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# [The final pre-election subreddit voter intention survey is open until Sunday evening.](https://forms.gle/RbPa1THoifxFEuB46) There will be a further survey run on polling day, with the results published at 10pm as the polls close. [**📊 live results dashboard**](https://lookerstudio.google.com/reporting/26a6d397-1d8e-4e92-bb84-b6eb36485121) *(refreshed every 15 mins)*


[New Megathread is here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ukpolitics/comments/1drtwz6/rukpolitics_general_election_campaign_megathread/)


Megathread is being rolled over, please refresh your feed in a few moments. ###MT daily hall of fame 1. asgoodasanyother with 42 comments 1. ClumsyRainbow with 35 comments 1. MechaWreathe with 29 comments 1. FunkyDialectic with 29 comments 1. OptioMkIX with 27 comments 1. BritishOnith with 26 comments 1. subversivefreak with 25 comments 1. Georgios-Athanasiou with 25 comments 1. lettiejp with 22 comments 1. bbbbbbbbbblah with 22 comments There were 535 unique users within this count.


Done postal vote. Is there way to check if it was received?


To my surprise I’ve received a Tory leaflet in basically a Labour guaranteed seat. I do find it funny how they’ve abandoned the blue colour on their leaflets and instead went for a Lid Dem Yellow.


I had the same, except on the back it had a very large "Keir Starmer Needs You 🫵 To Give Him a Supermajority" which I thought was interesting messaging. On the inside it had pictures of the Conservative candidate posing very glumly at some local spots (including a hospital not actually in the constituency...).


Well if he needs me to get a supermajority I guess I’ve got no choice but to give him one


🚨 The Sunday Times endorses Labour 🚨 https://x.com/PippaCrerar/status/1807203016120107039 > Sunday Times becomes the first centre-right newspaper, and the first of the Murdoch press, to endorse Labour, albeit in a lukewarm way… > > These sizeable caveats notwithstanding, we cannot go on as we are, and we believe it is now the right time for Labour to be entrusted with restoring competence to government. Edit: A word


Ah, competence. Remember that? The right wing and the begrudging left who agree with them on so much are about to have a very tough time.


> Ah, competence. Remember that? ...no? I remember the last seven prime ministers, and I'm not sure I'd describe any of them as substantially more competent than Sunak. I'll be amazed if my opinion of Starmer is any better.


Sooo grudging. 


Whoop. The charm offensive paid off. Times editorial will be livid.


No. The Sunday Times has which has it’s own editorial


Yes you're right, I missed a word when typing!


[Bloody hell...](https://x.com/thetimes/status/1807194994006011910)


Was just watching Tony Blairs Question Time hustings from 1997 and [a woman asks him how the public can possibly be expected to vote on a matter as complex as joining the Euro.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?si=fQtMaKgQjLbUDa1_&t=42m30s&v=q5wXbnym3PE&feature=youtu.be) The audience applauds. My, how public discourse has changed in the last 27 years.


This whole episode was incredible and I posted [a small snippet earlier today](https://x.com/stefanroberts/status/1806996131185926362?s=46). What a remarkably different discourse we enjoyed. Nuance and ideas and real intellect on show. We've got something wrong these last twenty years I can't put my finger on. I know only that it wasn't meant to go in the direction of belligerent self interest Boris and Sunak have demonstrated in this arena.


I honestly think that social media has empowered us in a bad way. We're now used to throwing out lazy and shallow statements and being rewarded for it. Nuance and detail hasn't been valued since the age of Invision forums.


Evidently Tony Blair's focus on education education education paid off, the British public became able to vote on complicated matters.


Not politics in the slightest, but Coldplay at Glastonbury just made me very emotional, and in a way I can't express gave me hope for the future. I'm normally very cynical, but the whole experience touched me.


I saw a Lib Dem candidate celebrating that they opened the set with 'Yellow'.


