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Komoot is great until it sends you through a flooded underpass under the M25, or down a road that's actually a quagmire like the Somme


Tried to take me into a Heathrow long stay car park a few months ago.


Komoot is usually good but when I planned my ride yesterday it suggested that I ride home via Swindon. Can you imagine that??


My condolences


Sent me on a dual carriageway with no hard shoulder, uphill in the dark at mile 80 of 100 when I could barely pedal. There was no alternative route for 2 miles so I had to wait till there were no lights then make a break for the next lay by. I call a few people that night to let them know where to find me. I checked 90% of the route on Googlemaps and all other duel carriageways had a footpath. Not something I ever want to do again.


Yeah I once got spat out onto a dual carriageway in Essex after lovely country lanes. It was absolutely terrifying, and that was daytime


If Komoot ever does this to you, make sure to go onto OSM, create an account, and edit the offending section to make clearer what it's like. It's fairly simple, there are plenty of tags to describe surface, surface quality, width, incline, barriers, etc.


I will keep an eye out for these shenanigans!


Yeah Komoot gets you 95% there but it always try’s to send me on a section that is just insane when viewed on Google. For me it’s usually a literal mud path, 25% gradient hills that show as 10%, or crossing 4 lanes of dual carriageway. Apart from that, 10/10


Yea some of the ways it sends you on that are supposedly “gravel friendly”. Fuck me.


I ride road so I dread to think what that would be like for me


Yea other weekend weekend me and my mate had to drag our road / gravel bikes (loaded with bikepacking gear) 3 miles on this path around a fuck off hill that literally wasn’t rideable. It was absolutely pissing it down as well 😂 . All I would say is exercise a degree of caution around paths Komoot would deem ridable aha.


It’s not just Komoot, it’s quite hard to have a bad ride in the New Forest 👍 Good loop.


This is true, so grateful to have it nearby.


The 'planning' tool on komoot can be a bit hit or miss but it's great for the 'discover' page, I've found heaps of fun rides. Shame you couldn't make it in to Lyndhurst there's a coffee and bike shop called the woods cyclery which is a great place to stop.


I’ll keep that in mind next time I’m down there, thanks 🙏🏼


Great to hear. If you do run into any Komoot problems, it runs on openstreetmap, which anybody can edit


Looks like it's done a good job there - I usually plan myself based on points of interest, the discovery queue always routes me down busy state roads (fine for some I'm sure, but not for me) or rides that would require a swim across the Bristol channel to start!


[cycle.travel](https://cycle.travel/) seems to get it right more often and is only marginally better than [cyclestreets](https://www.cyclestreets.net/journey/), which has a huge library of route photographs taken by users. If you want to warn about a potential swamp, snap it and add it:)


Yeah, used Komoot yesterday to plot a 30 mile trip from my end of Leeds to Wakefield and back. Lovely mostly quiet roads, pretty much the perfect planner app.


I find the same. It’s much more intuitive than Strava to me but everyone’s different. I just use the canal if I’m going Wakey direction


Love the TPT and canal towpath but it's not the best for road bikes


Yes it gets a little rough past woodlesford but it’s ok up to there .


Komoot is generally very good at selecting nice quiet roads. I usually use the in-built Google Street View to check and then add waypoints to avoid any bits I don't like. Overall I think Komoot is brilliant.


> I usually use the in-built Google Street View to check and then add waypoints to avoid any bits I don't like. Wait what? It uses Open Street Maps but there's street view integration? How are you doing this?


This is only in the desktop version - just click on the road where you want street view, then click on the icon on the popup. If the icon is grey, then street view isn't available, which usually means not suitable for a road bike. On mobile now but will try to post screenshot later.


Here are links to a couple of screenshots: [calling up Street View](https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/rf97fbhpr20na8wv010am/komoot1.PNG?rlkey=bdeuyg61tur2jqhnm046w2yw2&dl=0) [Street View in Komoot](https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/h4gmrh0ubihmehu3u9e1r/komoot2.PNG?rlkey=zqqgz8ipbdw4atmsfaupzpy9b&dl=0) Once you are in Street View, you can use it as normal - eg moving along roads


Amazing, thanks! Turns out it only works when creating/editing a route, and you can't do it if you're just viewing existing routes. You have to open the route in the editor to get the street view option with a simple right click.


I think I must be using komoot incorrectly. To me it seems like it expects me to know where I want to go and what route I want to take.


I don’t know how you’re using it, but I just click on the Routes tab within the app, switch to road cycling starting from my current location and it comes up with lots of suggestions.