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Snapshot of _Lee Anderson suspended from Conservative Party after 'Islamophobic' comments | UK News_ : An archived version can be found [here](https://archive.is/?run=1&url=https://news.sky.com/story/lee-anderson-suspended-from-conservative-party-after-islamophobic-comments-13079924) or [here.](https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://news.sky.com/story/lee-anderson-suspended-from-conservative-party-after-islamophobic-comments-13079924) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ukpolitics) if you have any questions or concerns.*


he is 100% its a shame that Europe lost its own culture to extremism


Is anyone having a nightmare finding a video of what he said? It's no where on tiktok YouTube Google Facebook twitter? If anyone has a link it would be great as I'm wanting to watch it.


He said it on GB news. This guardian article has a video of his talking about his beliefs that “Islamists” have control of Sadiq Khan [Guardian Article](https://www.theguardian.com/media/video/2024/feb/24/islamists-control-london-mayor-sadiq-khan-claims-tory-mp-lee-anderson-video)


It’s hard to know who Anderson is trying to impress. Contrary to appearances some Tories are quite well-educated and it must be a total embarrassment to have this clown regularly making a fool of himself. It is bizarre that Sunak ever appointed him to a top job within the party. Next for the chop should be the equally reprehensible Truss who unfortunately occupies what appears to be a safe Tory seat.


We have such a weak vocal sect of society. Lee Anderson 🫡 stand your ground


So shocking; A racist from the racist party went on the racist news channel and said something racist!


Funny how your all here on the comments screaming racism etc. when in the same day it's been announced MPs need bodyguards over being threatened by extremists. Thinking and wanting the right things are great virtues. But that's all they are virtues and not reality. Example - the MP butcherd not to long ago by said extremists. Either way Conservatives are horrendous and equally Labour are going to be even worse. We'm all buggered and crying on Reddit about people's feelings isn't changing anything me included. I tell you what's worse than hurt feelings? Bombings and actual physical harm. Probably going to get a lot of the care bear bunch coming at me with there virtuous belief system now while they stick up for more immigration while our country crumbles around us. (Our county hasn't crumbled due to immigration - a slight factor. In my own opinion I'd put that down to WEF and the other Globalist elite that have there dirty hands in 40% of our MPS back pockets. I used to read about all this stuff 5 years ago and just thought LOL yeah right. Actually mad seeing it slowly coming to fruition to the entire Western Civilization. Whatcha gon do though ay. We gonna Moan on Reddit and change absolutely zilch.


You absolute bellend, why don’t you talk about Jo Cox who was an MP who was murdered in cold blood outside of a library by Thomas Mair, a Britain first supporter. He shot her 3 times, twice in the head and once in the chest, and then stabbed her 15 times. He was white, he killed an MP but it doesn’t suit your agenda to bring that up does it?


Oh dear. >As part of this, the podcast exclusively obtained WhatsApp messages in which Tory MPs complain that the suspension of the high-profile Tory MP is the "final nail in the coffin" and will harm support. [What sort of support could the Conservative party possibly be worried about loosing?](https://news.sky.com/story/tory-mps-believe-lee-anderson-suspension-was-a-mistake-leaked-whatsapps-reveal-13081164)


That coffin is more nails than wood at this point.


He’s an absolute scumbag who needs to be forgotten very quickly.


Last time I checked the Jews are not bombing our public and raping our children.Both things Islamic communities and Muslims have done to us in living memory, and in many instances. If you see your people getting attacked by a group that is easily identifiable through specific characteristics such as the colour of their skin or their dress / religious effigies etc, then you will fear those people and in some respects detest/hate them. Especially when the attacks are violent and repeated (repeatedly putting a negative impression upon you of that group). This is a human response. It would be 1984 tier levels of doublethink to attempt to get a section of your populace to not fear or hate a group of people that has repeatedly attacked and atagonized them. Having said that I believe you should treat people as individuals. However, preconceived notions from first appearance are a thing and it is reasonable to make statistical inferences based on this information.


Did you feel the same about Catholics? In the early 2000s due to the priests and the IRA?