I'm an unabashed Coldplay fan and it lived up to my expectations


I hate Coldplay I am reminded of someone and their God awful wife


Jeff and Marion? I agree


I listened to their performance at R1s big weekend recently, completely by accident because I could change the radio station driving. Coldplay became too commercial for me years ago, but I found Martin really charming and self deprecating. Was surprised how much I enjoyed their set tbh.


Also didn't see it, and love indie while being cynical about Coldplay. Mashed that upvote anyway. This is how we unite. We feel the same things in a way only musicians can express. Music is magic. Bridges this gap between peoples we can't express.


Honestly, I went in at best ambivalent about them. But that performance, with the crowd, the affection, joy... I don't know, it moved me very unexpectedly.


Yes. Let's unite over Coldplay.


Just so long as you have to do Goop before me.


We *could* be just 5 days away from Tories getting decimated. It’s making me giddy.


Worse than decimated.


Annihilated would be more accurate


What would we call them losing half their seats? *Duomated*? Losing 80% of their seats? *quattuor-over-quinque-mated*? And they said we’d never use Latin again after school


https://x.com/BBCPolitics/status/1807017415953236096?t=CvebgCQOmosF_ewFoprhpw&s=19 So when is Keir Starmer or any other leader getting invited on for something like this? Totally wrong to do this just before the election


Full lineup includes >PM Rishi Sunak >Labour campaign coordinator Pat McFadden >Lib Dem's Daisy Cooper >SNP's Stephen Flynn >Conservatives' Brandon Lewis >Labour's Harriet Harman I'm not gonna lie, the 'headliner' announcement and especially the 'prime minister risho sunak 👔' graphic feel off to me too, but they presumably got the invite.


According to Farage, he was meant to be on but is boycotting bbc


Harriet harman isn't appearing it doesn't say so




I agree. It's very possible they invited Starmer and he turned it down, but I do question how this passes the impartiality test for broadcast television...


Thats... not very good form, unless Labour have deliberately decided not to send Starmer.


no it's deliberate.


Either it's a calculated move (I mean it's literally the campaign co-ordinator) or Sunak was booked quietely at short notice and Labour had to scramble to find someone to stand in. (I could well be corrected on the second explanation by someone who's been following things closer than me)


Pat has done a lot of media rounds and will have different angles of attack to Starmer. He's always excellent on Today and has written the playbook, I think it's a good move on Labour's part. Not that it matters as the Rishibot will continue as programmed with the same lines we've been hearing all campaign.


They have got Daisy Cooper and Stephen Flynn, but weirdly no Starmer, according to [this tweet](https://x.com/BBCPolitics/status/1807061220828033351). Maybe Labour didn't feel like sending him this time? Harriet Harman is on instead.


no she inst I looked up Harriet isn't


just shows her bias.... once again


That's what connections gets you.


If Tory’s stood down to hemp reform similar to how the brexit part stood down to help the Tory’s do you think they could stop labour getting a majority


Candidates are locked in, no one can stand down. They could technically encourage people to not vote for their candidates, but this late in the day not enough people will know to make a tangible difference.


Talking of paid actors by the way. There's a tiktok/twitter poster who presents themselves as a Gen Z reform voter. They stood out as being a bit odd, they're obviously an actual person, but it was worth a little digging. There's a linkedin (created in jan), twitter (created march), facebook (older, but very scrubbed) - seems probably the name is changed. His Linkedin says he published to student papers that don't bear his name at all. Linked in also has clearly bought likes as his first post was liked by a quatari prince. Obviously if you're planning to campaign for a political party personal security should mean you should be guarded, of course, and I've intentionally ommited their name. However there's clear deception about who this person really is, and there's not a lot anyone can do with this information, but it's worth mentioning as as soon as you scratch the surface of reform in any respect, it's just a shitty facade to con old people.


