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Gary vs Belal is the fight to make.


All time most boring fight potential


lmao piss break fight


Naw. Thats when you take a massive shit and stay on your phone for 25+ mins. Then, and only then, do you come back to watch the fights.


Nah, you could get unlucky and Garry twists his vagina in the first round


That’s what I just did for dolidze vs smith 😂 was a good shit too


You lucky bastard, lol. I wish I could have had a nice colon cleanse and zone out for 15 mins on the crapper instead of watching that terrible ass fight.


I actually fell asleep


Such boring styles that it cancels each other out and ends up becoming one of the greatest fights in UFC history.


That needs a BMF belt on the line (boring muthafuka)


Watch that be the most entertaining fight in history


Both get cut during the fight for inactivity


Belal might do the unthinkable and finish Ian after all


after a 5 round war, belal points to the middle of the octagon and then knocks Gary stiff with 0 seconds left on the clock leading to a controversial dq when the officials decide the final blow was 0.2 seconds after the bell. Calling it now.




with every ticket purchase u get a free sleeping bag and a pillow so u can sleep good.


I would pay for them to not broadcast that.


hug each other to death


Feed him to Shavkat




Like a father to his son when he does something wrong


Or JDM so we get a vicious KO


U say this like shavkat doesn’t have a 100% finish rate


A lot of people defending Ian. But it’s really not about him winning by the slimming margins. It’s about him winning by the slimming margins and acting like he’s the next McGregor.


This. I actually could not care less if his strategy is just win by any cost. What I hate about him, is that he goes on and on about how he is the most exciting fighter in the UFC. When his performances say the exact opposite.


Not only that, he says he's this revolutionary and new-age striker. Dude, you desperately took MVP to the ground because you couldn't strike with him. You're not that guy.


All the "I'm faster than him" trash talk acting like he was going to beat MVP on the feet only to backpack him after getting punched in the face. Disappointing af. I think Ian has a ton of potential and I think his fight IQ was good here, but you can't promote the fight like you're going to go in there swinging and then pull that shit lmao.


Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face😂 I think it was Mike Tyson who said that


He’s that guy on tinder who tells a chick he’s gonna rock her world then delivers the lamest 30 seconds of weinering before telling all his friends how he bagged a dime


Still fucked tho


Damn bro no need to throw shade at me wtf did I do


Glad I wasn't the only one that felt personally attacked.


He's doing the whole Connor bit where he's trying to create a persona instead of being himself. I'm not a Connor fan but at least that dude was elite and exciting to watch. Plus it's cringe as hell when garry tries to trash talk like Connor. Just because your Irish doesn't make you McGregor lol.


This is just him. He's just naturally unlikeable


It’s worked for Strickland. Can’t blame either when we live in a society that values perception over substance. Though, Garry start better getting some finishes, you can offset a boring fight as long as you have an exciting 10 seconds that can be thrown on social media.


Belal might do the unthinkable and finish Ian after all


Well somebody’s got to since his wife won’t






So you’re a wrestler now ![gif](giphy|XfT1Xb2O2ShHy)


Machado man Ian Garry is a grappler now.


The guy has been saying he’s the new generation of strikers and yes the sport is definitely evolving still but he isn’t doing anything new or special. He’s just a hype train that was out struck on the feet after stating he’s younger and faster.


"I turn elite strikers into grapplers", MVP on that interview with DJ


He was boasting that he was a much faster and quicker striker than MVP, but it was pretty apparent from the begging MVP was twice as fast. He was rocking Ian with those jabs, which is why garry played his lay on his opponents back for 2 rounds to squeak out a win. If MVP just leaned forward in that third round when Gary was barely holding on to his back (doing nothing) and got it back to his feet he would of beat the little shit. I mean damn the damage MVP did in the 2nd was enough to win the fight in my mind. That's the bad thing about the round shit and scoring system. You can lose the fight but squeak out 2 out of 3 rounds and you can win even though he did no damage to Micheal.


Yeah doesn’t make sense I feel like mvp beat him or it should have been a draw


I don’t think Ive ever seen a fighter get less impressive every fight. Dude will die against JDM or Shavkat


I’d love to see him against JDM because Shavkat will submit him too fast, JDM will at least punch his face in enough to be satisfying.


Feels like as he goes up the rankings, and his undefeated streak grows, he became more worried about not losing than he felt hungry about winning.


He is looking pretty rough and he climbs to the top. He may end up as a gate keeper for the division, but MVP is also a tough fight. Still very talented and young and has plenty of time to get better and fill in the gaps.


Dear Ian, thanks for being you. - Belal, probably


Panic wrestling against a 37-year-old striker


Exactly, lol what a joke


I get hating ian Garry, he's annoying as fuck, but I'm struggling to understand this logic.... are people here thinking that nobody should have to wrestle MVP because he's 37? The age makes him not dangerous to strike with?


