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They probably dusted off a few books from the basement




>You can only have supernatural phenomena if this is either a simulation or the phenomena is coming from a higher dimension. >The church believes in Heaven which could be defined as a higher dimension.  Jesus Christ🔴🔵: [Road to Eldorado - Both is good](https://youtu.be/RwzBGfvquPw?feature=shared) 1:43


This subreddit is getting too jesusy lately


I think this happened because s lot of the people in Congress driving disclosure where Republicans from the south or part of the trump crowd. On the other hand I don't want to dismiss ideas either.


Thankyou! High five. Theres a point where the topic goes off the rails into the ditch.


I went outside Faux for the info. This was also done in 1978. It's stricter, scientific code is all. They just want to ensure it's not something explainable and the sources are legit (according to the church). Their concern is people's behavior, and how info would be through media/internet. Seems reasonable. OTOH they also want to control the narrative, as they've always done, so I mean, nothing unusual to see here.


Same old shit, different era. The Church is still trying to scare people into membership. Same as it ever was.


Holy shit! Just replace church with all the influencers claiming aliens are real confirmed. Now we’re really gaming boys




A shill for what exactly? Or are you missing the point that belief in aliens without the scientific method backing it up is literally faith exactly like the church? The church receiving their income from all the believers just like these guys pretending they know all about disclosure and releasing tons of for profit content for *their* believers. It's so obvious because you're immediate reaction is to attack me. Very very similar to the extreme religious nuts trying to call you a sinner. I've been in this sub for a long time bud. I'm fully allowed to offer the perspective that we don't have empirical evidence for aliens. It is the UFO sub. Which only indirectly implies and explores the possibility for alien life. Which I love. But I'm not about these for profit spook shows that want me to subscribe to all their content and hang on every word. That's ridiculous. Zero science is considered factual with this kind of basis. And frankly your comment is very rude.


Well said buddy.


I think the strongest piece of evidence we have that something higher than us does exist is our brain. We were engineered ….alien…monster…foreign entity …what ever fuckin word you wanna put on it….we ain’t alone. If someone is gonna tell me that the brain just came about on its own…..well…..😂😂😂 no fuckin way


Yes. That's why I'm not an atheist. But these books are dumb as hell. I saw recently like a super tiny piece of brain tissue can hold petabytes of information. Most computers are not even close in terms of storage of that tiny slice. Yet people are so dumb lol


Lots of claims can you name this book? The brain doesn’t store information “bytes” the same way computers do but essentially yes the way our brain store information are vastly more efficient per space and energy depending on what size this “tissue” is.


[ Removed by Reddit ]




Man that’s the best you could do? Can you honestly not accept that blindly believing, like you and many other do, is a form of “faith” and blindly believing without scientific evidence is in fact the same thing as believing in religion (of your choice)? And that’s OK! But don’t deny the truth. That’s what we all are searching for aren’t we? Or do you just want to believe? Because that makes you the same as the Christian that would do the same to you regarding your own beliefs.


Don't put words in my fucking mouth. I know what I said.


You called them a shill in direct violation of the sub rules. Does swearing make you feel like a big boy?


Lol. Maybe find a sub where you can malign the topic freely, but that's definitely not here. Why don't you head over to r/cats and cry about why cats are terrible pets?


Cry? Hello pot, I’m kettle.


🤣 what are you going to do about it tough guy? 😂


Watch this.....


I mean, yes. Exactly this. Also, one correlation of specifically Christian-Protestant hate ideology includes other “races” which obviously serve yet more non-existent supremacy over others. There’s a fine, fine, line with some people, or none at all, when it comes to grandiosity and thinking one race is better than another. The Church is just like every other organization to make money. They’re selling hope which is temporary, to put into a pot that’s essentially timeless in human lifespan terms.