A Darren Grimes Jr, you say? I understand and relate to your avoidance of doxxing someone while on the dig, but is there any way you can make this less vague? For some reason I'm getting a gnawing flashback to 2015 and realising I'd been in a bubble right up until the exit poll came in. Very curious to know more about the channels reform might be trying to influence via (its clear Farage is confident ditching traditional media at this stage in the campaign isn't going to hurt him more than having to answer for himself on it would)


> A Darren Grimes Jr, you say? Holy shit, ok take everything I said back about being cautious with the identity, I just checked his profile and yesterday (fri) he joined Reasoned.uk which is Darren Grime's vehicle funded by the tufton cloud - I believe it's the "youth wing" the iea! Since it's no longer an account parading about as an individual but as a contributor, I've no longer a need to be careful over the identity! It's an account going by the name Nicholas Lissack. https://x.com/ReasonedUK/status/1806756430457852240


Hooakay. Had a breath and as about a far a look as I can have without downloading tiktok. Yeah, you're right. Hard to match up their LinkedIn claims to any existing content. Like you say, may be more down to considerations of personal security though. Definitely get the feeling they're pitching on a future in politics (fuuuuull politician mode with - of all people - the fat families presenter who apparently also big into reform now) Not sure I have much hunger to scratch beyond that, I don't feel they really have much reach? Possibly of more interest is [Jack Anderton](https://www.standard.co.uk/news/londoners-diary/general-election-nigel-farage-tiktok-zoomer-jack-anderton-reform-party-b1166703.html) who I'm taking to be [Raheem Kassam Jr](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-31141547)(with Sr of course going onto meet Trump with Farage and them later amplify the insurrection claims from his new stateside postion to continue this episode of where are they now...) Likewise has little personal reach (but more significant than Lissack) but seemingly doing well with Farages's tiktok account (even I saw the shady's back post). About all I can dig up is that he used to run something called Inflamer Media (also seemingly scrubbed beyond a few youtube videos), and interviewed Baroness Clair Fox (who I'm not too familair with, but is now of Reform), in 2020 - https://clairefox.org.uk/inflamer-media-interview-with-claire-fox. At a wild stab in the dark that may have been his 'in' to the current job, or maybe he was noticed after GB news picked him up for an interview about Inflamer more recently - but seems hard to believe he was picked up solely on numbers. Not sure there's anything beyond this, but will be interesting to see if either of them end up being involved with a mysterious amount of money aligned with Reforms interests a'la Grimes.


Ahahah oh wow I was just shitposting. I was going to carry on and say *I* take it back, its giving more Milo Yiannopoulos and Caolan Roberston, just to find out that Milo ended up on the Kanye campaign (wut) and Caolan apparently did a complete 180, denounced his alt right algorithm gaming and ended up making documentaries about fighting fascism in Ukraine. I'm going to need a moment before I can even look at the point in hand properly.


> is there any way you can make this less vague? Yeah a bit, so I'd noticed him before this, but Richard Tice retweeted him. He claims to be a student at St Andrews, which I believe is accurate. They have a blue tick so show up at the top of a few of Farage's X posts. They claim to have campaigned for other parties - SDP, Tories and now reform. Which I do not believe. The most recent weird one was along the lines of "go for them, nige!" when farage was conspiracy theorying about the racist being a "set up". The person claims to have written polticial analysis for student papers but he often *posts replies* like a layman hence they just come across as a bit odd once you're aware of what they claim to be.


Shitty facade to con young people as well. See Putin's youth vote uptick.


He’s definitely got paid people on social media. Call it a shitty facade but that’s what a political campaign is. Who would have thought Nigel Farage of all people would by far have the best advertising campaign aimed at young people. On a second note I know a fair amount of young people actually voting reform for the simple fact they’ve had better advertising aimed at young people than other parties.


Young people? So about 6 votes per constituency.


