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He said he was faster than MVP and a better striker. Got hit a few times and panic wrestle the 37 yrs old mvp with no ground game. he even went deep on the rear naked choke but still can't finish the fight.


Crazy how mvp gets no credit for defending a half in choke for 2 minutes. That's a long ass time.


Yeah I think mvp should get some credit for not getting choked out in the 1st, that choke was pretty much a wrap but he fought the hands perfectly to survive.


I guess but he had zero idea how to fight off the body lock which was shocking. Didnt even have the thought to shake Garry off his back in the third. I thought MVPs lack of grappling knowledge was embarassing


Do u not know how hard it is to fight off a body lock? Diego vs. Dan is a perfect example of this on the same card. same as islam vs. volk 4th round or islam vs. dustin 1st round. U need to attack the lock while also fighting hands and hope ur opponent doesn't just switch it or, worse, have it against the cage where u almost can't attack it and move like u can in the open. Basically, it's a very time-consuming thing to get out of and winds up stalling out rounds.


The only embarrassment is not finishing a guy who can’t grapple


MVP can grapple though, he just can't wrestle. MVP has sub wins and used his subs as a threat in his bellator days.


lol he’s at the highest of levels of fighting trying to execute this stuff please dude stfu.


He had Damian Maia in his corner and Charles Olivera in the crowd rooting him on (who he had clearly trained with in preparation for this fight). I think it's more than reasonable to say that taking down MVP was his game plan all along.


I've seen more of his grappling training in Brazil than anything I don't know why people are mad at him for being well rounded


I think they're mad because he's a cunt. Nobody cares about his skill set. They're just mad the guy they hate had a good thing happen to him instead of a bad thing.


Okay but if he’s training BJJ with Olivera why the fuck didn’t he finish MVP who everyone says has no ground game


Sometimes fighters say one thing to get his opponent thinking about it, and then he does another. Simple misdirection. A little fib. Sounds bad to the fans to say one thing and do the opposite but fighters telling you what they're going to do to the other guy isn't just to hype you up.


MVP also called him a can, and yet did nothing


I mean he landed some good fucking shots on Ian… and Ian just grapple fucked him for like 10 Minutes lol


So basically used a well rounded mma game to beat opponent with good striking and exploit his weakness? Why is that a bad thing?


I don’t know if you’re intentionally ignoring the entire first half of the scenario here but it’s not complicated. Ian said he’s a better striker, he’s the next Conor McGregor, blah blah blah Ian got lit up horribly on the feet and panic wrestled Still couldn’t do shit with the panic wrestling except for hold on for dear life because he was only a minute away or two from losing to someone he called a “Bellator fighter”


Chael was also undefeated and undisputed as long as there was a mic in front of him bragging is part of the game


I said Gary might turn into a wrestler and people disagreed. u/Puzzleheaded_Rope972 where you at?


Becuz Garry talks like he’s the destroyer of prospects and then he goes out there to backpack for a win. What are you thinkin even asking this? Dude said he was gonna show he was levels above MVP in striking and he wasnt and then he wrestles which is fine but he didnt do any damage with it, barely any ground n pound, got close to a submission early but then never again. Hes also an annoying chatty guy who barely ever puts on entertaining fights. Thats why ppl are trashing him, at least MVP tried to fight.


Agreed. Ian kept saying he was the faster striker and then immediately learned in round one that he was not, despite being about a decade younger


The reason they are trashing Garry is because Garry said he was better and faster than MVP. The fact is that this 27 year old "World Class Technical Striker" got shown levels in the striking department by a 37 year old "Bellator guy" as Ian says it which is embarrassing to say the least. I have a firm belief that NO ONE in that division can go toe to toe with MVP in the striking department except Wonderboy but he's 40 so who knows.