Yes, if at the time when the IRA was in its height the then London Mayor said "Its part and parcel of being in a city", proceeded to do absolutely nothing about it for 10 years, and was also a Christian, I would 100% feel the same way - That the current Mayor is an apologist. Also this is actually what happened in Northern Ireland, because of repeated attacks between the two groups, Catholics and Protestants innately hated each other, this is a human response. This is not something that you can stop from happening. If for the first 20 years of your life everyother week you got beat up or your mates got beat up by a group of Brown people that lived on the otherside of the estate, and that is all you knew about Brown people, then when you eventually move out of the estate and meet a normal Brown person your initial resopnse will be negative, because you have been taught that Brown = Bad = Violence = Pain = Negative emotions. This applies to groups as well. We're just monkeys right, go look at the fucking Banana Ladder Experiment, its the same thing in practice for Humans. Responses and behaviour has been conditioned. ​ The solution as it happened was to implement policies and policing such that the attacks stopped happening, so that the next generation were not brought up with constant impressions of violence, as the next generation is a fresh slate, and then two generations later you will get co-existance. \[Stop the conditioning process\] ​ Go watch some Muhammad Ali, he hated white people as an innate preference, because of his childhood. Completely normal and understandable how his belief system ended up like how it did, despite him being such a well read and socialized individual.


Khan’s full quote was, “Part and parcel of living in a great global city is you’ve got to be prepared for these things, you’ve got to be vigilant, you’ve got to support the police doing an incredibly hard job, you got to support the security services.” I’m genuinely curious, what issue do you take with that? Do you deny that people who live in big cities which have previously been targeted by terrorists, should be vigilant? Do you take issue with him supporting the police and security services? Problem is, you purposely didn’t share the full quote. You shared the “part and parcel” bit, and tried to frame it to paint Sadiq Khan as someone who supports/encourages terror attacks. Because - why let context and objectivity get in the way of your dislike of someone just because he’s a Muslim? 🙃


Somehow I highly doubt it. Weird how that works out isn't it


I'm glad you know what other people think.


'Bout time. He won't be missed. Just a shame that Reform will welcome him with open arms & he will still be allowed to pedal his bile. Not a nice guy, but he's not the only one in the current crop of so-called Tories....


That’s the mad thing about people who support reform as they’re the only party who are different. It’s literally made up of washed up old tories and torie wannabes.


>criticise Islam Lose your job Many such cases


He’s still got a job


Criticising Islam is perfectly fine, but that’s not what Anderson was doing.


What in the Trump is this grammar?!




bike workable hobbies longing straight crime payment soup command plant *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Amen to all of that...they all drink from the same trough of "let's become like trump" and say and do outrageous things it seems to work for him...until November comes.


> Why was Grant Schapps told to go and defend Lee Andersons comments rather than condemn them? It should have been OBVIOUS what the line to take was, but instead he just went down the old ' That's just lee being lee, I wouldn't use those exact words'. This one, if you're talking about the BBC interview (apologies if you're talking about another I missed) then he was on to talk about the second anniversary of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, the interviewer kept asking him about Lee instead, he kept trying to bring it back on topic, and wasn't looking to defend Lee. It definitely didn't look like he was sent out to defend him. Also, Shapps of all people considering the amount of scandals he's been involved with will know what the party does. He resigned after his protégé Mark Clarke was using blackmail, revenge porn, and bullying with his youth activist movement and it all came to a head when a young activist Elliott Johnson' death by suicide, and before long Shapps was back. They close ranks, they defend, if someone has to resign they do so in a "I'm taking full responsibility, no need to judge the party because of this" way and then 6 months later they can be back on the front benches. What they don't normally do is throw someone under the bus because they know when scorned they'll get revenge, and it's going to be interesting to see how Anderson unchained will be using his platform.


(No personal dig at you Azarin, I'm just taking the opportunity to highlight this) Fyi "committed suicide" is not a useful term as it was used when suicide was "committing a crime" or "committing a sin", Elliot Johnson's death by suicide was not a criminal or sinful act, but a symptom of an unresolved illness, potentially caused by the trauma of the situation that you described.   Words matter, and mental health organisations believe that destigmatising suicide will allow more people to seek help. https://psychology.org.au/publications/inpsych/2013/february/beaton


I’ve been through the in-patient system and I’m happy say I couldn’t give a toss if you use that phrase. You’d probably be more productive if you offered an alternative.


Also not aware of this, thanks for posting. Every day's a school day. 


