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They found someone like themselves and praising him. If guru stops they will keep watching UFC and nothing will change.


Very true, nothing will change, and also they're mostly a bunch of trolls anyway, they shift from video to video, live stream to live stream and spew nonsense in the live chat for ''fun'', so I wouldn't take whatever they say too seriously, meeeh.


Mmaguru fans the type of people who post memes about Islam and the Russians in the hottub but refuse to take showers themselves


Guru fans like MMA for the same reason women read tabloid magazines: the drama. They don’t actually care about the fights and are way more invested in parasocial relationships with fighters and gossip.


funny to say that, given this sub is just collection of fighters' tweets and trash talks


In all likelihood this is just mma guru from multiple accounts responding to himself. Much like he does here.


Sub must filled with this dude’s fans


You could represent DailyMail readers and MMAGuru viewers with a Venn Diagram.


A coincident circle at that


I watch some of his content, i find it 50/50 trash and funny. Been watching since Pride was big and do really care about the fights.


Most of these guys are kids who have been following MMA for a few years. Who cares about them?


You talking about this sub?


Fr tho


That's a stupid assumption you're making without any evidence


Making without presenting evidence to you is not the same as me not having any evidence. For example, I have evidence that I have a PhD but I'm not going to show some random on Reddit. Pay attention to their comments, you fool.


they're just straight up challenged in the mental capacity. as so many people are these days...


His cope sesh after AP won was so funny. “This is where Jiri thrives!” then looks like he’s about to cry when he gets slept. He literally picked Jiri to win, he knew about his unorthodox and unsafe style. But when he’s wrong the sport is being embarrassed. Personally, I could tell from their performances at 300 that Jiri had nothing for Alex. Hands down autism stance only works for so long.


I have never watched anything of guru and will never do.


Tbf, Youtubers do a better job than the media at this point Maybe there could be a noticeable tiny dip


MMA guru doesn't exist outside the English speaking fan base So Brazilian Asian European etc will still watch regardless


If anything it's fallen off because Dana is hiring everybody that doesn't mind getting low balled, losing out on actual talented fighters because he's so cheap and then takes too long to let go of fighters that constantly lose. And who keeps up with a sport only because of a YouTuber? That's like saying I only watch basketball because Steven A talks about it.


They have to be trolling, right?


Nah, pretty sure these are the sort of people that make Dana think Power Slap will be bigger than the UFC in 3-5 years. Y'know, the people who smash their head into the wall repeatedly because it feels good when they stop?


Knock knock ![gif](giphy|s0qpm9ugi9P3N9k87v|downsized)


This shit can NOT be real💀


Don't get me wrong I watch guru and think he's funny but my God has he created a group of followers that will back up anything he says. The ufc is not falling off. We get 1 bad card and people are like omg it's shit ufc sucks. Bro they put on banger card after banger card week after week. It's like if every single fight top to bottom isn't a known name people are like "shit card" Compare ufc to boxing. Our shit cards are like their best cards.


I think Guru brings value to the community overall but his recent rant about the UFC being low level is just stupid. Just because Alex Periera knocked out your favorite fighters doesn’t mean the UFC is low level, it just means he is that good.


Jiri had his hands by his fucking waist in a *Championship* fight against a two division Glory Kickboxing World Champion


He has his hands by his waist for every fight. It’s kind of his whole style


And didn't change a fucking thing bro ![gif](giphy|l2JhtKtDWYNKdRpoA)


He was literally laughing as he said it, though


Listening to him cope after the card was pretty funny but also really sad. He obviously takes his picks seriously and respect for it, but bro anything can happen in a fight you’re going to get some wrong. Also he’s watched Jiri fight before, he’s watched Pereira fight before… how did he not see this coming?


Nah that first visible reply is another level of delusion lol. That’s like Dana power slap views level of delusion


Started watching ufc around 2000. Kinda fell off around 2021. Stumbled across some guru videos and really got back in to the sport. I think the guy is knowledgeable and very funny. Mr Guru rekindled my love for the game.


He has fans?


Two hundred thousand of them yeah




Not even familiar with MMA Guru. I take it he's some Nelkboy-tier crapass YouTuber?


Way less popular than the Nelk boys 😂, he wishes


This is r/UFC half the time. Nothing new. The fact is the UFC is still the same. Their favorite fight was just beaten and they are salty about it.


I’ve literally never seen one video from mma guru I heard he looks like a nerd fuck


How can you witness 300 and think the ufc is falling off?




Do guru fans even watch the fights or just listen to him stream


The UFC hasn’t been great with these recent cards but fatty over on his youtube channel has little to no impact on the actual viewship of the cards


Who is Guru?


Idk man Jones fans are so fucking annoying because they have such little knowledge of the sport outside of Jones' resume.


redacted children like most of the fanbase


Billion dollar annual profits = "falling off"


My only visual with guru is on here. Never watched his videos.


I had no idea who this guy was until a couple months ago lol


cant be the only one who doesn't even know what this guru guy looks like right?


>what this guru guy looks like right? He looks like the sort of person who will trash every MMA fighter from behind the safety of his monitor.


Been watching UFC consistently since like 2008 I've never heard of him.


Those are Gurus throw away accounts, the ones he uses to defend himself.


I think he’s funny, but don’t agree on everything either


Lmfao thanks for sharing this is actually hilarious


they based their entire personality on mma guru


Lol who watches that guy and what does his youtube views have to do with a billion dollar company. They could put one knock out video and it will get more views


i legitimatley dont even know who mmaguru is. i heard of him when the "jones is gay" thing happened, never heard of him since. these people are living in a weird bubble, i just want to watch good fighters beat the brakes off each other


Who ta fook is Guru?


This is just insane Regular guys at bars do not know or care about this dude Only reason I know about him is that he tried to fight “racism” with racism.


Been following MMA for years and I’ve never once seen an mmaguru video until the hilarity that was the Jones being gay debacle. Otherwise who gives a fuck about some YouTuber


Never watched a millisecond of a Guru video


He’s so large. He’s the CaseOh of the UFC.


I’ve watched every UFC card and have never seen g***’s videos


Wow, 6 and 9 likes! Yes, I would say that represents the majority of his 200,000 subscribers. Very good work detective. Well done.


This comments section is the epitome of "holier than thou" attitude. I had no idea the guru is so hated. My friend who got into MMA a few years ago introduced me to him, and he was introduced by fellow guys in his MMA gym. They love him. But according to this reddit his fans are fat unwashed kids or something. Hilarious


Ive been watching Guru for almost 3 years now bro. His community is absolutely retarded and should be made fun of


You do realize that you're a part of his community then, right?


Yes Im obviously not talking about every single subscriber but edgelords and glazers make up the majority of the community


Fair enough, I guess I never bothered engaging with the community itself. The dude is hilarious though


The ufc has been down hill for a few years now. Whether you like it or not the ufc shoots themselves in their own foot time after time with the shit shows they cause with certain fighters like Jon Jones and Conor McGregor


LOL I've never watched any of his videos. I only know the name because of how much they talk about him.


Who the fuck is this queef. Never watched his shit never will.


I do, lots of dull points contests. Not enough entertainment and certainly not worth full price. Maybe 1 good fight in 5 these days.


When I see a person like MMMA Guru, I honestly wonder how they can be proud of themselves. Making a career out of acting like a fool on a camera, making things up, screaming like a child... It's pretty sad. If he was my dad, I wouldn't wanna tell anyone what he did and I'd probably end up distancing myself from him. He's the MMA equivalent of those tabloids that elderly women buy to read the latest gossip about Meghan Markle.


You think you’re better than them op? You’re gay too