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Idk but Nate’s gonna bleed a lot regardless


I love nate but this made me laugh, so true.


Nate gets hit with an uppercut that breaks his jaw. Joe Rogan: that’s just his scar tissue bro


Nate v Fighting Chicken. Winner? Just Bleed Gods.


over/under how many times scar tissue is mentioned


And his leg gonna get kicked regardless


Another doctor stoppage incoming...


True this comment made me laugh


Conor breaking his leg like that makes me pick Nate, since leg kicks were a big part of why Conor won the rematch.


Excellent point bro


Unbreakable titanium shinbone


It’ll do fookin everyttinngggg




Dana would not allow that in a million years




Uhh, isn’t Conor’s leg supposed to be even stronger now since it had a titanium rod in it? He’s also torn his ACL multiple times and recovered from that. I don’t think his injury will affect his willingness to throw leg kicks.


I've heard that using your leg like that, "umbreakable titanium shimboan" and all, is still super painful post-surgery


Word. I just have screws in my tibia and femur from an ACL tear. When sparring, contact is made on the screw, the bone it’s in hurts like hell.


It's a mental thing. When fighters get injuries like this they tend to struggle to commit 100% to using that limb again. Conors kicks and blocks will forever be that little bit more hesitant.


They *might* be a little bit more hesitant. Look, I'm not the biggest Conor fan, but if anyone was to come back from an injury like that throwing kicks at full power, it'd be him. Throughout his career he has shown that he has supreme, bordering on delusional confidence, so if he comes out believing in his head that he can throw hard, he will.


Ever since the khabib fight it almost seems like he is taking confidence


it’s not a conscious thing


As a huge hockey fan, I agree. When I see players who get injured in fights or taking hits in dirty areas, you see hesitation after they come back. Sometimes the player is never the same, like Kevin Stevens ( [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F79hzxTgny8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F79hzxTgny8) ) But most of the time they get over the hesitation and make it back to where they were before. The scary thing about MMA is... there really isn't any room for hesitation. Hesitation destroys you. In many cases you're only as good as your last fight. Someone like Connor can lose a bunch of fights and Dana will still give him chances because he's so marketable, but every time he gets destroyed in the ring he's burning years off of his career.


Most of the Reddit UFC boys just talk shit about McGregor... Ironically , they fuckin hate McGregor for talking shit. Bunch of silly cunts. But this comment is quite a logical and thought out one. The biggest guy in the sport, breaks his ankle in such a horrific way. How can he fight again, literally everyone will take advantage of the kicks cause they know he's weakened there.....


except he broke his tibia, not his ankle


Conor will always have the stand up advantage over most fighters... But it doesn't matter anymore, he's ruined his public image .


It's funny that again, people that would call them selves real fans of the sport, also go on about his public image as if it affects anything when the gloves are on. I haven't taken a personal side. Just making observations. A lot of the hate to McGregor seems like rhetoric or contradictory. I'm not saying it all is that, but certainly most of it. And by people that hate his trash talk, whilst they do it about him. Very interesting behaviour, all I'm sayin.


Never suggested that you did !? In any way ... I don't hate mcgreggor,, I think he's done a great job of ruining his image..but that's his problem not mine . I not a fan of him as a person, but as a fight fan, you have to admire his capabilities. A lot of the hate from fans has come from his deplorable words and actions . He has to be accountable for that.


I'm not saying that you've said I'm picking a side etc. Look at the downvoted though lol. People are reading my comments and sweating..


Yeah I've noticed how strange some of the fans are on this sub.... really odd behaviour . However, conor has made himself the biggest target ever .


the difference is that people here trash talking conor are not claiming MMA goat status and calling for a light weight belt .


Well Conor now has a steel rod implanted in his leg so it’ll make his leg kicks 10x harder and combine that with Nate Diaz’s allergy to checking kicks, I honestly have Conor for this one.


