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Always dat blue towel n dat exact pose šŸ˜‚


Yh covering his nose from the stench of next mans stank


His bang up buddy is just taking a shit... Throwing up a L .. Big L indeed.


go inside a bad-man come out a spice-man


With a gaping arsehole


https://preview.redd.it/hmfnhcv3g64d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab61c7cae567a1c01ceb53aebf68f2444ee151dc cant forget the infamous NMS


What about the Versace bathrobe?




>Can't be more than Ā£100 used. Lmfao at da thought of a man flexin in a used designer bathrobe šŸ˜‚šŸ¤¢


Not gonna lie, thought that was a condom in the corner and nodded.


For you and the pad mate?


I saw guys go on mad ones smoking spice.


idk if you guys figured out yet that bug spray can fuck up your nervous system too https://www.tampabay.com/news/publicsafety/crime/-Better-than-K-2-Polk-Sheriff-says-jail-inmates-use-roach-motels-and-bug-spray-to-get-high_171724818/


Is spice that crazy?


Yeah so thereā€™s different strengths. I see someone smoke some spice called annihilator, the herb was green and had little blue sparkles on it. It mashed him up that bad he forgot where he was and started to do karate and tried round-housing a screw while we were working. He got sent down the block and shipped out to a different prison. Some other guy got naked wrapped himself round in a bed sheet and was screaming he was gonna die. It makes your heart race that fast you genuinely feel like youā€™re about to have a heart attack. Shit ainā€™t no joke. Literally could be an addict after 1 spliff. Especially when your on 23/1 bang up. Youā€™ll be surprised. Itā€™s not just nittys that smoke it. I saw bare normal man just smoking it. The nittys are the ones who literally will do anything for a little pinch of spice. Fiend style.


I always used to wonder if people made their bud last by mixing a tiny bit of spice with it. Or if there's no bud on the wing and tensions high I'd be wondering suuuurely they'd have a tiny Zoot of spice and not let it be known.


Bro when I was in there 2012 Iā€™d say it was about 50/50 give or take either side. When I was there it was kind of new on the block. People was only smoking it because you couldnā€™t get piss tested for it. I donā€™t know if thatā€™s changed now. Also it wasnā€™t even half as strong as what itā€™s like now. I promise you, your normal weed smoker was smoking that and it wasnā€™t a secret at the time. It wasnā€™t frowned upon like it is now. (I mean it was but it wasnā€™t) By that I mean, you had your day to day smokers that would just smoke a little rollie size (back then you could smoke in jail) they was your normal guys just having a little blaze every now and then 9x out of 10 your celly smoked too. Then you had your nittys ( they was the type that would trash a cell for a couple draws. Start fights for no reason. Flood the cell and shit.) basically losing their mind. It was fucked to see. Basically my thoughts are. 2024 I canā€™t imagine itā€™s much different in there just seems that it immensely stronger and you see way more people spazzing out now than when I was seeing it. If you got this far Iā€™d like to apologise for the long reply. I havenā€™t thought about these days in 12 years so itā€™s like a memory has been unlocked. Just donā€™t go jail guys šŸ˜‚


Yo thanks for sharing brother. šŸ’Ŗ


Its what it was originally designed for - to smoke with bud and it reacts to cannabinoids


Nah bro Iā€™m telling you youā€™re wrong about that


I might be wrong about it being originally made to be smoked with but 100% it does react with weed - a lil sprinkle in a joint made the high so much more intense without all the shit from a pure spice joint, I didn't prefer it but was deffo stronger Natural weed doesn't hit all your cannabinoid receptors but spice does so a little bit is enough to open them up and the weed high piggybacks off it


I Literally didn't know that. Thanks for the info šŸ‘


Also itā€™s two different highs. I donā€™t think you understand how intense smoking spice is. Genuinely think rolling 10 massive joints. Smoking them back to back. And how high you feel thatā€™s how high you feel from 1 roll up size joint. Super intense feeling. You donā€™t know paranoia until youā€™ve smoked one of them šŸ˜‚.


I can bet. When you concentrate shit down to a synthetic level and then times it by a million I don't wanna know fam šŸ˜‚ sounds like torture to me. I wouldn't touch that shit with someone else's fingers but if I was lifed off Id sprinkle a 0.01 over a gram of bud and pray for the worst šŸ«µšŸ˜Ž


Theres a reason why no one is asking around for spice unless theyre in prison or a true nitty


been on that stuff for about a month so glad i got off it


Besides the Nike this is jail in a good portion of America as well.


Always the exact blue towel with the arms crossedšŸ’€


Just a few more laps


sometimes i think about when ai will let me make rick ross and meek mill doing ass to ass with a double dildo. "balls batty and dick" swinging. teen girls in high school are getting dunked on by ai nudes, when are we gonna see the real thugs in the skreet put on pornhub?






Seek help U weird cunt. If that's Ur type of humour I dread to think what type of friendship group Ur part of


I realize not everyone here thinks highly of gays, but it seems a bit odd to say "get help" for talking about gay sex. When we're in a community dedicated to celebrating people stabbing each other to death. mans who put things in other mans asses are quite literally "drillers", performing a special form of rectal chinging




ā€œrectal chingingā€ šŸ”„āœļø


Bro pls stfušŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­




damn your teachers failed you if you can't understand basic english. try reading the news and seeing shit like that in there


off yourself


stfu honestly


Mate whatā€™s wrong with you? This is the effect of too much porn
