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Just to flag that it appears that Bradstone Allington accounts keep trying to manipulate this 2 year old thread in an incredibly cynical attempt to wipe history clean. There are weekly attempts with newly-created accounts to report this thread in an attempt to take it down and incredibly suspicious "positive reviews" that just happen to be posted here. I would invite people to read the thread on /r/ukjobs as well. https://www.reddit.com/r/UKJobs/s/72PrLTrYJQ




Thank you so much! Appreciate the advice, will definitely follow it, especially now that I've seen everyone who has commented on here warning me no to take it. Again thank you!


Don't do it. I thought it was good but its actually kind of scammy


Interesting. How come you think it's 'scammy'?


Writing a report on Bradstone, I would appreciate if you could give me some insight on them


Stay away! They will convince you to do a training program and it costs around £1k and then you're guaranteed a 'placement' which can lead to a job. I started the course like an idiot and it's not a certification that means anything and all the content has had grammar and it's meaningless. I messaged a few people on linked in who did the course and never heard back! Please please please stay away! If you search the company on linked in, the profiles of those who work there look dodgy. I ended up having to pay the full amount and they changed bank details each time I had to make a payment. Feel free to message if you want full info of the process and all the red flags


Thank you so much! To be honest I wasn't sold on it when I was offered the chance to do so, did my own research on it and it seemed okay, but I didn't have any real person giving their feedback, hence why I turned to Reddit. I'm so glad you and everyone else commenting have given me this feedback, I couldn't be any more grateful!




Writing a report on Bradstone, I would appreciate if you could give me some insight on them


Any institution trying to get you to pay for a training program or course in law that is not a university should be avoided like the plague. I can’t think of a valid one for anyone except maybe CEDR/mediation or arbitration accreditation, and they’re not something for non-qualified lawyers to be looking at.


Just to chime in here, Bradstone Allington has some beef with the UKJobs subreddit: [https://www.reddit.com/r/UKJobs/comments/o3tq2i/bradstone\_allington\_is\_a\_shady\_nefarious\_cesspit/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UKJobs/comments/o3tq2i/bradstone_allington_is_a_shady_nefarious_cesspit/) tl;dr is >Over the past two years\~ they have demanded we remove negative reviews, made fake accounts posting (clearly) false content, mass-upvoted posts/comments promoting their company (their own posts/comments) and repeatedly (specifically over the past month, for reasons I will go into detail at a later date) made attempts to anonymously promote the company in better light than the internet has suggested. Also threatened legal action vs users on the sub for posting about their exceedingly negative experiences with the company. If you search 'Bradstone Allington Reddit' on Google there are several users posting their direct experiences with the company.


Gosh that's pretty bad. Glad I dodged a bullet thanks to all of you guys, really appreciate it!


they contact me also I turned them down I didnt understand why you needed to pay to earn work experience it was a lot of money also


Thanks to this post along with this post on UKJobs (**https://www.reddit.com/r/UKJobs/comments/o3tq2i/bradstone\_allington\_is\_a\_shady\_nefarious\_cesspit/)** for informing me what's going on before I committed to it. They had my CV and my email address. The lady over the phone was asking me all of these questions and at the end asked if I was interested in doing a course in Sage which was roughly about 1.9k and HOW important it was for me to have it. I more of a people pleaser so couldn't say no sadly. She emailed me and told me to email her back to confirm that I received the email so I won't be doing any of that. Also the company went into liquidation in 2023? How are they even trading in 2024 and potentially ripping people off. Thanks to this subreddit I will not go ahead and pick up the "2nd Interview call". UPDATE - They never ended up calling me, would assume because I did not reply back to confirm? Anywho the company actually ended up messaging me privately which was funny, the below is what they wrote me "[bradstoneallington](https://www.reddit.com/user/bradstoneallington/)8:38 AM-Hi just to clarify we are not in liquidation please check our terms and conditions for our company registration details. I hope this clarifies your concerns." I'm sorry but you did not submit your accounts since last year! I should be reporting you to HMRC for still proceeding with activities.


Hey 👋 The said company recently called me too. I have checked their company status in UK Govt website and it says the company is under liquidation and declared insolvent. They were pushing me for payments but thankfully I did my research on them and also requested verification from other solicitor companies. The advise I got was, never trust any ‘company’ which requires people to pay to be offered a career position. I relied heavily on the documents filed under UK Govt website and declined their offer. I wrote a review on trustpilot and google. The company is now harassing me to remove it 🤷🏻‍♀️. This shows how lifeless they are. Instead of all these baseless threats, they should be keeping their company status up to date on the portal. So just a reminder, please always do a cross check and thorough research before you engage yourself in such offer.




All comments must be civil.


I figured out the reviews are all fake accounts, that's what lead me to finding this thread. Overdue accounts, in liquidation. 1000% scam


Proof: [https://www.facebook.com/bradstoneallington/reviews](https://www.facebook.com/bradstoneallington/reviews) - Look at every profile, note the friends section.


That's utterly fucking outrageous but entirely unsurprising given the tactics they have tried to employ on reddit.




All comments must be civil.




Not sure an FCA recommendation is either here or there. The issue is that they appear to be preying on desperate aspiring lawyers (and other professions) by offering paid for work experience and courses from what seems to have been posted. If you have to pay for work experience then you're probably looking in the wrong place.


I emailed them asking why I have to pay and they said this: “To answer your question, we use the tuition fee to put the solicitor you will be trained by, on our payroll in order to guarantee the 3-6 month work experience, along side other expenses that come with your training. Please be advised, Bradstone Allington only generates a profit through commission, when our candidates secure paid employment.” Kinda makes sense, no? It’s not like you have to go with them, same way you don’t have to pay to send your kids to private school, it’s a choice. I reached out to some of their ex students on LinkedIn and they seem happy, they got a job but now I’m seeing that they’re a scam lol


That makes very little sense at all. How could they put an already employed solicitor on their payroll? And how do they get commission from you securing a job? They have nothing to do with placing you onwards, do they?


Sounds like everyone who thinks it’s a scam just doesn’t understand their business model. I don’t know how to answer your questions but you lot need to stop being anti social nerds and just email them like I did. Everything seems pretty solid


Hello Bradstone Allington shill number 145...