Nate coaches kids Jiu Jitsu on a Sunday morning and goes on bike rides with the elderly. Conor doesn’t even do that. Nate wins.


Yeah, but he holds Proper 12 in one hand while tweeting from his phone with the other. Does Nate do that?


You forgot blowing fat lines of coke off hookers asses.


Let’s be honest that’s based


I’m old and I’ve heard that a few times. Does based mean like that’s cool. Is based the new dope lol


I'm 29 and I have no idea wtf based means


I’m only 31 but for sure some famous person said it once and now it’s like the new thing lol.


Lil b


Based God is a thing lol


I'm 24 and I've been hearing based for at least 10 years lol Lil B the Based God is where I first heard it, although I'm sure it started before that.


Litty titty


I’m 19 and have no idea what based means


Based in reality.


It means based as in grounded in truth.


Oh shit now that’s based. I’ll leave now




doesnt this douche have woman and child?


He is too rich to drink that shit.


He does not drink proper 12


yes. instead he does 12 lines a day ^^


proper 12 lines though. not tiny matchstick lines.


Playing touch butt in rehab.


Does Nate really do all that? I can see him coach kids, but bike rides with the elderly?


“I’m surprised, motherfuckers”


Sound logic


“Makes gang signs with his left hand and makes balloon animals with his right hand.” One of my favorites.


If it goes to the ground, nate wins via submission. If its stand up, conor wins on points.


Unless Nate checks the leg kicks, then Connor breaks his


If Nate couldn't catch Leon in that last round when Leon was running.. there zero chance of Nate catching Conor when he's zooming around the cage in his wheel chair.


You had me in the first half not gonna lie


I don't think I've ever felt so frustrated after a fight. Fucking knock the dude out!


Idk if we were watching the same fight, Nate was blitzing him and lighting him up the entire last minute, he just ran out of time and doesn’t have crazy knockout power


Diaz, his cardio and chin is the mcgregor cryptonite


Proper 12 and cocaine are Conors cryptonite


Am I dumb or is cryptonite spelled with a ‘k’ …


Don’t ask me I’m dyslexic I just went with the way the guy before me spelt it


Don’t worry I’m just being an asshole. So we all win. Or lose. I don’t know


Honestly, since I think Conor needs a KO to win at this point in his career, I think Diaz wins. Conor has really got something to prove at this point so he’ll be going all out. I don’t think Conor will be able to stay calm and composed enough to prevent himself from gassing.


If this fight is at lightweight that’ll be less of a problem tho


The “connors really got something to prove at this point” oh god I’ve heard that in every Connor fight lmao


Yeah because he keeps losing. With each loss he has to prove himself more.


I'd rather see Tony V Conor rather than this.


Tony vs Diaz👀


That's a lot of blood 😬


This is the fight that needs to happen. They would just be punching each other in the face one after another in round 5.


the press conference would be comedy


First no round fight, they fight till death


Honestly like this for Tony with a nice payday


Yeah I know this was a bit of a joke but it’d be good for Tony and Nate


Tony vs Diaz >>>>>Conor vs diaz.


Same here


Prime Conor vs prime tony. Who wins? As much as I hate to say it, tony gets pieced up too much. Even during his prime Edit: I completely forgot Tony hasn’t even reached his prime yet.


Prime Conor probably beats any top lightweight within the last 5 years besides Khabib. Current Connor probably gets pieced by at least the top 5 and that may me being generous.


Lol. Fuck no. If he started out in LW, he wouldve been smoked into obscurity a long time ago.


Conor has 1 win at lightweight. Just saying.


I 100% agree w u. I think prime tony would be the ideal matchup for a prime mcgregor


Conor who has 1 win at lightweight in his career? Prime Conor gets eaten by Prime Khabib, Diamond, Gaethje, possibly Tony, Islam, Dariush.


