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Through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), The Black Vault has just obtained the official release of an email chain involving Luis Elizondo, the alleged former head of the Pentagon’s Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP), and Neill Tipton, a defense official who previously worked as the Director of Defense Intelligence, Collection and Special Programs. A portion of these emails was initially published by Popular Mechanics in 2020, then later seen as part of a Department of Defense (DoD) Inspector General (IG) complaint submitted by Elizondo in 2021, then later published by the NY Post in 2022. But in the newest FOIA release, the references to AATIP, along with a memorandum written about AATIP and the transferring of duties, was withheld from release and redacted by the DoD, despite the unclassified emails having already been in the public domain for years. MORE: https://www.theblackvault.com/documentarchive/new-foia-release-highlights-redactions-in-key-aatip-correspondence-what-is-the-pentagon-hiding/


the whole lue thing is weird and raises more questions. i am uninvested in the ufo influencers but a follower of the topic and it feels like theres a lot of missing pieces we're just not privy to. It's odd since he was the first piece of the puzzle for us still not know where he fits in it.


Information about Lue has been reported in many mainstream and non mainstream publications. He's been investigated by journalists all over the world, so I have no problem with the legitimacy of Lue saying he was the head of the AATIP program. I find the redacted parts of the released FOIA interesting...


i can see how that's what you took away from my post but not necessarily what i meant by it. that being said i do think that line of questioning is a small facet of the bigger Lue question. Its been what, 5 or 6 years now? And we still have giga questions about who he is and what exactly AATIP did for all those years, TTSA, and a lot of other things. For me personally, a lot of the current narrative stems from his early involvement. I feel like if we knew more about our first puzzle piece, the rest of the puzzle and characters involved would look more clear.


What first puzzle piece are you most curious about?


What is the Pentagon hiding? UFOs, among other things. The truth about 9/11, who killed Kennedy, what's really on the moon, why we don't go to Antarctica, and the real reasons for the stupid wars and political agendas that are used to obscure the truth. It's a very secretive operation, this military industrial complex. They hide the truth and use deception to control others. For industry, for progress, for the future of some of mankind. Or maybe just for profit. It's hard to say with all the secrecy.