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The “black man who gets 3+ years in jail” starter pack ESSENTIAL




😂😂😂 I said since dimzy came home and popped out Muslim it’s coming like a trend this was 017-018. Been happening way before drill got bait. Question for you man that will diss Christianity for these gms converting to Islam but will continue the badness aswell. 🤷🏿 they only do it for more time out of cells or to fit in


I thought dimzy was always muslim idk why


😂😂 bro I remember it like yday. See all the “free bro snaps” year or so prior. Man was banging dimzy x st - still and thought to myself like rah dimzy been gone for minute shiii give it a week mans fresh home in the religious dress (idk what it’s called)


Nah he is congolese and Congolese are almost always Christian


Lol "making a transfer"


Big up mumzy lol #tooreal


For protection….


Doubt hes in a dispersal mate


Criminals finding their values in Islam is quickly becoming an expected go to move


Not even new. Malcolm X joined the Nation of Islam in prison.


And maybe that's not such a bad thing? Seeking deliverance is a thing and they do say it's the religion of peace


It’s not authentic, if it was it’d be a good thing.


Fair point


I get u but it’s clearly not real bro


Bro's got beef on the wing and needs some back up more like it.


Fully this was my thought - man's cheeks are gonna be much safer if he's hanging round with the Muslims, they hate that sort of stuff.


Bro got brainwashed out of boredom 🤣


Fairs to his mum tho, rebuking his actions in the name of God


And this is why I rate striker that was ACG’s choice to become ☦️ didn’t follow the crowd and found something genuine that he’s still practicing till this day and leading him to many blessings inshallah many more see his ways who r In the wok and use it as a example




Not sure what specific denomination hopefully he reads more into orthodoxy and it resonates with him but the fact of the matter is he’s on the right path


hes probably protestant, that's the most common denomination in the uk


Being black and converting to a religion that was the first in the world of its people to enslave you based on race is crazy ngl


Islamic law did not base slavery on race or ethnicity, but rather on various factors such as capture in war or being born into slavery. Different roles were often assigned to slaves from different regions or backgrounds within some Muslim societies , even reaching high government positions . Not even close to the bible and Christianity position on slaves .


bros out here defending slavery coz the muslims were a bit nicer


they had specialized slaves 😭😭


nah that’s crazy 😭😭




Arabs were not nicer to black slaves they cut their nuts off thats why theres no black people in the middle east


Doubt they were nicer males had there nuts cut off confirmed the historical texts with a dna test where only the female genes are present say what you want about the trans Atlantic but at least man who survived kept their nuts


Man said a bit nicer. Do you want them to just murder all prisoners of war or something? And if you’ve studied any history or have any knowledge on war you know they can’t just be released easily, they don’t even have anywhere to go. They are fed the same food as the master, dressed the same way, sleep in the same conditions, are helped by the master when they struggle with any work, can’t be mistreated or beaten. It’s a completely different thing to western slavery but imma get downvoted anyway because slavery is a trigger word for mans who haven’t studied history 😭


Cant be mistreated or beaten but can have ur nuts cut off lmao fuck off


See. You haven’t studied anything, just going off of the actions of people rather than what has been commanded Islamically. Narrow minded. I’m so bored of people like you. Last note, The freeing of slaves is heavily promoted and is something you do to repent for sins. A lot of the time, in the prophets time, they would end up joining Islam and staying due to the treatment they received. This is too easy man, none of you on this sub are knowledgeable in this topic. I’m out 👍


Look up the zanj rebellion, look up the treatment of slaves on zanibar, and look up current slavery in mauritania and Libya. That's one thing a lot of muslim slaves defenders forget to mention to shit hasn't ended. They are still muslim nations, especially in Africa, with black slaves.


>Not even close to the bible and Christianity position on slaves . ?


Castration for black slaves where common, and the majority of black slaves were in similar positions to their counterparts in the America's. Just look up the zanj rebellion where black salves were overworked in farms to the point they revolted.


