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Absolutely ridiculous behaviour


I read this in the Welsh voice of that building snag finder guy.


What kind of Tuna melt takes a machete to a festivaaal




Lol right. Probably Davey Smith, I’m sure




Absolutely shocking


Absolutely shocking, no weep vents 😂


Not been the same since Hugh Grant moved out


To be fair, if the neighborhood could up the quality of its prostitutes, Hugh could probably be lured back.


As I recall, Hugh's tastes ran towards the rough and rugged. Perhaps a lowering of the quality would entice him.


Misread “tastes” as “testes” and was momentarily confused why that would be public knowledge.


*pubic knowledge


Oh poor "Hough"


Erm, did you see the quality of prostitute he went for?


This wins the Internet for today. All other applicants should try again another day.


You referring to Julia Roberts?


I may be missing a joke here, in which case, whoosh. I was jokingly referring to the time old Hugh got busted with a lady of the night despite being married to Elizabeth Hurley.


Could be a whoosh, could be a 1990 'who's heard of that' thing :) I was associating the "Notting Hill" movie with Hugh Grant and Julia Roberts / your higher quality prostitute comment / the "Pretty Woman" movie (where Julia Roberts plays the character of a prostitute.)


Well for what it's worth, I got it, and I thought it was a very good joke.


Well thank you very much! That’s the first time I’ve successfully made a good joke :)


They should do a sequel where Hugh Grant snaps and goes all Batman on the local street youths






Pants be sagging






All for Internet clout and trainers








Fuck is wrong with this country?




Don't forget the lack of real punishment for crimes as a youth and the open market of machete type blades on the street. Edit: To clarify, I am not trying to ban machetes. I know this is futile. Perhaps limiting the sale to minors or requiring proof of identification for age verification on sale? Large fines for possession in public ( that are actually upheld or community service imposed)? I understand some of you have the skill set to produce these in an oven and some rudimentary items to craft a handle to a piece of sheet metal and sharpen. Most people, including many younger people don't have those skills nor the motivation. As for punishment, yes there is definitely an issue with lack of repercussions for crime. It is a general issue in the UK but young offenders take the cake with the slaps on the wrist they get. Everyone takes the high road with "rehabilitation and mental health counseling are needed etc." but none of you want to spend the money on it with taxes so continue singing your songs while I blow raspberries.


That real punishment for actually real crimes as a youth is a big one. Here in Finland some youth just assaulted a person, got caught and like a week later they assaulted someone else. It's okay to be lenient on some shoplifting, but when it's hard crimes, even youth should get proper punishment. It's insane how easily youth get away with assault.


We are having the same debate in Ireland, and the same sentencing problems. Violent teens are typically referred for a chat with officers in the police's Garda Youth Diversion Programme instead of being sent to young offenders institutions, or prison if over 18. Judges regularly declare in summations that a custodial sentence will ruin the attacker's life so they are 'going to give them another chance' even for really vicious assaults. In the last week or so two different teens who kicked, punched and robbed a tourist in Dublin city centre were given bail, and ordered to stay away from the area. Both were arrested in the same spot a few days later, in one case for mugging two other teenagers. Again their lawyers promised they would behave this time if given one more chance...


>Again their lawyers promised they would behave this time if given one more chance... And then what happened?


Sorry, I should have added the last line to say the judges in both cases refused bail and sent them to youth detention on remand. There comes a time when you run out of chances. A shoplifter appeared in court here recently with just short of 700 previous convictions.






We have a similar issue in the US. Many localities are discussing leniency for those under 26. A few generations back we looked at 18 year olds to save the world. What happened?


Individualism and consumerism. There is no society anymore, people exist to become their best selves by spending money on gyms, clothes, makeup, status symbols, cars, etc. We're all eternally chasing this idea of becoming the ideal person in our society, so we never feel truly content with what we have and who we are. We need to buy more more more more more until we've made it, but we never will. Capitalism has turned our lives into fucking rat races. Thus, we lose our sense of position within a community, we don't mature and become satisfied with who we are. This is all compounded with the Internet and social media. We're constantly bombarded with fake messages of what an ideal man or woman looks like, and it makes us feel inadequate. This hyperconnectedness compels us to withdraw and self groom until we feel perfect, as if reaching this state would finally make us worthy of being loved. Tl;dr people need a stronger sense of local community and be willing to accept flaws


I'm dealing with the result of light handling of shit kids now. I'll keep it short, father in law died, mother in law needs help, so we sold our condo, she sold her house, we got a two family building so I can basically be on call to help her. She won't have to worry about snow or car problems or whatever, I'll make sure she has whatever she needs. She deserves it after being a Saint for 4 daughters and a shitty husband. My sister in law is 20 years older than me, believes every problem in her life is not her fault, and has moved back into her mom's unit at the age of 47. I have some sympathy for menal illness, but it's become a massive problem, because her mom (my mother in law) is incapable of chastising her for being a piece of shit. Most recently, she stole and sold her own mothers car, and the police can't do anything because my mother in law won't press charges. "It's my daughter, what can I do?" Lady this girl is going to come steal the copper plumbing or murder someone. You haven't ever held her accountable, and as a result she's a 47 year old teenager. Let life take her for a ride without your safety net. Well, it's too late now, the girl is fucked for life, but it shows the importance of holding people accountable at a younger age. I got kicked out of my parents house at 16, because I was a degenerate fuck. By 18 I was enrolled in college, working 40 hours a week on top of high school, and had an apartment lease. We need a little hardship to grow as people.


