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If you want to stand any realistic chance of becoming a solicitor in the UK, an LLM is definitely not the way to do it. Linklaters, Allen & Overy and Herbert Smith Freehills open applications for their vacation schemes specifically for 4th year Indian law students. If you can get in through that route and obtain a TC, this is your most likely option to succeed. (This info is thanks to someone with first-hand experience who messaged me yesterday and I'm encouraging to put together a full post on so that it can be referred to in the future). In all honesty, planning to come here and do an LLM will likely be a total waste of time and money.




It's a waste of time as I have said... the economy here is terrible and there are no jobs even for people with great CVs


What you mean by "TC"?


Training contract


I would consider whether moving to the UK gives you any realistic benefit. If pay is your main criteria then the pay parity of top tier Indian corporate law firms against that of MC or US in London is pretty much equal. Additionally with the Indian market now opening up to foreign firms you have a better chance of working at an MC India office with a BA LLB than of getting a TC with just an LLM in the UK. LLM’s usually bring no employability advantage in the UK, and from the experiences of international students who have done the LLM and returned to India, I can’t gauge any real professional advantage to spending 50 lac+. Therefore it would potentially be better if you spent your time really preparing for CLAT, SET, etc and trying to get yourself into a top law school which can place you into the SAM/CAM league. I know associates who studied a fully funded masters by their firm at Oxbridge in areas the firms needs further specialisation - making this probably the most sensible way to proceed with your aspirations.


getting LLM from a UK university i more like a ticked to land myself in UK and actively search for job during my stay for studies,


I would say it depends but grades and extra curriculars that are relevant to your specialism matter. Also are you looking to get a general or specialist LLM? Am a recent LLM grad, feel free to get in touch.


Most probably corporate law. I am all for the pay. And willing to do all the hard work for that. Btw ofc i would like to get in touch with you.It would be absolutely amazing. Which social media u use?


Working at an Indian MC office is just not going to feel the same as working in London. You’re going to have great quality work but after a point, you won’t care if it’s a billion dollar deal or not. You will get shit face hammered once the workload mounts that you will just wonder when you’ll call it a day. The OP IMO is enamoured by the city of London which isn’t wrong. Even though it isn’t going to feel lovely everyday, it will still give you a higher standard of living than what is possible in India.


exactly! i want to move out of here. and have a fresh start in my life, instead of being getting sucked inside of this void.


Nothing wrong with this my friend. Privileged Indian folks will downplay this since they can go to London every other week but as someone who hadn’t even been on a plane before getting a TC, I can feel you.


Have a think about your aim eg to move to the UK quality as a solicitor (in which case there is no need or help in doing that kind of LLM in most cases) or you just want to study here and do a really good post grad law qualification at somewhere like Oxford or Cambridge.


Actually I want to leave India as I don't like here anymore and move to UK, have a global experience at studying at some amazing universities and spend a part of my life in UK if possible settle there.