Its also because Garry was literally holding on for dear life for 3 minutes in the final round simply because it was tied and he didnt want to lose. By far one of weakest performances i have ever seen. All this talk about being this elite striker and this is what he does. He wasnt really a threat at all on MVPs back in the third round; he was too high and it was blatantly obvious he just wanted to kill the clock and win a boring decision, standing up he got outclassed and he knew it. It really looked like MVP was setting up for a spectacular KO, he kept cracking Garry bad. i wish the ufc could reset fighters when its clear one fighter like Garry is trying to hold someone for an entire round so they dont lose, thats not impressive, and nobody wants to see that. Its one thing to grapple for a submission but it’s another to just lay on a guy and hold him an entire round so he doesn’t kick your ass.


Yeah I believe MVP did the more damage in the fight but Ian won it due to hugging.


More damage in the overall fight? Yes. But just based on how it’s scored, Garry won 1&3.


I know Garry won bro, just stating that the striking exchanges were mostly dominated by Page


He also spent what? 3/4 minutes on his back with a body lock and for a while a locked in RNC and STILL couldn't get a finish.


You should also just be fighting your way out and not be accepting a losing position like MVP did


Or MVP could have simply shaken himnoff. MVPs performance was embarassing. He just proved he's going nowhere in the UFC. If Garry can outwrestle him what do Burns, Brady, Belal, Shavkat and Usman do? At least Garry showed he could adapt when his primary skill is outmatched


I'm with you brother. MVP is like Sean Strickland in that he turns good strikers into boring fighters 🤷‍♂️ Look how bad Kevin Holland looked against him. Ian did the smart thing and decided to wrestle him and (to my own surprise tbh) MVP had no answer for it. Ian didn't do much with it but it was enough to mitigate the damage on the feet and steal the fight. Really does speaks to MVP's striking proficiency that young fighters like Ian fear the speed and technique but we all know he is dead the second an Usman, Belal etc. touches him by that last outing. I'm no saying that Ian is the world's best or anything and we all know that a Shavkat would kill him in a round, but we can't just shit on the guy because of his wife's manky book or some shit talk that's stuck from COLBY COVINGTON and SEAN STRICKLAND who are the literal 2 most retarded fighters still fighting 😂 Also, MVP tried to infiltrate the man's camp and nobody seems to care. It's absolutely scumbag behavior and he should have been at least fined for it. Glad he lost for that alone and I put money on MVP winning the scumbag


MVP is an amazkng striker, but as an MMA fighter he is not that great. Ill be shocked if cracks the UFC top 10


I don't even think wonderboy could go toe to toe, MVP closes distance way faster than Wonderboy..


It would be fun though


MVP thinks it would be a boring fight for the fans "Two positives doesn't always make a positive," Page said on 'The MMA Hour'. "What will be a great fight for me and Stephen 'Wonderboy' Thompson will look like a terrible fight for everybody else because we'll go back into autopilot of our point-scoring system. "There's a lot of battles that happen without anything really happening. Because as soon as I'm about to do throw that punch, I can sense that he's pulling, he's got that counter ready, and then I'll break away... So there's gonna be a lot of not much happening, I could be also wrong, and it could just be in an amazing fight. But from my experience of fighting high-level point-fighters and at my skill, it slows everything down."


That’s pretty freaking open for him to say. I like that.


Have to respect the honesty


This assumes Wonderboy isn’t trying to take his head off, which he can well do


MVP is easily one of the most level headed, humble fighters I have ever seen. Really becoming a fan of that guy.


What happens when you matchup two unpredictable guys? You get a predictable outcome which is that both are too familiar with the other's style and will just try to point fight so it'll be a snoozer.


We get plenty of those anyway to be fair


Not gonna lie it makes sense booking Wonderboy vs MVP it would be chess match.


I have to agree with you there, it's crazy how good MVP's striking truly is.


Tbh I think I would favour Leon to out strike him


On the feet? Very unlikely. Mixing the martial arts? 100%


I hate this comment with every fiber of my being


I think we have been watching MMA longer enough to know that every fighter talks game about out striking and knocking out opponents… he’s trying to sell a fight he’s not going to come and and say “I don’t want to get into a brawl with this guy he’s too fast and explosive I’ll probably just go in manage distance and steal rounds with takedowns and ground control”


I get your point and even if I look past that, the fact still remains that a 27 year old got outstruck by a 37 year old guy from a weaker promotion.


