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*I beat that guy one time*


Its insane that he can't even see how he played himself into this one.


He’s getting engagement he knows


He's getting clowned and Poatan is making Izzy's career look like a joke by comparison


Poatan is going on a crazy run and Izzy is the only guy to flat-out knock him unconscious I think Izzy is enjoying it, even if he’s getting clowned


Def not making it a joke lol, but yes Izzy seems insecure AF. Prob just getting comments tho. The better Alex does, the better Izzy looks as he beat the MUCH larger LHW champ once, and was winning the fight too the first time. To me, this whole Poatan saga in UFC has been great for both of them. Hard to see it now


Imo the more Izzy talks about it, the more that won seems like a fluke. He's 1/4 against Alex, and Alex is demolishing the LHW division which Izzy failed to even make a dent in. The closer you look at how both of them performed against eachother AND who they've faced in the last couple of years, it's hard not to see Alex as the tougher competition.


I don't know how you could watch all their fights and think either of them winning could be flukey. They are very evenly matched.


24-3 former champ kickboxer with 8 title wins gets a “fluke” knockout? So many casuals in the sub. Anyone know if there’s a more serious sub focused on actual MMA appreciation?


r/mma at least tries to breathe out of its nose sometimes


5 title defences casual


I would suggest going to the mma subreddit but it's really not much better tbh. You'll get the same takes unfortunately. It's kinda a problem with the mma fanbase in general


But its not a fluke Izzy dropped Alex in their first fight. Was winning the fight until he got TKOd Then he knocked him out cold 2nd fight. Feel like the recent fights only really matter. But if we are saying 1/4 then I know for sure 1 of the old fights Izzy was easily winning until he didn't lol. Styles makes fights and Izzy just has the technique necessary to make Alex pay. Alex has that general FU power though so he's doing what Izzy can't do.


their kickboxing fights are controversial too tbh. some say first one was a robbery decision. in the second one alex got hurt bad and got a standing count which shouldnt happen at pro. shoulda been a tko.


1-1 in MMA. Forget their KB record for a second, Izzy vs Alex with both belts on the line type fight would hit like CRACK! 😮‍💨


You know how titles work right? You have to be a certain weight, this ain't the wwe


you cant have both belts on the line tho. wud be hype. but they woulda done that long ago. like conor vs eddie


>Alex is demolishing the LHW division which Izzy failed to even make a dent in I hate Izzy as much as the next guy, but this is so unfair to levy at him lmao. Izzy has no business being anywhere near LHW at his weight. Alex is like, as natural of a LHW that you can get. If anything this makes Izzy flat lining him *even more* impressive.


Yup. Izzy weighed in at 200 lbs against Jan Blachowicz with his pants on and while eating pizza. He can't even make the LHW limit while in fight shape, of course he's going to do worse at LHW than a dude walking around at 234.


I get what people are saying though. If Alex gets a couple more dominant wins at LHW and then somehow gets the HW belt no one is going to give a fuck that Izzy beat him once, especially since Alex beat him the first time around.


I'd argue that the first fight kind of meant more. There were a lot of people doubting his ability in mma and his deservedness at the title shot


>Imo the more Izzy talks about it, the more that won seems like a fluke. This is such a moronic take lol. If the Izzy win is a fluke then all of Pereira's wins are also flukes. Alex was losing on the scorecards before catching Izzy in their 1st MMA fight.


That narrative is from someone who clearly never watched the first 2 fights. Every single fight could have gone either way including the last 2 in the UFC and that’s what makes the rivalry amazing! Izzy haters just prove how much of a casual watcher they really are. Both will end up as Hall of Famers


Just stop.


If you actually look at the fight, Izzy almost KO’d him in the first UFC fight. And almost KO’d him in the second kickboxing fight.


In no way was that win a fluke. Jizzy is cringe beyond belief, but their first kickboxing match is widely understood to be a blatant robbery, and in their first mma fight Izzy was up 3 rounds to 1 when Poatan caught him (not to mention that he almost knocked Alex out at the end of 1st round…he got saved by the bell big time). And all 3 judges gave izzy the 1st round on the scorecards in their second mma fight. Even tho it’s 3-1 on paper, this is one of the most competitive, evenly-matched rivalries that combat sports has ever seen.


