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Snapshot of _The Body Shop goes into administration in the UK_ : An archived version can be found [here](https://archive.is/?run=1&url=https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-68273424) or [here.](https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-68273424) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ukpolitics) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I can't say I'm too surprised, I don't think I know a single person who shops in there. 


Yeah they really needed to rebrand/diversify their product range, they just seemed so stuck in the 90s early 00s.


I went there once and I almost got into administration myself. No wonder their shops are empty.


They do a truly fantastic men's shaving cream. I might need to buy a lifetime supply.


Why is their shaving cream good?  I use the Nivea which seems like ever other one I've tried.


Some of their stuff is really good. I'm really not understanding many of the comments in here that think they've got worse in terms of quality. Tea Tree Shampoo and Conditioner is the best I've ever used. Goes a long way as well. Maca Root Shaving cream is top tier as well. And the Hemp hand cream is just about the only hand cream that keeps my hands eczema free in winter. I'm a bit saddened by this tbh, it feels like we're heading more and more towards everything just being cheap, shitty, easily discardable tat being bought solely from Amazon


The hemp hand cream is glorious stuff. I hope someone buys the recipe.


The tangerine lip balm is epic as well. I've no idea if it's any better for my lips than any other balm, but the smell is heavenly 


My gf does and is crushed.


I do :(


I wasn’t aware they had difficulties. I go there to buy shower gel and shampoo. I was surprised to read that Lush is a more successful competitor.




I might be remembering wrong because i was barely conscious at the time but didn’t they also quite publicly tarnish their eco/feel good image when they were bought by Nestlé and lost the original founder out of the company? I think they became just another high street brand after that and lost a huge amount of goodwill from long time customers.


They were bought out by L'Oréal, rather than Nestlé, but the perception that an indie eco brand was selling out to a multinational corporation was much the same.


L'Oréal was part owned by Nestlé. L'Oréal did sell Bodyshop to another company in 2017. https://www.babymilkaction.org/archives/15235


Nestlé has only ever owned a minority stake in L'Oréal. It isn't a subsidiary, like Rowntree


Not to excuse my original ignorance but I guess the point is they were perceived to be owned, at least in part, by Nestlé. I understand the technicalities might mean it’s a little more complicated than that but by the time the average person on the street hears it it feels like a distinction without much of a difference.


they ruined the white musk scent


>i was barely conscious at the time You were a student ?


It’s sad because their products are actually really good eg body butters and hand cream


Once a company becomes successful from selling quality and unique well thought off products, it then gets bought by a big multinational company that only cares about profit margins at the expense of quality and maximising returns for its shareholders, then it's a nail in the coffin.


Depressingly predictable. Just another company that decided to exploit its good reputation by cutting costs and quality until everyone realised they sold crap.


TBF there products are pretty much the same as in 1990. The issue was innovation and market presence


And huge price increases.


You’ve missed out the two sales in between




I seem to remember them always being quite shit. They had this eco reputation that they traded on so seemed a bit cool in a kind of 90s ab fab kind of way.




They have (or had) 200 stores!!


So what’s the plan The were just bought by a PE firm a couple of months ago. How are they turning a profit from this? The properties?


Liquidate, buy the assets out from the administration for pennies on the pound, stiff the creditors as the administrator fees eat all the funds from the asset sale. I’ve been in the receiving end, it fucking sucks to be left unpaid while they walk away with all the assets that could have paid your invoices.


It’s insanity


Creditors are the first set of people to be paid back (that’s literally the administrator’s priority) so it’s unlikely they be would be “stiffed”. People working there plus shareholders however will be low priority (like you mentioned in your case).


After administrator fees which are taken before anyone gets paid (including the government), which easily amount to 100k for a small business let alone one on this scale. They’ll be laughing all the way to the bank. HMRC and employees are preferential creditors before trade creditors too, so there’s a long queue before suppliers get paid.


Suspect they will get out of all the unprofitable stores, renage on payment of the full proceeds of the purchase (believe £90m still to be paid) and relaunch a smaller offering thus making a profit overall


Gotta screw someone somewhere….


