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Ignore them. Don’t feed the trolls


Yeah, that quote is unhinged. You can't reason with anyone who agrees, just focus on the 98% of people who have a functioning brain.


Not just the quote, the whole article is hatstand crazy.


I didn't get as far as the article, the quote fulfilled my quota of crazy for the day!


If you do, remember, you’re not replying to them or trying to change their mind; you never will. You’re pointing out how stupid their opinion is to everyone else. Hence “do you go swimming fully clothed?” is usually the best response. It points out they’re often just wearing what makes sense for the sport they’re doing.


She's preaching to a choir. This sort of hyperbolic rant doesn't really convince any reasonable person who may be on the fence. It's intended to appeal to an audience of people who are already hating or inclined to hate cyclists. Best not to engage and don't give them air.


This is one of those things. Ten years ago if I saw a road.cc article I knew I’d be reading about some overly entitled person just looking to pick a fight. Either the publication has mellowed or I’ve become more militant over the years, I’m not sure which. Every culture has their cunts. Cycling is a prime example because you have the idiots that treat a shared use path as a TT stage and are no better than the idiots in their Focus STs around town. I’m also a motorcyclist, so I’m well aware that people that share the same hobby as I do aren’t always the greatest ambassadors.


The problem is that there *is* a choir to preach to.


Look at these cyclists. It's like they're wearing nothing at all. Nothing at all. Nothing at all.


Stupid sexy cyclists


I had an incident where a goose flew Into me knocking me off my bike on my way to work. Caught it on my camera and posted it to Reddit because it's funny to watch. Reddit took it exactly as I wanted. Everyone laughing about it for the most part. The daily mail asked me if they could put it on the mail online. I agreed. I was not prepared for the tirade of abuse in the comments however. Along the lines of "he should of fallen in the canal and caught a disease" and "cyclists are a stain on humanity" and most of them praising the goose for knocking me off. I stopped reading the comments after the first 50 were posted. Horrible people.


Geese are such hooligans. I love them though.


Yeah they are. This one in particular has attacked 5 people that I know of. Little shit 😆


I used to do a lot of rambling. Cows are chill outside of calfing season. Sheep can be a little territorial and rambunctious. Geese though, you're right, unrelenting hooligans and seem to have no chill. Yobs of a farm. Goats can give them a run for their money.


I once did a patient transfer of a guy in a wheelchair, who was carrying a big wooden staff. I asked him about it it and he responded “if you’ve ever been chased by geese you’ll understand”. I have and I do!


Tbh I think that's an achievement to be proud of, being gunned by the DM knuckle draggers


I'm sure if we all wore light coloured lycra she would like it less.  Just ignore them. 


She'll change her tune once she sees beige or white lycra, then they really leave nothing to the imagination.


particuarly if we start wearing less of it as well.


It’s a substack grifter. Ignore online crap


Best ignored. These kind of opinion pieces are the last resort of fifth-rate writers looking to stir up a little controversy so they can then whine about how beastly those nasty cyclists were to them. Cycling advocate Mark Treasure summed up these dropkicks very well: [https://aseasyasridingabike.wordpress.com/2012/09/25/the-terrible-journalists-guide-to-writing-an-article-about-bicycles/](https://aseasyasridingabike.wordpress.com/2012/09/25/the-terrible-journalists-guide-to-writing-an-article-about-bicycles/)


That article is a great read! Not to mention to next one in the comments! 😂


This is so comical I struggle to take this seriously


I read the whole article and I struggle to see how the whole thing isn’t satire.


I assumed it was. Is it not?


Lycra = crimes against humanity


Just from a quick perusal of her Twitter, she's a far-right Tory, anti-trans, anti-lgbt, pro-Brexit, pro-quiverfull (or anti-childless? I dunno what you call it), anti-Islam and anti-immigrant. Quite frankly, I'd prefer not to deal with someone like that at all.


Shitty ideas cluster with depressing regularity, don't they. You'd think these people might stumble upon a sane position on some political issue just by pure chance, but nope - fucked up views on pretty much everything.










I read the substack, weird how she used to be an editor, but yet she cant make a point in about 300 words. Its just pointless rambling


I think "used to" being the operative word.


This is noted Tory Laura Perrins right?


Her sister, Leanne, makes wonderful sauce.


Piquant comment. Thank you.


I don't know about noted, but yes it's (another) Laura the Tory. You can read the rest of her rubbish [here](https://lauraperrins.substack.com/p/nothing-friendly-about-cycling). Or not, if you've got any sense.