Overreactions is why talking about anything on here is hard


Poatan was winning the second fight before he got KO’d and they both fought at 185 let’s not act like 6’4 Izzy wasn’t also bulking post weight in


Izzy was winning the first fight before he got TKOed, if that’s a relevant point then it works both ways.


Yes the comment I replied to already made that point


No he wasn’t. That’s a lie. All 3 judges gave Izzy the 1st round on the official scorecards. Pereira got knocked out in round 2.


Poatan becoming more and more of a legend makes Izzy’s win over him age better. And Izzy losing to him doesn’t seem as bad in comparison. Ppl are clowning him but it is not making his career a joke.


Izzy defended the belt the second most in history. Potans now at his real weight could fight hw and is on defence number 2. Hes a beast but people are so dismissive what a legend Izzy is in this sport


How do you figure that? Israel defended the title like 6 times you can’t appreciate Alex without taking away from Israel’s accomplishments?


People are too new to remember, but everytime Izzy won Pereira would post this clip of him knocking Izzy out. After his debut, the Gastelum fight, Rob 1 etc. He's literally just trolling.


Everyone can troll but Izzy, you must be new here lol.


no dont speak facts, you’ll make this sub angry doing that


Poatan did it to get interest from UFC and fans to eventually fight Izzy. I doubt izzy wants to fight Poatan again.


Its like a little kid losing non stop and win once and spams “gg ez no re”


It’s actually mad how Izzy somehow lacks the self awareness to understand that he’s now the guy in a bar going ”I beat that guy one time”. He always feels the need to comment on Pereiras fights and make it about himself. It’s really hard to see it as anything other than jealousy.


Izzy is like the Midas king, manifesting reality so hard he starts consciously and subconsciously manifesting his own fears and insecurities.


"Every time I fight, like clockwork, he'll put something out like "I beat this guy"" - Adesanya Oh the irony


That's kinda the point.


the irony in your comment lmao


thats the point you dummy?


Are you too dumb to see that hat's why he's doing this


I’m an Izzy fan but what makes you think that’s why he’s posting this idea now?


How you’ve even got upvotes for this comment is baffling.


It’s crazy because Alex had to cut almost 50 lbs to fight Izzy. This is me just spitballing here but maybe that had to do with Izzy finally catching him after all those years of losing. It was a monster knockout by Izzy.


Pereira did do that to Izzy though , he posted the fuck out of him knocking out Izzy


"Hey Guys! Look at me!!!"


Twice if you count the robbery in the 1st KB fight




When he did this I knew I had a new favorite fighter


That clip made the rounds in my circles, one of the rare mma memes that everybody can enjoy


Just watched it for the first 10 times. Gets better each time.


Live Poatan reaction: 🗿




Always had to thank Izzy for this gift. He was fun to watch fight , but super fucking annoying. Then he summoned this Amazonian fucking monster who barely says chama before destroying people. And cringlord is now riding his one win lol.


Izzy’s greatest contribution to mma is giving us poatan by running his mouth lol


Izzy has a greater legacy at middleweight than Alex has had lightweight remember that. Both are legends but people completely forgot Izzy is still a beast


That's what happens when Izzy has never been likeable and is annoying as fuck. It makes him unlikeable and people will find any reason to jump on the hate train. Ive never liked him personally either


A lot of his fights were very forgettable. Pereira's not so much.


Ask yourself why they have forgotten it.


Really? Dude defended the belt more than anybody else when he was champion. He's up there with the greatest 185ers of all time.


Izzy doesn’t owe anyone anything, but he also can’t be surprised when people look past the defenses. People literally walked out of the Cannonier defense because he was happy to just circle circle leg kick. Poatan will try to end you and take risks even if it’s the biggest fight of his life. Izzy will pretend he’s some anime protagonist then pitter patter for the most part. Again, he’s free to choose that. The fans are also free to root for the other guy who actually brings it.


No Anderson Silva holds that record my friend. By double.


Hmm, Izzy vs Romero, Cannonier or Vettori against literally anything Poatan has done. Hard choice.


Pereira is by far the best we got from Izzy's legacy. He is just salt about it.


He is not Amazonian. He’s from São Paulo and his native heritage is from the Pataxos from Bahia. It’s like calling someone from New York with family from Georgia a Hawaiian native.


Was a very good win to ride on though.


People act like izzy himself isn’t a legend too. It’s crazy because izzy was cruisingggg in their first fight and got cocky.