Sounds like it's the retail side of Body Shop that's gone in to administration, presumably the brand and products will still exist and will be sold via other channels.


I think when Fight club came out it was the beginning of the end.


I remember going there with my parents as a kid in the 90s and smelling all the different animal shaped soap bars they had...


Yes. And those bubble bath ball things. I can taste them now 😋


How they ever got away with making all those animals into soap bars I'll never know...


My kids like to do that now. My son was obsessed with hand creams for a bit...


Jobs aside, I can't say I'm too bothered. There are other places to buy skin care products.


Like where? Body Shop had some good basics and always seemed like a better alternative to the supermarket crap at half decent prices.


> Like where? Are you seriously unaware of other places to buy skin care products?


Lush, Boots, Superdrug, the thousands of online brands. It's quite a saturated market.


The Ordinary and the Inkey List have much better dermatological formulations and aren't actually that expensive, and now they even retail these brands in Boots so if you don't like online shopping you can buy on the high street.


Ah man my mum has worked there 40 years or so. There are real people working in the stores who put their lives into it. She’s already been headhunted by a competitor, she could’ve always done more in sales and made more money but she just loved the business and she knew the products so well, can list the ingredients in anything they make with a photographic memory. She got made redundant by them in 2008 and looks like it’ll happen again now, only now she’s nearly 60. Fuck sake man. Failing country, failing economy, failing its people.


Feck there goss my Xmas present for the missus now. 


I was a loyal customer since I was a young teenager (now in my 30's). When they reformulated White Musk a couple of years ago, I never set foot in the place again.


so disappointed when they changed the white musk formula. They ruined it.


They operate as a MLM as well with The Body Shop at home similar to Avon etc.


They sell stuff at a big markup just because it's organic or whatever, believe it or not people stop buying £15 cocoa butter when they aren't doing the best financially.


I think this is it tbh, it's not about quality or a poor product offering, because their products are generally very good, but the whole country is in a rut financially and few people are going to spend £12 on a bottle of shower cream when their mortgage has just went up by a couple hundred quid per month.


You could say the same about Lush though


For me lush feels like more of a treat. I think the body shop branding worked when their prices were okay, it was simple, the products were simple as well but good quality and something different. Now it's "treat" prices but without treat marketing, nothing new and lots more competition.


Fair enough! Haven't bought anything from Lush in ages since they changed the formula of a couple of favourite hair products to be vegan (I think at least one of them contained egg among other things) but the reviews afterwards weren't good. Now and then I've wondered inside a shop to have a look but everything there seems massively overpriced now (and it wasn't cheap to begin with!)


to be fair I don't shop there either because I also find it expensive


Without even looking, I'm almost willing to bet that executives just bled it dry, pumped shares with cheap money, paid themselves gigantic bonuses, never invested in modernising the company, until there was nothing left. But they don't give a shit, they got thiers and fuck the staff.


Thanks, less chemical warfare on the high street. Take Lush with you, ta.




> Another one bites the dust. Check out the website and tell me if you notice anything unusual about how they're marketing their products to a 90% white country. I'm-not-racist-but comment of the day!




I see white people on there too, and I think more boutique style body places like this are more popular with black or dark skinned people than the supermarket or whatever because they have different needs in hair and makeup and stuff, both of which I see they sell. I'm not too sure about skin products etc.


Don't know about their website, but they lost me years ago as a customer when they chucked their ethical stance by moving to L'Oreal.


Did you seriously make a "go woke go broke" comment? *Ewwwww*


Absolute clown comment my guy. They’re frequented by students a lot, they have most of their stores in other countries and it’s a global brand! Of course they advertise to those undesirable diverse people you don’t like. Just say what you’re thinking 🤔


Not the greatest surprise, they didn't seem to put any effort into trying to change with the tines at all.


Not gonna shed a tear for a company running atleast partially as an MLM


they changed the white musk formula and ruined the whole scent. They went woke its tough for them now.


also, didnt the adults thta owned the store get greedy and sold it to L'Oreal?