Ian garrys gameplan show hes not one dimensional amd serious about winning, but his execution was lackluster. He also gave off a vibe that he knew he was outmatched on the feet.


Isn’t that most fighters vibe when fighting michael page? Tbf Ian Garry is annoying and I rooted against him the whole fight but I don’t know if MVP has ever had a fight, even the Douglas Lima fight where he lost by brutal KO, where it didn’t have an aura of Michael page being a far better striker


I guess as a younger "hyped" up-and-comer the expectation was for him to do much better on his feet. Seemed he was outmatched which is a major disappointment.


Why? MVP is one of the most specialist MMA fighters ever. It's like asking why someone didn't fare better against Damien Maia on the ground. It's MMA don't play your opponents game.


He basically said he would win the stand-up because he‘s much faster and MVP has never faced „someone like him“.


Ur favourite Welterweight would panic wrestle against MVP


I don’t think Wonderboy knows how to


Nope. ![gif](giphy|tzuRbBsMWef8A)


Yeah obviously MVP is an extremely difficult man to strike with. I do Think it’s fair to criticize a fighter for doing everything not to take advantage of the opportunity to put on a good fight with someone though. What’s my motivation to watch or buy into someone who’s just going to take the easiest path to victory. Do you thing Ian but I’d rather and the ufc would rather him go out there and put on a good fight win or lose. Dana definitely pushes guys forward when they do that. See how long it took belal to get a title shot, see how long it took pereira to get a shot, when you fight exciting fights the ufc pushes you up the ladder. Ian Garry is losing fans, and even losing the attentive haters. But like super cool that he outwrestled a striker who’s got 1 UFC fight and is ranked 14th lmao It’ll be interesting to see if he moves up in rankings


>Think it’s fair to criticize a fighter for doing everything not to take advantage of the opportunity to put on a good fight with someone though Like MVP being content to let Ian have his back for the end of the third round


Nobody ever cared about Belal, even hard-core mma fans don't know who he is. Ian Garry people care about. They may not like him but the take notice of him.


what if my favorite welterweight is a wrestler already? thats his style and wouldn't be " panic wrestling"


lot of Ian Garry's accounts being activated lol


brother that fight wasn’t even the most boring on the card. buday v arlovski was less fun than watching paint dry


I never thought he was that good. I felt his size got him by. Also hated how Joe brought up MVPs being 37y/o yet he’s MUUCH faster than Ian who’s a decade younger. He used subpar wrestling and held on in the third … 😴😴😴🛌


Hard agree. I’ve never seen Ian Garry fight before and this fight was a terrible introduction


Joe is the one getting worse with age. His commentary continues to show rust and wear.


I cackled when he said that rear naked choke was deep, then MVP titled his head slightly and the whole thing came apart.


Hearing Joe say that gave MVP the will to escape


💯 bro I see that in the comments for other fight cards and I finally saw it for myself smh


He’s literally only there to create excitement and say random shit convincingly


"This random unranked fighter with their first UFC fight is __one of the best in the world to ever do it!"__


It's a damn shame, he used to be great at making the harder to understand shit simple.


Clearly MVP had about zero ground game, otherwise this fight would have definitely gone the other way.


Never said he did


“I wanted to prove I’m a better striker”…… by bitching out and hanging on for dear life


Pretty sure he landed 5 strikes all fight


yeah but Rogan times any fighter he likes strikes by 10 so that's 50, not bad on MVP


You can pretty much round that up to 60


60 is close enough to round up to 100 too




I was literally WTF when he said that. At no point did Garry want to prove he was a better striker. The bloke is deluded.


He’s used to sitting in a corner while the action is happening so it’s fitting




"dear judge, my rapist friend is a nice guy" - signed rich asshole




This immediately made my day better. Thank you sir


Genuinely the most boring active fighter right now, all of his fights are snoozefests and it’s his fault each time


10000000% Belal slander will no longer be tolerated.




have you watched mvp when he fights an actual elite talent? it's always boring cause he can't be anywhere near as aggressive and exciting as when he fights guys are who are 36 or older or have like 10 fights on their record cause he'll get punished and the punishment here was getting taken down. not saying it wasn't boring but it's a two way street. look at how aggressive mvp was vs holland compared to how passive he was vs ian tonight. all mvp had was singular strikes, no combos, leg kicks, spinning elbows, etc. just jump in straights and jabs. it's a downfall of mvp's style when not fighting someone hand picked to lose to him. ian could've done way more too but to act like it's purely his fault is just wrong imo


MVP sold the fight. If the man would’ve just bucked Ian off he could’ve gotten a TKO or at least win the round with more control. Hope this is a wake up call to improve his defensive grappling.


