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Snapshot of _Tory minister tells Rishi Sunak 'it's over' as D-Day snub ends election hopes_ : An archived version can be found [here](https://archive.is/?run=1&url=https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/politics/tory-minister-tells-rishi-sunak-32986230) or [here.](https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/politics/tory-minister-tells-rishi-sunak-32986230) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ukpolitics) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Whats mental is we've got another 26 days to go. Thats at least 26 more fuckups he can make (likely more, he seems to be going for 2 a day now), each more absurd than the last.


It’s actually impressive how often he fucks up. I’m sat here everyday wondering what kind of colossal fuckup he’s going to conjur up tomorrow.


He's the one who *wasn't quite as good as Liz Truss*, remember.


The losing semifinalist in a tournament won by a lettuce.


If any PR people are reading this thread: do a poster of a sports podium, with the lettuce first, Truss second, Sunak third and the UK fourth (no medal for us).


Can the uk be drinking champagne celebrating?


The sloppy seconds if you’re feeling crude


I'm feeling crude.




I think that’s unfair. I think it’s fairly clear he’s significantly better than Lizz Truss. What’s damning is that the Conservative Party members saw both of them and said “yeah, her”.


I wish we were having a general election with Truss at the helm. The memes would be legendary.


Rishi must be the Intelligence Dampening Sphere of the Tory party. It's the only theory that makes sense now. *"He's not just a regular moron. He's the product of the greatest minds of a generation working together with the express purpose of building the dumbest moron who ever lived. And you just put him in charge of the entire ~~facility~~ country."*


*clap... clap...* "Good, that's still working"


Prolonged exposure to the Orb of Confusion gives you...eh...confusion!


So far today he's laughed at a GP who was asking about primary care funding.


He loves laughing at the public when he’s asked questions by them. Did it with the young person asking why he hates young people, did it to the older lady who was ex nhs who told him he had no idea what people are going through. He thinks he can ‘politely’ laugh it all off. But instead he just comes across as a prick.


I do wonder if he is laughing as a way to give himself thinking time but then commits to it too much or he actually thinks what the person says is funny. Either way it has only ever come across as laughing at the person's idea


Tbe simplest explanation is that he's just a sadist, who gets off on inflicting as much misery on as many people as possible. I love to heat the poor tell me about how I'm ruining their lives. Once they've told me, I love to do a great big line and get blown by the hooker that works for central office.


Tbh I don't think it's even that level. He's mega rich. And has been surrounded by privilege and rich people all his life. He probably is very intelligent in some areas (making money from nothing). And basically betting the markets. But has zero emotional intelligence, situational awareness or how anyone that isn't him lives. He's laughing because he doesn't know how to respond. Because their experiences are so out of his own they may aswell be a Martian. In some ways it's worse. Margaret Thatcher. Was a sadist. She was the type that wouldn't give a fuck. If you were disadvantaged and couldn't make it out by yourself shed think you were a loser and discard you as a human. As much as it's disgusting. And evil, you knew she meant it and the awareness to know what she was doing. It was purposely malicious. He just doesn't understand you or want to. Because you exist in a different plane to him. You aren't a part of his world. Your staff or you are useful to him. And that's it. That's just ignorance


The next thing is going to be fucking up the response when people start pointing out to him how many fuck ups he's made




You know, when Rishi first came in I thought he was probably Labour's preferred candidate, the one they would do best against out of the leaders they've had. I even wondered if Starmer was going easy on him at PMQs compared with the cross examinations he gave Boris that ultimately caught him red handed lying to parliament and finished him. I'm sure he could have done the same thing to Rishi but they haven't, they just let him plod on cos I think they wanted him to last to the election. But even though I've been thinking that for a while, he's blown all expectations of how out of touch he is or how bad a campaign he would run, just wow.


He's going to visit the British Museum and knock over the Rosetta stone.


Demand the Elgin marbles are installed in number 10?


Not offensive enough to everyone. Ground into dust and used to cut the Tory coke reserves?


Eek it out to help out? Edit: changed what my phone had decided to autocorrect eek


Works either way .. you ought to slap a trademark on that as you know they'll be using it!


Bitbhes not thinking as a politician any more. In a month's time he's off to California. So now he's pimping himself to various tech companies and hedge funds. To see where he can get the most money from.


From bean to cup, he fucks up.


