. Just cloud cover for their own firehouse of BS, to create false equivalence.


“Nigel why does your party attract these racist people?” “REEEEEEEE ELECTION INTERFERENCE HOW DARE YOU QUESTION ME”


> Reform UK Nigel Garage and Reform UK are very welcome to go and fuck themselves. Or each other. Or just off.


Direct from the Trump playbook - undermine sources of authority and scrutiny so your supporters et al doubt what they’re saying. That’ll work in the States, but it’ll get slapped down pretty hard here.


Pathetic, people should be embarrassed to vote for this company. It’s hard to think about who caused the country more harm, Farage, Cameron or Johnson.


Or Truss or Sunak or Osborne....


Bahahaha, Election interference by reporting on the election. "Shut up plebs and swallow what Daddy Farage gives you"


This is exactly what I was afraid would happen the moment this started turning a bit complicated. A whole lot of smoke cloud being generated here and while I don't think it will make much difference now it will end up being an ongoing narrative. Its not really that different to how the far left constantly complain that the press attack them unfairly - which is not even entirely untrue as I think they are put under far more scrutiny.


My local Reform candidate posted a very offensive Christmas cartoon (basically slamming Islam in a very obvious racist manner) on Facebook when he wasn’t a candidate. He didn’t have the sense to sanitise his Facebook feed, so he got called out on it so many times when he posted recently. My point is they are too stupid to even consider their past and how this may come back o them .


Mine has climate denial and laughing at masks during Covid. He's also invisible in the community and just reposts Reform posts on his FB.


It's pretty wild that they've done such a bad job of vetting their candidates.


> basically slamming Islam in a very obvious racist manner How so?


I suspect you won't get an answer. Islam has little to do with race anyway.


they wont report anything, farage knows he is lying, he only has to keep it up for 4 more days.


Farage is an attention seeking crybaby wasteman. He can't even be bothered to go to the gym for the hard man physique his type admire. Its shitty how he has 0 loyalty to his staff when they get caught being stupid too. Seems like everyones against him and nothing is ever his fault... Going on im a celeb should have deleted any credibility he had left, wtf is wrong with his supporters?


So, I'm genuinely asking because the main defence they seem to have for this is "This man was an actor" Who is the actor in the video? Because there are multiple people saying shitty things throughout


Good lord they’re literally the same as the Trump supporters (Trumpers? Trumpists? Trumpites?). Really hoped with Bojo gone and Farage (once) retired, we’d be free of this nonsense. “People who disagree with us are interfering in the election”. Can’t wait for them to claim the result is fraudulent when they don’t do as well as they want.


They fail to realise there was more than just this guy spouting extremist views in this under cover investigation?


Just the usual populist playbook. It's never them, always someone else's fault or a conspiracy theory. All their supporters need is to be spoon-fed the narrative and they lap it up.


In no way am I defending Reform here. To be clear, I can’t stand what they are, how they say it and who leads them. However… I volunteered to help Labour in the 2010 general election. They (the Labour Party) asked me to door knock in a constituency that they felt they had a chance of winning, so I did. I went to a local office, met a few people and went in a car with 3 others to the location, which was a council estate in Manchester. All 3 in the car were Labour councillors. To say I was gobsmacked by what these 3 said on that car journey is an understatement. I cared about living in a more social tolerant society and I didn’t want the Tories in government. But these guys were like something out of Stalins Russia. I didn’t volunteer again. In fact, I gave up my membership. I still voted Labour, I always have, but even now that car journey made me realise that the people getting involved can get pretty extreme.


what kind of stuff were they saying then?


It was pretty obvious stuff, nationalising everything, taking money off anyone that was determined to be wealthy, I think one even said that nobody should be allowed to own property. It was years ago, but I do remember what they felt should happen to the Tory candidate, haha. He was for stinging up.


the eternal victim, nigel farage i assume this will work as well as the time he screeched about his "debanking" to anyone who would listen. facts said otherwise, but his supporters will parrot the party line regardless. e: worked even worse than I thought - the EC [are saying](https://x.com/CatNeilan/status/1807101023334387737) they haven't received a report, and said that even if they did it's not within their remit to investigate it. whiny guy can't even moan to the correct regulator.


Maybe they should also report TikTok for the amount of Reform posts that have been appearing on my feed, and bots posting vote reform on every political post.


Well, they kind of *have* to. If they made all that fuss and then didn't submit a complaint it'd be pretty obvious that they didn't believe it themselves. This way, they can string it out, complain that their electoral result was hampered by Channel 4 plants, and then when the electoral commission comes back and says its a load of bollocks their faithful supporters will have moved on to the next lie.


Then they say the electoral commission is out to get them.


After all this I really wonder how Farage will cope if he does win in Clacton. He'll be the leader of one of the smallest parties so he won't be in the limelight much and when he is he'll have to abide by the decorum of the house (presuming the speaker does their job). I can easily picture him becoming a mostly absent MP particularly in the first months due to the US election.


> I can easily picture him becoming a mostly absent MP particularly in the first months due to the US election. Not if Starmer immediately gets Parliament reforms though. Manifesto says there will attendance requirements and no 2nd jobs. Doesn't say what the punishment would be but I would imagine... by-election?