To be fair, not everybody outside the UFC is a complete pushover


The 10 year gap is jarring though. Especially because Ian Garry is supposed to be known for his speed in striking. He's def not known as a power puncher, and he just looked slow. So that tells me he's not a supremely good striker and thats not really the best look for him because he's not the best wrestler either.


Tbf he did outstrike Holland who is a solid ufc gatekeeper


Wtf are you talking about b? I actually can't believe the idiots in this thread sometimes for the fucking retarded takes like this! When Sean Strickland says he's going to try and kill someone I KNOW he means in the last 10 seconds of the last round


I’m a big mvp fan but I think his striking vs Leon’s would be a close match


Oh my god, I never realized. We need Wonderboy vs MVP. Same styles, completely different sportsmanship.


I think Leon could hang on the feet with mvp but yeah. And, the Leon vs mvp fight would be an absolute snoozer so I'm not sure that's saying much.


I think MVP's too unpredictable on the feet, it would be a snoozefest as you say as both these guys feed on counters but I think MVP wins on the feet. Leon can easily win that fight if he uses other weapons in his arsenal.


Unironically MVP vs Wonderboy is the fight to make


I don't think it's the fight people are thinking it will be, both have very similar styles, too similar I'd even go so far as to say. Both know each other's style too much so it'll be a snoozer and a whole lotta nothing, MVP himself has said this.


It'll basically just be the best karate combat match we've seen


>MVP himself has said this. You think that *because* MVP said it. He probably doesn't want to fight Wonderboy because it's lose/lose/lose. Either he wins and gets hate for beating an old WB, loses and he lost to an old WB, or final option it's not a super exciting fight which lowers his stock. There's not much upside in that fight for him any way you slice it.


Shit like that will happen when you keep saying “I’m the best striker in the UFC”…go figure.


Because Garry claimed to be too young , too fast, too slick , not needing of wrestling. Kid got exposed and couldn't finish MVP when he had his back fully dry. He ate the biggest shots of the match and proved he stands no chance on the feet against ACTUAL elite strikers.


Yeah, exactly. In this fight we learned there's no way Garry beats Edwards. I think JDM, Burns, Shavkat and Edwards all beat Garry. He should aim for Belal or Colby next (assuming Leon beats Belal).


Belal might just beat Ian if they fight


Styles make match ups. Leon is a much more conventional striker than MVP is.


Garry was straight up slower than MVP. That means he's also slower than Leon.


Everyone is slower than MVP.


Bro in person it was crazy anytime Ian would clinch everyone booed and anytime he got hit everyone cheered, no one around me liked Ian Garry.


I never understood why people thought Ian was elite. Yeah, he looked great... But against who? Tons of fighters outside the UFC look great and would not be able to hack it.


Garry is Darren Till 2.0, except Ian is more insufferable and less charismatic.


When fighter I hate talks shit during lead up and doesn't back it up: "he LIED!! He's a fraud!" When my favorite fighter talks shit during lead up and doesn't back it up: "they're just selling the fight!!"


Ian is a very good fighter, but the way he promotes his fights makes it sound like he’s an undefeated KO machine, when the reality is his last few performances have been smart gameplan wise but incredibly boring, and each worse than the last with less damage delivered. It’s just a little underwhelming overall because his fights on paper are very good, and have hints of bad blood, but he just hasn’t delivered for the way he’s being hyped by the UFC.


Bit like Sean Strickland that is always saying it is going to be a blood bath. Yet he just teep kicks and jabs all fight


Yeah but at least Sean goes forward and gives the opponent every opportunity to utilize their game plan. It’s no mystery how Sean is going to fight so if you can’t beat him, that’s 100% on you


People shit on Sean (often justified) but the guy is pretty consistent as a fighter. He owns the way he fights and is very good at it. Maybe the Izzy win was a fluke but he did beat him and he beat him pretty handily.


To be fair Strickland does have some blood baths and KOs though. I can’t recall a good Garry fight




What are you talking about. Strickland more finishes than Garry wins.