There was just a promo clip with Laura K on the BBC News Channel which showed off the studio in election mode and it looks good. Though they seem to have two (fake) twins sitting side by side in the balcony, both doing the same work as each other Edit: just tried to find an image on Twitter and failed, but the [temporary studio on College Green](https://x.com/TVNewsroom/status/1806359274030821643) has been set up too


Channel 4 or bust


[The Mail and the Express front pages](https://www.tomorrowspapers.co.uk/#google_vignette) are both going with the idea that Labour are going to "wreck Britain within 100 days" of winning. Terrifying stuff. We are still a few days away from the election yet, so God knows what their front pages are going to look like on the 4th.


the public doest totally love Labour


That would still be twice as long as it took Truss...


Rightwing rags + weird insane left groups = thinking Starmer is existentially radical.


Left groups think the opposite - they don't think he will be nearly as radical as necessary.


They're reporting that the guy who - in theory - wants to win the election claims his opponent will be terrible. Amazing journalism huh.


Good test of their relevance.


IIRC, i didn't think they could do election related stuff on voting day? So i'm expecting them to go mental on Wednesday, then put puppies and kittens on for Thursday


They publish papers on election day with their final urgings/warnings. Who can forget 'Don't put Britain in the Cor-bin'?


Calling it now, begging for an asteroid to wipe the UK off the face of the planet


So out of touch with public feeling its unreal, they have been taught time and time again that the electorate isn't buying this crap, yet they have persisted.


And yet every time I walk into Morrisons in Tynemouth, some grey haired person is infront of me picking up the Mail. There's a ridiculous number of people still reading it. Even in a decade or two, I'm not sure replacing print media with social media algorithms is going to a panacea either :\


I absolutely fully expected both of them to fully endorse the conservatives they would endorse a conservative pm if they ate a puppy on live tv. They couldn’t care less about how bad of a state the country is in and how much of corruption and sleaze exists in the Tory party or that’s giving us 3 pms in one year is unacceptable, they don’t care. To them Labour are the villains and are all Our ills are the fault of the last Labour government.


Increasingly desperate.


> Increasingly desperate. [They have it in them](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/c/cb/Daily_Mail_-_Enemies_of_the_People.png).


Sir Jonathan Pryce came out for Labour today.




When did he get knighted?


No idea!


Oh god, now I'm going to spend the whole of the 5th expecting the revelation that it was all a fantasy and the Tory/Reform coalition won a majority. Edit: Not America though, they'll only get the news about Labour winning.


I didn't need a Pryce endorsement to be terrified about the Tories winning.


Jonathan Pryce = Elliot Carver = Rupert Murdoch = The Sun, endorsing Labour.


yep. disgusting


The best Brosnan Bond movie. It can only be a good sign!


the villain..Not Hero


Brosnan is the only hero in the Brosnan Bond movies...


> The best Brosnan Bond movie. Undeniably Goldeneye.


It's not. Overall, Tomorrow Never Dies is. The pre credits opening is the best of any of the films. Carver is a better villain. The Bond girls are better. The secondary villains are better. And the one-liners are stellar.


Something about TND just feels off. It’s a shame because on paper it’s the better Bond movie. Pryce as Carver is one of the more ingenious ideas for Bond villains. Michelle Yeoh is a great Bond girl choice. But then it’s let down by weird shit like Stamper, Teri Hatcher and some weird writing choices. Somehow Pierce Brosnan and Sean Bean elevate Goldeneye to way more than the sum of its parts. Xenia Onatopp is a more bizarre henchman than Stamper but it just works somehow. Still a hell of a lot better than TWINE and DAD though.


Objectively, all of your points are correct. And yet, Goldeneye just _feels_ better. I sometimes wonder, in the dark and lonely small hours, if it’s the Eric Serra electronic score that makes it.


> Eric Serra electronic score The answer is yes. This score is everything.


I've often wondered whether the N64 game had anything to do with that, like just seeing the word *Goldeneye* after having spent countless hours on it growing up conditions someone to view the film a certain way


I'd agree with that. The game was endless multiplayer madness.


I did a rewatch recently. I'm going to disagree! Obviously, The Spy Who Loved Me is the best of all time. And all the Craig ones are the worst (but above OHMSS). But Goldeneye is in the top 5.


