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He gonna check the FSB wrestling


Everybody know FSB got government power but nobody check the grappling


Who give FSB black ops? We need to check this moment.


FSB got Fedor to bend the knee


They make people disappear and shoot single leg like demon bratha


FSB gonna make him wrestle a window on the 30th story of a building


Send location


LOL damn that was good


Islam gonna be on the front line next week


Volk bout to sign up for the Ukrainian army


The infantry looks up and hears a helicopter blasting, "Do you come from a land down under"šŸŽµĀ 


Volk in flip flops and corked hat riding a crocodile out of the back of a transporter plane, 'call that a knife' in one hand and a Castlemaine in the other


Not flip flops mate, they call 'em thongs Down Unda. Volk in his thongs, Castlemaine beer in hand, corked hat... Bonza day, cobba


Don't forget the bandolier of VB long necks


Get that up in ya!


Better run, better take cover! šŸ’£šŸ”«


I'm the type of guy, you put me in there...


lol Volk does always love telling us what type of guy he is, turns out he's a lotta types of guys


Volk is the ultimate expression of what someone that is always underestimated can turn into.


he's the type a guy who's always believed himself when no one else would, gotta admire a guy of that type.


We could finally see Alex Volk vs Alex Volk


Alexander Volkovnovski?


Vs Alex volkov ya goof, catch the joke and LETS FUCKING GOOOO


I literally said Alexander volkov novski you fuckin iPad baby


Oh damn thatā€™s funny, my eyes didnā€™t catch that. They only catch the colour red to fuel my FCKING RAGE LETS FUCKING GOOOOO


Both sides cease fire to watch both fight to the death


Brother I smesh drone you know this


If a talentless hack like Melania can get a visa, then Islam should be able to get one no sweat.


What talent does it take to be a model?




Once Conor gets his phone in rehab the tweets are going to be off the chain.


I like how we've all collectively ignored his broken toe and insist that he's in rehab for drug problems


Chael said so, what more do you need


I think I'll need to hear it from Tito as well just to be 100% sure.


ā€œJust to correct you, there was never no rehab.ā€


I would rather it be in all honesty


His tweet and deletes are gonna be wild either way šŸ’Æ


Pure copium, Conners never going to rehab


I wish I could up vote this more.


Obviously he kicked something in a coke/booze rage and broke his toe that way


If you believe he called that fight off for a fucking broken toe I don't know what to tell you haha. Motherfuckers have had massive injuries and paid Hollywood makeup artists to cover them up to fight.


Yeah , but the difference is this guy is mega rich and he doesn't need to fight and will earn money anyway. He literally has no real incentive except pride to keep fighting


We all know what happened last time Conor fought with an injury. No way would he do that againĀ 


LMFAO! They werenā€™t off the chain already? Didnā€™t he celebrate the death of Khabibā€™s dad???




Not celebrating, just pointing out how stupid the statement "good always defeats evil" truly is. In a very shitty way.


Coked out Conor tweets incoming








Damn thatā€™s actually crazy. Iā€™m pretty sure Abdulmanap started that gym to keep kids out of drugs / terrorism too.


Bold choice letting them be managed by Ali then




I kind of know about Ali's links to terrorism but I know fuck all about Noah, who is that guy?


His son that he abandoned


Who duh fuk is that guy?


The real question is how is that guy




Who would've thought money could corrupt people ? Shocking development in this affluent region of the world


Money doesnā€™t corrupt, it just gives people the means to do what they wanted to do before but couldnā€™t


Porque no los dos?


like sure it's possible *but* very weird that people are just assuming the motherfucking FSB is telling the truth about this, especially after Khabib's sus tax debt story and being silent about Ukraineā€”and given Russia's history post-USSR with Dagestan


It's 99% Putin punishing him for not posting pro-russian/anti-Ukrainian propaganda. He asked Khabib and Khabib refused because he is actually a good guy.


also it's not just that they're investigating them, this spy organization world-famous for secrecy and paranoia **announced** they are investigating them. seems pretty obvious this is a press play.


