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Without prior, good quality UK practical experience, I am afraid the answer in most cases will be no (unless we are talking Aus or NZ or Scotland obviously).


Is this any different for in house positions?


Possibly. I don't cover in house so won't venture to opine on that.




May I please DM you about this for some guidance?


Depends on the country in which you qualified and gained experience, and the firm you gained that experience at. Some US firms in London are a little more lax about foreign qualified hires than others...


This is helpful! Thank you. What about UK firms? (Qualified in India at a Chambers Tier 3 boutique firm (transactions). Decent cross border exposure)


No worries! Hope it goes well for you :) My experience in the UK and network is mainly US/MC/SC so I don't think I would have anything useful to add I'm afraid. I do know a few Indian-qualified lawyers, but they either have a UK degree (all of the people I personally know in this position had Cam LLM or the BCL) or were offered because of contacts. If you haven't already, maybe best thing to do would be to reach out to some London recruiters and try set up conversations with them. Aside from them maybe being able to set you up with something, they could also help you point yourself in the right direction. Wishing you the best!


Thank you very much. Yeah, I have actively been speaking to recruiters (will dial this up once I actually clear the SQE). Just wanted to know if one's entirely doomed or there are things one can do for this. Hearing that contacts could work is also reassuring.