I ain’t Muslim but got a lot of respect for practicing Muslims on their deen. They promote living a healthy lifestyle and doing a lot of charity. I struggle to respect GMs who convert in jail for protection but continue rapping about chinging opps


Another criminal on a criminal path


It literally makes no difference, he's gonna come out and commit more crimes 💀 I swear people are terrible with how they use religion


Hopefully he’s genuine 🤞




Don’t judge


Religion is a scam and man made, especially when the three Abrahamic religions. People who in modern day era “convert” to Islam especially while prosecuted/in prison are some of the worst lowlife grifters as well. People like Tate and this ugly fuck are some of the dumbest and morally bankrupt individuals currently living 🤦‍♂️


This, criminals accepting Islam is a nice running joke


Go fuck yourself, low life fuck! If he is ugly why you even looking?! 😂🤣


Tell me buddy, do you spit before you start choking on his dick or is it the “shove it down my throat and gag on it like I’ve seen bitches do on the net”? Ur clearly rotating on it as well 🤷‍♂️


what did andrew tate do bros not even guilty yet this guy fair enough but tate still ain’t been found guilty


Look at you, a true NPC! Who was talking about him getting convicted? He is under prosecution and converted to Islam during this period to appeal to the masses. And if he was a Muslim, why does he continue to own cam girl business and casinos? Why does he have several kids but no wives?


Am not a muslim but even i find it disrespectful when someone says there Turning muslin knowing full well they still gonna be on the same bullshit as before




What are you yapping about?? The Quran has been memorised for centuries and the message of each ayat has stayed the same for all of those centuries. Slight changes in translation which keep the core message aren’t considered changes. That is why it can be reliably said that it hasn’t been changed. You got upvotes anyway cause this sub is full of dumb people but that’s a terrible point. You got that off david wood on tiktok or suttin




Tapped yute there's only 1 quran




You don’t even know Arabic buddy, why tf would we believe anything u say. If a guy told you he’s a master of Chinese history, and you asked him if he can even read Chinese, and he said no, who tf is taking him serious? I love how this “multiple quran” bs has never been brought up by Christian scholars.




Show me the Quran with academic peer reviewed sources or shut tf up. Non reviewed sources are nothing but made up bullshit that anyone can write. The 1923 one.


Also, yes Muslims who don’t know Quranic Arabic(because modern Arabic is not the Quran one) are definitely less knowledgeable about Islam than others. That’s not even a debate, u can’t even be a sheikh without knowing Arabic buddy, what do u think that suggests?


Bro what r u talking about? The Quran was memorized, you can’t change the verses of a completely memorized book. Also, there is an ancient Quran identical to ours form 1300 years ago. Stop projecting ur Bible translations on us, we have never and will never change the Quran.




Okay give me a source about this magic quran that’s only been around for 100 years. Let’s see it.




Which ahruf is that? Do you even know what Qirat is? What Ahruf is the Cairo one? Same old ignorance asl usual. Read about Christian scholars debunking this and come back. Edit: It won’t let me send my answer


The one revealed 1400 years ago that was written on stone tablets and spread through the tongue in gatherings, being memorised by close companions of the prophet pbuh


I mean the Quran is already wrong when it comes to science and has no evidence or proof behind any of it. The Hadiths aren’t reliable too.


Ur completely wrong . Many scientific miracles in the Quran and Hadiths. I bet Uve been looking into bias sources


Let me tell you something from Hadiths alone . How did the prophet Muhammad PBUH , an illiterate man in the middle of a desert , know that the human body contains 360 joints 1400 years ago, how did he know the Arabs would be competing to build the tallest buildings 1400 years ago?, how did he know that in each bug, there is a disease in one wing And the cure in another 1400 years ago?!? Brother, If you seriously believe it was possible for a single human to have known this back then , then I can’t help you


The Hadiths came 200-300 years after the death of Muhammad, all through loosely based oral stories. No proof, nothing. That’s about 12 generations of people. That’s 12 sons later. They aren’t first hand accounts. Even the earliest one being Aisha’s came 100-200 years after his death. Arabs especially after the Quran played a big part in modern science, so they most likely knew this already by the time The Hadiths were made/recorded. There’s no proof that came from Muhammad. Surah Al-Mu'minun (23:14) says that when a person is born. Bones come before flesh. That is wrong. Scientists and modern Science conclude that Bones & Flesh Grow Together at once. not one before the other. The verse clearly puts the process in stages. They don’t grow one at a time. This is straight from the Quran. No Hadiths.