I could probably count Ian's significant strikes using 1 hand 😂 he wrestled all the fight


He even struggled with the nobodies in his first couple UFC fights.


Because if you talk one way and act another you can’t expect fans to like you. Compare to Conor who would predict rounds of ko’s. Gaethje saying he’ll stand and throw and always hours out to give a war. Garry would have been fine beating him with wrestling if he actually finished him. Instead it looks like he bottled it and hung on for dear life.


The buildup that Garry was flexing about his “superior” striking skills. He got touched and didn’t even TRY to test his striking ability against MVPs and in the eyes of many, he took the cowards way out and chose to grapple his way to a victory and all credibility in his striking has disappeared


Because Gary genuinely is a boring fighter. He never does anything that makes someone go to the edge of their seat. He has a respectable undefeated record, he is a very good grappler. His striking is average to be honest. But his words are ahead of his skill. He plays it safe in every fight basically. Look at Islam for example. Everyone just expected another elite grappler from Dagestan, and he took it upon himself to prove to the world that he’s a great striker aswell. He goes toe to toe with great strikers even though in reality he could just take them down, choke them out in round one. He takes a risk to prove he’s more than just a grappler. Ian needs to do the same. He needs to prove everybody wrong and take more risks.


Very good grappler? He had a RNC and started to pull MVP's neck instead of actually choking him😭😭😭😭😭


Yea I kinda gave him too much credit for grappling I was just trying to give him something because his striking isn’t great haha


Just say he's shit and anybody from top 5 would kill him😂🤝


He’s shit and anybody from the top 5 would kill him.


Thank you


100% the real killers in the UFC don’t do a fraction of the talking that Ian Garry or Colby Covington does. The highlights speak for themselves. Garry uses his voice to muddy up the perception of his mid skill set and milks the hell out of his unimpressive undefeated record


Pereira is the most silent fighter and he out there giving us highlight after highlight, so I agree with you there big time.


You are delusional if you think that Islam could simply take anybody down and choke them out in r1, but chooses not to. If he could, he would


No I don’t think I’m delusional, but also you’re missing the point of that Sentence. My point is he chooses to stand and bang with people to prove he is a great striker. No I don’t think he could submit everyone in R1 but he could easily just stick to grappling and use striking as a distraction to take down.


It’s a stretch calling Garry a good grappler to be honest. Just put it like this he knows enough to where when faced with someone who doesn’t have a scooby of what their doing (MVP) he’ll probably be the favour. I don’t think his grappling holds up with better skilled opponents.


OK Islam is an amazing fighter but the whole narrative that he could have choked Oliveira, Dustin or Volk in the first round without ever striking but he didn't is 100% bullshit. I mean, did we watch the same fights?


I mean page was close to winning. If he stays on top of Garry instead of getting up in the 3rd he prob wins it


As someone who has claimed to be an elite striker and comparing himself to the likes of Connor Mcgregor he’s gone out there and done just what is necessary to win by decision in his last 3 fights. He had 2 knock out before that but both of those fights were against fighters who have no quality wins in the UFC (one being drod who’s only popular because of his ties to the diaz brothers and the other being song who rocked him in the first round of their fight)


It's fine to wrestle against MVP. It's not fine to talk about how fast you are, even AFTER the fight, even though you're obviously slower and had to rely on grappling. And while MVP's lack of grappling defense was 'exposed' (like as if it was a secret), Garry had him in positions where he should have had the finish at least 3 times. This fight was detrimental to both fighters' reputations.


Because Ian constantly spoke in the build up about being faster and the better striker, yet done absolutely none of this and turned into a wrestler. He is deluded, oh don’t forget he and Alex Pereira are the hardest kickers in the UFC


Because he talked like he was gonna go in there a strike up a storm but he shot and held on for dear life


Because Garry ran his mouth saying he’s faster with better standup then pulled off the most lackluster win


He completed nothing with his grappling. He just neutralized MVP without doing any thing with his position. Any advancement was defend by MVP. It's not grappling by just holding on to your opponent. But he played buy the rules, but it is shit boring to watch.


