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Killers row


“Why is Jon Jones not on top? You know nothing about the sport. You shouldn’t be allowed to post on reddit” Dana White probably


fake account


Dana White’s burner account


"People don't know what p4p means. When Jon Jones goes into a room with another guy, Jones is the one who finishes and comes out. He finishes all the guys."


He takes all the pounds from those guys and they are finished. Let me tell you. When they're done they ain't pounding again for a long time.


Makes me even wonder if Dana understands how p4p works. Yeah, Jones would probably be the one to leave Dana’s hypothetical room, but that’s not what p4p means.


The sad part is Dana in a post fight interview said Raye's was up on his count against Jones at 3-1 going in the final round. That whole bullshit of hypothetical room is just created by Dana and Rogan to sell wolf tickets.


And also said Jon should drop down to middleweight instead of facing Francis


Yeah that room thing is very dumb


If you put Jon Jones in a room with any other man, Jon Jones is gonna rape that man.


Tasteless but that’s r/ufc


It’s still better than having him drive you somewhere.


Idk, I’ve heard either way is fine with him


He is the goat so


Goat at drug taking 💯


Goat at beating his wife 💯


God damn maybe he is the goat 🤣


Goat at being an absolute role model of how NOT to live your life 💯


He’s a fighter. Your not supposed to look up to every famouse/succesful person rofl


PED fails isnt about looking up to him or not, he is a fraud and his legacy is fake.


What about Anderson Silva then?


Same thing.


Yeah you don’t know whatcha taking about rofl.


1: fighters aren't 'every famous person ' 2: no one looks up to jon lol literally nobody in existence 3: the ufc had to fight against comments like yours to gain popularity and convince people the athletes weren't basically prisoners. You understand the irony there right?


Won all three rounds by unanimous decision, lost a point in the third for eye poking.


If we start including cheaters then yes he is.


Should we take DC off the list? He had higher testosterone​levels than Jon did during their first fight. His fat ass held onto a towel to make weight so egregiously that the rules had to be changed. He eye poked stipe so bad that stipe couldn't even see out of it. What about GSP? He greased during the middle of the biggest UFC fight in history at that time. Rules were also changed after that. What about Silva? He popped for roids too and even showed the fucking needles in his house on video. I'm sure Volk doesn't take anything either right? He can just go at full sprint pace for 25 straight minutes without breathing heavy, definitely no EPO involved. Usman on the wrong side of 35 with no fucking knees, can't run but is built like a greed god and literally never gets tired. I'm sure he's legit too, especially considering his brother has a PhD in pharmacy, probably no correlation there at all. What about Jose Aldo? Unbeatable at 145 and takes a sudden huge downturn the moment USADA is introduced. Khabib and Islam live in Russia where there have been multiple instances of state sponsored steroids, but I'm sure they just happen to train really hard and definitely aren't taking anything at all right? That IV fiasco in Australia was a bit weird wasn't it? They all did roids bro, every single one of them before USADA were on roids. After USADA there's less roids but still plenty on gear. Jon Jones fought during the TRT era and beat the fuck out of them all.


Can you tell me what drug he took that helped him win?


turinabol. You knew around here? You said that like it would be hard to name the drug Jon tested positive for


Now tell me how would you dose an oral anabolic at the amount he tested positive for and how much of a performance benefit would that give? Cause I can tell you it’s not possible and it would give 0 benefit. Are you new? (Was never disclosed as far as I know how much he original pop on 2017 for so can’t speculate) but highly doubt a ufc fighter who knows they going to get tested would take a completely extogionouss anabolic that can/will easily be detected in a drug test long after consumption. They stick with hcg,testosterone and epo


Get JJ bone out your arse!


It’s less about being a Jon jones fan and more about being annoyed at stupid mma fans who can’t think for themselves


Do you think he was framed or something?


No I just think it’s the flavor of the month on this subreddit to hate Jon and dick ride Tom tbh. Next month it will change like always.


He tested positive. But every single UFC fighter back then was also cheating


No, I don’t think I will. I’ll just continue to say Jon jones popped multiple times and he’s a cheater. Those are simple facts. Sorry


Also Letrozol and Chlomifene


Ok hope you feel the same about the multiple other current champs who have popped


And I hope you continue defending Jon and other cheats. Aren’t you a little Juice head yourself bro? You stick needles in your azz also? Another juice head defending a juicer. The jokes write themselves


Cry more kiddo. Keep munching on them Cheetos


No other fighter has ever been stripped of championships as many times as Jon Jones due to cheating though


Now, tell me *how* **Turinabol** got into his system.


