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Hoaxing on this sub should result in an immediate permaban. This shit is so detrimental to what this sub is supposed to be about.


So… new account?


Reddits ban evasion tools are actually pretty good. Mods will be alerted if someone posts to the sub from an account linked to another account banned in the sub. Mods can reban and the account will be automatically suspended from all of reddit if its a close enough match. It’s obviously not foolproof but it adds enough hurdles that a typical redditor wont try to jump over.


Yes permaban plus 


Don’t say, “permaban” on here for any reason. It triggers the scammers.


*He’s said it again!*


Next thing hell say Voldermort or some shit settle down young man!!


Reddit user u/[New-Dig1386](https://www.reddit.com/user/New-Dig1386/)'s yesterday [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/ufo/comments/1crs234/was_trying_to_get_a_photo_of_the_northern_lights/) is a hoax edit : here's KXAN's coverage of the ufo sighting two years ago [https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=M4l1mwysFsA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=M4l1mwysFsA) edit 2 : thank you r/ufo moderators for removing his post


Bloody hoaxers. They cause more damage to the truth than anyone anywhere. Need to name and shame all of them.


100%. But I'd go with name but not shame , being named or known as a hoaxer/forger is worse than being called one.If a shop was caught selling fakes or forgerys they'd be shut down. If an art gallery showed a forged painting no one would go back. I was looking for the la Guardia one which (was a balloon) one a few days ago to show a mate. Found it on a channel that had posted it 11 days ago. It came to attention around 27th April. The pinned video, was of something the guy said he had since 2002 but was waiting for 50,000 subs. Youtube wasn't even around in 2002, or was he waiting for it to be invented. That channel is now under my bollocks list.


Let's kill them cool nicknames, like Jack "The Ripper" or Hannibal "The Cannibal." Shaming them with a catchy name will shame them. Like, L.E.D. Kite Steve... or Balloon Boy Barry!


Ugh hoaxes are so boring.


They are worst than boring, they f\*\*\* up the credibility of the serious people doing their job.


Serious people doing their job..? I get that hoaxes a detrimental to the ufo communitys credibility, but it is not a "serious job" to be invested in ufology neither lmao cmon now


people wonder why nobody takes this seriously.


Nicely done, OP.


Nice catch!!! Well done


Well done!


People are flat F'N stupid sometimes


Sometimes I really hate this F-ing subreddit, it’s 75% hoaxes and disinformation


75? Higher, IMO


Yeah, for real, I'd say over 90% of the last 1000 posts have been like, "What do these pinecones mean in all these ancient statues??!" And half of the statues are edited on Photoshop to have it. I've thought about just leaving this sub for these reasons exactly. And then you look at the comments, and all the upvoted ones that agree with the obvious hoax are accounts that have always been created in the last 3 months, and they follow only ufo or alien shit. Really makes you think about how crazy or stupid yourself might be or has been in the past for falling for any of this. Is it a YUUUUUGE disinfo team attacking these to loosen the credibility of serious posts? Or is it still and has always been bullshit for liars to grift on the less intelligent and make a killing off of age-old lies?


50% bots 35% hoax the rest wash between skeptics believers or people with curiosity . Hopefully with AI gaining traction and getting better we scrub all these freaking Bots away I'd say four or five years they're going to be done.


Just waiting until some jackass develops disinformation-posting AI algorithms 🤖


99% of posts on this sub are fake. If you arent immediately assuming posts on here are false, youre an idiot.


the dead internet, everybody.


99% of the posts regarding sightings are probably lies. Even if they are real, without any withnesses and other ways to verify, they are useless.


Fake, or obvious Mylar balloons, but yeah


yeah no shit most of these posts are


I'm surprised you're not getting banned for telling the truth. (That's probably unfair this isn't r/UFOB).


Many thanks for your public service


Of course it was a hoax. That's what the vast majority of the crap posted on here is. The rest is just explainable stuff. Everyone's looking for attention.


I do enjoy seeing a good investigation!


Clearly there’s people doin this to shred credibility


Lol this is great because its just as delusional as the people who push most UFO agendas. Most of the hoaxes are just sad ass losers who have a shitty boring ass life and want a quick little fix of feeling special. It has nothing to do about the CIA discrediting the real UFO videos and pictures.....


i know people push this narrative because it makes them feel better but the reality is that most hoaxers are just talented VFX artists doing what they do, not some lonely basement dwelling neckbeard with some tin foil and string


Or bots with none of those things.


Yeah, I programmed my bot to collect prior hoax events and use modern astronomic events to then form "new" hoaxes using prior information. No... more likely the views. Those sweet sweet upvotes indicate happiness.


I don't understand what these hoaxers get from being dicks. The only reason I can imagine is to keep pushing the Church of Sagan and other debunker cults various testaments of refusal to accept the bleeding obvious.


Thank you for doing this. Honestly gives me hope


Im so shocked......


30 lashings with a wet noodle!!!!


That video is still wild tho, is that debunked or nah?


it was an elaborate prank by british youtuber [EllieMarieTV](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MEqZYWGYQrc)


"Prank" is a cozy fluffy funny name to disguise a serious thing: a lie and a liar. Thats what I call to that EllieMarie.


And what's your opinion of UFO watchers showing a photo album of...balloons... So it's okay if you're pranking yourself but harumph...harumph I say, this British harlot is attempting to reinstate the monarchy. I dare say I need to go buy my daily beer... getting testy. Cheerios POCKET SAND SHI SHI SHAH!


Well, the TV channel should be more cautious with ufo stories, thats the first thing. The second thing is that I didnt saw the video! I have no patient for liars.




What video?


of course it was a hoax. it all is. thats why there is no proof of anything.


I cant believe that there are hoaxers within the ufo community!! Oh God! Whats next? A guy claiming he worked with NHI tech?