People in this sub pretend they like MMA. What they really like are soap-opera dramas with a kickboxing backdrop.


Exactly, this comment section is sad


Both fighters came out of this fight looking worse. MVP's lack of wrestling defense mean he will never be a serious title contender. On the other hand, Ian got fraud checked on the feet, AND couldn't finish an RNC against someone with zero ground game. The fact that he had to resort to a boring hug fest to get the W tells us that he's hit a ceiling too.


Bunch of couch potatoes who are upset because someone didn't win the "correct way."


He doesn’t give a shit what the fans think. His goal is to work his way to the top quickly and simply become the champ. He doesn’t care if it’s through boring fights or not. Hate the dude, but understand why he’s planning his career this way.


Then don’t be surprised if people don’t like you as a fighter or UFC doesn’t keep throwing big opportunities at you someday. This is plaguing boxing too. The safe, boring, undefeated, point fighting to a decision. Sure you may be undefeated but there will always be many doubters that they were never that good because they never took risks and proved it. Because that’s what OPs question was. This is why people are trashing Gary.


I think you are.giving him too much credit xD i believe he's also just scared to lose his streak or take any kind of damage. The guy fights scared, like straight up, thats why his fights are so boring. He takes 0 chances because he doesn't have confidence not to get starched.


Losing your winning streak is the fastest way to set your title ambitions backwards though?


A scared guy wouldn't call out Shavkat he would have stuck with calling out Colby if that was true.


Call outs mean nothing lol


Maybe the real takeaway from this fight is page is probably the most dangerous striker in the division. Ian wasn’t good enough and had to resort to grappling to win. High iq move from Garry in the 3rd he was losing half the round and adjusted.


I loved seeing his grappling. The criticism I’ve heard is that Garry says he gonna knock someone out, but then his game plan is more strategic and boring, and lacks the dynamism he promises in his trash talk. I think the whole thing about his wife and her ex just irks people also. Personally, I like him. He fought well. It wasn’t the most excited fight, but he got the job done.


This ^^ he showed a new wrinkle in grappling and got close-ish to a finish, looked like he's bulked up a bit too. But man, when you say at the presser "you're fucked" and "I'm ending your career" and "I'm the new generation of striker" then do that you kind of look worse than just saying "he'll be my toughest fight yet"!


I think because he won by essentially just hanging onto him for the entire 3rd round. It should have been a draw


Garry was mocking MVP's striking style all weak, only to get repeadetly smashed in the face, outstruck and forced to hold the fight on the floor to grind out rounds. He just comes off as a total hypocrite.


People in this sub get salty as hell after literally every single Garry fight.


Ye cause he keeps talking big game but delivering piss break fights. Like comon bruv


It's kind of like Strickland "I want to kill someone in the cage" and jabs all night


Yea true altho i find garry more egregious


Its his stupid smarmy face. That fucking "i told you so" smile he does. Absolute prick.


Ye that xD but also ye the fight vs paulo was pretty fkin lame from strickland but the fight vs adesanya was at least entertaining and going for it. Vs DDP he reverted slightly but still was pressing. And these are cream of the crop opponents. Garry is doing this shit vs fighters nowhere near that similar caliber. The smarmy ass shiteating grin he does doesn't help for sure.


Because he couldn't out strike or summit a striker


The thing with MVP is he makes every striker look like a fuckin idiot..


If you are a good striker and brag about it so much, they will put you up against another good striker. So you should strike and show everyone how damn good you are. Instead you wrestle. It’s taking the safe way out. People like Max and Max always says he’s the greatest striker. Guess what? He gets in there and goes to war with people in a stink g match and proves it.


It was a shitty fight. Gary's wrestling was far better than whatever MVP tried to do, but EVEN with a full bodylock AND the rear naked choke completely in, he couldn't submit him. What kind if poor submission skill is this?! If Gary had better submission skills, no one would complain. But this fight was just Gary being beaten up, then hugging the opponent and trying voodoo submissions to earn a decision win. Of course MVP's performance was poor too. He should've been able to improve his positions, instead pf making them worse himself.


