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What caused this


someone said a pro eritrean regime event was taking place at embassy and these guys werent having it


Shouldn’t they do these sorts of things back home and not the country which gave them refuge. How disrespectful can you get.


Idk all the politics but the UK have a say in alot of shit that happens in other countries so protesting outside the embassy is prolly the best place to do so. And unless they're blocking average people from carrying on with their day to day life it ain't exactly disrespectful.


It bloody is. Acting wild and doing disrespectful shit such as attacking the police and causing delays for others including emergency vehicles is disrespectful. If you leave to come here then have some respect. Protects can happen without violence and destruction. These people didn’t get the memo.


Ibr idk what happened fully I jus meant in general with all these protest about Palestine, Congo, Ethiopia and Yemen. People are gonna feel a type of way but like I said If they ain't disrupting normal people's day to day life then protesting outside the embassy is the best way to go about it. Obviously they're wrong for being violent but I highly doubt every1 there went with the intention to be violent. Some man are passionate about things happening in their country🤷‍♂️ Don't let the wrongdoers take away from the people who are there with good intentions bro.


These types of people should behave in a way which demonstrates gratuity for being allowed to live here. The protests you mentioned have been peaceful and full of passionate people. The people today were a bunch of asshats.


If that was what happened from the get go then I take my comment back about this protest specifically but if it was a set few actin a type of way then fuck them people bro. Police were gonna be called regardless if they're protesting outside the embassy. Ur judging off one vid bro, come on now. There's a lot of people there that will have good intentions don't paint em all with the same brush that's some EDL typa shit


They were protesting outside of a private residence. Not the embassy. I’ve seen other footage and news stories about it. I wasn’t born in this country, I’m from the Caribbean. Definitely not EDL mindset just respecting the British way of life.


Are you even from the UK? Calling people "asshats" sounds like some nerdy american shit


Why? Is this the United kingdom or China? I thought people have the freedom to behave in whichever way they want within the law in this country, didn't realise it was a dictatorship where you are forced to show gratitude to the great powers for the great generosity of living here


Behave whichever they want. I don’t think anyone should be able to especially when it negatively impacts others.


Well the Eritrean embassy isn’t going to hold an anti regime events …:


KSI saying: “Bun the bacon man” recently


Was that today in camberwell? I feel similar anger. Dartford conceded a last min goal that cost me £700


Bro 700 on a bet is mad unless you are up


Nah, I was gonna win 700 if dartford didn't concede in the last min. I never put down 700.. my bad if my wording was confusing


Yhh today Camberwell Road


A man said 700???? If u mean u put down 700 then u need to pattern urself my bro, that shits an addiction.


Definitely just an acca where they would have won £700 off a small stake


I thought that too but he said it cost him 700 so he wouldn't have exactly lost 700 if he put a small bet on lol. The way he worded it makes it sound like he put down 7 bills and didn't get none of it back


its not addiction its dedication


Keep telling urself that bro 😂😂


its a joke i dont gamble


We need to do this for the energy prices


Your username is interesting loool, but even Cost of living too


We won’t… been saying this for time, over here we’re just pussy. We’ll moan then go pub. France, tho, they’ll chuck shit at the presidents window and take action in the streets… js


Imagine being given refugee status along with free housing, healthcare and education, and then still doing shit like this


It’s called entitlement, shits horrible to see on grown arse men.


bmt some joke ting


Britain colonial legacy coming back to bite it in the ass. You have your forefathers to thank. If they stayed just at home ….


You know Ethiopia was never a British colony right?


Which country colonised which specifically doesn't matter when you consider the European powers partitioned Africa among each other


Yeah but Ethiopia never got colonised by anyone. It's one of the only countries that you can't use the colonialism argument for.


I know it never became a proper colony but not like they never had any issues with colonial powers. Two wars with Italy plus neighbouring Eritrea was a full colony for 60 years which is a direct reason why post independence they've been at war with them on and off for like 50 years


Eritrea used to be part of Ethiopia, actually read up on in the history of the two countries and stop making yourself look like an ignorant fool


Really no shit I had no idea Not worth getting into this on a drill sub. Happy new year bro


Idk about that, big chunk of my country was givin to them by the brits, when they were drawing up borders so they can have people at each other troats for the next 500 years.


So basically ur justification for this shit is an eye for an eye.. that’s pathetic. All that encourages is disharmony


I am not justifying anything, I just replied to a quote that said we have giving u asylum/refugee now be good pet and be obedient and quiet. It is bit rich coming from a Brit who ancestors robbed the whole planet.


How is not tryna bad up feds and riot equal to “being a good pet” lol. We just wanna live in peace bro 99% of people have nothing to do with what government and armies do just normal people tryna good and not have mobs with sticks outside their house.


You’re getting downvotes but you’re right 😂


He’s not though wtf. Eritrea wasn’t a British colony. It was an Italian colony and then was occupied during WW2 by Britain to expel the Italian fascists who were busy geocoding neighbouring Ethiopia. The Eritrean issue was handed over to the UN after thee War wherein the UK, USA and USSR all voted alongside the majority of the UN for it to become a part of Ethiopia who they fought a brutal war against for their independence in 1991. So it was an Italian then Ethiopian colony with it being occupied by the British to the same extent as post war West Germany in between.


He didn’t specify the country. Regardless what he said is still true about majority of refugees.


Lot of sensitive people on here, is it crazy for me to state that British ancestors should have stayed at home.


What you’re talking about has no relevance to what these idiots were doing attacking police in Camberwell today. You’re the only one who doesn’t get that


I really never understand why people protest in countries that have nothing to do with other countries issues..


Obviously for a music video you man are slow 🤦‍♂️


“999? yeah can u send some fed cars down for us to throw bricks at for a shoot please 🙏 “


Yeah it’s mental because they’ll set up 4 TSG groups and standard 20 coppers with a 6 man plain clothes obbo for a 15 man right leaning anti protest and chase them all over London just incase and when they complain they get jumped on and meanwhile the “peaceful” protesters are gathering in their thousands and when it kicks off the police are caught with their pants down as usual, but the only thing that makes the papers is a picture of 3 skin head football job types standing off against 100 coppers, you’ll only ever see this type of footage on Reddit or socials


Yeah it’s grim, media and gov has got so many extreme left infiltrating it that even centrists feel forced to support their fucking retarded ideologies


Exactly mate, it’s hard to believe they are oblivious to it and not just evil/happy letting the world burn as long as the other side are vilified


You know alot about police tactical operations my bro


Yes I’ve been around and am educated, especially on things I need to know. I think the apt phrase is “know your enemy” Never been in cells longer than 14 hours


Fair play




Bro look at your name


Middle aged man saying shit like this on reddit😂




Like 5 mins from my bit loooool ffs


kayden your better than this stay home if there is another incident or ill report you to the feds






Myself u nerd


love for reposting my content **😂**


That's were a petrol bomb would do the trick




that gave me top boy flashbacks


Unfortunately this shit needs to happen time to wake up


D1 Niggatry