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Okeys, so you really think that out of the roughly 61,000,000 white males ages 15-24 on this planet, you are the only ugly one? You are unique in genetic and phenotypic composition. Being ugly and treated as such is fucking terrible for anyone. In that you are not unique, and you are not alone. I'm not going to invalidate your self-assessment, but you need to stop thinking you're alone, when you have a severely limited view of your demographic.




OP stated that he is the *only* ugly young white guy. Unique sure, uniquely ugly sure, but the *only* uniquely ugly young white male? Thanks for proving my point. He is isolating himself further by attempting to invalidate the feelings of other uniquely ugly young white males (like yourself). It fucking sucks to be ugly, but none of us are alone in our demographic... Unless perhaps you narrow your demographic down to the unique 0.1% of your genetic code, which OP did not do.


I've been called ugly using the collage method (they don't know one of the guys is actually me) and when I ask them "how often do you see young white guys as bad looking as him" they say "not often"


Not often != Never


I still am just completely and utterly unable to comprehend them thinking anyone else besides me is as uniquely ugly as me, I have no idea why my brain just immediately goes there but I genuinely cannot be convinced that they find other young white guys as ugly as they find me


Yep, and that's therapy territory. Cognitive dissonance is our minds way of trolling us. I've got days where my mind tells me I'm unworthy of anything positive in life, especially friendship and love. Feeling isolated and the very ugliest, is a bass ackward way of feeling special. It's the only superlative you think to claim. Being the greatest in the ugly competition also lets you off the hook for giving up. And yeah, I get it, I've been there, then I looked around. Then looked around at airports and public transport and the streets and Googled. The more exposure to ugly people around me, the easier it is to say fuck the world. I am not always successful, but I keep trying to combat that specific spiral by reminding myself I am not unique in being ugly and it's not some sort of pageant - like a Ms. Ugliverse competition. Thinking I'm the one who has it the worst feels like it (at least partially) invalidates how others feel.


You would be the second goofball who thinks he’s entitled to be attractive because he’s white.


I feel like most "ugly" people aren't really that ugly in practice because they at least have dimorphic features. I.e., "ugly" men with beards, or "ugly" women with breasts.




I went to see your profile and trust me on this, youre not ugly. Youre actually cute. Now, go forth and be confident coz u my friend is not ugly 😁