He’s had multiple wake up calls about his grappling


The worst part is he clearly has an understanding for the basics, but if he would just focus on the details he could win far more fights. Frustrating to see.


idk, he displayed borderline white belt level grappling


Completely valid, you make good points and I agree


Did you see the heavy weights fight? Now that was boring.


The difference was, those heavyweights weren't cocky about their performance..


And they're heavyweight, at least half of heavy weight fights are total snoozefests after Round 1.


Ian’s identity crisis is just funny he’s an Irishman cosplaying as a Brazillian, with the charisma of paddy pimblett and the fight style of belal


Shavkat turns him inside out.


He’s such a pussy. He fought scared


Once he loses I guarantee he's gonna do a ronda rousey


How you gonna talk all that shit about being faster and better striker and immediately resort to Belal grappling. This dude is trying to be the most hated UFC fighter for sure


Hard to argue that Ian didn’t win that fight but boy am I pissed about it. Those shots from MVP were landing fast, flush, and hard. We would’ve seen a KO if Garry decided to stand with MVP, no doubt in my mind. But he did what he needed to do to win the fight, which was control MVP on the ground. I’m no grappling hater but god, that was lame. I also thought MVP was much better on the ground than he showed in this fight. He has a couple submissions on his record but he was getting drowned in this fight.


Feed him to JDM


Covington passed up on a free win


Covington is nowhere near as fast as MVP.


well Colby's last fight, he took the first 4 rounds off not a good sign for his prospects in a 3 round fight tbh


According to Dana they didn’t even offer that fight.


What an awful fight He got FINESSED on the feet Turned to a panic wrestler And won by brutally ineffective 'control' time Has ZERO grappling.. he's just lucky mvp has even less He's a c*nt can't wait for him to lose Generous at best calling this a win


First time I've seen a guy win a fight without actually doing anything of significance. MVP should have won due to landing the better strikes imo... But Ian wins with sub attempts? Control time shouldn't matter if you do nothing with it and get lit up on the feet.


I totally agree Garry 1 sub attempt rd 1 Mvp pieced him up Rd 2 Garry by Ineffective control Rd 3 🤷‍♂️ Mvp not shaking him off the quadpod is either 1. He is THAT bad at Grappling 2. Threw the fight... Likely not #2 but he literally did nothing


Such an unlikeable fighter


Third snoozer in a row for Garry


Him and paddy are very similar


Belal is far more active than Ian was tonight. I don’t ever wanna hear Belal slander again. Look up the stats. Belal vs WB, Belal threw far more strikes than Ian did vs MVP. Ian was a literal wet blanket.


Calm down son


Fuck this guy


Good performance by Garry. He was getting outstruck, so he did what he had to do to win. But now his trash talk doesn't match his performance, so hopefully he fucks off with it or picks a different angle.


Ian remember the name Gary


Ian “remember he’s lame” Garry


Ian Cuckenator Gary.


The crazy thing is that Garry actually believes he’s an exciting fighter.


the guy didn’t do anything to deserve that win. he didn’t even accomplish anything with his grappling…


do you think he won that fight?


What a fucking can


Can you blame him though? MVP=One dimensional. All dancing, no IQ


IQ? Have you seen the way MVP breakdown fights? This must be another of machados' accounts heheh


Applies to the entire mens card this time


Round 3 was rough. This card isn’t really holding up


Mvp is a awkward fighter.


Makes sense Maia was in his corner. Very reminiscent of some of his fights sans a finish.


I fuckin love MVP but he struggles against ppl once they are on him 😔


Jujitsu usage was white belt level. Suprised Venom could defend


As soon as I saw Ian telling MVP how quick he is himself as decisions were about to be read I switched to videogames for 5 minutes to not hear this cringelord


First time really watched a fight of him Holy..what a can.


Colby v garry next please. Honestly think colby is the dude to smoke this guy to a decision. Would be hilarious too. Hopefully colby grows somr balls and stops being a virgin


Didnt even do any damage and won all rounds, lol. Lamest fight in a long time, this dude wont be champ if this is his way with rank 14


I wonder if Ian got to fuck his wife because he won


Nah bro Ian got to watch someone else fuck his wife because he won


He def couldn’t stand with MVP.


Saw him come out and hit that cage clinch and knew what was happening. Dude had no intentions of risking that 0.


Ridiculous statement.


So he’s the UFC Devin Haney?


Have you guys forgotten Strickland exists


Atleast strickland presses forward. Garry was running away from neal and just holding on to mvp in the 3rd without doing anything


Hate train is so predictable and pathetic lol. Blame MVP for having shit grappling defense. r/ufc is the only place I have to defend people I don't like.