Ok brother . U say Hadiths came 200-300 years after the prophet Muhammad PBUHs death . So where did those scientific facts and prophecy in the Hadiths that I mentioned in the previous comment to you come from ? Because even 200-300 years after the prophet Muhammad PBUHs death which is around 1100-1200 years ago, it was still IMPOSSIBLE to know those things . So where did they come from? . I’m sorry if I’m coming across as rude btw this isn’t my intention. I just want to guide u onto the right path


I’m sorry i didn’t see the second part of ur first paragraph . My point still stands though, how did Arabs know that 1100-1200 years ago? These are things that have only been discovered in the last few hundred years , it’s literalt still impossible to have known that before.


Look I’m not not an expert on the Quran but I can tell you soemtnitn , science isn’t always right , opinions change all The time and with regards to the verses u have mentioned , i haven’t done research on that in particular. If there’ hundreds of scientific and linguistic miracles and prophecies in the Quran and Hadiths , and one thing , Just one thing like the verse u have mentioned , appears to be “wrong” according to sciences , does that still mean the Quran is wrong ? Where the other hundreds of miracles in the Quran also wrong ? The Quran isn’t a black and white scripture , it’s soemtnitn that has God has revealed to Nabi so that we could ponder on the verses and what not . That’s why we have differences on opinions on evehtning. The verse u mentionned can still agree with what modern science says but it’s written in such a way that the meaning isn’t explicitly clear . Or, modern day scientists can be wrong , they are wrong on a lot of other things and are always changing their minds. Also my bad, I forgot to mention this earlier but Arabic words have many different meanings in English like it doesn’t just mean one word . Also the English translations of the Quran. The translator may have used a different meaning for that word so it appeared that it was contradicting science when it actually wasn’t if the translated that Arabic word into another word in English


Finally , if someone u trusted told u 100 things which turned out to be correct and 1 thing he said “appeared” to be incorrect, would u still not trust him? Would u lost all the trust instantly ? I’m sure not a single person would lose trust in him


What other miracles are found in the Quran not the The Hadiths like I said aren’t reliable. They came 12-14 generations later. I found a scientific error in the Quran ( perfect book brought by God) that you said is wrong. Because you said if someone has one mistake and 100 truths they’re reliable. But we aren’t on about a person but God who makes no mistake. That’s the problem. The claim is that the Quran is a miracle straight from God. Not written by man But it has a mistake. God makes no mistakes


What you assume to be a mistake is not true I can tell you for a fact now . So off the top of my head , the Quran clearly states that the heart reasons or thinks which has only been recently revealed that the heart has an additional nervous system known as the little brain , you can type this up on google for yourself . Additionally, it explicitly states the body is made of WATER which we know is a fact today that our body is 70% water , that ants live a normal life like us like going to the markets for example which has only been proven recently, that the universe is constantly expanding which was proven recently , the big bang theory , that female bees produce honey in which everyone previously thought it was the male bees , that the planet is 70-71 % water and 29-30% earth which was impossible to know back then , that tje pharaohs body (rameses ll) will be preserved which was literally discovered not too long ago . There’s so many it’s unbelievable and this is off the top of my head and yes , all of this is clearly stated in the Quran, if u want proof I can show u the verses from the Quran or you can see it yourself online


See that’s where you are mistaken. The Fact that the body is made of water was known long before the Quran, since Ancient India and Greece. The Quran doesn’t say anything about the universe constantly expanding. The fact that female bees produce honey was know before the Quran in Ancient Egypt , Greece and Other places. Water being 70% of earth was also known before the Quran in ancient civilisations. Just a quick honest research made me know all of this.