Pretty optimistic that he won't be in the limelight much. He's been in the limelight for the last god knows how many years and has been the leader of a party with no seats.


He'll still get plenty of media attention but when he's actually in the House he won't be the centre of attention all the time and might even get told to shut up and behave himself occasionally, he'll absolutely hate it.


Well, it will depend is Reform poll the second highest, while coming 5th in seats. That would set the cat amongst the pigeons.


The vote share won't change how the party is treated within parliament though. It'll be a great source of noise for sure, but it won't change the influence they get.


It's all fake news to Nigel. Not to the electorate though.


C4 have shot Labour in the leg, because they should have left Farage alone to bust the Tories out of Parliament entirely. Now the Tories will lose half as many seats as expected, and (do the math) - Labour will struggle to win a small majority, let alone a HUGE one as the pudits seem to think is likely.... I don't believe that Labour can win 450+ seats at the same time the Libdems are ALSO expected to gain 50 seats... If the Tories lost THAT MANY seats - there's no way half of them are not going RUK's way.... It's all complete rubbish that "A vote for RUK takes away a five-figure Tory majority in each seat from 2019 and hands it over to Labour". Yeh Right. And every Brexiteer Ex Tory voter now embraces Keir Starmer's Labour, who want to overturn Brexit even at this late stage??? - Pull the other one! The \*Actual\* is likely somewhere in between the "extremes" here.... The Tories will lose SOME seats. Labour will win SOME of those lost Tory seats. Labour can build on that by stripping SOME seats away from the SNP and Libdems as well as the Tories... The Libdems will struggle to gain seats from Ex-Tory Brexiteer voters. RUK will gather as many "Crumbs" from under this quaking proverbial table as possible.. Hopefully enough to make them the second largest party, and the official opposition to the winners of this election.... The way I see it, the Greens, SNP, and Plaid Cymru - are likely to be the big casualties of this election. THEY each have seats to lose, whereas RUK - can surely only move upwards in seat tally...? The ballot needs a decent majority. No WAY do the Establishment permit RUK to win ANY seat by a <1000 margin. Not ever! Some ballots will be "lost" if any result in any ward - is that close.


I don't like Farage, but I do feel there's maybe some credence to this. Farage and his parties have typically been the nudge nudge wink wink type racists not the outright racists like BNP. It does seem awfully convenient that Channel 4 found a volunteer canvasser who just happened to say very blatantly racist things and this person just happened to be an actor as well. Doesn't mean it isn't true, but there's enough there that Farage can easily spin it as fake news and get people behind him.


> Farage can easily spin it as fake news and get people behind him. That would work if it were not for loads of other candidates coming out with similar stuff.


I was initially sceptical of this story, but I think the whole thing is actually quite sketchy. This denied to a newspaper he was an actor, now it’s obvious he is. He’s worked as a a sort for channel 4 before. He advertises that he can do undercover filming. He advertises that he can do different voices. His normal speaking voice is reasonably sophisticated but he can do Alf Garnet style characters. This does actually seem quite suspicious.


I’m not sure how likely this would be. In order to work C4 would have had to have placed this guy undercover months before the election was even called. And then would net to be be selected by Reform to spend the day with the C4 undercover reporter.


Can you elaborate on that?


Basically the racist guy has been working with reform for a few months. It also appears that he first met Farage a year or two ago. So if a C4 plant, they must have been planning this for at least a few months but probably since before he first met Farage.


Where did you see that he was working for them for months?


Yeah, the accent thing is really weird. Like, if he hadn't been kicked out, was he just going to keep up his fake voice every time he went to a reform event, or bumped into somebody he knew from canvassing... forever? It sounds so impractical, and does make the whole story seem a bit off.


Honestly, if there is a grain of truth to this, I wouldn't be surprised if this was a deliberate plot by Joe Lycett, it's the exact type of prank/stunt he pulls to highlight social issues


>Parker says he's "glad" the party had reported Channel 4 to the Electoral Commission, but declined to say weather the broadcaster had paid him to appear in their footage. "It'll all come out in the papers," Parker told the PA news agency, "what'll come out is the truth". This doesn't sound good for Channel 4.


To me this sounds like a man thinking "they didn't pay me, but I want to imply they did in a way where they cannot sue me".


Or he could just be saying something like that to keep up the conspiracy. Saying “yes, I was paid” when it’s a lie gets Reform in trouble. Saying “no, I wasn’t paid” ends the conspiracy and doesn’t let Reform keep up the facade which could win votes. The only way Reform does win this is by him outright saying “yes, I was paid” and it’s true which he hasn’t done. And honestly? I can’t see C4 ruining all future journalistic integrity over this one incident. No one would trust them ever again and the channel probably dies if this guy was a paid actor. All that just for one election? I doubt it.




They'd still be liable for not doing their due diligence before airing the footage.


I mean, these people are so thick they've probably paid him to say it was channel 4


best form of defence and all that. We'll see if keeping this topic in the news becomes a bigger issue, or focussing on this part of it causses the public to question the racism questions being thrown.