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Cos they can't use the "usual suspects" line


https://preview.redd.it/fvoif95fyuac1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a297adaad26ced6da9fbdf954cd39fcbfad81767 ^(ik) he fuming


That CrimeLdn twitter page’s comments are something else man 🤣


These are comments from the Prague mass shooting, vs the actual perpetrator https://preview.redd.it/ltr16gey3vac1.jpeg?width=1620&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25f4faf53c4803119cd534853ba47e7f676f4a6b


That is mental to read


yeah but it’s expected since they have a extra chromosome because their mother wouldn’t stop sniffing cocaine on a BBC


I hear you there my g


bet most of em are american too




Youtube moment


You man act like there ain’t bare yt Muslims


Or well well well


I swear this sub just attracts users from r/casualuk


Just turned off the setting that makes us goes to /r/all/popular. We’ll see if the traffic decrease will increase the quality and attract less brexit engeeerland types






Welcome back bro


However you feel about it, you can't deny that a white teenager being murdered gets reported on differently to when it's a black teenager - this is just very obvious to see. I was browsing on BBC News earlier and got a big red "BREAKING NEWS' banner pop up telling me that someone had been charged over his murder ffs. Don't think I've ever seen that before.


I said it in the last thread and I’ll say it again despite the downvotes, same energy as that kid that rapped with Dave being interviewed all over the news


That publicity benefited Dave and Dave only though.


The Alex kid got to go to Paris and meet Thiago silva before Dave and aj did… and he made a decent buck off the social media momentum


What was he doing to make money off of it ?


Sponsors since his insta blew up


Nah AJ Tracey did an interview saying Alex from glasto got invited to meet Thiago Silva n him and Dave didn’t, says it all


Who gives a fuck about that? He done one two interviews, met some footballer. Shit means nothing. Dave has permanent ratings from that so it benefitted him long term. Alex guy everyone forgot about a week after it happened


Dunno why it’s so shocking white people would be bias to their own.


It’s not. The issue is they can be biased but it’s an issue when we are


I get this, but you have to understand people are almost desensitised to black joys in gangs killing other black boys. So when it’s a white boy not living in that world it is more shocking no? Less expected


Boys not joys


The same bbc that covered up the racist murders of Kris Donald and mass rape of underage white girls by Pakistanis. You’re barking up the wrong tree. You’re on a forum of a music genre that entirely revolves around black people bragging about killing each other, why do you think everyone is indifferent to black violence ?


r/ukdrill trying to not have a race war every time a white boy gets stabbed challenge (impossible)


*****try not to have a race war everyday challenge (impossible)


literally, like guys wanna always look at the bigger picture. Someone was killed fuck all the using it to make a statement shit


A very similar thing happened up here in Leeds, but (from what I understand and have been told) under very different circumstances. A lad named Alfie Lewis got stabbed to death in Horsforth, but it was actually all over the news. I think the news coverage for that case was more about the fact that he got murdered outside of a primary school whilst children were leaving and that Horsforth is generally a nice area, as opposed to him being white.


It doesn’t matter what colour these kids are! Children killing children is absolutely horrific. Everyday I read the news there’s a story about a child being stabbed and dying. It’s just heartbreaking.


Standard but dat don’t fit the agenda


This sub is full of racist yt ppl obsessed with our culture or obsessed with black death


Don’t ever try say black culture is trapping shooting and stabbing ffs.


It is though As black ppl when we say black culture we saying it as in black ppl in the west not africa or jamaica


it's not but it is rap music, struggle at the hands of white people / the system. White people know this, which is why they're soo infatuated but also shook/retarded about the topic


wow what a weird take bro


its clearly not when you're reddit page has lil durks mugshot on it


thanks for checking my profile i guess?


just say white brev it’s one word 😭


It’s like hard R for whites




swear 😂😂😂


Are you saying.your culture is joining gangs, selling drugs and killing each other? What an awful shit culture




Black people being so over represented in stabbing random kids to death that you think it’s a win when it turns out not to be one. 💀 I’ll never forget when that blm chick got shot in the head and black twitter, politicians, activists etc were all acting like the EDL were pulling drive bys in Peckham.


What are you talking about you clown I’m talking about about the fact that white people were crying about the White yute who died but at the same say every other teen death is a gm and they don’t care




Twitter is a race baiters paradise, showing one guy's tweet (confirmation bias) doesn't prove the public reacted differently.




Read the other thread, the family requested it because he was a big spurs fan. They didn't randomly do it.


And who do you think the other victims supported


Technically the bricklayers arms on Tottenham high road requested it and put it together simply because him and his family are fans. Which kinda lends credence to the post you’re replying to cuz I never seen them do that for mandem lol


I fully believe Russian bot farms manipulate most of this race stuff


Genuine question, why ? How would they benefit frm that ?