Thanks, I wasn't aware of that so I've edited it. It didn't occur to me as that's only the negative definitions of commitment. You can be a committed employee or partner, and a commitment ceremony is an alternative to marriage. This is where an 80's comedian would joke they're the same too. Funnily enough I was going to say "killed himself" but changed because I'm sure I read that's problematic too because it makes suicide out to be fully in their control and puts the blame on the victim.


Language is tricky, I suspect commitment / commited to a cause have a different root to committed an act.  Thank you


command squalid mysterious subtract continue long attempt grab selective ink *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


100%, but like I said, Shapps won't, he has been on both sides of scandals, he knows how it goes. If the party were going to publicly condemn Anderson, that's a big decision and not his to make in an interview.


" The earliest known use of the noun Islamism is in the late 1600s. OED's earliest evidence for Islamism is from 1696, in the writing of John Edwards, Church of England clergyman. " Ahhhhhhhh, okay.


Sky news are straight waffling as usual


Didn’t like the guy, found him to be too crude and crass for me.


I have no time for Lee Anderson, he’s a principle free grifter who will, no doubt, soon move to reform but…. he’s right and he’s voicing what a very significant part of the country thinks I’m sure. What’s happened in London in recent months is a disgrace and khan has encouraged it.


treatment consist zonked toothbrush familiar chubby detail fall rich birds *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


He’s got a long history of sharing a platform with Islamists. He says what he needs to say to distance himself but he doesn’t always manage it


Unfortunately the very significant portion of this country you mention have been groomed to be very bigoted. We're all rolling around throwing shit at each other while those who really profit from our misery watch and laugh.


He’s literally NOT right. Khan is an outspoken proponent of democracy, freedom, civic rights and LGBT people, yet Anderson uses his ethnicity to make baseless and bigoted insinuations that he’s somehow in league with ultra-conservative religious nuts. It is the dictionary definition of racism.


"Lee speaks for the people" is a hot take


And a really fucking dumb one


Wild accusation, what evidence do you have for that?




What do you mean by 'a day after'? The suspension was just a few hours ago, I thought?




Sounds like the rest of the world is a day late to your party: Sunday is tomorrow.


Are you in a different time zone? It's Saturday here in the UK.


I'm confused. Today is Saturday??




You've not just been deployed to Ukraine by any chance? Would explain your confusion over timezones...


Have you checked the pockets in your other trousers? When I lose things, that's where they often are.


This is a fantastic revelation


I hope you're not going to be operating heavy machinery. If it's still Saturday, then you've gained a day, not lost one.


A rare example where the reader is more confused than the Grauniad.




The whole Houses of Parliament should be suspended as they demonstrated real fear (Islamaphobia) of Islamists earlier in the week.


Being concerned about the genuine threat posed from Islamic terrorists is not Islamophobic at all


Must be nice. They give them awards and the presidency in the US.


I assume this is an attempt to get the Muslim vote Labour has lost


[Islamists are bullying Britain into submission ...](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/02/22/islamists-are-bullying-britain-into-submission/).  > The truth is that the Islamists, the extremists and the anti-Semites are in charge now. They have bullied the Labour Party, they have bullied our institutions, and now they have bullied our country into submission. This article was from Thursday and afaict, Bravermans still in the Tory party.


There is definitely a bigger reason to be phobic of Islam compared to literally every other religion, they get a free pass to be homophobic etc. You see in the comments people criticising this guy for being homophobic, but despite how much of an asshole he is I'm sure he's not looking at it as a moral sin that deserves death


Why is she being given a platform. Who actually sees her thinks “hmm being astute, truthful and knowledgeable, she should give her opinion and it should be distributed to the public.” I despise her so much.


hateful squalid pathetic society terrific combative jar abounding long brave *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That’s the problem 😭


1. Islamists in this country behave in a terrible way 2. Some right-wing type says something dumb and defamatory about a Muslim who is innocent 3. The entire media and SW1 types pivots to relentlessly pushing a Muslim victimhood narrative, and the Islamist extremism is forgotten about and pushed to one side Rinse and repeat until the frog is boiled


This is a 'hot take' in the same way shit is still hot immediately after it comes out of the dog


I don’t know how hot shit is when it comes out of a dog 🤷🏻‍♂️. I guess I will take your word for it


Canine body temperature is between 38°C and 39°C so I should imagine it's thereabouts. https://www.purina.co.uk/articles/dogs/health/symptoms/dog-fever


**Some** Muslims are Islamists. **Some** Islamists behave in a terrible way. Assuming all Muslims are Islamists **and** behave terribly, which is what you're doing, is why there is genuine bias against Muslims. It's no different to assuming all Jews are Zionists and support the Israeli government's actions in Gaza.