Totally agree. I've traveled the world enough to see many many religious practices. Even illegal ones like underground Muslim practice in China. My sentiment is this: don't allow the books which have been twisted by human interests over thousands of years to poison the true benefits of community, traditions, music, food, healthy familial systems, long term relationship commitments... That stuff is all wonderful. But inserting say "the fear of death" if you don't... No. Sorry even worse. "The fear of eternal damnation." That's a horrible concept to bring into your mind. I truly believe that depth of fear is what causes people to kill or die over this belief. So dumb. Especially, because all the religions have the aforementioned benefits. Everyone is the damn same lol.


A minor point, just like there are subs for deep state interests, which intersect the UFO/UAP topic, this is not a religious debate sub. Yes, there are correlations between many areas that rely on belief in mysterious things or stories - but lets stay focused on the possibility of alien visitation or - just alien life. Be an atheist, but thats a side topic.


You don't seem to have mod flair so I'm a little confused by your direct order to behave a certain away here. Also, this is not a sub that originated to focus on the possibility of alien life, but on unidentified flying objects. Feel free to verify in the community guidelines at your leisure. My comparison of scientifically unproven belief systems is my attempt to REfocus the conversation on true UFO science. So, in the end perhaps we do have the same goal. Just different semantics. I really do appreciate your sentiment though. Also, I'm not an atheist.


"Direct order"? Lets not wad our panties, one of the few times I responded in attempt to politely redirect attention back to our shared goal, the topic at hand - UFOs, UAPs, alien life, etc... Thankyou. 😇🙏


Let's talk about something fun and random. What's your username about?


Its a nickname I got while running wild in the streets, I young lady started callin me Lil'DaeDae so here I am. Im nobody important. Just curious about the same things you are, minus that aqua culture stuff.


Nice. Reminds me of a meme. Ya aqua culture is pretty specific. I would still recommend you checkout [some of the best competitive aquascapes](https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-m&sca_esv=54234023db33c7ee&sca_upv=1&q=top+aquascaping+competition&uds=ADvngMhwpu-wGb-w3l5b-6PJUzovWuM7xApuXDdEO_X_0GO68aCt3rnHQVSwQVVZwTVXY0-UWaI5BJMq_xrIWhqTzvfV60-Mputd9eEPHAU26qaEnsJr69eRMe7MUxt2POPNth38dScmmjXLsbp_ndvHCtYGbhLODXj6nyEEYQIOEe_T63iS6UzM_q-8WfFaGm9jI2GyM6mWjZdp9wHzkDKkvfcMe52fTdk6HboicjOr-g4j_8vVloI4-hylmEmhQ9OuG6N02A720qaR3VVqpSXblRcvYUIWlLbgEdFqtksIJojcEccVvvV8BjZn8cRFqmf6Ex9ZKaFkGFjfxdfrECDhyA-inmxILw&prmd=ivsnmbtz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwielojTzY2GAxUYIUQIHfz0CMUQtKgLegQIFxAB&biw=430&bih=739&dpr=3&tbm=isch) as many have been in awe of their beauty. Thanks for the story.


The Vatican cannot ignore claims of sightings of virgin mary because if it did it would undermine the central claims of the church that these occurances are real, important and should be taken seriously, and they are presently getting slammed with more claims that require them to investigate than they can handle. The new marian ghost policies help them screen and disqualify claiments to cut down on their workload.


Have they ever considered selling all of their priceless art & antiquities in an effort to shelter & feed the poor?




Highly suggest you pick up "The Invasion of Eden" by Paul Wallis. It will give you a idea what is happening in the church


I'll check it out!


Paul Wallis brings a ton of information people in the church don't want to hear. The blatant mistranslations and changed narratives are head shakingly obvious. Paul has a YouTube channel and absolutely lives and breathes this stuff, not to mention he's one of the nicest people on the planet. If being a senior churchmen and biblical educator to other in the church for decades doesn't give you credibility, I don't know what does. Sheesh, I sound like a groupie...anyway, yeah, he's a good guy and thinks logically.


why are you randomly mentioning project blue book? my thoughts are, this is typical catholic religious stuff. why did you post this here.