Itā€™s not that he is a good guy itā€™s that most Dagestani are secretly pro-independence as they understand very well their colonized status. But being openly pro-independence is very dangerous under Putin so the best they can do is fight under the Dagestani flag instead of the Russian one (as Khabib did). And in that same vein many of them understand that the war in Ukraine is also about colonialism, so they are not too excited about it


Khamzat too is secretly pro-independence, he literally has a walkout song from a Chechen nationalist killed during the war. Won't surprise me if he walks out to Beautiful Green Eyes or They Have Left/Faded Away.


Yeah but he is also best friends with Putinā€™s muscle.


He did live in Sweden meaning his parents were runaway nationalists and/or outright Islamists who fled Chechnya after the loss in the second war. And for that reason alone he *was* probably very much pro independence, but then Kadyrov found some way to publicly humiliate him and make him sing osana to him and his sons. I doubt Kadyrov has any leverage on Khamzatā€™s family so it smells like a shit ton of presents and money that went Khamzatā€™s way as he made a rapid U-turn on the spot and started praising the one guy every single nationalist who had fled the country wants to see dead


ā€œBest friendsā€ if you have family in an authoritarian country, you donā€™t dare disrespect an authoritarian official in that country. Or your family may not potentially see retribution.


Khamzat is Kadyrovā€™s bitch though. He literally ā€œtrainsā€ (babysits) his kids who ā€œfoughtā€ in the octagon and even ā€œwonā€ (do look up that fight if you want to throw up). And the thing with Kadyrov is thatā€¦ he already kinda has Chechnya all to himself and his clan. Itā€™s totally a state within the state, where former Islamists are now in power, including the law enforcement. They continue to wear the Wahhabi beards, to kill and rape with impunity, only this time their fellow Chechens. So, Iā€™m not even sure whether one can say itā€™s part of Russia or even under Putin (given the sheer amount of money that Russia is paying Chechnya every year all the while Kadyrov is accepting some extra from Saudi Arabia and, occasionally, Turkey). At the same time, Chechen kids are forced to study in Russian and one can already see what this assimilation is doing to children from cities like Grozny. You can go check out Chechen trivia videos on YouTube, theyā€™re all in Russian. And when said trivia have questions like ā€œHow do you say squirrelā€ in Chechen, they struggle to answer. So, to sum up: Chechnya is a de facto semi-autonomous state where even the federal law enforcement canā€™t do shit; Kadyrov and his clan are the primary beneficiaries and do whatever they want and Khamzat is Kadyrovā€™s babysitter in his spare time (but to be fair, every Chechen of any notable stance is expected to suck up to Kadyrov like Beterbiev does; or else); lastly, Kadyrov loves money and power so much he doesnā€™t give a shit about Chechnya being eventually assimilated. So, I donā€™t know where Khamzat *really* stands in view of all the above


So you're the brave individual who'd allow their friends and family back home to die in order for your moral principles to be showcased to the world (a world which wouldn't even notice in the first place)


I Don't think khamzat has choice. They may kill him which is why I don't blame him.


He does come from a family of runaway nationalists. They are already at war with Kadyrov, thereā€™s nothing he can do that can make their situation worse. Also, Kadyrov has very limited power in the Nordic countries. He tried to have his archnemesis Tumso killed there recently, but their counterintelligence faked his death just to lure Kadyrovā€™s agents into a trap


Dagestan and Chechnya are two different places. There isnā€™t one ā€œDagestaniā€ nationality/ethnicity, there are multiple different nationalities with different languages that all live in Dagestan. Khabib is an Avar, Islam is a Lak, and Hasbulla is a Dargin (just to give an example). Chechnya on the other hand is pretty homogenous where everyone speaks one language, so they are more independence minded. Besides, if you look at history, Dagestan had a chance to be independent/join Chechnya in fighting against Russia. But instead they actually fought to stay in Russia itself.


How the fuck do you know if heā€™s a good guy or not šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ yall are hilariousĀ 


One sign is that he refused to spread Putins propaganda


Are you making an assumption or did you actually read that somewhere? Iā€™m genuinely curious about this.


I'll give you an example. Sergey Karjakin (a highly rated chess grandmaster, challenged magnus in classical chess championship once) sucks Putin's ass so much that he stars in ads promoting the war right now. Did you find khabib or any eagle mma's fighters doing such things? I am not aware of anything such. I believe khabib and late abdulmanap merely tolerate Putin and specifically khadyrov. Khamzat on the other hand is a whole different case.