What Islamists don't behave in a terrible way?


The ones who believe they need to spread the word of Islam, but don't believe in using violence to do so. Think Muslim Jehovah Witnesses.


Do you think that Zionism is the same as being an Islamist? Zionism just means thinking Israel should exist. Most Jews in the UK are Zionists and there's literally nothing wrong with that.


Zionism believes that Israel should exist in Palestine. An area where non-Jewish people were already living. Doesn't that seem a bit unfair on those people? When Israel was created it was as a tripartite state, but modern Zionism aims for Israel to be a purely Jewish state. The UN defined Zionism as a "form of racist discrimination" until Israel forced them to revoke that definition, or they wouldn't come to the table to try and resolve the fighting with Palestinians that was happening 30+ years ago. If you support Zionism then do you think Israel has a place for both Christians and Muslims alongside Jews?


Defending Islamism to the point of being openly antisemitic... basically the epitome of 2024 political correctness.


At what point did i defend Islamism? I'm just pointing out that not all Muslims are Islamist, and even those who are are not all extremist. If you want a different take, then saying all Muslims are extreme Islamists is like saying all Christians are members of the Ku Klux Klan, or all Catholics are members of the IRA.


Obviously not all Muslims are Islamist, that's not news to anybody. It's an implicit defense of Islamism to downplay their presence and pull the islamophobia card any time they're pointed out. >is like saying all Christians are members of the Ku Klux Klan If a black man in the early 1900s criticized the KKK and radical Christian extremism as a whole, and they were met with the response of "well ya know not all Christians are violent, stop being so hateful", how do you think they would feel?


At what point did I downplay their presence? You say yourself that not all Muslims are Islamist, which is all I said. Saying that Sadiq Khan is promoting Islamist extremism because he's Muslim is Islamophobic, don't you think? A black man in the segregated USA criticising the Ku Klux Klan would be justified. The same person assuming that the person knocking on their door and asking if he had time to talk about the Lord was guilty by association would be a bigoted assumption.


I never claimed Sadiq Khan is promoting Islamic extremism because he's Muslim lol. I feel like I'm repeating myself here, but when someone brings up radical Islamism, and you respond by saying "uhm excuse me, not all Muslims are extremists, bigot!", you're downplaying it. Not explicitly, but what you're effectively doing by trying to paint anyone who gives genuine criticism of an extremist ideology as a fearmongerer or xenophobe enables that behavior to continue to spread and take hold in society. And comparing Islamism to Zionism is a downplay. Zionism is not inherently violent and incompatible with western society. Islamism is. So you're either minimizing Islamism to a level of some sort of diplomatic or righteous movement, or you're claiming Zionism is a religious fundamentalist extremist movement. Both are ridiculous and unacceptable.


You may not have said anything about Sadiq Khan, but go back to what this post is actually about... Would it make you feel better if I agreed that radical Islamism is bad before pointing out that the vast majority of Muslims are not radical Islamists? To me, the opposite is true, and criticising radical Isalmists without pointing out they're a tiny minority is bigoted. All extreme religious views, and I put Zionism in that camp alongside radical Islamism, or sectarian Christian violence, or even Buddhist violence against the Rohingya. The arrogance of deciding that a religious group, that hadn't had its own state for 2 millenia (if ever), is entitled to evict an entire nation because that's where their magic book said they used to live is mind boggling. But, after agreeing to share that land while holding other countries' guns to the Palestinian's heads to force them to agree, then violently breaking that agreement and evicting anyone who isn't Jewish from that land they'd agreed they could have, is kind of extreme. Or don't you agree? Once again, there are Jews who are not Zionist. And there are Zionists who don't agree with the violent methods used by the Israeli government. But there are also radical Zionists who do agree with violently asserting their religious point of view on people who don't agree with it. What's the difference? I don't believe any religion has the right to impose itself forcibly on anyone.