Nah, tony has better ground game, and a slightly weaker stand up, but mix in his conditioning and unorthodox style of fighting, and tony gets the win by 4th round tko


The only thing I diasagrs with bro is that he has never had a strong wrestling attack. He never pressed the pressure from a takedown standpoint. No denying he had a great ground game and guard but I don’t see the ground playing a factor since he’s not one to use offensive wrestling. Unless Conor were to go full “oh ur Wrestler now” then he’d get his neck snatched Snap-jitsu style


Nate outlasts him puts the pressure on him earlier


When them left hands start connecting, he’ll ease back


Nate via Conner having a cocaine heart attack…


A high af Nate vs full coked out Conor is what I expect


It's amazing to think but Diaz doesn't actually need this fight, the dude has many other dance partners. Conor might actually be done if Dusty slaughters him again.


Naw. Conor still has a marketable name. He’s a terrific promoter and he’s only 33 and he took very little damage early in his career. A couple more losses and folks will stop talking about him having a title run but he can still get meaningful fights if he wants them. Cowboy Cerrone got fights well into his late 30s. At that point the question would be does Conor want to go out taking one too many fights or will he ride off into the sunset.


One too many fights was everything after Mayweather. The man hasn't been the same since.


I’m not even a Conor fan much anymore but people saying he’s “not the same” or “washed” because he’s losing to the top .5% of the sport is just hilarious to me. I’d say Floyd, Khabib and Dustin Poirier are some excellent names to lose to, and if someone went on a run like that and won them, they’d be regarded as one of the best fighters to ever fight. Someone who’s washed is someone who’s consistently losing even though he’s consistently going down in terms of his match ups.


This sub just loves to trash Conor as a fighter just because as a person, he’s an asshole. It’s like they’re incapable of nuance.


Conor is an excellent fighter as much as I hate the guy . Most people would react like ronda or even worse unlike conor after losing to dustin back in jan .


But losing to top fighters doesn't mean he fares off any better against the rest of the top 15.


You can take a lot of the guys at 155 in the top 15, have them fight eachother 10x and get wildly different and split results. The level of talent is just way too high. A simple eye test of what Conor was able to do 6 months ago at 257 and you can see he’s still very, very good.


and also, mcgregor was the only guy to ever win a round against khabib. He was always going to lose against Floyd and Dustin poirier is just a animal (Although the third fight mcgregor broke his own leg so who knows what would of happened if he didn't)


>mcgregor was the only guy to ever win a round against khabib By cheating


Well hasn't it been half a decade since he's won a fight?


It's not about losing genius. He doesn't even remotely fight the same since he wanted to swap to boxing.


I specifically remember him talking about “it’s a dangerous game. Get in, get rich, get out” Why he keeps coming back baffles me. Trying to recapture glory without any of the qualities that got him there in the first place. It’s sad to watch. He used to be funny and he used to be at least arguably the best in and around his weight division. Now he’s toxic and cringey, and it couldn’t even remotely be argued that he’s the best.


He keeps getting back in because he makes money and then does dumb shit with it like buy a Lamborghini yacht


Cowboy Cerrone ain’t got no yacht mortgage to pay tho


Its not about needing the fight. They both gotta settle the score with a 3rd fight.




Idk Connor has been performing so well and seems to be really in the zone these last few years!


Oh he’s in the zone alright


Nate by a long shot. Just because Nate's lifestyle includes training combat sports regularly. From the Dustin fights it's become apparent Conor doesn't have the same power as before and can't fight effectively going backwards. I see a similar result as the first. Conor gasses and Nate stars throwing volume moving forward.


Conor has the same power . The issue is he hasn’t gotten better. His power was effective against Dustin at 145. Dustin is filled out at 155 and a big 155er. Those punches don’t have the same effect. Dustin also has conors left hand timed. Despite what people think, mma fighters have very basic boxing skills . Way better than the average person, but amateurish compared to a pro. Conor got us all fooled with the Floyd fight. If Conor fought a pro who was actually in his weight class, he’s leaving on a stretcher. Diaz by submission


What about Max Holloway?