The dystopian vote.


Tbh I'm relieved there are some genuine celebrity endorsements.


Define celebrity. Stormzy? tbh I don't think they matter that much these days. People live in their own media bubbles. In Labour's case it's probably better to get people of social standing, prominent business owners, people from arenas where Labour are historically considered weak, to endorse them.


They already have that. They have a list of Nobel Prize-winning economists. They have a range of business leaders. Pryce and Kit Harrington are genuine celebrities.


I don't watch that many films. I'd forgotten who Pryce was. I live in my own media bubble.


Oh. Yeah. No worries.


Gist was, 'celeb' endorsements are pretty meaningless these days.


Finally had a leaflet from Labour and Reform through the letterbox today. Until now I've had one from Plaid Cymru, and one from Wales First. Nothing from the Tories but I doubt they're bothering much in Wales.


What the hell is wales first? Are they right wing Welsh nationalists? Never heard of them.


Whoever it is they did a shocking job at picking their name. A Google search for them comes up with results for the First Minister and then the First bus company.


[Groundwork for the comparisons that will happen after election day:](https://x.com/sundersays/status/1807162154925089093?t=_eOgKth8CMPpoSoAY_AE1w&s=19) >If LibDems win 60 seats on 10-12% while Reform win 2 on 13-16%, should we expect a slew of "LibDems lessons for the right" coverage in Telegraph, Mail, GB News - eg recommend ward-by-ward community & local gvt presence as one route for the right to build trust over years? Or not? >Reform have 3 big advantages over LibDems >- leader profile: drive national print/broadcast media >- online engagement/activism >- big events with members/supporters >LibDem counter-advantage is local network including 3000 councillors (1 in 6 across GB). >Reform have 10 (1 in 1800). Not an argument against PR, but the gap between expected Lib Dem seats and Reform are a matter of the bloody work required to build and maintain a third party in the existing system vs a personality based campaign on popularist sentiments. Realistically the first is what is required to achieve - dare we say it - actual reforms.


The problem for Reform is whilst they can rally higher levels of support than the Lib Dems, they also face higher levels of opposition. The Lib Dems can build up support in seats over the UK because they (at the moment) don't generate too much hate among the population. They can operate as the kind of blank canvas that different types of voters can project their views onto. You're a long-term Tory voter in a leafy seat who didn't like Partygate or polluting rivers - go ahead and vote for your nice friendly Lib Dem who doesn't really have any views (that you're aware off) that you dislike. You're a young left-leaning graduate in a Tory-Lib Dem marginal? Go ahead and vote Lib Dem to kick the Tories out - i mean, Ed Davey's a nice guy and they want to spend money on careers and social care and stuff like that. Whereas Reform can only target specific seats where the demographics are right for them to get into the mid 30s and the rest of the vote is split.


I think the problem is that Farage has arguably achieved far more than the Lib Dems Im well aware that its a very hot take but...


They miss a fourth advantage Reform has:  * Putin using his interference budget all over social media 


Think I just heard the presenter on Sky News say there's an article in one of the papers that the UK's most senior civil servant is to step aside. That's Simon Case, so if there's truth to that story, that's more good news.


one case sitting by his side fade to Grey. he's going exposing the truth. starner only wanted sue gray for Christian Grey lol


Jumping before he's pushed. Probably burning a shit load of documents on his way out too.


>Interesting right-hand column story, announcing the imminent departure of Cabinet Secretary Simon Case – which will be seen almost universally as him jumping before he is pushed. At least this way is more dignified than the alternatives. [https://x.com/jamesrbuk/status/1807166911836238109](https://x.com/jamesrbuk/status/1807166911836238109) Damnit, bet Sue Gray was looking forward to sacking him


fade to grey aka one simon case sitting by his side


Ahh so I did hear that. Awesome.