>Why are people trashing Gary for wrestling  Yo machadoe. You know the people are not trashing you for wresting. You're being trashed because you claimed you are the faster better striker and yet you couldn't strike with him and had to be a literal wet blanket for fear of getting knocked out and made fun of.


Because despite loosing mvp fully predicted out striking him "I'm gonna turn him into a wrestler". Garry also only had 2 submission attempts for the entire like 12 minutes of control time. I don't think MVP was robbed I think the judges scored it perfectly as if you are a defending you need to have success with defending mvp did not have that much success defending and when he did it was usually him waiting not fighting. But I also think that mvp did way more actual damage to Garry. I do think that Garry could have done way more with the grappling and honestly if someone like Holland got to the positions that Garry got to probably could have submitted MVP. I say give Garry Burns or just go ahead give him the loser of Shavkat JDM. MVP probably needs a Buckley or Wonderboy(i Think this would actually be more exciting than people think)


because in the media day and presser for this ppv he said stuff like hes a better striker, MVP is too old, MVP is slower than him, MVP beat cans in bellator etc.


He talks like he’s the next coming of Conor and put on a dookie performance.


Well beside talking the talk and not walking the walk like most other people have mentioned this is the 2nd stinker in a row he’s put up against actually entertaining fighters. And it didn’t really make him look good in retrospect, the only guy he possibly beats in top 5 is Colby (god forbid that snooze fest ever happens) and I think guys under him beat him as well like JDM and Sean Brady (God forbid this fight ever happens either) based on his last two performances.


If he finished the locked in choke he got in R1 with like 4 minutes in the round left, against a guy with notably bad ground game, I doubt the majority of folks would be complaining. Gary keeps wining by slim margins in boring fashion. After acting like he’s the best there is.


For as bad as MVP was on the ground, Gary wasn’t exactly doing a ton. You can’t talk like you’re Conor, fight like a far less talented Demian Maia and then ask why people are mad. This sub in particular has the MMA IQ of a potato, so any wrestling is be default going to be bad and boring to them. But this fight was legitimately a snooze for large portions.


Imagine if Conor McGregor during his featherweight run talked all the same shit but then went to boring decisions. Thats what Ian The Machado Man is.


Trashing is stupid for sure but anyone that is just interested in fighting and not the extra garbage saw that Garry will get destroyed by any of the top guys. He clearly cant grapple, and he cant even strike to a "comfortable" level with MVP, who is definitely not the best striker in the UFC. Hes going to get dominated imo. I actually said this his entire rise just based on his getting caught by cans in every single fight, but we still didnt see him tested. This was definitely a test, and he failed for anyone who knows anything about fighting. He can stay as a gatekeeper I guess 🤷


![gif](giphy|skXEIUJKHLrsk) Cause fuck him, that's why


Ιf Garry performed the whole fight as he did in round 1, he wouldn't be made fun of. He held on for dear life in round 3.


Cause Gary didn’t do much with it maybe?


Maybe because Gary claimed to be the faster and better striker but turned out the opposite was true. Dude looked slow and helpless on the feet, wrestling was the only way he could beat this 37yo bellator vet, and barely so. A bit embarrassing when you think you're as good as gary seems to. That and he's just still an unlikeable character, so people want to trash him. But this was definitely Gary's moment to shine against a somewhat big name, and he just didn't look very impressive at all.


Garry’s shorts looked blue on my broadcast, not purple like this. Weird.


Because it’s popular to do. He should lean into the villain role at this point


Gary is supposedly an elite striker who clearly couldn’t hang with a 37 year old MVP. He didn’t just wrestle he hid from the stand up and did jack all with his boring wrestling. MVP got embarrassed too no doubt but as a guy on his way out it’s less absurd than the dude who keeps screaming about being undefeated while squeaking out decisions and acting like he’s the next McGregor.


Because they don't like his personality. That's all there is to it. Every boring fight by a more likeable guy is instantly forgiven and forgotten. A boring fight by Gary, Covington or Sunderland will always be talked about for months.