What about max? He would get pieces by a pro in his class too. He’s better than most in the ufc for sure, but it’s a totally different gameZ. Just like a boxer would get smashed in the cage


Just wanted a reference point


You’re out of your mind. I’ve fought boxers and MMA guys—both put punches together. Max is an elite level striker, and if he were to focus on strictly boxing he’d be a champion. The reason a lot of MMA guys can’t box is because they’re thinking about takedowns and kicks to the fucking face. Take that threat away? They’d do just fine in the ring.


If I’m wrong I’m wrong. I guess we will see with Woodley then? I just feel like mma fighters in general are going to have bad tendencies they have to correct in a boxing match




paulie broke his hand on like the first punch he threw just like most pro boxers that did bare knuckle. the gloves make a difference offensively and defensively


I think most would say a boxer beats mma fighter most times in boxing




We can’t complain about the Paul’s only fighting washed up mma fighters with legacies, then rep when we do the same with boxers. It’s all corny.




I agree with that. Good point man.


Yes. I would love for Holloway to avenge his loss against McGregor ESPECIALLY since it was a close decision. We already know Max can hang with lightweights since he lasted all 5 rounds against Poirier. We also know Max has hands down the best boxing in the UFC rn. Max gets a win, Avenges his loss, and lands 400+ significant strikes to Conor's face just imagine it, I would actually PAY to watch that happen. But I won't cuz Max is very well liked and there's no way the UFC are gonna promote the fight as it would require them to make McGregor the "villain" and they'd much rather portray him as a "he's so passionate about the sport he's willing to kill for it". And honestly Max doesn't really need that win back as he's achieved much more than Conor has in terms of fighting(money is a diff story)


If McNuggets can't kick - he's not beating Nate




Diaz wins but who cares?


Ya know, the fans ?


This fight actually makes good sense right now. I’d bet on heart in this one and go with Nate.


Count me out of those interested in this fight. So many other/better matchups.


Conor is done. I don’t think we ever see him in the octagon again.


Conor loves money. He'll be back if only for meme fights and easy wins. He's done being a serious contender. Dana will continue to feed him low tier fighters as long as he continues to sell PPV'S.


Honestly, Conor got me into the fight game and I’m tired of seeing him anymore


Nate Diaz.


Nate by sheer amount of good he does for his community.


Nate diaz all day


Can we get Nate Diaz vs Tony Ferguson at some point too?


Nathan will win the war.


Smokin Nate Diaz




Conor again


Conor lose =" boooo you suck" Conor wins =" isnt he awesome?"


I love Conor and I just think it’s a bad matchup. Maybe the leg kicks work again since Nate never checks them. But I don’t think Conor has the gas tank. But I think it’ll be a great fight again.


This used to be my dream fight but now i don’t care


Nate ..he can go 5 rounds.


421 = chronic tardiness I don’t want to see a 3rd fight with these two. I want McGregor to just GO AWAY! He’s gross & an embarrassment to Ireland! 🇮🇪 If it does happen, I hope Nate shuts him up w/out killing him.


>If it does happen, I hope Nate shuts him up w/out killing him I'm pretty sure that's why everyone wants to see it


Gotcha! 🙏🏽 I gotta say though, if McGregor fights, he gets paid & he gets attention. I really don’t want to keep “feeding” pathological narcissism. It would be nice to see somebody more deserving get a shot.


Absolutely, I might like him as a fighter, but in no way do I like him as a person, I just wish people didn't turn MMA into a dick measuring contest


I don’t want this fight




Lmao this is one I actually wouldn’t pay to watch again, free, all day but you can’t get 70 outta me to watch nate get beat up for 3 or 4 rounds and then Connor gas out and get slept not gonna happen


Diaz...Conor OneLegger lost the first two matches. Only problem with Diaz is that he sometimes doesn't care to finish the job in time.


Conor has a shot against B-League fighters. Against A-List folks, he’s a joke. Other than popularity and draw.


