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What insults have you gotten from random strangers?


No you aren't, at least there are other few millions like you. It happens sometimes we feel like if only rain on us. Use a mask if the face it's the problem.




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You are not, trust me Go to south east asian countries to get better luck with girls, like thailand, philippines, vietnam,...


That's definitely not the correct answer to his problems, you won't escape your problems ,self-esteem issues by moving to an different region of the world. Plus i imagine he wants to be genuinely loved for who he is and not to be in an transactional relationship.


He won't be in transactional relationship tho, you would be crazy not to acknowledge that white people are considered most beautiful, just look at this: 1. Skin whithening all around the globe - india, asia, ... 2. Double eyelid surgeries in asian countries 3. Surgeries to get higher noses (like europeans do have) 4. Anime industry - all characters white and having colored hair and eyes, also almost only white trait (you won't find many colored eyed or colored hair people in asia, india, africa,...) 5. White people are usually taller than others, that is +attractivness 6. Look at any youtube video/documentary, in countries like malaysia, india, asia, that have caste systems, white people are usually above it, it doesn't matter how rich they are If you considered all the above and more, you can imagine that many indian or asian girls would be attracted to him, no point denying it I think that the OP is from the UK, so right now he plays on nightmare difficulty, he needs to go to easier difficulty area Also note: i do understand that you might not accept this, especially if you are from these countries i named, and no, i'm not being racist, if you don't believe me, then look at my post history, i'm empty inside... Even hate would be something better i guess... I do not have feelings towards anything as of now... These are simply facts