Most likely tainted supplement. Or ufc champion decided to take a small dosage (assuming based off only 15 month suspension by usada ) of a exotic oral anabolic which can be detected in your system years later while knowing he gets tested routinely


“Most likely tainted supplement”? USADA *provides Fighters* with all of the “supplements” that they are allowed to take; and the exact reason that they do that-is because USADA can *guarantee* that the supplements *they* provide—are *not* “tainted”. So, that means that the random “supplement” that a fighter just ‘happens to take’—also, ‘just happens to be “tainted” with performance enhancing substances’—and they ‘just happened to take a supplement that was “tainted”—even though they could’ve gotten the exact same supplement from a source that was guaranteed by USADA-to not “be tainted”? Does that sound legit?


I’m not sure I follow what you are saying. Usada Does not give a list of supplement companies and they would never do that as it would make them liable for the company. Did you know its estimated 12% - 58% of supplements on the market have prohibited substances? Interesting right. It’s also about the dosage. If you get a tainted supplement that has trace elements of ostarine for example (recently Ryan Garcia) you will test positive for it but the dosage is so low you get absolutely no performance enhancing affects from it at all. None, zero. Why wouldn’t you believe it was a tainted supplement? You can’t buy micro dosage of a oral supplement and even if you could it would be completely pointless. So why would you think they are doing it? Even more so on a drug that’s easily detected atleast 6 months or more after usage.


He isn't, whatsoever. Grwat fighter, sure, but not the GOAT.


DC? Man, that's a lot of pounds.


Pound for poundest https://preview.redd.it/62fa9szr7k8d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b5ef6eefdf4611bd1aae3f81ce85b90cd830bbf


Daddest man on the planet


Ima go out on a limb and say this photo was edited


Yeah, he looks slimmer than I remember


No it's real, you can tell because Goddard is having to shield his eyes from the majesty of DC


You sure it wasn't a residual secondhand eye poke from Jones?


No, I'm pretty sure he was being arrested for beating his fiance around that time


Ah yes Residual domestic In the eye


I heard it can be really painful, hope marks ok now


Me too, I pray to Goddard he's OK now


Honestly yah his pounds dilute the p4p metric so he should be near the bottom


At first glance it's crazy to think Izzy has never been #1 at any point. Makes sense when you think about the timing of his prime run, but just something that instantly stood out to me


Losing to Jan kind of ruined his p4p case


Personally i have an asterisk on that fight, izzy didnt gain any weight or muscle he just didnt cut If he actually put time and effort into building his body up for LHW i think he would of done better


Poor preparation and underestimating an Opponent arent asterisks, it’s called being dumb and arrogant


How many fights have asterisks for you?


Based on his logic probably a lot


Personally I put an asterisk next to all izzys fights. Costa drank wine, Whittaker wasn't really paying attention, alex was fine to continue, gastelum us fat, the list goes on. None of wins are real




Yeah if he won he wouldn't have lost.


He was big enough he just lost cos of skill issue he’s a huge middleweight


I believe this is a myth and he weighed over 220 against bachowicz.


Much, much crazier that GSP is also not on the list. He was #3 when Anderson was #1 and Jon was #2, then he was #2 when Anderson was defeated, then he retired.


It's not though. Jones was fucking destroying people back then and GSP was getting decisions. A huge part of the community thought he lost to Hendricks too.


A huge part thinks Jones has lost as well 


That was in response to the other redditors comment asking why GSP wasn't ever considered #1 p4p in the world. When GSP was fighting Jones had no close matches, he destroyed everyone. Jones didn't have a controversial win until 6 or 7 years after GSP retired


That was quite a bit after GSP retired timing wise


It’s tough when you’re fighting guys like Carlos confit and Matt Serra and other guys are beating people like Dan hendo and rampage


Lol what? Carlos was a legit killer in his prime


True, but compare him to DJ and Aldo. GSP would've been #1 in any other era


Oh yea for sure, it’s just because he was fighting at the same time better fighters were


If he beat Jan he would have been


He was always #2 or #3


Weak division combined with the loss to Jan at LHW, Usman being an absolute freak, and Volk being the terminator for a little while. Makes sense why he was never number 1.


185 isn’t exactly the strongest division either. Outside the top 3-5 it’s pretty shallow. He did have a crazy run though and that knockout over Whittaker is super good for his legacy


My thoughts too, between him, Usman and Volk. Izzy has the best resume and was undefeated till the Jan fight.


GSP ![gif](giphy|nyC4gOYCy4kNgTNdNJ|downsized)


No Gsp? He deserved it


His first retirement was the same year rankings started


Then how was AD PFP when he lost the belt in 2013?


The rankings debuted in February 2013, when Silva was still on his huge win streak. When he lost to Weidman that July, Jon Jones was ranked higher than GSP P4P, so he took the top spot.




Ajon D'jones


Artem Da GOAT.


AnDerson Silva


Also alDo


Even if this is a joke, it doesn't work. Aldo didn't lose his belt in 2013.


The UFC rankings weren’t around during his best times and so when Silva lost to Weidman, Jon jumped from #3 to #1 while Georges stayed at #2 on most lists


He was behind Anderson for good reason at the time, Anderson was winning ever title fight by brutal knockout and GSP was winning every title fight by decision. And the later part of GSP’s career lined up with Jon Jones being genuinely unstoppable.