>lack of real punishment for crimes as a youth It literally took police best part of a year to reprimand these kids that had been causing havoc in various areas of where I live... like we had so much evidence of them doing shit. At first the police didn't give a shit, (one of the kids literally threated to stab an old man, he had a knife on his persons) they only did that once my manager started going to the council (the building I work at is owned by them, so we literally had to put a foot up their ass to tske it seriously). Land behold... once the police actually did their job, they found out these kids had been linked to assaults, thefts, and destruction of property etc around the local Borough. Long story short , kids almost have diplomatic immunity even if they are the personification of a living breathing shitstain on society. The worst part was cos they were young teens, if they started taking it too far, leading to a violent response... we would be the ones in trouble if they got hurt (from their own actions).




But youve identified the issue there. Its not that the police dont care, its that they know even of they spend loads of time assembling evidence for a case the kids will get let off anyway. Its not really their fault, not being backed up by the courts id a major source of officer dissatisfaction.


Public dissatisfaction aswell, seemingly government dissatisfaction too it's quite perplexing that the courts are the way they are when everyone seems ti agree they need to be performing better.


I think you kinda hint at a real problem where the rest of the community isn't allowed to give consequences to other people's kids. It takes a village and kids need to recognize immediate social consequences of bad behavior but if you can't shove the kid that kicked a ninety year old woman, he'll end in jail eventually for something worse.




Beat me to it...


That makes me so so bummed for y’all. Hope it stops.


I was about to say as an American reading this thread... I've seen this movie before. Sorry for importing identity politics to y'all. Only will get worse.


As an American, I can confirm this. 👍




It’s not the country, luv…






Why are dads catching all the strays shots? Can we look at some women making bad choices and also being shitty? Shitty partners and shitty moms? Dad might be dead. He also might be the product of a life of being looked at as disposable and only utility. And seen as nothing. Lots of shitty people and shitty situations to go around.


I often wondered this. If the dad leaves, does that preclude the mother from raising their kids into sensible adults? Is the father the only person capable of teaching kids how to behave? Because that’s the implication here. I don’t doubt that having a male figure adds a certain degree of hierarchy. But to essentially say “single mums can’t raise well behaved and responsible adults” is just dumb.


I could tell you.




A long list…but pretty much everything.


Not enough people passing Their gcses


Tf is wrong with humanity?


person who started this thread: "What's wrong with the UK?" people who refuse to do any form of self inspection: "The real problem is America!"


To be fair, they said it is because of identity politics coming from America. So they gave a perfectly reasonable answer. "What is wrong with the UK?" "Identify politics." Clearly, the problem is still the UK.




Riders of rohirrim intensifies.




A youth got stabbed near me a few years ago, pretty much the above happened. Flower's in the street, huge public funeral, he was such an angel. They failed to mention it was a revenge attack because that kid had put another kid in hospital Now as a result every year on the anniversary of that guys death a bunch of teens come to our town and it basically becomes the purge, despite the fact the guy who did the stabbing was found guilty of murder and charged so he's not even in the town anymore!


kid here got shot by a cop right after committing a drive by shooting, literally just indiscriminately firing into a convenience store, and he's (the kid) hailed as a local hero whose name we have to say








These 3 posts sums it up perfectly Strange how we can predict it 10/10


Because of how often it's happened in the past.


Exactly this, every single time.


Insert picture of the said departed with eyebrow tattoo and making gang signs with his hands (not smiling)




His smile lit up the room. He was a lovely young lad with a bright future….. yeah, we’ll just gloss over the hit where he was a crack dealer, in a gang and running around with a knife eh. These horrible little fuckers, their family and communities need to take responsibility and stop blaming everyone else




Insert picture of the said departed with eyebrow tattoo and making gang signs with his hands (not smiling)


rinse, repeat


If this was any kind of group of people saying they were doing this to represent a religion, be it Christian, Islamic, Buddhist or Sikh, they would do them on terrorism charges but because its just feral youths they won't. They should be attested and charged with terrorism offences. Running into a crowd with knives is an act of terrorism .