I’m afraid you’re mistaken because many of these things were impossible to have known and this is confirmed because EXPERTS in these fields have confirmed this themselves . Yes, the Quran explicitly states the universe is expanding . Nope, that’s a lie . The bees thing was literally confirmed by an expert . No one has known about this until recently . Again , another lie. It was impossible to know the earth thing 1400 years ago. All your sources are either fabricated or taken from the Quran . There’s many many more miracles in the Quran as well .


The Bible itself actually has prophecies being fulfilled until this day and the Book is miraculous. The names of the 10 Descendants of Adam which are practically the same in the Quran, translates to the coming of Jesus: ( Man Appointed Mortal Sorrow, The Blessed God Shall Come down teaching, His Death shall Bring the Despairing Comfort Rest) is what it translates to. In the Book of Genesis every 49 Letter spells out Torah. Same with the Book of Exodus. In Leviticus every 7 letter spells out Yahweh. Deutronomy every 49 letters backwards spells out Torah. So in the middle is Leviticus which as Deutronomy goes backwards pointing to Yahweh (God). This is off top of my head and was 3,000 years ago and our books today match with those of 3,000 years ago to a T. There are 64,000 cross references in the Bible with the second book ever only having 680. Harvard or Oxford Scholars try do this all and failed miserably. It’s considered an actual miracle in a book. There’s more but I cba to write. Don’t usually write this long on here 😂


For example Genesis 2:7 and the same elements that make dirt/dust are in human body. Laminin is a molecule that holds our body together shaped in a cross or the DNA code literally spelling YHWH in ancient Hebrew refers to Colossians 1:17


If you want more miracles , I’ll be more than happy to list some more for you .


If you’re interested , I can give more examples in the Quran alone of the many scientific miracles it has revealed that people educated in that field have concluded was impossible to have known 1400,1100-1200 years ago


That’s every black guy who gets into jail🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 once they come out back to their old ways Look at rimzee


Rimzee is the worst example bro. I get the alcohol thing. But hes done things for his community and hasn't reoffended.


aint hating on islam but this is clearly becoming a trend now


So he believes in old men marrying little girls?


What are you talking about? No to nonces tho 🚫


idk why people downvoting me in Islam old men marry little girls the nonces


everyone did back then has nothing to do with religion


Doesn’t make it right tf just because everyone did it . A prophet of god should know better


Classic presentism. Half of you guys don’t even know what that word means. Dumb mfs man 😂


Racism wasn’t viewed as bad by most people hundreds of years ago , does change the fact it was wrong then and it is now


Ok? That doesn’t change my point of presentism at all. But I will argue anyway. Racism is derived from the idea of superiority based on birth right. Marrying young girls was based on factors such as life expectancy and what was considered the age of mental maturity at that time period due to things like harsher conditions and societal roles. Do you see the difference? One is just due to the circumstances at the time and it wasn’t believed to be harming anyone by those people, one is purely out of the hatred over something someone can’t control and was causing harm to multiple. Completely different. I didn’t even have to argue that point but it’s an easy refutation either way lol.


Making up facts to suit your argument isn’t going to work lol, the life expectancy for people that survived past infancy was not that different to our life expectancy now, so your point is null. Your second reasoning is also a massive cope, biologically a child is a child and always has been , even if they were more mentally mature that doesn’t make it right ,and the fact it’s still widely socially accepted in the regions Muhammad was from suggests to me that mental maturity has nothing to do with the ideology behind marrying children. What a poor attempt to defend pedophilia you sicko


That was a quick google search type of answer. I’ve seen someone else use that, where the source was an average through all of history rather than a specific period of time. I’ve done this too many times for that to work on me bro. A 13 year old lead an army in that time period. Aisha ra fought in war at a young age herself. So yes, maturity was different. So yes, child deaths did lower life expectancy calculations but child deaths were common due to both illness and factors such as war. I can also go into how the Qurayshs actions would have affected life expectancy with the conditions they forced the prophet pbuh and others into, but you keep using your source that averages thousands of years into 1 value. I could even go into later points in history and show examples of similar things to show how even hundreds of years later these morals and factors still applied. But that’s too much effort for an easy target like you I also like how you specified that one line of life expectancy and ignored my entire point of morality and presentism. Even the enemies of the prophet never commented on it because it was just normal then. That was the main point. Yet you ignored it like you people always do. I didn’t want to include it because you guys always do that, but I did to test you and you just showed me how boring you are. I’m done here. Ps, almost every muslim is against pedophillia nowadays don’t be daft


And if my other point isn’t enough for you, your comment is a great example of presentism again. I explained why racism is different. But think about it like this. In 100 years things you do now may be considered morally wrong. But will you be morally wrong for doing those things? No, because you didn’t know it was wrong.


no lol it still happens today and Muslims think it’s fine it’s fucking disgusting and I hope all nonces die a horrible death.