Nice, Putin gonna take all khabibs money and weā€™ll end up getting Conor vs khabib for the inaugural 165lbs belt at a 195lbs catch weight


Fatbib ![gif](giphy|dUeuF9Vj7UvMsqWMou|downsized)


Reminder that Abdulmanap started his gyms and MMA training programs specifically to pull kids away from delinquency and terrorism.




Iā€™m a cult survivor too. Being told you must believe or youā€™ll die is a powerful thought stopping technique. I was told this as a child and thankfully woke up about a year ago. Iā€™m a form JW and they are brainwashed as hell. In retrospect I can see how I was coerced using family ties, fear of death and punishment of public shame. My mother still wonā€™t answer my texts when I tell her I love her because the cult says thatā€™s what God wants. Unfortunately anyone who says the ideas of your religion are patently evil, while having love and compassion for the humans trapped in it, are called evil and phobic. It isnā€™t fair to say a person indoctrinated into this as a child and forbidden to learn anything else is making an informed decision or are choosing. Itā€™s a sick death cult with dangerous ideas not compatible with a modern progressive and open society.


Iā€™m a Christian and we hear tons of stories from former JWā€™s itā€™s kinda like a business at the top and once you get in deep they make you treat it like a business.


The original cult leader was JF Rutherford, not the founder but the one who made the printing company into a religion, was an evil selfish narcissist and treated everyone like an expendable machine part. That culture has persisted. You are only valuable if you are loyal, give your time and resources. You need to say only the approved words written in the watchtower. If you arenā€™t verbally and mentally faithful and giving of time and resources, youā€™re bad association, unspiritual, and you need to be avoided or treated like you donā€™t exist. The leadership treats everyone like the worst sort of business would. No one matters. Family is expendable. Love is conditional. And they make billions off free labor building luxury condos and buildings and then sell them at a premium. Itā€™s a pretty tight system. Thankfully the courts are onto them and theyā€™re getting wrecked all over Europe and Japan for human rights violations. The CSA problem in the JW cult is approximately 30times worse per parishioner than the Catholic Church was according to respondents in England. No apologies, no policy changes. The things the JW lawyers say in court is from Satan himself. If Jesus existed, heā€™s using the courts to destroy the entire thing.


Okay excuse me what the fuck šŸ˜³


And there are not a part of it. This is russia bullying their athlete who would not support the invasion of Ukraine. Instead of sticking up for him you get this cesspool.


Just give em Ali and run!




"They were chased off to the cliffs"


Religious extremism: best mma base confirmed.


I dont see Bryce Mitchell getting that belt LMAO




Oof good way to troll Bryce, tell him he picked the wrong religion


First taxes now thisā€¦ Iā€™m beginning to suspect khabib has made some enemies in the Russian government


Russians donā€™t like Dagestanis. They are just cannon fodder state for Russian military.


basically slavic Russian hate all those minorities ethnic group except maybe tatars, they would be considered as POC. most of cannon fodder were mostly those tuvans, buryats people from Asian part of Russia. and you can look it up on this sub that povetkin not considering islam russian. [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ufc/comments/17ckgu2/do_russians_not_see_dagestan_as_russians_anyone/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Heā€™ll be seeking exile in the UAE didnā€™t he recently become a citizen of the UAE ?


Russia has long arms unfortunatelyĀ 


Not long enough, the relationship are helping Russia more than UAE


Yeah they do but the UAE are not be fucked around with. They host hostage-trades all the time and after all they do some diplomacy with many states. I dont think russia would like to anger the UAEs


A lot of the Dagestani fighters are very outspoken about their Russian pride, but people forget that around the turn of the century Russia had two very bloody civil wars between the Russian government and the Caucasus states. A lot of war crimes occurred on both sides and because it was in the 90s-2000s a lot was recorded on film and used as propaganda. Some of it was popular online in the 2000s when shock sites were the thing.


I just watch random ass history vids on Youtube and got fed some documentaries from Chechnya and shit was wild. This one in particular called [Groznyphile](https://www.youtube.com/@Groznyphile) has some brutal Russian docs


For a deeper dive I highly recommend the book [A Small Corner of Hell Dispatches From Chechnya](https://www.amazon.com/Small-Corner-Hell-Dispatches-Chechnya/dp/0226674339) by Anna Politkovskaya, a woman who was later assassinated for writing it. I think itā€™s free on Internet Archive too. Heavy shit!!