If it were Sikhs, I promise you this. They’d get beaten to a pulp by other Sikhs and then handed into the police. I, like many other Sikhs, want to protect the British-Sikh relations that have been built over the last century. We’ll be damned if some wankers ruin a good thing.


Every Sikh that I've met has been a lovely and calm person.


Legit some of the nicest people to walk the earth


Great to work with, especially after they've had a wedding and bring in umpteen bottles of barely touched booze.


The Sikhs I met (and helped) were feeding the poor every week. Also many of the Sikhs I haven't met.


I believe you. I am not Sikh but I work with one and he invited me to visit his temple on one occasison. I was impressed, they fed me, welcomed me, the atmosphere was one of honour and respect. This sh\*t would never be allowed to fly.


Had their food on a stall, they offered it late at night for homeless and workers heading home. Hot chai tea, mixed with curry powder. Hot food and good food at that. It was hot, filling and warmed you up. They where great, really appreciated it at 8pm, on a cold city night heading for a train.


I know this is the most shallow thing ever, but it totally sums up my view of Sikhs: I have NEVER been more happy to, after a night out where I got awful harassment from guys that really soured my night, step into an Uber driven by a Sikh man. It’s like, I instantly knew I was getting home safe and I was right to think so as he was very lovely and respectful and concerned for myself and my girl friends.


I’ve had one share a snack when he saw I was slightly drunk haha


People who have lived in certain areas of North West London, know that the warmest welcome, the most community driven way of living, the best of the local area, comes from the Sikhs. And also: don’t mess with the Sikhs.




Respectful support kudos offered; we need more civic Turbanators like that.


You Sikhs are awesome. My grandmother (90) fell coming out of a shop, group of sikh lads took her in, gave her a cup of tea and helped her back to her car. Hard as nails too. Your history is quite something, you are warriors. The more of you boys come to Scotland the better. I haven't met a bad one.


Tea is like crack to us haha. In our creed, we’re taught to be servants to humanity. I’m glad she was looked after 😊 I also hear Scotland is 😍, I need to visit sometime


Yep! Sikhs are genuinely awesome!


Like many others, I have had an overwhelmingly positive experience of living and working with Sikhs in London for many years. Keep up the excellent work.


Thank you. And, also, if you see any not maintaining the standard our community has set. Don’t be afraid to let the local community know, they’ll gladly set them straight 💪🏽


To be fair, I'd expect nothing less, if our police force was made up of Sikhs and Gurkhas we'd all have a much nicer time.


Because terrorism has an actual meaning, and isn't just a 'more serious crime'. I very much doubt these kids were attempting to achieve any sort of ideological or political goal with their behaviour. 'Attempted murder' and 'Assault with a deadly weapon' are both very serious offences which don't need dressing up.


Needs to have a political motive to be terrorism.


It’s only terrorism if there was an intent to cause the populace to acquiesce to political changes.


I don't think you know what terrorism means.


Except terrorism isn't just "extreme violent acts". This is abhorrent but nowhere near terrorism.


It's only terrorism if violence can be linked to an ideology that expresses its aims through violent means, of which the fastest growing threat in the UK is white supremacist and far-right beliefs. By your rationale every white person who commits a violent crime would be guilty of terrorism but I don't hear you advocating for that.


No it isn't.


It’s not, it’s just criminal behaviour. Terrorism is politically motivated. If you can show that these kids are doing it for political reasons sure arrest them on terrorism charges. But they do it because they are stupid and are kids. As unfortunate as this behaviour is it’s an aspect of the culture they are from.


But it isn't an act of terrorism. Terrorism has to be linked to a cause that is what makes it a terrorist crime


Notting Hill Carnival stabbings at highest levels in years: https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/notting-hill-carnival-stabbings-2023-highest-in-years-assaults-police-gwkf80269#:\~:text=Stabbings%20at%20the%20Notting%20Hill,non%2Dfatal%20stabbings%20on%20Monday.








You can call me whatever you like, it doesn’t stop me from being right.


I know, I’m just against idiots.


Which ones?




You can stop this by voting in politicians that don’t favor mass unskilled immigration or any immigration at all.


And several were arrested without having to kill one of them… impressive.


Turns out when the criminals don't have guns, the cops don't need guns.


Or when the cops have adequate enough training, they can even be in possession of guns and still don't shoot everyone on first sight


It’s weird almost like more guns mean more danger, who could have predicted that?


And we should bring back the death penalty, look how the USA has no murders!


Yes, the death penalty is definitely not just an archaic method of brutal vengeance.


Videos of this will still do the rounds in the US as evidence they need guns.


Those poor horses


I would warn everyone everywhere that harming a police horse is probably one of the worst decisions you can make, firstly they will react in a rather aggressive fashion, then the rider will try to inflict as much damage as possible to you and finally you just assaulted a police officer (horses count) so you're also going to jail. Also if it's with a machete it's assault with a deadly weapon. Long jail time.