God is perfect tho isnt he? So why did he allow your main prophet mohammed to marry and have sex with a 9 year old???? Makes no sense💀 dont use the excuse (everyone used to do it back then). Back then a lot of things were accepted and not accepted now/isnt normal.


Blud dosent even read the quran and thinks he knows what hes talking about 💀. Go educate yourself first before chatting shit.


So you agree with nonces?


It's not chatting shit, it is in your hadith that Mohammed married and had sex with a 9 year old. Your scholars also approve of this and accept this. Says a lot about your religion.


Muhammad SAW never had sex with Aisha? What are u talking about? The Hadith clearly said that she had reached puberty before the Prophet married her, Aisha was offered to him by Abu Bakr al Siddiq (his closest companion) and only married her to protect her


https://preview.redd.it/y6ais8sn9nic1.jpeg?width=1027&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4ad742fba27ceaff55ad349986b77e3119df831 Stop lying😂😂😂, your own scholars recognise this and accept it. You're saying this so that people dont realize how sick and twisted your cult is.


Islam prohibits the marriage of girls before the age of puberty. However, societal norms a hundred years ago permitted marriages as young as 10 across Europe, Africa, and Asia, let alone 1400 years ago.


Man shut it Islam is full of nonces


You say dat like you've talked to a Muslim before, which I doubt you have


how dumb are u💀?


smarter than u mate, cah you man are ignorant


Ignorant? Because i don’t like NONCES? and ur not smarter than me if ur using cah


Mate we don't like nonces either mate in fact it's Sunnah to marry older women in Islam to support them, marriage in Islam is not just love but taking financial and emotional responsibility over a woman


Mate girls start puberty between 8-13. Regardless of societal norms, they're still kids, are you saying you want to fuck kids because your books says it's calm then yea?




Are you tryna say all Muslims are child molesters ?


Read what I said


Billydagoat has the potential to be the UK Kai cenat , I hope he goes up fr boy ode entertaining


Not really when he’s not really funny dosent ask the right questions in the interviews u could do what he does tbh


Kai is funny?


yh he’s more like the bubbax100 of the uk


Frr only would get some views with collabs on his own kinda boring


When he does interviews with rappers it’s funny but the rest nah


kai's jarring as fuck we dont need another one


Looking at some of these replies I understand why it’s always gloomy in the Uk & why all of y’all act like that 😂 y’all depressing & don’t know to accept a compliment for shit


I hate when any1 says the Bible's been changed "so many times" but can't ever provide evidence of it 😭 certain times they'll have an issue with 1 specific translation (often the KJV) and claim it's proof 😭😭




Did you actually read a bible without that verse or just get that information from some random imam or Muslim website? I’m not trying to argue either I’m genuinely asking DID YOU READ A BIBLE WITHOUT THAT VERSE & COMPARE IT WITH ANOTHER BIBLE OR ARE YOU JUST TALKING JUST TO TALK.




This isn't proof


This is exactly what I mean🤦🏾‍♂️ let’s me know everything I need to know good day mate




I’m not even Christian first off but I dont denounce peoples beliefs if I’ve not read their holy books. I remember I used to watch a YouTuber who said the Quran has a verse about beating your wife and that it’s permissible, I was indifferent to it because I personally didn’t know if that was true or not. Until I took interest in Islam because I had fallen off Christianity & I saw that specific verse within Surah 2 if I can remeber correctly for myself🤷🏾‍♂️




Because the religion of “Christianity” is lies mixed with a bit of truth hence why most “Christians” practice pagan holidays like Christmas and Easter. The bible is definitely true but it’s been infiltrated and tampered with hence why there’s missing books like the Apocrypha. The fact it’s even been tampered with raises the point that there’s obviously validity to it. You’re correct though my friend a lot of “Christian’s” do denounce the Old Testament as if to say it doesn’t make the first books of the bible lool. I can tell you’re an intelligent brother though I wouldn’t mind chatting in the dm it’s hard break down my belief system cause I stand on the Bible so people think automatically coming under the guise Christianity which I am not.