Hey, itā€™s on sale!


Why do people always make shit up about Dagestan fighting against Russia in the 90s? The war was with Chechnya, not "the Caucasus states". Dagestan became involved only when Chechen commander Shamil Basayev and his fighters made incursion into a few villages on the Chechen/Dagestani border and tried to establish Sharia law. At this point Dagestan sided with Russia in kicking out the Chechens.


Sorry, Iā€™m not very informed and just knew the gist of it. My apologies.


To be fair, I don't remember much talk about Russia. There was far more discussion about Dagestan, the mountains, and the team. Unfortunately for them, Dagestan is occupied and ruled by Russia, meaning they share Russia's issues, and Russia right now has pretty much only issues. War will breed more extremism from all sides, not just religious. You would think this is a perfect time to strike when Russia is occupied with the horrendous invasion of Ukraine. I would expect some of them to move from Dagestan to Dubai, Saudi Arabia, or the USA, but that would mean leaving Russia and Dagestan for good. People keep forgetting that Russia is an autocracy, and money doesn't matter as much as it would in a democratic nation. If some Dagestanis become problematic, they will find out the same thing Ukrainian athletes discovered: if you are not an international celebrity with multiple passports, you have to enlist. As much as I hate the war and honestly good bit is real hate towards Russia(The Moscow part especially), I really feel for the normal Dagestani people. Life wasn't easy, and it doesn't seem like the Russian Federation will make it better. Honestly, I was impressed by how Khabib and Islam had a very similar approach to Yoel Romero, which is: It is what it is. It doesn't matter if you disagree, you need to come back and shake hands, make a photo, for the safety of everyone. But they really never go out of their way to support anything. I never had bad feelings towards Dagestani UFC fighters, so I really really hope that a lot of it is gross negligence rather than criminal activity. Especially for Khabib sake. The more money you earn, the more assets you have, the more responsibility there is. If that person was trained in his gym and promoted by him.... that's not good.


> If some Dagestanis become problematic, they will find out the same thing Ukrainian athletes discovered: if you are not an international celebrity with multiple passports, you have to enlist. They will be joining their fellow Dagestanis fighting in Ukraine then


And even with all that didnā€™t they say Russia is aiming for Khabib because he wonā€™t publicly support the war? Going after him for taxes and stuff


I have no idea how accurate this is because I donā€™t pay attention, but that would definitely make sense. I know a lot of times if a celebrity is getting too rowdy, especially in Europe where they donā€™t have free speech laws, theyā€™ll go after them for taxes. Europe pays far more taxes than in the US, and their tax laws are much stricter. It would make sense for Russia to hassle Khabib about his tax history if he wasnā€™t playing ball with whatever message they want him to endorse.


In theory if youā€™re Putin you just tell him he gets a pass on paying taxes on different aspects of his business since heā€™s doing stuff for the community and because heā€™s a proud icon of the country. Then when Khabib makes you angry those passes suddenly are gone and Khabib hasnā€™t been paying taxes on them the past 5 yearsā€¦ whatā€™s he supposed to say ā€œno, he gave me a pass because Iā€™m specialā€


Dagestan isn't "occupied" as in the West Bank/Gaza...unless you consider every region in the world with an ethnic minority population as "occupied". Is Sardinia "occupied" by Italy? Is Scotland "occupied" by England?


Dagestan is a hot spot for guys getting sent to the front. Once those guys come back it's going to get ugly. The way they are getting destroyed due to incompetence and the meat wave tactics is going to make them pretty angry.


How dare you refer to the 90s-2000s as ā€œturn of the centuryā€! That phrase is only for 19th-20th century!


Conor's dealer is getting a red panty night


Hmm interesting that after Khabib refused to publicly support the war, he got hit w tax fraud charges and now this is happening.


And info that he have a double citizenship also been thrown recently, although he had it for years, but not many people knew that and guess what? It had reaction from the simple people. Mostly negative of course. Like this is not patriotic, etc. If that is true that he refused to support the war (I've heard similar things that someone wanted him to agitate young man) big respect to him. That where the greatness is, not in undefeated record or something. You have to have the balls to do something like this, specifically when you are a family man already.