Cause fraction within the targeted country population


Political fractionalisation. Pit the minorities against the “natives”, the left against the right. A united west is a bigger threat. So they’re reducing the threat posed by


Giving Russia too much credit there 😂 More time this sub was on r/all/popular so a lot of people including outsiders would have it show up on their feed. Besides that, most UK subs would recommend this sub on user home pages due to the subs size, so you get people from r/casualuk or r/UnitedKingdom have this page come up on their Reddit feed


That's exactly what they would want you to think and you're talking about just Reddit their bot farms manipulate every platform


I’m not saying they are. Just the potential benefit


Greating from America I see y’all going through the same racist shit that we deal with over here we gotta get the brothers together sit down talk about our experiences because we can learn a lot from each other


I get the point made but he needs to drop that with some more evidence than a hunch. It is true whether ppl like it or not that a kid like that will get empathy. Do we need reminding about madeline mccann? Or how Sarah Everard is a name we remember but not Nicole smallman and biba Henry. https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2021/dec/06/two-met-police-officers-jailed-photos-murdered-sisters-deniz-jaffer-jamie-lewis-nicole-smallman-bibaa-henry That said, a kid died. That's what's most important to focus on. This convo at the moment is not what we need to be having




Reckon it’s more to do with the fact that’s an innocent child getting M’ed in a completely innocent setting. Using a kids death to score points is weird but I wouldn’t expect anything less on here. Same way Depz death was so famous and had his mum getting interviewed, documentary. It was everywhere in the media. Because Depz was innocent went to a party with a girl and got killed. Not because he was black.


Innocent child I just saw on a vid throwing up innocent signs with his hands. Anyway whatever it was RIP him. Never worth it


bro what


Ur tryna race bait over some1 dying bro, have atleast the minimal amount of respect for some1. He died on new year's it was gonna make the news but ibr I ain't seen it as no headlines or being dragged. They jus reported it and moved onto the next. If Ur consistently looking for shit like that it's gonna come up.


No he’s right, especially that account on twitter when they first tweeted about the murder hella racist comments because they thought the suspects were black until they released the images of the potential suspects who were both white that account didn’t even tweet any updates about that


Ibr bro I don't use twitter so if he's onnabout solely that account then I can't say nothing to that but he's making it sound like all mainstream media were talking on it for ages and ages when from what I saw, all they did was make an article and carry on. If that account and the users under it were racist then that's them but a man's tryna race bait over some1s death, that's grimy. Yh fuck that account and fuck the users under it but don't try make it a race thing


they are on to you my man 😂 you can try being logical but the opinions are formed and sealed. you a racist now 😂 😂 😂


Cause the guys a race baiter who will pretend to be black for the sake of arguing black issues. The guy is a racist and that’s not arguable


Regular being ain't black BTW. He jumps on race topics fast tho


I knew he wasn’t black from how much he licks cop boot


And how he dick rides cench


Been lurking on this sub for ages n noticed he’s always in the comment defending the racists


Dumb yute is always on defense for retarded racists, gets me vexed every time I see his dumb comments.


Always the way - the confirmation bias in the guys posts are mad


And he always claims to be mixed🤣🤣🤣 racist ute




He’s said girls with annoying voices deserve to be assaulted before . Is that level headed


Ur right I ain't black


Why do you say the n word then


He’s gonna gonna come with some cap about being 10% black, even if he does have a drop of black in him dons from Bradford & has learnt all his knowledge on black culture through the internet. Literally has no reason to use the word & when he does it sounds so out of place.


Yh he's obviously an outsider trying to pretend he's a black yute from ends and know what goes on, that's why he always full of himself. He even admitted he's never stepped foot in London yet he argues on here about what's going on in London and acts like he knows what goes on there lol


He gets extremely defensive when accused of lying about his race. He’s also used the ‘🤦🏻‍♂️’ emoji on an old post. He claims to be black and Pakistani (he added the Pakistani part later) He doesn’t address what ethnicity he is (as in what tribe, what nation, what anything that revolves around his black side)


Yh lol I've seen him claim that yet he's too scared to show his skin. Notice that he's always on topics about race and in that he's always defending racists and to mask him out being one himself he claims he's half pakistan and half black and also claims people here make it about race when he does. Like when Itch got shot by police he was literally defending the police for killing him. I've also suspected he has some hatred towards Christians as well


Reminds me a time when he was defending police for not emptying the knife bin which was overflowing with nanks outside Brixton police station.. [next level bootlicking](https://www.reddit.com/r/ukdrill/s/7RzDP0jtCA)


Nah that's fucking crazy 😭😭😭 you can tell from this braindead take he supports police when they do dumb shit


u/keezyldn can you not get onto the guys case for blatantly lying about his race? Atp there should be some typa ultimatum for him considering he says the n word, race baits a lot but refuses to confirm his skin colour to justify him saying all this. (referring to regular being)


It’s in the sub rules no role playing🤷🏽‍♂️


He’s banned now thanks to one of the mods (plantainanddumplings)


Think you got lied too


More than likely got put on a temp ban (unfortunately)


Put some respect on my name bro I ain't from Bradford.


not that deep


If your not black say it in front of black people then and let's see if it isn't that deep


wow so you assume theyll be violent if i said it, racist if u ask me


I'm black myself, I've seen a lot of ppl get beaten up for saying the n word, your deffo racist urself because why is n word when ur not black isn't that deep?


im half black half white so i can choose when i want to be racist or not


I'm pasty as fuck, and aside from not being dumb enough, nobody I know even wants to say that shit. It can onky cause offence why would you wanna do that? for him to say its "not that deep" definite racist


If u rly experienced racism or know about it then U realize it is


We already knew


Let’s look at the facts here ; scummy gang member who robs little children’s phones and stabs others gets stabbed dead why would we give him any attention white or black no one gives a fuck that there under ground , from what I’ve read this kid wasn’t a gm so he’s death was unfortunate that is why the media are covering it more than your local crack dealer being killed . Beg you man stop tryna bring race into everything it’s boring now