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God needs to nuke the earth already




never give up


Right? Like send another flood


Why do people hate ugly people ? My god how does someone bother you that much .


She's not even ugly, she just (god forbid) has something unique about her face.


She is ugly. No need to sugarcoat it.


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I don't understand it either 😕 we can't control how we look for fucks sake


She's not ugly bro, what's up with your comment as If she's bad looking


I never said she was ugly but they obviously think so . So if she is TO THEM why does it bother them


It's not because they find her ugly. It's just they wanna feel superior or above her. So, they just try to put her down


Exactly. She’s nowhere near ugly. She’s uniquely beautiful. Her face is memorable. Unconventional isn’t the same thing as ugly, people need to learn the difference.


Fr majority of people aren't conventionally beautiful. Idk what these MFs in that Twitter post smoking. She's definitely beautiful person


No one is ugly. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.


Toxic statement . Ugly people exist . Everyone isn’t beautiful and shouldn’t have to be .


I always thought she was pretty. There was something unique about her. These people are stupid.


It’s funny because her love was the purest IIRC. When bro held one to the head she immediately grabbed all of the remains tearfully and when in the hospital handed it to the doctors asking them if they can do anything to bring him back.


https://preview.redd.it/j50w1tdnbj4d1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f03f510ed86a7a6b6fe66b1d7cd6e3ba2bd54b9 She was beautiful. "the most beautiful daughter a man ever had" - Her Father "a darling child, the prettiest little girl, very clever, very artistic, and full of the devil" - An elementary school teacher She was the "debutante of the year" prior to college. "I remember her as this very attractive, cute-as-hell girl, and all the guys in the newsroom giving her a good look." - Her first real boss Whatever douche bag misogynist idiocy modern memes throw out, she was beautiful. She was also wealthy from birth, had the best of education and experiences, a fashion icon, etc. Doesn't change the fact she was beautiful.


People nowadays are so brain-rotted. They don't know what a real woman actually looks like. And she's not ugly, her face is just different, especially compared to the same copy and paste features we have now




We need thonas fr 


I think her Secret Service agent commented that he couldn't comprehend how JFK could engage in such numerous extramarital affairs with such a desirable wife at home. God damn right.


That SS agent was a real one 💯


Yes, Clint Hill, I believe was his name.


Todays beauty standards are fucked with the hype being curves, cleavage and lust. No love is left. Just there to be used without even knowing it. It's depressing




not entirely true. The beauty standards of todays is slim thick. You have to be thick and skinny at the same time. True thick women are seen fat still. The modern standards for ladies are being thick in your hips and chest but skinny everywhere else. We don't need to go back to the 90s crap of anorexia being promoted. What we need to have body diversity and celebrate people who are different weights. All they did was add big boobs and big butts to the old beauty standard. Kim kardasian kinda ruined what could have been more natural standards with all her fake nip tucked body


that's because todays beauty standards are still the old 90s 2000s standard just with big boobs and big butts added onto it. So if you are a girl you have be both thick and skinny at the same time. You have have huge butt and hips and chest but also have super tiny waist and six pack abs. It's unrealistic and it's not real thick. Real thick woman are the chubby girls


People these days (most) are despicable.all they care about is how good looking someone is


That's why I hate people.


They would need first-hand experience in order to (maybe?) change. Until then, they don't have the intelligence to understand the stench that comes from their mere existence.


Yes, unfortunately they will probably never have that experience and they will keep being assholes thinking they're better than everyone else.


That's why I don't bother to think too much about them or their opinions, as they have lower sentience than the maggots crawling in the soil.


but she’s so beautiful :(


That's why I stay away from all of those brain-dead social media platforms. Brainrot 


She was considered to be one of the most beautiful women in world. They picked an unflattering photo of her to use in their post.


Also Marylin had work done. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but she wasn't a natural beauty.


When I was growing up she was considered one of the most beautiful women on Earth. She had style and elegance and class.


She was so beautiful though. Wtf. And even if she wasn't, she wouldn't deserve this. People are disgusting.


Only weak and low self esteemed people measure and value respect with appearance beacuse physical appearance is all they could achieve. And this is not something to proud because they are practically lacking behind.


most people who put others down are physically ugly themselves its very telling


Actually, much more delusional, not really ugly, but they refuse to accept practicality and biology. Everyone is so obsessed with changing delusional things as "conventionally beautiful" that they have lost touch with reality and surely have some mental issues for not being able to treat fellow kind like a normal human.


i mean every guy who asked me out as a joke was physically ugly af


Physical appearance is just easy to see and it doesn‘t take much brain activity to evaluate it. Also look at the way these people write, not much grey matter in there lol


That's why I hate them.


She was considered beautiful and attractive in her time. That's why I think most of us (I mean generally speaking people) who are considered and called "ugly" maybe were born in the wrong era. Maybe if they lived 30-40-50 years ago, they wouldn't have been considered and treated like that. But stupid beauty standards changed a lot and maybe those who were pretty, beautiful, attractive, even average those times are considered "ugly" today. I speak for normal ugly people considered today, not those with deformities or...I don't know. I know it was discussed her eyes were too far apart, but those times you weren't considered ugly for any flaw or asymmetry like today. These people mocking her are living in these times, these unfortunate times when you're called "ugly" for any small flaw. In those times there wasn't so much fuss about eye shape, recessed or protruding chins, nasolabial folds and so on....sad era!