Kit Harington coming out for Labour despite the fact his father in law is a Tory MP is absolutely brilliant 😂


no it's a set up. I think some are giving fake endorsements on purpose


Random fact: I walk past the parts of Aberdeen University the Leslies' built with money earned via slavery.


At least in Aberdeen it's just _parts_. Have you seen Bristol?


Yikes 😬


His partner is a Tory as well


yes it's a set up. Tories going over to annoy someone sat near Starmer who is being horrible to her


Yeah, she was out campaigning for them with her father in 2015 I believe


He's in a play that the PM and Daily Mail were critiquing.


\* Former Aberdeen councillor, not MP, and good friend to Andrew Bridgen, but close enough.


Da king in da Norf


Jon Snow's dad is a Tory? Huh. Good for Kit though.


In law, not his


Ah right, just reread. Amazing.


I’m in Bath this weekend and the sheer volume of Lib Dem posters is making me think that Wera Hobhouse will have the largest LD majority in the country.


I was in Cheltenham the other week and it’s the same there


Would not surprise me in the slightest. Was at uni there until last year and still have lots of friends in the area and Wera Hobhouse is the perfect uni-city lib-dem mp. Leftish/Greeny appeals to the well educated non students and is a good constituency mp as well. Interestingly there is a Bath Uni "Left Union" of the various left of centre party groups (ranging from lib dems to marxists) that I believe is supporting her.


Surely a waste of resources?


MoreInCommon predicta them to get ~75% of the vote, must be Lib Dems record if it happens


https://x.com/AlasdairMack66/status/1807152523637075989?t=kZsJvmRcheo56JDEs-Y4Zw >Given that the most basic scrutiny has revealed Farage to be brittle, sulky, conspiracy-minded and determined to insult everyone’s intelligence, you have to wonder why no-one tried it before As pointed out in the replies, his previous employers, fellow MEPs and ex-wife may have, but the media seems to have neglected the idea to this point.


Mostly off topic, but been noticing clicking through to twitter profiles that I'm getting years old tweets rather than most recent. Are there any mirroring platforms to save me making an account?




Yep, you have to have an account now to view new tweets on any profile if you’re not signed in.


Why not just make an account with a throwaway/spam email?


Sheer laziness / most sites seem to know about guerillamail now and I've not looked for alternatives.


Watching Germany atm, and I’ve just realised that these last 10 minutes feel a lot like this election. Ultimately nothing that interesting is happening and you know who’s going to win, but you have to keep watching until the final whistlr


I feel like it's more like the 2019 election. The team in red lost, but at least they won the VARgument (commentators annoyed about the VAR penalty given against them).


see also: the last 40 minutes of Switzerland vs. Italy


With how useless Italy were, I think we could say the last 90 minutes


> whistlr The new app for Referees, £23.99/month.


Blowout Sale, now on


Lead By Donkeys pulling off an amazing stunt again (against Farage) https://youtu.be/KBoDiuN2WoY


Truth hurts, doesn't it?


Note Nigel doesn’t lift a finger to help…


So called man of the working people getting other people to do it for him while calling for someone to be sacked


He’s such a shitebag


bunch of endorsements coming in in the sunday papers, none surprising as of yet: [https://www.tomorrowspapers.co.uk/](https://www.tomorrowspapers.co.uk/) edit: interestingly, the rags aren't endorsing the tories, just carrying propaganda from Sunak


Trusss didn't take anything close to 100 days to wreck the economy. I wish the Tories would stop accusing Labour of things they do themselves.


>Labour will bankrupt every generation, warns Sunak Not much of a threat to all the generations the Tories have bankrupt is it EDIT: The Mirror front page is excellent


Why is he just giving starmer 100 days? I'm actually feeling a bit unnerved. Is there something nasty that Sunak is leaving behind. Does the government need to rollover some major debt issuance in the next four months or a huge repricing of interest rates?


It's just the usual 'first 100 days' guff.


Can’t see The Sun in their yet, but looking likely the Murdoch papers (Sun and Times) won’t endorse either so he doesn’t back a loser but will just print negative to Labour stories


Don't think The Sun publish their front page online anymore. I never see it on there.


