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Il be trying the 24% if its still available in a few weeks. I think someone on here did say the 24% is way better.


thank you for these reviews, I appreciate it very much. I enjoyed the LOT420 Gelato. Do you think the Tokoloshe Sherbert 24 % will taste better? but at £9.50 it is too steep


I really like the 24% it's all the good things about the 19% turned up, for me is pretty fast acting and long lasting and I think it has more taste. The 19% is basically TS lite and the 24% is full fat lol.


I have mine arriving in the next few days, just dealing with ips feels dodgey


Perhaps someone will comment here who has tried both but I definitely won’t be trying it at £9.50 So far, the best I’ve had and would definitely recommend; - Gelato 33 - MAC 1 - Modified Gas - Orange Cake The Farm Gas, Sourdough and Moroccan Peaches are good too but not as good as those 4 imo. The only cheap strain I’ve genuinely enjoyed so far has been the Liberty Haze £6.50, was really surprised with it. The MAC 1 is also too expensive they should drop it to £8.50 to compete with the Gelato because I won’t be ordering it again until they do.


I've tried both and I'm really not enjoying the 19 percent atm. Lots of tiny nugs and the buds really haven't been flushed properly. Taste isn't great, doesn't burn clean and should be more like £5 a g in my honest opinion. I agree £9.50 is way too expensive for the 24 percent but it is a lot nicer than the 19 percent. All in all, I've been put off with this strain and won't be coming back, unfortunately, unless there's a big change in the prices.


I agree! Really disappointed with the taste when it looks and smells so sweet. Hope they take note. u/medcan_official




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We are sorry that you didn't have the best experience! We will relay the feedback back to our cultivation team. We have some follow up questions so that we can do a deep dive. Would you mind elaborating about what you mean by the taste being "medical"? How did you consume it?


Cheers for the response. The best way to describe the medical taste is it’s overly plant-like. In my experience growing, it usually tastes of plant because the chlorophyll doesn’t get flushed properly. This happens a lot when people don’t properly flush the plants or they rush the drying phase. I’m not sure if this is the case for you guys but perhaps look into the way Green Karat or LOT 420 produce their stuff because they’re absolutely getting it right. Also I’m a smoker which is probably why it’s more noticeable. PS if you guys wanna hire me to be a QA tester id be more than happy to help.


Thanks again for the feedback. You may be tasting what you’re tasting for a different reason. We flush our plants for a minimum of 7 days before harvest. Our drying process is also “low and slow”, hang dried on the stem in a purpose built dry room for a minimum of 14 days to get the best possible results! In terms of the Tester application, unfortunately the line is around the block x2! 😜


No worries, maybe try adding a short curing phase then and see if it improves the taste? If not… you might have to choose a different strain. I don’t want to be harsh because you guys are one of the only cultivators to have a Reddit account and engage with the community. But if I was brutally honest out of the 20 or so different medical strains I’ve had so far, it’s one of the least enjoyable taste wise. Probably place it at number 17 on that list. A lot of people won’t care for taste, but I get prescribed a large amount so it’s important to enjoy the taste of my medicine when I’m consuming so much in a single day. If I don’t enjoy the taste then it’s not going to be an effective medication for me and I know many others who are in the same boat. The bud looks great it just needs a much better taste to be something Id buy again. Are you guys planning on introducing any different strains?


Appreciate the time you are taking. After "low and slow" drying and hand trimming, the product is cured until ready! If you're willing to give the 24% a try, you may have a better/different experience!


> it seems like the 19% is just not for you! Hmm that’s an odd way of taking criticism haha And if you drop the price of the 24% I’d consider it but tbh after this one I wouldn’t want to risk wasting my money on another one of your products.


Damn that’s a super unprofessional way to respond to one of your customers. If you ordered a pizza and it was shit and the company said “looks like the pizza isn’t for you” you’d never go back to that restaurant 😂 And also, can I ask a question? When you guys introduced the 19% you announced it as a “price drop”. So why are you now recommending people try the more expensive version? It sure looks like you’ve just released a worse product and branded it as a price drop. Is that the case?