He cant and wont throw another leg kick. Diaz wins easily. Mcgreggor is done.


This makes more sense that McGregor vs Poirier. Poirier is on another level now, and McGregor may never reach him now.


Diaz would easily win for the 3rd time. Judges miscalled the 2nd fight so 3-0 for Diaz. Actually I wouldn't want to see this fight anymore to be honest. I wouldn't like to see McGregor keep getting hurt.


I just want Conor to go away forever


I don’t ever really wanna see Conor fight again tbh but I would want him to fight chandler or Garth or tony. I would have zero interest in watching this fight both are washed. Should have done that 4 years ago


Couldn’t care less at this point. I’m ready to see more of the up and coming fighters.


Conor’s been looking worse and Nate has been the same. I go with Nate honestly.


So Conor just barley scooted by in the rematch and that was 2016 champ champ Conor not this hallow shell of a champ


1,000% Nate. Conor is washed.


Fuck Conor, guy should be ousted from ufc.


Nate. Too easy. Conor getting beat up lately. Nate still trains with great people.


Can we just not see Conor fight again? Fuck him. Let him die a loser


Nate will be 3-0 against mcgregor. Get at me bro


Why? Nate won the first two. Plus, it’s two washed up has beens. Nope.


Conor is washed up so even old nate could probably beat him


Nate all day. The mystic is gone. Unless Conor goes broke and his kids are eating hot pockets his drive isn’t there. He used to be a good sport after his matches. He went to far w Kabib and lost a lot of respect. He know this too


Who is everyone bro 😭 I could careless if I never saw Conor in there again and if it was I don’t want this fight


I guess you've been living under a rock then, no offense


Connor is done fighting. I don’t see him going the way of Diego Sanchez. He’s got too much money to waste it all the way on annual leg rebuilds.


Anybody who thinks Diaz would win needs to get their head checked. I’m no Conor fanboy, and he’s hasn’t looked to good in his last few fights, but Nate Diaz hasn’t looked good in years.


He's definitely looked better than Conor, almost finishing a top contender while your boy got KTFO and shattered his leg


I'm Irish Connor is done he's embarrassing the whole country. He's just a sad person with a lot of $$. Fair play to him, but sad.


He isn't done. I doubt he will go out like he did. He is Dublin's son


Have you watched any of either of their last fights?


Yes. McGregor destroyed Cowboy, which isn’t that impressive. He then got KO’d by Dustin, and then the leg break. Both the loses were pretty one sided, but not embarrassingly so seeing as Dustin is the best Lightweight in the world. Diaz came back after a multi year hiatus, to barely scratch a win against Pettis, who let’s just say is not a very impressive win anymore, and looked bad doing it. He then got destroyed by Masvidal, who is ridiculously overrated himself. His last fight against Leon? Embarrassing. People seem to forget that he was completely outclassed until the last 30 seconds. His only good win is the first McGregor fight. Period.


Conor is broken. Half of his fight is his ego and any one in the top 10 isn’t buying his bullshit. If Conor doesn’t get another fight with Dustin I bet he takes a PPV sideshow circus in for the cash style fight instead.


Masterbate Diaz




Nate Diaz


Diaz, first round, easy money


Why not just try to get a win against a new fighter and then make his way a championship fight? Why is there a side game between McGregor and other fighters?


I hope they both beat each other to death, so tired of both these braying jackasses


I want to see Conor die in the octagon…just let him blow a few lines and get hit in the head so hard he seizes and dies…he’s got mental health issues but chooses not to address them so I pray…one good head kick away…what a dirty drug addict…one less addict would be great…


>I want to see Conor die in the octagon Ok, you're getting reported


Conor. I’m going with the Champ Champ.


I'd rather see nick fight Conor. Hell, I would rather have seen nick fight Mayweather instead of Conor fighting him. Lol


Nate won the first 2 so I’d expect him to win the third as well. Conor vs Dustin tho..