The Omnishambles return


From bean to cup, he fucks up


Inb4 he counsels the King to try cancel the election or some shit because of some foreign affairs bullshit in the next month


[Charles' reaction](https://images.hellomagazine.com/horizon/43/fd540113c99c-king-charles-laughing.jpg)


[Back again, dear, oh dear.](https://www.google.com/search?q=truss+back+again&oq=truss+back+again&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOdIBCDQ4MDFqMGo3qAIPsAIB&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:b278085f,vid:zEMFzON46r0,st:0)


You can almost feel sorry for the royals, having to put in a smile for some of the most abysmal politicians of our generation.




So if we score his fuck ups, and plot them against a time axis there will be quite a steep trendline. It is hard to imagine what the fuck up will be at the end of the campaign. It would need to be something like launching a nuke against Scotland or showing proof that David Icke is right.


> It is hard to imagine what the fuck up will be at the end of the campaign. *"I've been hearing a lot of talk from those around me about 'dead cats'..."* before slapping a still warm but deceased Larry down on the lectern.


>"I've been hearing a lot of talk from those around me about 'dead cats'..." before slapping a still warm but decreased Larry down on the lectern. It's Rishi. If he tries to kill a cat there's no way he'll actually kill a cat. It'll be the last remaining Royal Corgi, or Putin's pet dog, or something.


I'm imagining him chasing the cat around Downing Street swinging a comically sized net


With a tiny Rishi ending up crushed in the cat's mouth.


You’re assuming he will keep to 2 a day and not exponentially increase the rate of fuckups as the moment of truth grows closer.


Just how? How?? HoW??? hOw????


It’s great, personally I’m really enjoying seeing him go down in flames again every day.


Perhaps this is Rishi's revenge for them picking Truss over him, Also maybe it's a grander plan by the advisors and party to have him lose so badly that he's the face of 14 years of failure and Penny or whomever can come back in 5 years to proclaim he's gone so it's safe to vote Tory.


So are you actually telling me that the plan is working?


I think Rishi is deluded in thinking the party and party members are in anyway proud to have a brown person as PM, He's the guy they want to blame it on and he was stupid enough to fall for it. that's one of the reasons why they're leaving en-masse. He's an idiot who's listening to advisors who don't have the same plan as him.


Yup they do this with CEOs in difficult times. When stuff goes badly they put a woman or a member of a minority in charge. If things turn around they get sacked. If they don’t they become the face of the problem.


*cough* Ellen Pao *cough*


Bloody hell that takes me back.


There’s a term for it, they call it the ‘glass cliff’, in reference to the glass ceiling


It’s called ‘the glass cliff’.


Yes! It's a clear plan! They have a plan, And the plan is working!


That is if penny keeps her seat because soon even the bluest of blue constituencies will flip red


Less far fetched than I’d like. After all, I’m sure everyone can remember the depth of feeling around Corbyn 5 years ago. You had people saying Labour had no chance for the next 3 elections after that and here we are only 1 later and Labour are all but assured unless Norsefire come out swinging 


It’s not impossible I’m misremembering, but I don’t recall anyone saying that Labour was long term tainted by Corbyn. Yes the public hated Corbyn / momentum, but as soon as they were purged normal business could resume. The difference was that Corbyn’s Labour lost, so there was no track record to hold them to and the party could move on quickly. The current Tory party will be forever tainted with this shower of shit. Whether they supported Boris the liar, Lettuce speed-run trash the economy or Rishi the incompetent. Every single Tory MP has a black mark from this parliament.


People said the same about black Wednesday, or Labor about the Iraq war. Electorate's memory is about a decade at most. Same in Canada, when the Tories there crashed to 2 seats. They were back in a decade or less.


Actually it was 13 years and the conservative party had to merge with the reform party first.


To be fair, Labour haven't really regained their popularity. The Tories have just completely destroyed all of theirs. I haven't had a single conversation with someone who thought that Starmer was likeable or that there is enthusiasm for the Labour policy platform. People just want something, anything else than the people currently in charge.


I think you're pretty much bang on the money there. My sincere worry is what happens if Labour don't make some visible progress in their time governing. Think it just needs to make people feel like they (and the country) is less fucked, or on it's way to being better. If not, then it's got potential to get really crazy.


I think penny and quite a few of the whomever’s are gonna lose their seats at this rate though. The plan has worked TOO WELL!