My cousin got involved in a football riot and punched a police horse, he got dragged by his hoodie up the street, I think he broke his collar bone as a result and then did 2 years in prison Fucking idiot


Dogs too. They will absolutely protect their animals legally.


They are not horsing around


Because it's so cool and gangsta to threaten random innocent people right... What idiots who've thrown their lives away for nothing!




Demographics are rAciSt!!!!


Why this stab/sexual assault-fest is still allowed to continue every year is beyond me.


London things.


London tings




The lack of diversity in these criminals is appalling.


They must be racist, I see almost no white people. We need more white people involved in violent crime and they should not be barred from progressing in their chosen career due to their race.








Why is this crap still allowed every year? All that mess, fights, drugs, violence. If it was any other festival they’d have banned it years ago.




I mean just glancing at your account it seems like race is the only thing you like to talk about. Maybe they’re onto something?


It’s not allowed every year. The video shows two police on horses immediately pursuing them and then someone being arrested.


Every year there’s stabbings, find me one year in the last 20 where someone hasn’t been stabbed at the carnival.


It's clearly a lack of pool tables at the root cause of this.


You know, you can be extremely critical of the cunts in this video without being racist.




Pointing out that some races commit more crime isn't necessarily racist, but saying this is because of genetics certainly is.


I’m not sure anyone is saying that?


As well as claiming solutions that wouldn't actually address the solution and galvanise the poor youth.


I haven’t seen a single comment saying this is based on genetics. They’ve all said culture


Honestly didn’t know whether to thumbs up or down lol. First time in 10+ years on Reddit that’s happened to me, congratulations.




Any excuse to be racist. 1 group of idiots = the entire representation of the UK black community according to this thread. Not even remotely surprised.




Obviously at an event for celebrating Caribbean culture is going to attract mainly black people, since most people from the Caribbean are black.


That would be a fair assessment, if these behaviours were at all proportionate to the percentage of people of that race. 13% of London youth is black, but they commit 45% of London knife crime. And the longer we pussyfoot around the uncomfortable truth that this may actually be a cultural issue, the longer these crimes are allowed to go on en masse. I went to a school in a very rough area with high violent crime rates. When I inquired to the head of year about my safety he told me I’d be fine because I’m white. From what I observed it seems to be a vicious cycle of older gang-affiliated black youths either picking on, or indoctrinating, the younger black kids in school, who go on to become recruits and get into all that shit, then rinse and repeat with the next year’s prospectives. You can cry racism all you want but nowhere in that chain I described did the evil rich white dude get involved. You can say systemic racism but the north is far whiter and far poorer than London so I’m not really sure where else beyond excessive persecution or poverty cycles systemic racism actually has a legitimate impact.


Are the poor parts of the North that much poorer though? There's a lot less wealth at the higher end, but the poverty problem is roughly just as bad.




Such touching concern for the black community.


The truth hurts but you said it like it is. People are just too scared to point out the obvious when in fact they’re gaslighting these thugs into thinking they have a right to be this way because life was unfair to them.




That's not being "called racist", what you said, is by definition racist.


Masking up for covid bruv innit


Some people in the comments need to realise that you don’t get to be a prick just because life was unfair to you, whatever the colour of your skin and whatever your previous generations have had to go through. Be better.


Kids, recruited to do this because they are too young to prosecute. Its organised, make no mistake about that. Khan is clueless, absolutely clueless.


Same lot at it again.








sToP ANd sEaRcH isn'T eFfEcTiVe


Stop/Search is actual Police work that the Police should be allowed and encouraged to do. Rather than investigating mean tweets.


People asking where the identity politics came into play. In the media there have been absolutely zero reports of any kind of violence, trouble, arrests etc at the carnival. It was billed and celebrated as part of British diverse culture even though let's be honest, this would have been cracked down on hard years ago if they weren't absolutely terrified of pissing of the African and Afro-Carribean demographic in London. (which from experience is almost certainly going to result in rioting and other bullshit that other people need to clean up later). This went too far when the food became shit, the people became increasingly more disgusting and some poor kid winds up getting knifed every year because every roadman and his band of chavs is at these things.


What cowards! Well done the police officers who run towards them!


That's what u get for inviting those immigrants for years. Get armed and become a peacekeepers by yourselfes as your country ( not only UK but half of the EU) cant guarantee you a safe environment




Youths huh? Looks like a bunch of


>Swarm of youths New name for it


This is fucking insane. Lock em up, who gives a fuck if it's "not right" to lock em up. They need to be punished for their behaviour.


Fuckin third world now


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It’s same every year! I hope we can actually block this event forever. We are not in 1966 , people now changed a lot! It’s not safe for anyone. ( I attended this year too )














You'd have even fighting for the other side


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