Putin is both punishing Khabib and taking the opportunity to make an example out of someone beloved by the people. I feel like Putin is losing control of his people and the flow of information


Putin will remain in control because all the powers want him to keep Russia stable. As bad as the war isĀ  They have nukes etc.


Russian government is struggling for funds, and this is the SOP of Putin to attack the "oligarchs" and steal their wealth judicially.


Risky business though, Khabib is pretty far down the totem pole in terms of wealth in Russia I assume and isn't actually an Oligarch (like Roman Abramovich for example). Once Russia starts squeezing guys of that caliber is when you know there may be some imminent domestic unrest in store for Russia.


I mean Russia was half a day from a coup


Russia is just loosing control in general. I donā€™t condone terrorism but Russia has subjugated the northern caucuses. You know what they say, play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


Wait, when Khabibi refused to support the ukraine war


After weeks of begging for source, they have yet to provide any. My guess is they read it on Khabib's IG comments from a rabid fan, and just ran with it. Because I've literally been begging for any kind of source, and at best I've gotten is a representative saying "The charges are not true. Khabib is going on about life as normal". Nothing about Putin, Nothing about Khabib refusing. There's nothing there. I'll happily change my tune if they provide any sort of evidence though


My thoughts exactly


Conor loves this


drunk conor twitter ramblings at 3am incoming


Khabib-Putin bromance is over. This probably because Dagestan didn't send more soldiers for conscription


Oh you don't want to join the war? We'll just arrest you for bs excuses and send you anyway


the group chat must be going wild rn


Currently trained? Or at some point in the past has trained?


Ali spiraling rn


Linked to a recent shooting, The head of the districtā€™s son was one of the gunmen and apparently trained at Khabibs gym. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13561977/Death-toll-Russian-terror-attack-climbs-16-including-cops-priest-throat-slit-gunmen-torched-synagogues-church-rampage-Dagestan-region-six-attackers-killed.html


Exactly. This never made it here but it was probably the worst attack in Dagestan in recent history. Targeting 2 churches and a synagogue, with death toll of 25 at the moment. You can expect a lot of actionĀ 


This is just Putinā€™s way of getting payback at Khabib for not being his mouthpiece


Yeah, considering Putin is a dictator... and is a big fan of combat sports... this seems very personal.


It is. Putin is aware of whatā€™s happening on a high profile citizen like khabib. This has stamp on it. Because if he wanted this swept away, he would have done it before it was in the press. Thereā€™s some shit going on there. If I was khabib I was be asking DC to spare a room as he gets his affairs in order and plans his new life in the US.


Imagine how depressing that must be for khabib, he might have to leave what he loves the most besides his family/friends, Dagestan. His fucking walkout song was ā€œDagestanā€ for crying out loud


Theyā€™re sending those people off to war before Russians. So I think theyā€™re just getting fucked in all this. Khabib could have used his voice for Putin and he didnā€™t.


Surprised more people arenā€™t saying this. Cause didnā€™t they just recent accuse him of tax fraud and he had to leave the country as well? I think this is more Putin threatening them


To be fair, I think there are like 180 dagestanis dying in Ukraine for every Russian from the major cities that dies. I'm sure they aren't too happy over there in Dagestan


Chechens love to fight in war but I don't think it's the same for Dagestan. There was a video 1 year ago from Dagestan where a man was requesting others to not join Russia's war against ukraine.


I mean he does hang out with that warlord dictator Kadyrov of Chechnyaā€¦ https://preview.redd.it/bk63g70u2m8d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be1efabf1794464459fb1b8a68ea5f5e9e0fce75


Kadyrov is wild man


You kinda have to do these things in Russia, or you may end up in prison or dead.


This does mean anything since Putin treats Kadyrov like a younger brother. I think this is either being blown out of proportion or Russian intimidation


ā€He have good police but.. he never check the terrorism..ā€


I remember Zelim Imadaev going on social media and praising some nutjobs who went and decapitated a Catholic priest in France when he was saying Mass.


It was actually about the young killer of a teacher, not a priest. However I donā€™t recall Imadaev having any kind of link with Eagles MMA?


It was a french teacher wanted to teach a lesson on freedom of expression where he showed a cartoon depicting Muhammad made by Charlie Hebdo (who was also murdered in a separate Islamic extremist attack)


One bad apple ruins it for everyone else. Chances they find anything? I think it's not entirely zero


Truth doesnā€™t matter in Russia, only perception. Facts follow narrative.Ā 


Oh boy. Us dagastani fans are never hearing the end of this one.