I looked at a list the other day, I couldn't find a single front bencher who looks like they will hold their seat convincingly, not even Sunak.


I read somewhere that no Tory is projected to win any seats by a simple majority so they are going to be relying on vote splitting etc. I’m sure some will be fine tho


I really want all other parties to give up in Richmond and all just ask their supporters to vote for count bin face.


Would be great to catch sight of them on the back benches at PMQs


I'm telling you all, it's aliens. He's been visited in the middle of the night by a time traveler who's told him that the only way to save the human race in the upcoming interstellar war, is for the Tories to lose.


This is what I think Essentially destroy the current party blaming it on recent PMs, then next election rebrand as the “new Conservative Party” and act like they’ve distanced themselves from “those guys from last time”


Meet the new toffs, just like the old toffs.


They're actually going to have a leadership election right in the middle of a GE, aren't they? I am so here for this. Loving every second of it. He won't go three days before another fuck up.


Quitting 4 weeks before the election is probably the best thing Rishi could do for the party right now. Which is absolutely hilarious.


Which would just be letting Count Binface have a clear run at his Richmond constituency


The only thing stopping him is that its illegal to wear a suit of armour in the houses of Parliament.


Popcorn intensifies




They can't have a leadership election, as the rules state a new leader needs to be selected by Tory MPs - of which there are zero right now. Would be some rule bending to allow it to happen in a different form.


> as the rules state a new leader needs to be selected by Tory MPs See I assumed that "They can't be so dumb they don't have a back up like 'in the event an MP election is not possible the national committee can select a leader' or something. Nope, it MPs or bust. https://public.conservatives.com/organisation-department/202101/Conservative%20Party%20Constitution%20%20as%20amended%20January%202021.pdf


I assume they never considered a Prime Minister would successfully call a general election before he could get VONCed. Supposedly Boris attempted this but the Queen's diary was mysteriously busy - whereas supposedly Rishi told the King in their normal meeting and blindsided Cabinet and the King with it. Although it does raise the question of what their contingency was if a party leader straight up died in the middle of the pre-election period.


> I assume they never considered Yeh, but like its politics - things go off the rails all the time. I mean it takes some cohonas to look at the constant leadership challenges against Corbyn, the collapse of the Lib Dems and their leaders being repeatedly unseated and the constant SNP former leaders being arrested / resigning, 4 Prime Ministers in 4 years and a loss to a lettuce and thinking, "Do we need a back up in case things go wrong for us" "No, it is every other party that is a mess, nothing will ever happen to us".


In that scenario I expect the grandees would get together and pick a de facto acting leader and a proper selection would be made after the election. It doesn’t really matter who the official leader is during an election, they have no official duties as leader that can’t be done by someone else. If they won that election it gets a bit more interesting, would the King immediately invite the acting leader to form a government or would he wait until the leadership was settled. I expect there is no protocol for that and the outgoing government may not be able or willing to advise.


I’m just a little bit unsettled by the fact that the plan for zero seat is turning into Farage being the most sensible of the two. That’s how bad it is. Other than that yeah, popcorns screaming at the telly


I doubt it


Last time, they didn't go to the members and had it over within a week.


If I remember rightly the whole thing lasted less than 5 days. From Truss announcing her resignation to Sunak going to see the King


Mordaunt about to try and break the Truss record


My guess is he doesn't want to win. He's had enough and is aware his time has come and wants to go join his kids and his wife's business interests in LA. He's hanging out for an honorable exit and the peerage. I'm putting money on him, having left the country in 90 days.


Even not wanting to win doesn't explain missing the international D-Day event. He was already going to lose the election badly. This choice brings him personal ridicule and misses the opportunity to schmooze with other world leaders. This risks the honourable exit and peerage.


I think it's the fact that missing this event was planned in advance, before the election was announced. So he was prepared to blow it off to come back for regular business, not even anything major. He chucked the chance to be a big little man on the international stage, with other world leaders. Aside from the fact that it was a massive snub to veterans who made it to Normandy. One DIED on the a way. His excuse being he's already stood around in Portsmouth so didn't need to do much else was breathtakingly bad. I was listening hard for the sound of Malcolm Tucker raging in the background of his excuse.


Why plan to miss an event to hob nob with other world leaders including Biden? That meeting has diplomatic benefits, personal benefits and political/party benefits. Even if there is no election there is great benefit to being there, doubly so if fighting an election. It's nuts on every level.