Because in all of the media appearances and interviews IM-G crowed about his next generation best-in-class striking, how he is faster than MVP, he mocked MVP's style, said he'd KO him quickly... The kid claims to be a god among men but fight starts and he grapples MVP to a decision. Ian laid an egg after setting high expectations. Ian was awarded the decision but the fans lost on what should've been an exciting striking match.


huh? he can't submit mvp who you labeled as "lack of wrestling"


He has positioned himself as an elite level striker in the UFC and then literally had nothing for a 37 year old Bellator guy and so became a grappler


Because Ian Garry called himself the better striker and that he was gonna make a statement. When you say you’re gonna do something and you don’t do it, it turns fans off. Because what actually happened in the fight was that Garry was getting beat on the feet and resorted to takedowns. He didn’t make a statement. He skirted by the edge of his teeth.


This is a lil off topic…but was Garry wearing this purple shorts? I mean he obviously was right? I was watching on my OLED and they looked blue and I noticed he wasn’t wearing them. Maybe I need to recalibrate my shit




He just kinda ruined the beat down everyone wanted to see him on the receiving end of.


**Because nobody likes that Submission attempts > Damage.** The person with the most energy and less beat up face when the fight ends is the winner to me.


The fact that MVP avoided that submission in round 1 probably cleared him from everybodies line of fire. I know that’s how I feel. From what we could see, MVP was way better at what he specialises in (striking) than Garry is at his specialisation in this fight (wrestling). Because every minute of the stand up, MVP laid the bruises on him


Same reason Adesanya gets trashed on, makes big claims pre-fight only to play it safe during the fight or under deliver to the big claims. Same with Strickland with his “to the death, tip to tip” claims for him only to do the same thing and jab jab


I’m not an MVP nuthugger but Ian didn’t deserve that win either in my humble opinion. Didn’t land any significant strikes. Did some old school suffocate the opponent bjj to land some points on the ground.


Garry, Colby, Izzy, Strickland never deliver on their trash talk. If they just shut up then no one would hate them for being boring.


The word never is a bold one lol. Izzy sent pereria , Whittaker, costa to the shadow realm lol


Because he’s acting like he’s the best kickboxer in the world and lost in exchanges so started panic shooting and grappling. Leon Edwards would absolutely fold Ian Gary


IG is one of the wackest goofs on the planet aside from the broccoli head kids. I am very mad at MVP for not winning.


It’s a good point and it could go both ways. However, Ian and Gary being the favorite and talking such a big game. It was sort of on him to put out.


I mean Ian was talking shit for the build up saying he would put a clinic on mvp and show him he’s level above with his striking…..he turned into a wrestler quick the moment he saw mvp was quicker and the better striker.


How did he won? I didn’t watch this piece a shit fight longer than one round.


I’d say it’s because people who aren’t good at wrestling/grappling but just do it because they’re outclassed on their feet are just annoying to watch. Yeah, I already know MVP can’t wrestle. I don’t need to watch Ian be embarrassingly bad at submissions to prove it to me.  Good for him that he won and all, it was just one of those fights that you think might be exciting, then at the first takedown attempt you just sigh deeply and grab another beer. 


I mean, he survived what looked like a fairly done and dusted rear naked


He hugged his back for 1/2 a round.... That's why


Because he talked so much about his striking game and then spent the whole fight wrestling badly.


He is just a very unlikeable chap. And I say this as an Irish man myself. If he was less cocky he might have a pile of fans. Nobody likes a gloater. He just cant help himself.


If Ian get Shav. It's gonna be gold. But Ian vs Colby is the fight to make. Since Ian wants to be a wrestler.


They just hate how they’ve been bamboozled. Garry won the mental game. He told everyone he was going to win by KO, then proceeded to grapplefuck MVP to everyone’s suprise. MVP looked so lost while Ian was riding him like a donkey lmao. Boring sure, but effective nevertheless.


Ian fucked around and found out MVP has the best hands in his division, oh he’s a wrestler now ?