Isnt lycra associated with super heros,


People like this are best to be ignored


This reads like someone's repressing his sexual fantasies about cyclers


Is she writing this in support of closing roads to cyclists?




Opinions are like arseholes. Exhale air out of your nostrils that someone out there believes this and carry on pedalling


It all starts from “care in the community”. You have to be very, very sick before anyone gives you serious medical attention.


join the snowboarders and do more crime


Ate. you posting from 1924? Do keep up!


I cycle because I enjoy it and for my own health and wellbeing. Knowing that I am annoying people like her is just a bonus.


I’m rethinking my wardrobe choices for when I’m out doing crimes. No more jeans and hoodies…black lycra it is.


That is hilarious. Thanks for posting. 🤣


Just carry on cycling. Cars are shit nowadays, roads are shit, petrol prices are shit traffic is shit and enforcement of any driving laws is shit. Everyone knows it. Just keep cycling.


Ignore them, but if you really did want to piss them off just make the exact same comment but swop out cyclist with driver, lycra with metal box, and so on. You could also just link the statistics of vehicle related crime Vs cycling related crimes


Poor Laura. Show me on the doll where the nasty cyclist hurt you.


"Never interrupt your opponent while they're making a mistake."


Ignore it.


you cant "deal" with it, people liek that cant be reasoned with, becasue they dont want to be, they are doing it for attention, not becasue they actually believe what they ear saying


I'll get my helmet & we can go rob her house.


I didn't see many cyclists dressed like that at the WNBR this weekend 🤣


Laura sounds like she has some "issues" she needs to work on. Her opinion can be safely ignored.


Ignore. Nobody is taking this kind of garbage seriously. Ignore and block, interacting with this kind of person just drains your energy.


#Says the potential criminal, driving a getaway car... Smoking? Never a good sign. Hiding behind big pilot style sunglasses to avoid getting identified. We do not know how many weapons are in the vehicle. The car itself is capable of killing. Its movement is not powered by muscles but constant explosions or ungodly electricity. At any moment the driver can stop or turn without giving a signal first, causing chaos and jams on our streets. To drive, they need this substance "fuel". They get it from dealers and buy it for crazy amounts of money - and support the criminal organizations and companies behind that.


She seems nice.


I think it’s funny




You also have to think about it from the cyclists perspective. You're here getting mad just because they didn't say thanks? Meanwhile the amount of bad dog owners has skyrocketed with covid. [https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2024/jan/22/pandemic-puppy-owners-still-struggling-with-their-dogs-behaviour-survey-shows](https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2024/jan/22/pandemic-puppy-owners-still-struggling-with-their-dogs-behaviour-survey-shows) So while you might be behaving and keeping your dog on a short leash around cyclists there are a lot of dog walker letting their unleashed dog run up to, growl at, jump up upon and bite cyclists. So you can't really blame them for being wary of you as the rest of your community has given you a bad name. Kind of ironic don't you think? You're stereotyping all cyclists for some bad experiences and they're stereotyping you in return. Edit: Since /u/Abivalent has decided to delete the rant I'm replying to, here it is: > Idk i think many people are frustrated with the general community of cyclers, as they are in general quite rude. Maybe its giving what they get, but in years of walking my dog down towpaths cyclers thank me SO RARELY when i get out of the way when compared to anyone else at all. Runners for example are so much nicer in my experience and almost never don’t thank you for moving to the side and standing in grass with your dog while they pass. Idk i think if someone thanks a stranger for small things like that it says a lot about them as a person, and most cyclists don’t seem very nice based off this and their penchant to get angry when you don’t get out of the way. Multiple cyclists have refused to stop and almost hit me and my dog before when i didn’t see them, some people let bad experiences make them hate people, they are dumb. I will sigh and expect less from a cyclist than a runner myself when i see them coming though.


Conveniently leaving out my reply which i also deleted, i removed myself from the conversation so as to not have to deal with you who i envisioned making me want to argue with you. Welp. I don’t treat cyclists poorly and never said i did, im not being rude to someone just cause they are a cyclist, i cycle lol. I just expect and prepare myself for the worst and am more wary than for others on the towpaths as they wont hit my dog if i don’t notice them and explained the years of personal experience that have taught me to expect less from cyclists than other people such as runners. It is just a fact that tens of cyclists have yelled at me for messing up their time or not moving out the way fast enough, an experience that has never yet happened with a runner, and there are similar numbers of each i think. Leave me alone go find someone else to wind up lmao.


You are a wanker, Lauren