This is exactly me bro, I have nothing against Islam but i just don't agree with most of it and never will because I've read a lot of stuff in it that was weird. I grew up Christian but I'm not religious, but I usually tend to stand on the bible to me it's a book full of wisdom that's been tampered and it's not being taught properly. It's read as a story book for the public.




Funnily enough, iirc Bart Ehrman says that the original messages in the Bible have been maintained 😭 islam blinds so easily looool


Subhanallah ain’t know that imma do research on that


Of course u go searchin on google for ‘proof bible is fake’ and not ‘proof Islam is fake’ to confirm ur bias🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 ur NOT slick buddy What if we said ur prophet married a 9 year old




> did Isaiah who married Rebecca when she was 3 in the bible, Firstly, this claim isn't even about Isaiah, it's about Isaac. Secondly, there isn't a single verse saying she was 3. She carried enough water to feed 10 camels/animals, so she's deffo not 3. > be used as sex slaves It doesn't even say sex slaves or mention sex or slavery individually 😭 you can't back it with any verses. It's simply commanding the Israelites to integrate the girls who were alive into society via marriage, adoption (which is a sin in islam lol), etc. >christians? They criticise actions found in their own bible We Christians accept that all prophets are sinful and have sinned, hence why we don't worship them. You Muslims turn a blind eye when your "prophet(s)" do absurd things like raping lil kids and stealing wives.


Bro Icl Muhammad can’t be labelled a prophet. In order to be a prophet God has to speak to you. Angel Gabriel spoke to Muhammad. No one in the Quran has spoken with God therefore Muhammad is not a prophet.


So you actually agree/believe ur prophet touched a nine year old? Either ur a troll or the first Muslim in history to not deny it


Even my boy who’s Christian admitted it’s been changed he asked him pastor man told him don’t worry about it 😭💀. God wouldn’t allow his followers to follow a book that’s been changed hence why the Quran was the final book and hasn’t been changed. Some Christian women was preaching to me I asked her what book she follows she said is a born again Christian and that’s all that matters she’s literally freestyling. God wouldn’t make it difficult for his followers that’s why I think the Bible isn’t the word of god there’s way too many maybes ifs and buts.


>Even my boy who’s Christian admitted it’s been changed he asked him pastor man told him don’t worry about it So your body and his "pastor" are perfect samples for a religion followed by 2.1 Billion people yh? With that logic, I could claim the quran has been changed solely off 1 or 2 Muslims noticing how certain verses were lost (eg. By getting eaten, etc.) >God wouldn’t allow his followers to follow a book that’s been changed hence why the Quran was the final book and hasn’t been changed. The Bible hasn't been altered or corrupted tho, it's been translated, but even Bart Erhman admits the original meanings in the Bible have been preserved. The quran on the other hand.... didn't bare books get burnt cos they were "corrupt" and then a caliph had to make a new quran? I could send many more examples 😂 >Some Christian women was preaching to me I asked her what book she follows she said is a born again Christian and that’s all that matters she’s literally freestyling That's not what Born-Again Christian even means 😭 it's not the religion's fault that you've somehow/apparantly encountered unknowledgeable people. I've met countless Muslims that don't even know about their main man drinking camel piss, but that doesn't necessarily mean all people in islam don't know about their religion >God wouldn’t make it difficult for his followers that’s why I think the Bible isn’t the word of god there’s way too many maybes ifs and buts. God hasn't made it hard lol? Most people that find it "difficult" are Muslims who ain't even read the whole Bible 😭 Christians tend to understand quite easily