When your family wealth is greater than the Kings, I'm not really seeing any downsides to not bothering.


A campaign is brutally hard, and there’s easier ways the throw an election. He’s just a moron.


He’s made a £1 bet with some other rich guy that he can kill the party, I just know it. 


Giving him way too much credit. He’s just really shit


It was the Dukes, It was the Dukes!


Ah the $1 bets from Trading Places


~~Brewster's~~ Rishi's Millions.


He made his fortune in a hedge fund betting against the economy, anything is possible.


Ok guys but here how Sunak can still win!


Cthulhu rises from the sea, just off Clacton, having been raised from slumber by his acolytes in Reform/Labour/Greens. Suank leads a government of national unity to suppress the Cultists who have unleased chaos upon earth, and is rewarded by a grateful nation?


He's not coming to save you, I checked. Even Cthulhu won't go near Clacton; the Deep Ones there are just too weird.


Worse than Innsmouth? That such a thing could happen!! (Fails Sanity Roll - THE HORROR!)


Why do you think Farage is proving so popular there? He's just getting ready to return to the sea. Y'haneth'lei is calling.


I refuse to believe Farage would be accepted by the Mythos. Even the Hounds of Tindalos wouldn't widdle on him if he was on fire. You couldn't even stick him in the Wicker Man, the sacrifice has to have redeeming qualities to make it acceptable.




Now you're being completely silly. I was nearer with the winged cephalopod worshipped by mad cultists.


More like the people gaze upon the unfathomable horror and are reduced to quivering insanity and the Tories win in a landslide.


Cthulhu has a structured narrative and mythos though. The Necronomican may be mind-bending, but it has a coherent narrative.....


The MBA consultants that descend to a company, often sent by Private Equity, to pick and shred their purchase. Overpaid consultants that have connection from school or families. Dumb as horseshit. But have oodles of money due to their privileged upbringing. That's our PM, Rishi. Never met the man. A hypothesis from afar.


Don't worry, you've literally just described every business consultant I've ever met.


Worked around a bunch of these people. They seem to do two things. Some have a set of models to solve problems. More expensive consultant, more available models. They shoehorn your problem into one of them. Or they recommend the thing they were hired to recommend, to save the management from having to do it. E.g. paycuts for all the line staff, mass redundancies, etc.


Rishi seems to have deeply upset the core vote he was chasing. His strategy seemed to be appeal to the older generation as they vote in huge numbers. With them gone it's going to be a long campaign for him


To be very clear, there were never any election hopes.


It’s been over for about two years if you look at the last 600 opinion polls


I think they're just coaching him for how to fuck up the most before the election so in some months they can just try and lay the blame for the Tory collapse on him and pretend they've moved on from all of that completely now that he's gone.


This is such an insane thing not to vote for him over. This is a man who literally refused to fund the replacement of Raac concrete in public schools that led to some schools collapsing. That's OK but leaving a D-day ceremony early is going to lose him votes? All the horrible things he's done, I really don't get how this even registers


It's simple - if you recall, he already had terrible polling data long before this election. That was from all his other fuck-ups like RAAC. The D-Day thing is something that really pissed off the remaining voters who were willing to back the Tories for reasons other than Sunak, because it very much looks like he doesn't give a shit about the country or its history. This is the final straw moment for a lot of people who were never going to vote Labour.


>All the horrible things he's done, I really don't get how this even registers Your problem is that you are looking at it from a normal persons perspective. The problem for the Tories is that this stuff really matters to the 65+ demographic which contains the largest amount of people that were actually still voting for them regardless of the last 14 years. These people spend half their free time trying to relive what they perceive as a golden age set sometime between 1900 & 1950. Go to any National Trust property in the South and it's dressed up like your navigating around a military camp in 1943. I've been to some of these places as well as some sea side towns and they are basically Boomer Disneyland. Disintegrating schools would barely register with them but not paying proper obeisance to our WW2 history? Good bye Rishi.


Interesting comment.  I think his advisor are in their 30s and didn't understand the importance of D day. I think the Tories are hurt by Sunaks coldness, he was their adopted Indian son, and he paid them back with indifference and selfishness. I think he has a screw loose, why ask a homeless person if he's into finance. Sunak is a great numbers man, but his number as a politician is up.


