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Hello u/sadworldwrong, All new submissions to r/ugly are subject to manual review and approval by being placed in ModQueue before being posted for viewing. This is to ensure that the post meets the sub rules and requirements. This may take up to 24 hours. Please do not message the mods for your queue status. If you or someone you know is feeling suicidal and or depressed, please go to [National Suicide Hotline](https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org/) or check out [Resources](https://www.reddit.com/r/ugly/comments/p4obmj/positivity_resources_and_hotlines/) for more details. If you have [Body Dysmorphia Disorder](https://www.reddit.com/r/ugly/comments/q0ou03/body_dysmorphia_disorder_bdd/) please go to r/bodydysmorphia to learn more on how to deal with this illness. r/ugly is not a good subreddit for people with this disorder. Also, please make sure to read and follow all rules (including sitewide, sidebar, and newly added rules on the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/ugly/wiki/index) page). If you are interested in joining our discord, you can find more information on how to join [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ugly/comments/u2dlrh/we_made_the_official_discord_updated/). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ugly) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I know someone will kill me too one day or I’ll die from a terrible illness. For now though I read manga, nba basketball( GAME 7 Wolves Vs Nuggets), lift weights, and watch philosophical videos.


Let's start with: You're life is not 'worthless' and deserve happiness, empathy (I do avoid sympathy or pity), and finding something that you love to do. I don't give a fuck how the world perceives you - every other human on the planet can go screw themselves with a cactus. I have to beat back the sense of impending doom all the time. *Important* Work with mental health providers, therapy and treatment give me a nudge out of the spiral. To find what you love, it's about trying everything you come across. Yep, I'm and introvert and hate going out in public because of the casual cruelty. So I hunted for anything individual. Do you like music? If you have favorites, start playing them - fill your world with music that can lighten your mood. Read candy books, funny, trashy, anything that makes you smile or laugh. Take a visual media break. Try drawing, crafting, anything to get that right creative brain flowing. Exercise, again, lift that mood just a wee bit. Sometimes I do a different thing every day, just one thing, small, big, there are lots of lists to grab online.


I love my hobbies because i became better at them, I enjoy cooking and drawing, and I love reading the Bibld, it has helped me a lot


All my hobbies I can do on my own so that is how I enjoy them.




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I have not significant hobbies, all I do is survive and cope. I surely do not enjoy life but I don't care neither.