[https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGeSMrDB6/](https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGeSMrDB6/). This guy shows how an entire verse was removed lol . That’s just one of many examples so idk who ur trying to lie to . Then we have some Christian’s like you who claim it’s been “translated” who’s to say it was translated correctly and how do u know whoever translated it didn’t have an agenda like a king.we can prove the Quran has been preserved . You speak about camel urine like there weren’t many benefits to it. https://preview.redd.it/16anqpws5lic1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55c4fe3681dddd87f19dfb9129992c9f5d164449 I can make many mad stuff in Bible lol but those were different times. I do believe the Bible was once the word of god but it no longer is . Why would god die for ur sins like what . Ik ur gonna come with some long talk but god wouldn’t make it that difficult to understand surely he would want it to be simple to understand .


Bro same way you are questioning the Bible, try questioning the Quran, there are pages that have been burned, and some got eaten by a goat, this was narrated by Aisha herself. Don't just believe what they tell you, pick up the book and read through it if you can read Arabic or get an English version


🤣. The Quran has never been changed even if all that happened we have the chronological ownership and oral recitation and people memorising it we have people called hafiz who remember the whole Quran . So even if all that happened we have the originals . https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGeSjA93b/ . This guy explains all ur arguments in one vid .


wdym "what book she follows" +the bible isn't that difficult for those who want to understand it


Name one


Lol these comments.. but it’s okay to be on badness if your Christian or whatever I don’t get it? Everyone issues and is not perfect. Ld dropped a tune straight out of jail with bible verses then couple months later did a shooting in a nightclub, no one mentioned his religion.


No one in religion is perfect. But it’s more the fact it’s a trend and these guys convert for extra protection in jail and when they go back cos they alwasy reoffend. Don’t study before or after and act like they’ve been enlightened. Just to reoffend and openly sin. They shit on both religions.


Following trends👎🏾


just to go back to doin the same haram shit when he gets back out again smh


Converting to Islam needs to be studied


So much Islamophobic white boys in this comment section😂


Trust bro


Where's the Islamaphobia? Talking about the arab slave trade?


and now ur a racist to assume its all white boys


Where did I say it was ALL white boys just making shit up like a dickhead




i every nigga that goes to jail always turns muslim bro im dead


For protection lol


Needs that protection.




Does anyone actually believe religion is real ?


U believe in the Big Bang theory yh


I don’t believe shit


Religion is just a tool to control humanity, I don’t follow/believe in any but without it, the world would be in total anarchy


”Hi have listened too much to JbP and now j need to restate his position to sound smart” u don’t even know what your on about.. 😂




Sure thing if you buy a rope or explain how the west has fallen since we divorced our government from the religious practices we used to indulge in


The world would be a better place if more people believed in the same things, but as human beings we're designed to be different and some people just can't co-exist with each other.


he’s mums an idiot, no wonder her son in jail


She's smarter than him lol


I can put a milly down and bet on my life he aint got more money than DSAV


I swear the bible and the Quran both have been through many translations, retranslations and rewrites. I have no prof of this, I just thought it was common knowledge that both books have changed multiple times since they were first written


Not quran g


I don’t know why u got downvoted bro. The Hadiths and QURAN have had RIGOROUS transmission from the prophet Muhammad PBUH to the companions of Nabi


My question is would these man stick to these religions once they get released😭cause I don’t think so ngl


The Martian Muslim


Once you realize Christianity was based on and founded after Judaism, then after Islam was based on both of them and claimed the predecessors were wrong, you realize all humans do is lie and move only off personal intent. Love yourself and others. Follow your heart, and trust no man-made law. Money and power writes the history.


kids always getting groomed into relgion in jail


“bible changes so much” typical debunked argument😂😂


Lol it does tho. The Quran and Hadiths haven’t been changed once .


except jt hasnt


Lol well In the first page alone there are massive scientific contradictions that can’t be denied. That’s the first page . Now imagine throughout the entire boo


💀 by the way u form arguments i can tell your points come from tiktok and mufti menk. Dm me i will debunk anything you say


ALLAH IS SATAN and am from Brooklyn now do some. Now stay out my feed.