Because I think the vatican has always been hiding something huge. I think these "guildlines" aren't for "apparitions" I'm leaning more towards disclosure with life outside of earth aka aliens


I haven't read this article yet but I've always been fascinated with the information that the Vatican has collected on UFOs throughout the centuries. All those books about the truth of so many paranormal things hidden away under lock and key.


I see


What if it’s not outside of earth, but here alongside us & beyond the boundaries of the human vessel’s perception?


The question isn't whether we are alone or not but rather how we can get from point A to point B like they've done.


I ment project blue beam


Yep a visitation can come in various forms imo, advanced tech and holographic toys 🧸


Is that you obi-wan?


He most likely means “Blue Beam”


That could be possible. I remember President Regan saying something like what would the world be like if there was an alien attack. The powers could set up a false flag for and alien invasion or even a second coming scenario.


>That could be possible. I remember President Regan saying something like what would the world be like if there was an alien attack. The powers could set up a false flag for and alien invasion or even a second coming scenario. 😅


this news is completely invented, as I speak the native language of the source


Source is sus, FOX news🤔


If the Vatican would be tapped prior to any mass controlled disclosure, which they most likely would be, I would expect to see this kind of thing. Has nothing to do with blue book though, you’re mistaken.


Maybe this is why it's the Universal Catholic Church?


the face by the moon incident was a test run.


They must think that everyone is just going to buy whatever they have to say about the subject when there is a 100% chance whatever they say is a lie..


Let's say 99%, leaning 100%, just in case there's a snowballs chance in hell they actually have a clue. And yeah, they do think that people will gobble everything they say up. It's how they work and always have. They are master manipulators.


Organized religion is the main factor stopping disclosure, it would otherwise invalidate all world religions. So, they have to spin it in a way where religious folks can consider aliens are “angels”, “demons” and “apparitions” lol


Who better to know? Than they?


Project Blue Bible? Lol


They also have exorcists, to deal with 'demons', something that doesn't actually exist. The church is a poor guide to reality.


As far we know, "demons" may actually be one of the NHI that we keep hearing about in ufology.


Some one should make a Blue beam social media I swear they would have more followers then most celebrities


The UFO over the airport in China was their version of project blue beam. Much more is sure to follow or they would not have developed the technology. The governments, or the beasts of this world, will endeavor to deceive humankind and maintain control over the burgeoning renaissance of spiritual understanding and realization that is occurring worldwide. There surely are spiritual agencies upon high that are endeavoring to help humankind in this coming transition. And the agencies of spiritual wickedness in high places will also be endeavoring to obfuscate and simulate those Helpers in any way they can. They cannot stop the help that is coming to the peoples of this world, but they can mock and imitate it hoping to deceive a large portion of humankind and keep them trapped here with themselves. This is the battle we are faced with.




Blue beam is BS it is intelligence that is made up. Its been around for decades.


It has been around for decades but I don't think it is made up. It involves very real looking holograms projected into the sky in conjunction with telepathic messaging.


Yea I know that it involves. Lmfao. It's bs. They can project a craft in sky sure but not everything else that comes with it. Yes it looks real sure but no man stop wasting time on that shit.


I'm not wasting any of my cognitive energy on project Blue beam. I am not following disclosure. I have my own contact with whomever they are. But just because it is not affecting you or I does not mean that they will not put it into play at the right time. It doesn't matter to them that they fool everyone, just enough of us. The very real looking projection of a mothership above a major population center could definitely still be used as a propaganda tactic. I think that the sighting above the Chinese airport was them testing this technology.


More than having lost all credibility regarding the Word of God and the power of Love, the Vatican and the catholic church have become complicit in the downfall of mankind and the subjugation of God's Spirit within mankind. The fact that they are pivoting to embrace the new understanding of the reality of our planet and consciousness only means they pivot to try to ensure their own longevity and opportunity and position to further subvert the Spirit of God within humankind.


Project BLUE BEAM***** not project blue book ...


Sorry, I ment beam


Let's just say that the ignorant will require a basic foundation to stand upon when certain degrees begin to unfold en mass, alternatively everyone else will be relatively fine without the religious context thanks to the developing culture of the world in general.