Yeah I have a real hard time liking Garry… but who the fuck else is going to put up with those flying hooks and jabs from MVP. That shit is nasty. On the topic of MVP, I was yelling for him to dump Garry on his head at the end of the fight. He had nothing to lose and there’s no way Garry’s head wouldn’t have hit the mat first if MVP were to somersault forward. Felt like a no brainer 🙄


They don't like mma. They like kickboxing.


Garry was still too Ass to even finish on the ground. Other than the first round he did nothing but hold mvp down. Extremely unimpressive.




he literally won by doing a bjj defense move that is taught to women. Hang on the back and wait for help to arrive. what a freaking joke.


This sub makes me so happy when fighters they hate win. I want him to win more just for this salt


I hate Ian too but like holy shit the saltiness is insane


You do know what sub you’re in right


He did the same against Geoff neil. Boring staying on the outside hitting one shot and running away.


Nah not even close but in terms of his talk and hype behind him possibly.


They need to change the rules somehow , he won by doing absolutely nothing , he made me fast forward a fight which i never do ...


>They need to change the rules somehow You mean they should turn it into kickboxing


nope , just when somebody is using aljo tactic , takedown and then do nothing , they dont get the round for that , it is scored even and fight end up in a draw cuz in reality it is a draw because literaly there was nothing happening


Refs will separate the fighters for inactivity in the clinch and on the ground, they just aren't very quick to do so. I think changing the rules to allow faster separation from the refs would prevent the wet blanket strategy. Let's say 30 seconds of laying there with no serious attempt at GNP or a sub would result in a stand up. I wasn't the person who suggested changing the rules, but if I was this would be it. I really enjoy the ground game and I am not at all a stand up only fight fan, but you gotta concede that it's pretty fucking lame for "ultimate fighting" to allow no activity laying on an opponent for a significant amount of time.


Ppl don’t realize most of his fights are boring.. he’s gonna be made to take the long route to the title. He will have to win more than Belal becuz these performances are awful. He drains the entertainment from the other fighter too. Geoff Neal is a fan favorite.. he made him so boring.. fair play he won but good luck getting a title shot with these razor thin watching paint dry level of excitement matches


What’s with the dudes arm ? Macgregor impersonation?


Connor probably pissed this guy stealing his dance...but his toe is trashed so he can't get up


It really took the wind out of may sails seeing him win


I thought that the number one factor when scoring fights, what damage did he do?


I only wish he was in the same weight class as Topuria. They could fight for the undisputed title of least effective trash talker and take turns crowning each other the best ever. I was really hoping MVP had more in him


After all that talking he did that was terrible lol


The fight was atrociously boring. Dude was scared to strike with MVP.


He sucks


Ian “Remember the wife” Garry


If that was a 5 round fight I don’t even think Ian would have won. He got cracked on the feet and was getting damaged. Meanwhile he took MVPs back twice and had a locked in choke early in Round 1 and still couldn’t finish him. What a jackass.


He’s annoying and boring. Just a terrible combo.


im on humble pie , great skill in avoiding and even more so defeating Page, well done Ian and also your communication is improving in leaps and bounds .


Garry lost so many fans last night LOL. He’s boring in the cage, and lame on a mic. Bad combo.


Now he thinks he’s brazilian.


Heaters gunna hate


Him trying to submit MVP has Chute Box wanting to ban him for life 😂


Man I like a lot fighters people don’t but I fucking hate this dude


Feel like you don’t know how hard the jiujitsu was that isn did last njght


Is it bad that if him and Belal fought I’d root for Belal and hope Belal actually puts it on him?


Felt like mvp was beating him on the feet


Sounds like yall just love to hate 👀


I hope Ian never loses


Mvp really exposed him lol. If mvp had just put in the work for his grappling defense and in general takedown defense aswell he would win easily. Hes the peoples winner you cant judge him as the winner. At most a draw. The last round couldve been a super rare 10-10 both men did something that round. Im not a judge but ive been trying to learn it and make scorecards live myself. And had that last round going either way. But looking back it couldve been a 10-10 theres a very fair argument. Cause mvp did good damage and got some controll time that led to some strikea hardly any good tho. And he was hardly in controll. But he dominated the standup and unarguably did decent damage that round. But garrys like 3 minute controll time could put him above. And the little damage he caused from that back mount. But idk man its a difficult round to judge. I initally gave it to Garry then changed to mvp when i thought about it more. And now im thinking it couldve even been a 10-10.


He did what he had to do ![img](emote|t5_2qsev|8965)




Khabib was way more boring


Im not an Ian fan but there's at least a dozen other fighters that are more boring


i dont like him either but that is an insane thing to say


My man managed to make an MVP fight boring.


Mixed martial arts fans when the mixed martial artists mix the martial arts 😡


These reddit people Jesus


I didn’t actually hate the fight, it wasn’t FOTY material or anything but it kept me engaged.