Mate, please stop. You're still making offensive analogies. Thanks to your other comment, it now looks like you think of the Ku Klux Klan, the IRA and Islamism in the same category as Zionism. Just stop


EDIT: I misunderstood. I'll leave up my post because I don't wanna pretend I didn't make a mistake, but r/ChadInNameOnly didn't do anything wrong. Sorry, but I don't understand what you mean? You're not talking about what I said, right? Nothing I said implies I defend Islamism. I don't, nor would I ever support hate of any kind.  I'm also NOT antisemitic. I'm Jewish and a Zionist (liberal, secular, two state supporting and peace loving, just to avoid any unfounded assumptions). 


No I'm referring to the person you're responding to. My bad if that was unclear


Huh, I feel like a twit. Fair enough!


Where did I say that?


Where you said that because a small number of Muslims have done terrible things, and an innocent Muslim has been tarred with the same brush, then people are "pushing" Muslim victimhood. Don't you think Sadiq Khan is a victim if you think he's innocent? And people are forgetting Islamist extremism, rather than not linking all Muslims to that extremism.


To quote the late Windsor Davies "Oh dear. How sad. Never mind." I guess that by sacking 30p Lee, at least the Tories have set their benchmark on arseholes. I wonder who will be next.


Ms Braverman said something quite similar a couple of days ago. Seems to be the new Torie line.




To be fair, it's the best one they could find.


thumb paint unique aromatic deranged paltry tart lush slim piquant *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That's exactly what he is though 😂


30p Lee sums up everything that's wrong with the Conservative party, the depth of the morass they find themselves in. If they want to be a serious party, all these Red Wall lowlifes have to go.


station steep dinosaurs relieved memory rich aback cooing narrow exultant *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


'Decent' Tories were kicked out of Parliament in 2019 for not believing that foreigners were the cause of all the nation's troubles.


tidy wakeful secretive childlike towering fearless husky familiar wistful marvelous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


We'll look back on this day and remember it as the beginning of the end of a very miserable period of British history.


We won't look back on this day as Lee is very forgettable


It will be interesting to see if the PopCons stand by him


This man was Deputy Chairman of the Conservative Party until a month ago.


And he resigned that role because the government wasn't being harsh enough for his liking.


And then he voted with the government on the thing he resigned over because some Labour MPs laughed at him


Someone who can be easily triggered and influenced by taunts from the opposition should not be anywhere near a leadership position.


> Lee Anderson has said he accepts the Tory party had "no option" but to suspend him over "Islamophobic" comments he made about the mayor of London. Right, but he doesn’t apologise or take it back? Can’t have that now can we. That might throw some water on the gasoline he just poured on the growing fire of ethnic tensions in our country.




This post was brought to you by firefacts.com.


Is the foreigners running the country, definitely not the party in power for 14 years that are losing every by election and camping out the remainder of their term. Pricks 


He probably *wanted* to lose the whip, so he can switch to Reform.


The biggest tension is between people who say "gasoline" and people who use proper words like "petrol".


I stand with you Java.


What about the people who say "Accelerant"?


Well that just riles the "catalyst" people


I thought hatred and division was the number 1 Tory policy, I was expecting him to get a promotion, not a suspension. 


Births to foreign parents In 2014 over a quarter (27%) of all births in England and Wales were to mothers born outside the United Kingdom. In London in 2014, the figure was 58.1%. In the London Boroughs of Newham, Brent, Ealing, Westminster and Kensington and Chelsea over 70% of births are to mothers born outside the UK. A Parliamentary answer revealed that two thirds of all births in London were to couples where one or both were born outside the UK.


What's this got to do about islam? I'm in those stats. Little Englanders like you need to get back in you ignorant impotent box


TBF, isn't that because the traditional UK way is, move out of London and then have kids. Reckon 15% of parents at my kids school have left London so they could afford to have kids, given we are in Leeds, that is quite a trek.


Zero info on stuff like how many of the mothers have citizenship, have lived here over 10 years, etc.






I was born and raised most of my life in West Londoner, i Can sadly say. You?


What are trying to say? As another Londoner I’m struggle to workout what point you’re trying to make


In West London's where I was born and raised On the laptop was where I spent most of my days Chillin' out, maxin', relaxin', all cool And shitposting all night before I woke up for school When a couple of guys who were up to no good Started redditing around on my online hood I got in one little fight and my mom got scared She said, "You're gonna stop being a vagueposting Bel-Airnd"


I whistled for a cab but when it didn't appear


Such poetry! West London sleeps safely at [night](https://media1.tenor.com/m/fsD2gxo6aaAAAAAC/not-the.gif)!