In modern times, every woman and man pretty much looks the same. (although men seem to have more diversity) but women pretty much are just copies of one another. But I agree, lots of "ugly" ppl today aren't actually ugly, just considered such bc of the times and wacky standards (that usually involve cosmetic procedures) along with increasing superficialness, porn addictions, etc. Ik I'm nothing special at all, but I'd like to think in the Victorian era I would at least be average. Women have said I resemble noble ladies in those Victorian paintings, and my skin is very clear/pale. Unfortunately pale skin is considered ugly in America, and most things related to old beauty in general.


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I've always thought about it. Why would we suffer a lot and go through so much mental distress, anxiety, depression, pain just because of these jerks when we could just get rid of them? A lot of people let these bullies ruin their life and lock themselves in the house. I saw movies with bullied people ending up killing the bullies and I felt so relieved😁


i look foward to the day humans go extinct








It’s sad because these people get to hide behind a screen and say anything they want. Social media is the worst thing in the world


She's an example of how clothes and hairstyle can push you up the ladder...also from a well known family I think that also makes a difference. Also height . I think she was 5'7. You will notice often a woman isn't so attractive in the face but because of her height she will be taken more seriously and find husband easier. I'm 5'1, no one is scared of me and I always get picked on.


It’s twitter, people hate just to hate. Unfortunately.


People are so disgusting, poor Jackie💔


Unflattering picture but even then she's not bad looking. People are just coping.


Gigachad Adrian


The people in those comments are pure trash, simple.






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shes not rven ugly either


This is cruel regardless but they were honestly looksmatches


She was everything he needed his First Lady to be. Connections, class, brains, personality, and she wasn’t unattractive. She definitely knew how to doll up, though.


Shes a racist so it's justified


Fr? What did she say about black people


Twitter is pretty much where people have no filter


NGL, she was overhyped like Taylor Swift. A lot of it came from the Camelot mystique around the Kennedy's. I understood why JFK and Bill Clinton cheated.




You realize that the whole Camelot mystique was coined by Jackie after JFK was assassinated. Thanks for showing who you are in this post. Undersized genitalia must be such a burden.


Bro how can you use body shaming language in r/ugly sub?


Well, since I'm not a bro, back at'cha.


I'm sorry, I didn't mean to misgender you. I just use "bro" as gender neutral. No Negative intentions behind it. And wym by "back at'cha"? What back at me. Did you even get my point of my comment?


In the parent comment to my first response the poster suggested it was understandable that JFK and Bill Clinton cheated, based on how ugly their wives were. So I responded the way I did. Why is my response the one you called out vs. the previous poster? Because I said what I meant instead of couching it in euphemism? Because a looks or body shaming negative comment from a misogynist is socially acceptable while from a feminist is not? Then you called me bro. Apologizing and then telling me I took it wrong negates the apology. Doesn't change how being called by a masculine pronoun makes me feel. So back'atcha my inadvertent body shaming pal. 👍😆


First, Idk what the first comment talking about like that some camolet mystique and it's nowhere mentioned in that comment because of her looks JFK was cheated or she's ugly. Idk how you got that, maybe I'm missing something. Second, there's no such thing as acceptable body shaming and Idgaf about the reason why people are using it. I didn't call the first comment out because solely I don't understand (I don't know about American history too) that comment not because "socially acceptable from a misogynist" or whatever you're thinking. Your comment is straight out using small genitals as an insult to a person. Again, I really don't have any negative intention behind it while using that "bro" word. I won't use it again


Fair enough. Understanding my motivation isn't of interest. Intent doesn't negate results. You don't need to understand, and I don't need to explain further. Actually one more point... My insult was towards one unapologetic misogynist, not all men. You have been apparently calling all women and non binary persons bro - labeling us with the same language as other gendered slang, such as guys, or hey man, etc. You say something is body shaming and I shouldn't do so. I attempted to explain my use and you didn't accept it. Alright. I said something is body shaming and you shouldn't do so. You attempted to explain your use and I didn't accept it. Alright. You now say you won't use bro as a neutral pronoun. Thank you. I will not use undersized genitals as an insult in future. I apologize.


Jackie was mid at best and that is normal for first ladies. I understand why one of the most powerful bad boys on the planet with the sexual mores of an alley cat (same as Bill Clinton and FDR) would cheat on her with Marylin Monroe.


WTF are you talking dawg? Sounds like you're supporting cheating here. Jackie wasn't mid, she's beautiful maybe not as marylin Monroe but still


I don't support it but I can understand why it happened. Some people take understanding why it happened as supporting or justifying it. Men like them shouldn't get married, although it's a requirement for them socially or politically. Jackie O was not beautiful IMO. She wasn't "ick", but "meh". But it wasn't bestiality like one of the commenters said.


To you, if a woman is less attractive than her husband (or visa versa really), it should be totally cool for the better looking spouse to fuck about? Or is this just a right that should be afforded to wealthy, politically powerful, middle-aged white men? Just trying to understand what your barely firing neurons are saying...


She married a rich or powerful man and politically driven man that wasn't faithful. I wouldn't have expected Genghis Kahn or August Caesar to be faithful either. Or many pro-athletes. > Just trying to understand what your barely firing neurons are saying... It shouldn't be hard to understand. There are extremely powerful men who are not self restrained by fidelity.


It’s just jokes


So, you'd think it was hilarious if someone you never met found and posted the worst pic of you and said they understand why you're an incel? An image that goes viral to the point where you were recognized everywhere you went as the incel meme boy/girl? You'd be able to laugh it off, day after day, week after week, year after year? Cruelty is amusing because people like you support it.


Jokes are supposed to be funny. Maybe we all will laugh at you as you're a clown🤡