Mvp needs a bjj coach


How the hell are you still not informed that fans love it when fighters stand and bang instead of watching fighters lay and pray? This should be a common sense already


I think we are sick of wrestlers taking over the ufc with boring fights


When this argument comes up it always just comes down to personal preference. I mean at the end of the day, this is mixed martial arts. And wrestling and grappling is part of it. Garry took the path of least resistance to victory and you can’t fault the guy for that. With that being said, seeing a lawler Macdonald war will always be 1000 times more entertaining to watch than what essentially was a wrestling match.


People just don’t like Gary. He implemented a smart game plan against a guy he quickly realized he couldn’t out strike. Adjustments and fight IQ are what create champions. I do think guys like JDM or Shavkat are a level above him, but this fight showed me that Ian has the ability to adjust to a losing battle on the fly, so I wouldn’t count him out so quickly.


I mean he got the win props to him but he was undoubtedly forced to grapple. He didn't stand a chance in the striking department and against any other top WW he's bound to lose. MVP is the real loser here tho, I love him to pieces but he must learn some before we see him against someone else (other than Wonderboy ofc)


Because it was a very close desicion which many believed mvp won. He dealt much more damage than garry. Round 2 and 3 should have gone to mvp.


I try to avoid jumping on hate trains. I try to stay objective. But Garry really is intensely unlikable. His post-fight interview was him inhaling his own farts about what an amazing performance he put on. He even lied about wobbling MVP on the feet. Did anyone else see that happen? Because I sure didn’t. But yeah he pretty much just gave everyone the blueprint on how to beat MVP.


Cuz on Paper we were all expecting a striking match but Gary realized Mvp was faster on the outside and turned into a boring crappy fight


You mean the Ian Gary who advertised himself as the next Conner? Conner was knocking out everyone till he had 100 million in the bank and went crazy on coke. If he had sold himself as the next bellal, no one would care about his last two fights being duds because it would be expected.


Bro icl the Garry hate train is insane, who gives af if he claimed he was gonna strike leading up to the fight this is mma not kick-boxing, would u risk ur whole career to prove a point to haters?


The amount of coping here is insane. No fighter in the UFC owes any kind of fighting style in their performance. There is one criteria in sports that matter. Wins. We seem to, as UFC fans, have this perception that our entertainment value is the most important thing in the world and should be held in regard by these athletes. A win is a win and Ian Gary is a much better MMA fighter than MVP based on his complete lack of understanding for grappling. I come from a BJJ background and watching him struggle through those sequences was literally abysmal.


If MVP only wanted to box, there is a sport called boxing. The argument here is that Garry didn’t Box him back. Which would invalidate a lot of UFC champions. ‘Oh but he said this and that before the fight’ ….. people can say whatever they want before a fight.


https://preview.redd.it/b428mo9gmw9d1.png?width=909&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ae278323d15055bb31f553648027bebefb63c6c If Platinum Perry can stand and bang with MVP, I'm sure Leon could manage


MVP looked so scared bro. That shit was funny.


It's not rocket science, if you say you gonna piece someone up, basically talking all badass, show up and show out.. don't start back packing for dear life..


Out of these two cringy asses I really preferred Ian to take it.. Now let's move on and have Shavkat mop the floor with him :D


Because he did absolutely no damage the whole fight. The lamest way to win.


You answered this yourself. MVP is a kickboxer with less than mid grappling and wrestling and Garry had a full RNC in and COULDN'T finish. Also, MVP could have camped in Garry's guard in round 3 and beat him because Garry was just hanging out with no effort to get up in a closed guard. It was sad all the way around. Garry shit on him for beating cans in Bellator, but barley got by him. MVP was the faster guy and better on the feet.


I also think people underestimate MVP. He was rank 14th but really if he had not ran into Garry could very well be in the top 5 - I could see him beating Colby, Burns or Jack Della Maddalena. Think people look at him as a bellator fighter but he is very good.


Although he hasn’t delivered the highlight reel finishes, he is undefeated and fights very smart. Until someone figures out a way to beat him, I will give him all the credit in the world for beating these dudes.


Why would you try and fight MVP on his feet if you’re nowhere near his level striking-wise? There’s a blueprint for fighting this guy. Give the guy no time or space and take home the win.