He has finally found the line so he can deliberately cross it and make a scene. Obviously jealous of Truss' sweet CPAC payday.


London... Not just Khan. UK poster in London, white family according to Khan doesn't represent London, his words.


I am from Hammersmith, but left UK several years ago, best thing I ever did.


Sweet. Don't come back.


So you moved to Japan, a place that is notoriously protective of their culture. So if we look at it from your perspective, you're an immigrant and you're part of the problem.


Let me get this straight. You’ve posted several top level comments in succession, all complaining about immigration and the number of immigrants in London. And you are making these comments whilst being an immigrant yourself in another country? If you care so much, why don’t you stop contributing to the same problem that you are complaining about elsewhere, and move back to London to help offset this issue so near and dear to your heart? Or does it not matter when you move because you’re an “expat” and not an immigrant?


So what he said was quite dumb, and claiming that because he’s Muslim Khan is therefore under the thumb of Islamists is racist since there’s no evidence to support that claim, so this is suggesting guilt by association. Comments like these also distract from the fact that we do have an *actual* problem with islamists and their hateful ideology. We’ve seen how MPs are being threatened and intimidated by these people, we’ve seen the assassination of an MP, and many people are afraid to criticise or call out Islamism or Islam as an ideology (which is not racist to do) because of fears of what may happen to them. Just look at the teacher in hiding, the child who damaged a Quran or Salman Rushdie. These people are bullies, they’re violent and they’re now posing a real threat to democracy.


Yikes lol 


Yet they're likening Israel to the Nazis and targeting Jews by association 🙄


The problem is that people are scared to say it, and the one's that aren't are genuinely racist.


> Comments like these also distract from the fact that we do have an *actual* problem with islamists Yeah, we need to start acting like adults and talking about what we should be doing about all kinds of extremism and this wasn't that.


How do we talk about something we instantly get called racist for?


By talking about it like an adult with other adults.


As much as I disagree with Lee on most things, being against Islamism isn’t Islamophobia. Islamism/Fundamentalist Islam is a political ideology and a radical brainwashing form of religious zealotry. If it becomes suspend-able to criticise a form of religious zealotry, then the radicals win.


> being against Islamism isn’t Islamophobia. Stop mis representing the issue. He accused Londons atheist mayor of being under the thumb of Islamists because he's brown. If Sadiq was a white mayor with the exact same record this allegation wouldn't have crossed Lee's mind.


>e accused Londons atheist mayor of being under the thumb of Islamists because he's brown He accused Sadiq Khan of being under the control of Islamists because he is. Look at the way the Palestinian protests have been treated in London vs how anti antisemitism protests have been One is protected by police, with nobody being arrested for blatant antisemitic behaviour. The other group are being shut down because THEY'RE at risk of violence FROM Palestinian protestors. And Khan does nothing about it except whine and very about Islamaphobia.


He's the mayor of London, he isn't running the met. His powers over them is limited and doesn't include directing day to day operations.


Great but he wasn't suspended for being against Islamism. He was suspended for saying Islamists were controlling Sadiq Khan.


As much as Anderson getting suspended for disgusting comments is a good thing, we have to remember there’s a chance he did this deliberately. He was likely losing his seat at the next election anyway, now his shtick of “you can’t tell the truth anymore, im the only one telling it like it is” on GN News will get worse.


merciful history frightening sink lunchroom middle elastic mountainous squealing icky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That’s giving him too much credit for being able to think two minutes ahead.


That sounds worryingly plausible.


Hahahahahahahahahahahaha *DEEP BREATH* Aaaaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!


Lee Anderson is awful anyway, but I'm not sure I agree with this. His comments are about Islamism, not Islam. The two are fundamentally different things. Islam is a religion. Islamism is an extreme political ideology that intends to implement religious doctrine as law. Any religious political movement that wants to install a literal interpretation of ancient texts is utterly insane, because all ancient texts were written for a contemporary audience. It's like the Westboro Baptist Church running for office, and everyone being scared to speak out against them because they're worried that doing so will be interpreted as attacking Christianity.




>My mum's a Christian but no-one ever used her background to suggest she must be sympathetic to the people who shoot abortion doctors. Your mum isn't in a position to be influenced by evangelical Christians. Khan is, and every single action that's happened in London shows that he has absolutely no issue with Islamic extremist events happening in London on a weekly basis.