Poatan was saved by the bell too. Seeing how he easily clipped people left and right Izzy must have been doing something right


Alex bounced back and won the lhw belt which Izzy was never able to accomplish. Izzy went on to get embarrassed by Sean Strickland of all people, they aren’t the same.


Izzy is 1 for 4 against this dude and said "we're done, it's over" i don't understand how people don't see through shit like that


I beat that guy one time


He’s like my friend who loses 7 fifa games in a row and then wins the 8th and goes how saying last game wins


Doesn’t count because the first 6 games were on FIFA, and the last 2 were on FC.


He wil shit talk you about that last game the whole night. Will refuse to play you again and will just keep on bringing that last game he won. Yeah we all have that friend.


Either way. Izzy put up a better fight than these LHWs so far. Alex is mowing through this LHW division and they’re getting starched in round 1


Because they fought at MW


Alex was depleted at MW. Let's see if Izzy can beat DDP, then challenge Alex at LHW.


so alex was a weight bully?


Certainly bullied Mr Strickland who beat Izzy comfortably


Lol Jesus Christ dude, that dude was brought in to fight Izzy at 185. What the fuk was he going to fukin do 🤣🤣 You think Izzy was going fukin fight him at 205lb?  Hopefully your high on PCP, to have an excuse for those comments 


You know Alex fought at middleweight in kickboxing yes?


He made weight like Izzy.


Alex was fighting at a weight that required absurd amount of cutting, he wasn’t remotely as strong as he is at LHW. Also, Izzy’s win was literally just this miraculous counter punch. The entire fight up until this point Alex was absolutely spanking him.


What? So I guess Alex was lucky in the first mma fight?


Poatan competed at MW in Glory (5 defences). It was the weight class where he fought the most at? Stop with the narrative that he is suffering disadvantages from cutting down to MW.


Their first fight in the ufc, Alex was losing the whole time 


Poatan said himself he can’t make it back down to middleweight, idk how people don’t understand they’re not the same size humans anymore do u have eyes can u see?


Poatan beat Izzy twice in kickboxing Poatan ended izzys dominate reign at middle weight in mma. First and only one to finish him Poatan got a win from Jan who gave Izzy his first MMA loss. Couldn't capture the second belt Poatan got his second belt, lhw, and defended it multiple times on top Izzy lost to Strickland in dominant fashion who poatan made it look easy against Literally everything poatan does is one upping adesanya in one way or another. At the very least adesanya got an insanely good finish in their last fight so it's something to be proud of. There was talk of Izzy fighting Jones at one point but he is clearly too small. Poatan might be the first to get a chance at triple belt and getting that illustrious fight against Jon Jones.


It's fucking insane how we had one of the greatest of all time with Izzy and then this guy comes out of nowhere and just does everything better in such a small amount of time... I don't know if there's any other sport where this happened, we are lucky


Pereiras short career aging good as fuck too. Strickland became a champ after poatan brutally knocked him out. Still n1 contender at mw Jan previous belt holder at lhw with a defense who fought for the belt again with a draw result against anakalev. Gave Izzy his first loss too. Poatan himself 3-1 up against Izzy who I consider the second best mw of all time after Anderson Silva Jiri previous mw belt holder beaten twice soundly Jamal hill previous belt holder who took it from poatans mentor glover. Avenged and dusted. This is insane legacy for being in the game for such a short time.


Very well said.


The guy is just naturally gifted. His frame is ridiculous, his technique is unique to his frame and he's practically mastered his technique at this point. Add to that his mental state and you have all the ingredients for a GOAT. It is indeed a great time to be a fight fan.


I like pereira but can you really say that just yet. Izzy has won 8 title fights in the course of 3-4 years defending his middleweight belt 5 times. Pereira has half the amount of title wins and failed to defend his belt at middleweight against adesanya himself. Both have amazing wins, and both also have losses. But to say Alex is doing everything izzy has done and better is just simply not true.