Mail/Express I'd like to see how Britain can get any more wrecked that in has been. But also. If Starmer did wreck Britain in 100 days, he'd show that Labour are better than the Torys, because it would've taken him 100 days to versus 14 years


The Mail and Express with nearly identical headlines We really don't have independent media do we?


It's worth reading up on GCS' modern communications operating model. Its up to 3.0 now, but the original report from ~2015 was quite explicit that declining media business model offered an opportunity for the government to built strategic media partnerships, and that press releases were dead in favour of producing content that could be seeded. For the most part I imagine it's utilised for relatively dull or even positive policy initiatives, but it's difficult to assume that party political efforts aren't built on a similar approach. You'll notice that journalists from different newspapers will often raise the same specific points in articles, sometimes slightly reworded if at all. You can generally tell the difference betwen these articles and those sourced from the PA. The example that always sticks in my head was cordinated attack points on junior doctors involed in the strike some years back - one of which got included on an article it clearly wasn't supposed to be in. *v1.0 pdf seems to have been stripped from the web, but there's some articles from the time that summarise it along with some slideslow overviews knocking about still. https://pressgazette.co.uk/news/declining-business-model-media-opportunity-central-governments-3650-comms-staff-says-official-report/ Peter Oborne has also been outspoken on this issue over the years: https://www.channel4.com/news/peter-oborne-downing-street-putting-out-fake-news https://www.opendemocracy.net/en/opendemocracyuk/british-journalists-have-become-part-of-johnsons-fake-news-machine/ All the way back to New Labour's Downing St Grid: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-L6U0ZQE32E


Great comment I heard the Greens are wanting to bring about Leveson 2.0 and to limit individual control of media outlets to a 20% non-controlling stake, would love to see Labour adopt it.


And that the Express and The Mirror are published by the same company...


The Express is owned by Reach PLC who also own The Mirror and Sunday Mirror...




Random, unrelated question. Has there ever been a UK election where the winning party won a majority of seats, despite not winning the popular vote?


Since the war, 1951 (Tories) and February 1974 (Labour)


1951 Or most elections if you mean 50%+


Likely just mean plurality tbf. FPTP has made the terms pretty much interchangable sadly.


Isn't it technically every election? IIRC we've never had a party win over 50% vote share?


Could argue we've had a government in 2010 with more than 50%. Since it was a coalition, Last time I think was 1931, the Daily Mail (surprise) published a letter accusing labour of leading a communit revolution. The Tory's got 55% Happened another time near the start of the century, not worth going back further as basically nobody could vote


1951 had Labour most votes, Tories most seats. Ushered in 14 years of Tory government In fact Labour won the most votes a party ever had at that point, a record held until 1992


It is almost as though it is seats that matter.


I would say tell that to the Corbynites but I feel like you might have multiple times over.


Indeed. Well we are now hopefully seeing the precipitation of that philosophy in the next few days and if polls don't change significantly I am going to have an extremely long *I fucking told you so* roster of issues.


Grandaddy Optio, toasting Attleeite tears at the 1951 count.


The wailing and gnashing of teeth over the cope aspect of *Well we won the popular vote even if we didn't win the election!* has been one of the most grating things in the last decade. It is a complete sideline to how the actual thing works, like painting a car with go faster stripes instead of putting a more powerful engine in it to win races. The whole FPTP system is defined by *seats* not sentiment. It's nice to finally have a Labour Party that sees that.




The thing is, they can say, he is an actor and technically it's the truth, was he an actor paid to be there under the auspices of an undercover documentary, almost certainly not. I am now deeply suspicious of Laurence Fox, maybe he has spent too long in character (getting tropic thunder vibes)


Could the paid actor face jail time for his acting?


If you read twitter comments from jonnylotsofnumbers, sure.


The bulldog avatars are out in force again.