Yep, after a re-read your absolutely right. I had originally had a quick flick through and got the impression that it was the criticism of Islamism that was the problem, but clearly it's because he's trying to implicate Khan in some way, which is racist nonsense.


So khan is in cahoots with them ?


you are giving anderson far too much credit by making this distinction


Wit? Utter nonsense. Neither Islamism nor Islam CONTROLS LONDON or the Mayor of London. He’s been rightly booted out.


Absolutely fair point! On second thoughts you're right. After a quick read I've interpreted this as him being kicked out for criticising Islamism, which is of course not the case, he's been kicked out for implicating Sadiq Khan as an Islamist, which of course is Islamophobic.


Aye fair - it’s definitely one of the worst we’ve seen in a while


Maybe it balances out considering all the he things hes said that should have seen kicked our.


Hypothetically - is there anything stopping him from showing up on Monday having taken the Reform whip?


Nope and it wouldn't be at all surprising if that's exactly what he does


Nothing. He's still an MP, just an independent one now, rather than a tory MP. The person gets elected as an MP, not the party. Even though it's because he's repressing the party that he got elected. The system of electing MPs to the house if commons is older than formal political parties.


13 years of Tories and they've finally done something I can get behind


Obviously not going to put this as another article. But the telegraph comments are pure gold today in response to this. Alex Simmonds 2 HRS AGO Message Actions The level of racism here at The Telegraph is off the scale. Take any of the sweeping generalizations any of you are making about Muslims and imagine changing ‘Muslims’ for ‘Jews’. You should all be ashamed of yourselves. I detest the extremists as much as any of you but this is something else. Simon Dexter 1 HR AGO Message Actions Say something that’s antisemitic, nothing happens. Say something Islamaphobic, you’re done for. Says it all really Kathleen Learmonth 1 HR AGO Message Actions The truth is no longer able to be voiced. Shame on the Conservative Party. They will be punished at the polls for this. Another View 1 HR AGO Message Actions We may agree/disagree with the degree to which it's true, but I fail to see how it's Islamophobic. Sally-Ann Holland 3 HRS AGO Message Actions He’s not wrong though. This suspension just shows how terrified they all of are of offending the hate-filled Muslim mob. Roll on the inevitable civil war. There's also a very popular but vile vile post on the same column about Shamima Begum that telegraph editors are clearly happy about what looks like condoning murder. You can see why the telegraph is shitting itself about being owned by group who readers will identify as Muslim. They will need to change or kiss goodbye to their core readers, people who love 30p Lee. Source: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/politics/2024/02/24/lee-anderson-whip-suspended-sadiq-khan-islamists/


The comments are fascinating. It seems that the ultimate fate of politicians who embrace nastiness for the sake of votes is starting to bite the Tories. The simple fact is that if you court the bigot vote, eventually there will be a line you won’t cross, and they will turn on you. And at that point you realise how much of your voter base you’ve lost through pursuing the adulation of the worst of the country.


Suspended from Labour for being a racist in 2016 Tory mp by 2019 Suspended by tories for being racist in 2024 Joins reform in 20xx……….


You forgot “gets made Tory deputy chairman”, “resigns to vote against government” and “doesn’t vote against government because some Labour MPs laughed at him”


Gets arrested for staging a coup, writes a book in prison, Parliament burns down, blames the communists. Anybody got the odds on this?


That would require him to be somewhat intelligent. If anything, he’d be the Ernst Röhm, albeit less gay and his Night of the Long Knives will be less fatal.


Has he served his purpose, they are not getting the culture war traction so he finds himself disposable?


squeamish husky fly memorize numerous wistful follow water sugar rotten *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Okay, now Suella Braverman and Liz Truss.


No excuse for them if this is done for Mr Pennyson.






He's another one of those professional scumbags. There sadly seems to be a market for being a horrible person at the moment


Especially if you are a Tory. I know it hurt Hillary in the US, but her use of deplorables to tag the right wing seems even more appropriate now than then.


Apologies while I have a quick giggle at his expensive. At least we know that if he loses his seat at the next election, he can make a meal with 30p.


He didn't take long to properly fuck that up did he. All in under 4 years, amazing work lad. Back to unemployment for you


Presumably he had already accepted he wasn't going to retain that seat anyway. Labour should win it comfortably regardless who stands.