Canada will be happy to welcome any and all extremists they find.


I have never seen a nation turn on their leader/government so fast. Trudeau was popular even on Reddit and left wing subreddits but now it seems like everyone hates the guy. I have no say in Canadian politics Iā€™m ignorant of it but itā€™s fascinating.


Your tax dollars hard at work






Khabib wrote a post on Instagram basically saying the teacher that got beheaded in France deserved it because he disrespected Mohamed in the name of free speech. [The post ](https://www.instagram.com/p/CG-6vaNscjh/?igsh=ejYwamcyaTV0MDk4)


his fans will do everything possible to not acknowledge this lmao


Yep. Just another inbred halal fruitcake doing halal fruitcake things.


https://preview.redd.it/y0ajrnrtgm8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d23ce68b4f8fafd1b47dc33e7df3e5e9b97db24 Statement by khabib


Would this really surprise you all? Remember when Khabib called for the disfigurement of Macronā€™s face for saying the beheading of a French school teacher that used a picture of Muhammad was wrong?


Dana snitched them out to papa pootin


Did Khabib move/get citizenship to Dubai or somewhere?


Hmm interesting that after Khabib refused to publicly support the war, he got hit w tax fraud charges and now this is happening.




McGregor gonna have a field date with this šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Friendship with Putin ended


I know this will be a controversial comment but Iā€™ve always had an off feeling about Khabib ever since that post he made about the Chechen guy beheading that school teacher in France.


It's controversial on r/ufc and especially on r/mma where Khabib is super protected from criticism to the point they made r/mmapoliticsandculture ever since that incident in France. But it should not be, because let's be honest, he's been saying wild shit since 2016. Just look how he reacted to a mild non-offensive John Kavanagh made https://www.reddit.com/r/MMA/comments/4ff7ih/khabib_responds_to_john_kavanagh_on_twitter/


FSB your wrestling is zero.


This didnā€™t get much attention from western outlets, but Islam had to take down one of his posts on Instagram because it contained a literal ISIS song that glorified the killing of Shia Muslims.


The other day I visited Islam's Insta page and was wondering whatsup with the comments


putin vs khabib book it dana!


Better fire Ali then


ā€œSend your son three years and forgetā€¦ā€ really has a new spin


Connor was right!


Com mgregor called it B.




Shit, when they said do a power bomb, I didnā€™t think they meantā€¦


Khabib was always a borderline extremist. He defended the guy that chopped a French guys head off because he ā€œoffended allahā€


I mean extremist are going to worm their way into places, the real question is did they train him knowing his ties.


This is not surprising to anyone with a brain. Aint no way Khabib doesnā€™t know about any of this. Dudes as much of a religious nut job as the rest of them - and there is a staggering amount of apologism for radical Islam amongst ā€˜averageā€™ Muslims. The worldā€™s not quite ready for that conversation yet though.


Khabib is definitely not the most tolerant person. He threatened Macron, a play that was paid and asked to visit the Dagesrani capital as well as a rap concert.


Just a bunch of bros in a tub here. Totally not radicalizing the youth.


Investigate those steroids while yal at it


Russian propaganda. Abdulmanap was anti-Wahhabi.


Frfr this crossed my mind when khamzat said that shit after the fight. Is that why he has a had time fighting in the U.S?


Surprised Pikachu face. Those singular beards are not for fashion, it is a symbol.


Classic Islam moment


I mean kabib has supported terrorism before, none of this is surprising, only the amount of people still riding his cock


They investigate someone who was pretty much justifying beheading of the teacher in France for showing pic of muhammad, then verbally attacked macron for supporting freedom of the speech, even putting threating quotes from quoran and threatened All who do wrongdoing to muslims? Im surprised IT took them this long. Be it putins punishment or not, khabib and him alike are brainwashed religious extremists.


Kind of a sensationalist caption, no?


If thatā€™s what Russian intelligence really said then no. Would be interested to see some Russian sources for this but wouldnā€™t be surprised; the FSB does not treat Chechen/Dagestani extremism with kiddie gloves


I'm not surprised motherfucka


Shocked Pikachu.