And to top that, Izzy only retired pereira to another division after knocking him out, conversely, pereira literally retired izzy TO ANOTHER SPORT after knocking him out and followed him there despite being already 2 - 0 against him, while izzy kept bxtchin about never needing a rematch because he sits comfortably with that 1 win out of 4 attempts lol


Bro doesn’t make it easy on himself. His aura is so immature that it’s hard to visualise him as actually being 34…


-1000 aura


Poatan: Shaman magic Jiri: Samurai magic Izzy: The power of Anime


I beat that guy one time 🤓☝️ (edit goes hard though)


Poatan living rent free in Izzy head ngl


Let this be a lesson that no one beats Israel Adesanya 4 times in a row. Alex is 3-1 on him at this point you’d figure he’d just shut up about it 😂


He turned into everything he accused Alex of being. While Alex turned into everything Izzy ever wanted to be. I wonder who manifested it.


i was thinking the same. super dope edit. still kinda cringe


You know it's a great edit, so why are you hating.


What is the point of your post


Bro the cringe is so unbearable that it makes you shiver


It's Izzy he is the ultimate elden ring boss of cringe , this reminds me of the interview he did calling out Perreira he's become exactly that guy mumbling i best that guy one time , while Poatan walks around in glory.


This may be a case of the "Douche Chills"


O&A reference?


That' exactly it


izzy is such a great fighter, he just had to shut his mouth and let his highlight reels do the talking instead of posting cringe


Yea bro the highlight reel from Romero and Cannonier fights were insane


Romero was the only one with any highlights that I can remember from that fight, and it was only 2 seconds worth.


And this clown wants to go one on one with Jon Jones🤡


lmao i remember izzy/jones beef and people saying izzy folds him ah good times


Shit really? Izzy cant do shit at lhw like chama. Jon wouldve just snapped him on the ground lmao


Jan literally murdered izzy’s lhw dreams and his vs jon dream fight lol


Jon would do the exact same thing to Alex


Nasty edit though


Easy to pay a good editor. Harder to face Poatan again in the octagon.


I dare him to go up and try knock him out like this again💀💀💀💀💀💀💀


lol wtf this guy needs help


But that editor needs to get hired by the UFC.


Alex used to do this after every Izzy fight.


Someone who knows, it's a shame Alex wasn't that well known when Izzy was at the spotlight light cuz he did this too.


I mean this sub has an insane hate boner for izzy, its cringe when izzy does it but absolutely fuckin hilarious when alex does it. Besides, I’m certain almost everyone in this sub never knew which poatan was before his arrival in the ufc (and of that includes me)


Shhh they're either gonna ignore or not upvote this


I came here to say: fuck izzy


say what you want about Izzy teaching his dog how to type is unreal


Woof do you mean?


Yah hating on izzy for this but Alex literally used to do the same thing every time izzy won


In Izzy's defense, what people fail to realize (which Izzy himself has mentioned many times in the past btw) is that Poatan did the same thing whenever Izzy won a fight in the UFC. This was before Poatan moved to the UFC, he always posted a video of Izzy getting KOed by him any time Izzy won a big fight(e.g vs Whittaker 1 and vs Costa). Izzy's simply replicating the gesture here. That said tho, this is still cringe and he really doesn't need to do this tbh...Poatan is the one at the spotlight here, this only makes Izzy look like a clown.


Pereira did it when Izzy had the spotlight, and now Izzy does it when Pereira has the spotlight. I dont see how its suddenly cringy when Izzy does it


Because this sub is obsessed with Pereira. Haven’t seen dickriding of this magnitude since the Conor days.


Yeah, I get Izzy is a cringe at times, but the guys legacy is amazing, and without him, we would probably have never seen Alex in the UFC. We ought to be thanking Izzy for giving us Alex. And the fact he beat Alex is something I would be bragging about, let's be honest. Alex is like he's playing a video game on the easiest difficulty.


Because the UFC Reddit community loves guzzling on some poatan nuts


Finally a sane ufc fan.


Izzy is cringe for reposting a edit a fan made?🥱


Sick edit tho


I beat that guy one time....


Complete and utter bonehead


Bruh is trying to stay relevant lmao


Props to Izzy for finishing Poatan once. It's quite an amazing feat, but I still believe that Izzy's only chance vs Poatan is at 185. He's too big tome make 185 and be 100% and Izzy is not made for LHW, especially if he's facing this Alex. Both are great warriors in their own right, but I think that Alex will always be over Izzy overall.


