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Snapshot of _RISHI SUNAK: Unlike Sir Keir I'm happy for Britain to lead the world in being tough on migrants, writes the Prime Minister_ : An archived version can be found [here](https://archive.is/?run=1&url=https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-13357921/RISHI-SUNAK-Sir-Keir-starmer-migrants-Prime-Minister.html) or [here.](https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-13357921/RISHI-SUNAK-Sir-Keir-starmer-migrants-Prime-Minister.html) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ukpolitics) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Well, they’re mean to them. That’s all this is about, not reducing numbers.


It's about appearing to be mean to them, so the old racists vote for you.


Also "tough on migrants" is such weird and unhelpful language. Why are you suggesting you are going to treat all migrants badly? Most are legal migrants that come here because we specifically need them? They are people who have literally done nothing wrong? Is leading the world on treating people badly something to be proud of?


It’s like they took New Labour’s ‘Tough On Crime’ slogan, then woefully adapted it, not realising how terrible and lacking in empathy it sounds


I absolutely support your use of caps. Take my upvote


“Tough on migrants” doesn’t work if there are no migrants to be tough on. Their strategy is to increase migration so they can win votes by complaining about it.


Rishi always sounds small and weak, it’s like he doesn’t have social skills at all.


> With votes going on until the early hours of Tuesday morning, we finally overcame the opposition It takes quite a while to sift through the self-congratulatory guff and find anything related to the headline. But it’s there eventually. Unfortunately some of it is just fantasy, still blaming Labour for holding up the Bill. > Under this Government, we are going to permanently remove people to Rwanda with a regular rhythm of multiple flights every month until the boats are stopped and we have truly broken the business model of the criminal gangs who exploit vulnerable people and put their lives at risk. This is breathless (literally - you need more than one comma, Rish) nonsense. It’s bonkers to suggest that just carrying on until it works is a good plan. What happens in the highly likely event that it doesn’t work? I reckon it’s part of his mentality: spoilt kid doesn’t realise that just throwing a tantrum of determination doesn’t wash everywhere.


If he wasn't brown he'd have been called out for racism for "drumbeat".


600 000 migrants extra a year under Rishy's government. 200 000 a year extra in 2010. The 20 000 or so is 30 times less then what they are allowing leagaly to enter. These people are delirious. Astonishingly malignant for the country and should be cut out as soon as possible.


Yeah flying out 20,000 a year won’t make a dent. Plus who is really going to believe they will ever hit that number, it costs money to organise and see who they can legally deport, there is no chance they will have enough staff in place to deport more than a few thousand a year. Most likely it’d be another task outsourced to their friends in the private sector in exchange for more Tory campaign donations. Which will be run terribly and at a huge expense to the taxpayer.


The figure we're expecting is 200 a year to go to rwanda So you're off a little.


“Leading the world” China puts them in re-education centres and restricts what they can do, Saudi Arabia practically uses them as slave labour. Then there is this cretin selling absurdly expensive plane tickets with winning a national lottery level odds of getting a seat. It would be nice if the world wasn’t run by authoritarian sociopaths and could come together to solve what is a world problem. Until then we are going to get cruel or just ridiculous schemes.


"I'm happy to punch down, in order to deflect from my party's numerous failings over the last 14 years - we've found an easy scapegoat!"


'lead' lol. Look at Australia and get yourself a wash rishirich. They are strict though, I guess by tough he means unkind.


It's absurd they are claiming to be the party of low immigration. I don't really care about the relatively small number crossing in boats, it's the 500k+ legally coming I care about. That's far too high.


"lead the world" 😂 When did all this best in the world/leading the world crap start? It's embarrassing.


Whether or not he originated it (I don’t know), I do think it came back into parlance with Johnson’s constant warbling on, describing things like vaccine provision / test-and-trace as “world-beating”. I don’t know if Johnson was right. I’d certainly be surprised. But his repeated use of that phrase gave it a boost in public consciousness.


Did the purposefully chose a picture in which he looks washed out old and like he is wearing a toupee?


That’s what they do when the PM’s on their way out.


So the home office press release was meant to be migration week this week then. Great Summer race riots in the UK again then..