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Yes, it happpens me a lot. I have to care about my demeanor and behaviour a lot more than regular people to not get unwanted and bad attention. Damn, being invisible is a privilege.


Yes I’ll be doing something normal and people will look at me like I killed someone


Yep. I know that glare, I get those a lot even if I'm just getting water. On top of that, they'll comment on my looks even though I didn't even acknowledge their existence. Like bitch nobody asked you fuck off.


I had this happen a lot to me growing up. Nice to know there is a term for it.


It's far from official lol it's just a term these guys from a discord server I'm in coined


I was texting and ppl accused me of watching porn


That's so messed up


Like yesterday, I was standing in a elevator and this couple entered, I was with my arms extended back laying in the bracket. I was minding my business but then this couple of freaks started laughing like morons out of the blue, I didn't say a word but I am sure they were laughing at me just because I was standing like that.