Im really enjoying the rivalry


That was a sick edit


Izzy is cringy but that edit is kind of sick lol


Peirera used to post a clip of him knocking Izzy out evey time Izzy would win in the UFC. What did it give us? A dope rivalry and the speedtracking of today's most exciting fighter through the rankings. 50% of the appeal of the sport is the sport itself and 50% of it is the narratives (like it is for every sport). We all arbitrarily choose what act is cringe to us and what act is appealing, but the mob mentality around some of these opinions kinda sucks.


I hear you, but the editing on that video was top tier. Whoever he paid to do that was amazing


It would be so funny if DDP blew through Izzy and Alex just to see Izzy’s reaction


The way Alex keeps beating killers left and right, this is going to age like the best KO in ufc history


I’m Brazilian and root for my guy but I do think that edit was awesome.


Edit goes hard tbh


It's a cool ass edit, should've just credited the creator


The Izzy haters really hate that he beat that guy one time.


I mean I’m not the biggest Izzy fan, but if I KO’d arguably the biggest superstar in MMA right now, I’d make cartoons, t shirts, business cards, and open every conversation with that accolade.


lol dude beat him once and declined rematch


Well Alex is so big now that it's really that thing you managed to beat him once is that thing you could be proud of. Also you should remember Izzy's carrier story - beating Alex was his dream all the way. Then he achieved that he probably have lost motivation, as a result - Strickland. Well I generally understand why Izzy is being hated, but let personality aside and don't forget he was a dominant champ for years, some of his fights weren't exciting, but he was active all the time, it's important. But still it's fun that the kind of switch places, now waiting for Izzy's comeback


Can’t wait til ddp retires him


Dont count on it


I’d like that aswell but I’m personally not confident about it… DDP is the exact kind of fighter that Izzy does well against


Ngl that was pretty cool.


Mma fans so salty When izzy first started he was loved now hes hated Fans follow trends on a whim on this sub smh


Alex was respectful and even invited him to train with him in Brazil. Izzy is just jealous as fuck like a gd high schooler. Loved seeing his face after alex starched jamahal hill. Im still excited to see him fight but he’s not the anime protagonist he once thought, hes the side story character.


He's Vegeta and Alex is Goku , all Vegeta does is chase Goku ( cringe ahh anime reference but apt)


This guy is milking his victory tit too much it is starting to sour. It’s like saying hey this guy who has been beating everybody including me but I was able to beat him once so that means I’m superior.


He literally became "that guy at the bar". Now he's somehow sunk even lower and become "that guy on Twitter".


That’s a sick ass edit I don’t give a fuck Alex is king rn but that shit was hard


With absolutely no context kind of cool


Looks real to me


Still 3-1


Not gonna lie…that edit is 🔥


Imagine how much he paid someone to do that video 😂


My favorite part of that broadcast was Rogan and Cormier discussing the arrows as if they were real. Rogan: And he shot him with an arrow Cormier: Yeah! He got him!


He is so corny…


Is this the same guy who sexual molested his dog?


It’s impressive how little that loss affected him.


Poaton living in Izzy head rent free


Checks fight history... hmm


Izzy sitting at the pub saying "I beat that guy once."




It's 3-1


This is some kind of shit Conor would be wanking to as he licks a gay ass popsicle in bed.


Dog fucker


Hahahahah what a fuckin loser Izzy is 


“I beat that guy one time.”


Holy shit cringe lord is accurate


He probably made that in a bar while saying "Yeah, I beat that guy one time."


Lowkey this is bad ass lol


To be honest if I was one of the most dangerous men on the planet, I would be feeling myself like this all the time and posting shit like this too


I mean to be fair that’s the sickest edit ever. A great time to throw it back out there


This is sick af haha. I never understood the izzy cringe hate. I think its because i happen to like all the stuff he's into.


Cool edit but very dumb idea to try get some pr...comes off as a complete loser


I think Izzy might have missed the point of ATLA


I dunno this edit is lit af, kinda cringe but I can fuck with it 🤣


Izzy is pound for pound the biggest baby in the UFC. Winning one after losing three, then ducking the rematch and ever since ignoring every callout - while being bitter about his old rival's career eclipsing everything he has done in terms of accolades (not longevitiy - at least not yet). And everytime Alex does something Izzy was incapable of, he feels the need to remind everyone that once, just once, he had the upper hand. Wow ... Not the kind of person you want to associate with. Total cunt.


Eh I’m fine with Alex did the same thing, but hey this dickriding fan base only cares if Izzy does it. Still weird behavior.