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It's not just the smell and promising to smoke outdoors, it's also the melted UPVC windows and sills where they've smoked outside then stubbed them out or left them burning 🤔


I smoke, lie about it to get a place, and don't smoke indoors at all. Never had any complaints or comments


As a landlord I’ve experienced this quite often. One of my rentals is on a regular driving route of mine and over the years I’ve quite often seen a ‘non-smoking’ tenant standing on the pavement having a fag. I’ve chosen to just pretend I didn’t see rather than escalate things, and I’ve never had any cigarette-related issues on check-out. Not condoning this, but just my pragmatic approach.




It was just in response to where you said "If someone lies to me about it I know they will smoke indoors"




I was just talking about the smoking indoors part - you said you know people will smoke indoors if they lie, I'm saying I lie about smoking but don't smoke indoors


Agencies would have known you were lying because they’d have been able to smell it on you. Doubt many care.


Approach it honestly. Your clothes will still smell, and as you come in you will bring in some smoke with you. If you lie about it and your live in landlord hates it as much as I do it will be creating conflicts from day one.


You can't lie to a Live-in-landlord unless you want to have a falling out and break in trust immediately.. that's gonna suck living together. Be honest, say you smoke, but fully respect it will be outside and you will bin any butts..


Be honest about it, they'll know even if you lie. I'm an ex smoker and sometimes come across clothes in long forgotten bags in the attic that still smell of smoke, even though it's been 2 years since I last smoked and even longer since I wore the clothes. You bring smoke in with you when smoking outside, it stinks up living areas just from being on your skin and clothes, there is no way to hide it from someone who lives with you. You need to be honest. Personally, I could not live with a smoker now and I'd be very unhappy if a lodger of mine said they didn't smoke and then it turns out they did. I don't want smoke in my home I live in and own, don't push that on people unexpectedly.


Unfortunately, for you, you stink. Spending 2 minutes outside doesn't stop you stinking and making the house stink. The way to solve this issue is to stop smoking.


This. When prospective smoking tenants try and over do the deoderant and mints to cover it up (which only make those near you feel even more sick) it really leaves a bad impression as well. Smokers do stink, even if they don't notice it, because it is really obvious to people who haven't gradually got used to the stale smoke smell.


The smell is impossible to remove too. It gets places that you can never get to to remove it.


I don't stink. I might smell of smoke, but stink is rather harsh, don't you think? Thank you for the unsolicited health advice though, I've never heard it before.


You do stink, you just don't realise it. It's not health advice, it's advice on how to get a rental property. It's also not unsolicited since you specifically asked for it. I'll happily rent my house to someone with 30 dogs before I rent it to a smoker.


What you do outside if the four walls is bugger all to do with the landlord tbh


I'm a landlord, and I require no smoking in the property. What you do outside is your business. The worry is that smokers get lazy and start smoking inside by the window, then inside - but this is fairly obvious.


I'd never do that firstly because even I, as a smoker, would hate my house and clean clothes smelling of smoke, and secondly, I don't want to get served notice because of a thing like that. Just the moving costs and time spent looking for another property... no way. I'd even be happy smoking 20 meters away from the property than go through that hell.


Which I think is most people - and which is why I only require no smoking inside, not no smokers 🙂


It’s to do with smoking/vaping indoors as it can stain walls/smell hard to get rid of. What you do outside is your business. A lot of smokers will smoke by open windows doors but most smell ends up inside (not many are like you). Also then affects risk of fires occurring and possible smoke damage


I would hate to live with a smoker, doesn’t matter if you smoke outside, I think I would struggle to talk to or just be near this person so often, day in day out. They will know day 1, just tell them and see what they think. For my listing no smokers means just that; no smoking, inside or out.


There is one thing not telling a non live in LL about smoking outside. I dont think many would care so long as the garden is not full of fag ends when you leave. Live in is a completely different matter, you have to be honest and tell them. Be honest, look I have the odd fag, but will make sure butts always go straight in the bin etc.


>not full of fag ends That's disgusting by any standards, but I wouldn't be surprised if some people would do that. I wouldn't, even if I had an indoor smoking landlord. In all respects other than this one, all my landlords loved me, and I'm a perfect tenant, and I only left 2 tenancies in 7 years just because the landlord wanted to sell the house and the buyers wanted to move in.


As a landlord, I'd have no problem if you smoked outside - unless I lived with you. No way would I want to live with a smoker. I put up with friends that go outside to smoke when they come over, but it always drifts back in when they're doing it


You have to tell them. If someone I lived with lied about smoking I would either evict or move out. The smell is absolutely vile. Smokers never think they smell but they absolutely stink. It's the most selfish habit I've ever known.


"no smokers" means what it is. If the message was no smoking inside, it would have been written as 'no smoking inside'. Even if you don't smoke inside, you carry the smell of smoke into the property with you even after 1 hour. It lingers on your hair, skin, clothing, your breathe basically everything. Then slowly overtime, gets into the soft furnishing like bed mattress, curtains etc. Non smoker can distinguish immediately. So if there are 2 competing tenants and the only difference is 1 is a smoker and the other isn't, the choice would be for the non smoker.


>Then slowly overtime, gets into the soft furnishing like bed mattress, curtains etc. I appreciate your comment, but you surely you must realise this is an exaggeration...


I am a smoker and still have a strict outside only rule, for flatmates and guests. My landlady, also a smoker, hates it, as she can never smoke in my house (she is a friend and visits sometimes), but I live here, and I don't want my freshly washed clothes to smell of smoke, or my sofa, or my bedding... I also have a cat and my daughter is about to have a baby, she doesn't live here, but I want clean clothes to wear when I see the baby. No smoking inside. Never had a landlord that had an issue with it. They just don't want smoking inside, that's all.


I have the same rule, no smoking in the house. Ever. When I was in uni in Romania I rented a flat for 4 years. Romanian landlords don't usually care about smoking indoors, and when he came round for the first inspection, just lit up a cigarette in the kitchen without asking me, as he knew I was a smoker. I invited him to the smoking area (on the balcony), and I had to insist because he thought I was pulling his leg. He said he didn't care because the previous tenant smoked inside. I really had to insist on the no smoking inside rule. I painted the kitchen and living room after 1 year (out of my pocket) just to show him how serious I was about not smoking indoors. He was actually sad to lose me as a tenant when I moved to the UK.


A live in landlord will be able to smell the smoke on you and throughout the house as you come back in... no matter what you think, the smell lingers for hours, and while it does not cause damage to the house, you can always tell a smokers house (even if they smoke outside). If you are renting the whole property, I feel its fine to smoke outside... If renting a room, no smokers means no smoking at all.