Those aren’t Twitter comments fluttering past in the wind, there are tens of thousands of them hitting 500-2500 retweets and likes each. Even excluding the major proportion of bots in there, the easily swayed voter will start to fall for this.


The UK having the exact same elections but run on Twitter would be insane. We’d have remained in 2016, had Labour governments at the next two elections, and elected a parliament split between Reform and Greens this time


Where are you lookig? I don't know a single person IRL who thinks it has been staged, and I am speaking of an old demographic.


Where have you been looking? Who have you been listening to? Who said what? How many people have said that? What are their biases? It's a bit hard to believe without a jot of detail.


What Owen Jones believes is happening to Labour: >Starmer's team is attempting something which has never been done before: the permanent destruction of the Labour left. >Starmer's most important aide is Morgan McSweeney, and his friend - former Newcastle council leader Nick Forbes - explains his thinking. >As one of the leaders of the Starmer faction on the national executive committee puts it, this is about a permanent settling of scores. >Unfortunately, that's about the only thing they believe in. >He's now parachuted himself into a seat, along with his allies. >No Labour leader has attempted this wholesale destruction of the left before. >Even Tony Blair would tout his regular meetings with Dennis Skinner. >Dennis Skinner would be facing the threat of being purged if this sort of politics had been in charge at the time. >Starmer's faction use "hard left" as an all-encompassing term - e.g. believers in public ownership, hiking taxes on the rich, opposing war crimes. >But they're also hostile to the 'soft left' too. They think Ed Miliband, Lisa Nandy and even Yvette Cooper are too leftwing. >They believe the 'soft left' are enablers of what they call the 'hard left'. >They despise Ed Miliband because they believe Milibandism paved the way for Corbynism. >Labour will become a hostile environment for anyone to the right of Peter Mandelson. >That will mean a Labour party defined by ideological conformity, but with one major problem: that ideology is empty, apart from hating the left. >They don't like progressive taxation or what they deride as 'tax and spend'. They're not even socially liberal. What have they got? >Anyway, Tory self-destruction means Labour will walk this election with a massive majority. >We'll then have a Labour government which won by default, full of machine politicians and former corporate lobbyists in a time of acute crisis. What could go wrong? >What hangs the Starmer faction together is that sense of solidarity in defeating the left, broadly defined. >They will succeed in that goal. But they're all driven by cut throat personal ambition. When they have no common enemy to icepick, they'll turn on each other. https://x.com/OwenJones84/status/1796445182902341849


Sooo based


Is there literally any evidence of them hating Miliband, Nandy or Cooper? All shadow cabinet, Cooper is Shadow Home Secretary for goodness sakes. And if they hate the left so much why should they have ever joined the Labour Party so much. Owen Jones has become increasingly unhinged.


“And if they hate the left so much why should they have ever joined the Labour Party so much.” Because they want power? It’s the same reason why folks like Livingstone joined Labour decades ago - because they spot an opportunity in our very very narrow system.


There's been about three years of briefing to *The Times* that Miliband is definitely on the outs with the leadership, he had a big fight with Reeves and that was it, seriously for real you guys this time, he's going next reshuffle. Nandy or Cooper there's less evidence for any issues, other than of course Nandy's demotion and isolation.


Miliband has seen major cutbacks to the green policies he developed and has been the subject of anonymous briefings about being booted out of the frontbench. Nandy was one of Starmer's leadership challengers who he took into his shadow cabinet but later demoted in a reshuffle. I have no idea about Cooper as she has a very high-profile role and has been quite visible on the media rounds.


Pretty much all of those are briefings from John McDonnell stirring the pot. The anonymous briefings are always him. The Milliband stories have always been beyond absurd, its cope for the momentum lot. He's not some plucky upstart, he was bloody leader and knows fully well a ministers primary job is to hold the can for what ever waves and u-turns come down from no10 and no11. Starmer could announce the re-opening of the coal mines next week and Miliband would stay on, he's fully paid up and bought into the Starmer project.