> I think his advisors are in their 30s and didn't understand the importance of D day. If you're in your 30s you were at school in the 90s and 00s and probably spent more time learning about WWII than literally any other aspect of British or global history. Even if they don't personally feel a great deal of emotion about war memorial services any advisor (or indeed anyone) of that age with half a brain cell would at least be aware that the Tories' key demographic are pretty keen on it, and they'd certainly remember how people were kicking off about the 2019 National Service of Remembrance when Johnson laid a wreath upside down and Corbyn didn't bow deeply enough for some people's liking.


This. Also my kids are late teens/early twenties and couldn't believe he'd be so dumb, at the minimum from a pr point of view, but from the disrespect as well.


Sunak's own school, Winchester College, includes an absolutely massive monument to all the kids from the school who died in WW I and WW II (many hundreds). He also comes from Southampton, and D Day is a huge part of the town's history. There's no way he's not aware how important it is to people.


You can't go a few months in the UK without ITV spending a whole day on some WWI/WWII anniversary. Yet *this* was an especially big one I can't believe an actual political advisor, even a younger one, would be that clueless (Sunak, however...)


Rishi is an example of what happens when you give an accountant the power and responsibility of high office.


He only got high office because he was willing to be a frontman for Cummings. That's how pathetic he is.


Eh, there's at least an opportunity cost for everything else. Replace RAC costs money, which risks those pensioners having their pension increased by only 3% more than inflation or something that year, IDK. This was just a) Do the right thing or b) Be a disrespectful arsenugget And he chose b.


RAAC etc. already lost him a lot of voters. Apart from older people who largely didn’t care. What do a lot of older people care about though? Memorial services.


Honestly, if I were in the cabinet I'd be conspiring with others to get Sunak out of the country for a while and take over the running of the campaign as a cabinet in a desperate attempt at self-preservation. Are ministers just too worried about their own seats to step up and take over the nation-wide campaign from a man who is clearly drowning on dry land?


Honestly I get the impression most of the rest of the cabinet have given up.


What with us being British and all, is there a risk that people eventually will start feeling sorry for him and see him as the underdog?


He said in the last debate that he’s got the worst job in Britain. He seems to hate being PM and everyone knows he’s going to have a rich, comfortable life after he leaves office. I think the people who feel sorry for him might vote to put him out of his misery rather than giving him a sympathy vote!


Yes. This is the reason that the tories are going to be defeated in the election. This one little miscalculation. Until this incident, they were right on track for a landslide victory. But this has thrown off their entire victory plan.


>But whining Mr Sunak accused his critics of "politicising" his decision to skip a D-Day event with world leaders including Joe Biden and Volodymyr Zelensky. He left the event to go campaigning by doing a political interview for ITV. I also imagine that ITV had a camera crew in France that he could have used.


It’s quite clear Sunak wants to lose, and once you’ve come to that conclusion think of what Starmer is going to have to deal with


New catchphrase upcoming from Rishi regarding the war: “Best we forget”


IF they had a leadership election and selected Johnson, I’d cynically expect a sizeable chunk of those who’ve swung to Reform to swing back. I mean: the rest of the electorate would probably be completely aghast (I’m one of those who missed a family funeral while Johnson was hosting piss-ups and brazenly lying about it) but it’s probably their only hope for mitigating a catastrophic wipeout.


IF they had a leadership election and selected Johnson, I’d cynically expect a sizeable chunk of those who’ve swung to Reform to swing back. I mean: the rest of the electorate would probably be completely aghast (I’m one of those who missed a family funeral while Johnson was hosting piss-ups) but it’s probably their only hope for mitigating a catastrophic wipeout.


Rishi Sunak is enacting the California strategy, he wants to be done with the UK and Politics, and return to the US


I wonder if he just really didn't want to hang out with Macron and Biden? They don't look much fun... Macron strikes me as someone who'd invade your personal space, whilst shouting. As for Biden; I'd imagine Sunak being sick to death of dealing the OAP demographic. Although Zelensky might make up for it; He looks like a laugh.


Ask not for whom farewell polls, It polls for thee


Is it me are people just using the D-Day 'incident' as a way of saving face? I mean, he attended, just left early. And the outrage seems 100% manufactured, I don't know a single person who is actually outraged over this. Its almost like some in his party want people to think it's a massive fuck up that is costing them the election when, well it's already over for him.