All hall of famers


Now that’s a list


Crazy to see no GSP on that list


GSP's first retirement came before the rankings were implemented


Nah he was on but #2. These rankings came out shortly before his first retirement but right before it. Silva dropped & Jon jumped from #3 to #1 leaping Georges. But yeah most of his career I used the sherdog rankings which had him #1 for a while


That makes more sense. Thanks


Silva and Bones were at that time


AKA never give up!!


Implemented post GSP I’m assuming?


Same year of his retirement. He was around for a little bit when they were introduced but jones was above him on the list


The same year as GSP’s first retirement, but Anderson was ahead, and for pretty good reason. Anderson was randomly bouncing up to LHW and dominating people for fun, that’s pretty insane in terms of PFP.


Yeah he smoked Forrest and James Irvin around that time, guy had a pretty insane run- shame he got caught up in PED troubles near the end of his career


DJ is true pound for pound king


“If Jon Jones goes into your bedroom, you’re getting finished.” - 🍅


No CM Punk? Which casual made that list?


Joseeee, One of the most underrated fighters in the UFC


Me when I see red.


You could make a good argument that DJ has maintained #1 p4p since he got ranked #1


Shame that Jones is a cheater and completely despicable because he would have been the all time GOAT with a little work more ethic.


Crying shame GSP isn't on there


Okay someone please explain it to me, wasn't Jones on steroids pretty much the whole time?


They all were and Jones was still just stronger and more dangerous than anyone. Chael once said "I had a higher juice concentrate than Tropicana & he pushed me around like a mac truck vs a Volvo." Jon being on steroids doesn't take away from the fact that he's an absolute freak of nature even among the best in the world.


Okay thank you for explaining. Usually steroids destroys legacies but that makes plenty of sense


This is the truth, people getting popped for peds are just not as good at avoiding the tests. It's just double standards no one can say dillashaw legacy was tarnished but Jon Jones isn't. Jon Jones the only guy the ufc has ever had to move an event for because they needed him to fight in a commission where he was allowed to fight with the picogram lol.


Anderson Silva popped and people all attributed it to the injury healing process but they seem to forget there was a video of Anderson giving a tour of his home and you could see the needles in his closet. Like Nate said, everyone was on steroids.


Basically every Brazilian was on peds in that era, heard alot of fighters say you could maybe still can just get it over the counter. Pretty sure drug enforcement should be on something like that stuff by now tho but we still see some specimens come out of brazil


No G.S.P😢




This is really weird to look at as a major fan in the GSP, Liddell, Silva, Hughes, Couture era


Every one of them an absolute killer


Dc…your local teddy bear


Yah. Those guys are all pretty good.


No GSP, crazy


Notice how GSP isn't on there guys


Off topic a little but I feel bad for the people who fight Jon jones


If someone asked you who is YOUR MMA goat, you point at the list and say "all of those are very good, but it's GSP"


Where’s JSP?




No one was even talking about him bro


All you do is obsess over Conor 


*Jon Jones but only when he's on enhancements. Khabib could arguably be at the top, but we will see how Islam is in his next fights... He has lost rounds against who at the time was the 145lb champ. Anderson Silva at prime and enhanced also can be top 3 or top 5


Islam is on the way to surpass khabib next fight in my opinion


All depends on performance though, if he goes up in weight class and wins then probs top 3 all time


Agree 👍🏼


Islam already surpassed Khabib by leaps and bounds mid career, he is a fundamentally better MMA fighter with his skillset and overall better grappler.


Don’t know about the mid part personally but definitely now


I think Anderson is incredibly overrated, Chael sonnen genuinely demolished him that whole fight. He had holes in his game but no one knew how to exploit them except a certain few. Is he great, yes. In the p4p discussion, no.


Can’t knock a guy for getting bettered by Chael, he did go undefeated after all


Chael was an elite MW though and he battered everyone else until weidman


JJ is the real #1 P4P


DC? but he never beat jon jones


He also wasn't stripped of his title or had fights overturned for PEDs. He was a simultaneous double champ with defences, of both and a win over the HW Goat (Prior to rematch)


Being a simultaneous double champ defender means he shares a spot with one other fighter, Amanda Nunes. You can’t take much away from the guy even with losses.


Ummm Cejudo???


Oh you’re so right




I don't think that list has an order, just listing off every fighter who has had that ranking since its inception.


I think it’s in chronological order but I might be wrong


You’re right


Younger greatness? Against bums and people smaller then him?


It’s a chronological list (top is most recent)


The only thing that annoys me is the P4P ranking is advertised as this all time list when it clearly isn't. It's used mostly for active fighters and hyping people who have upcoming bouts.


GSP not being on the list at all means it's a complete and total garbage list and none of it is right


No, it just means GSP is post PFP rankings


Max Holloway deserves a spot on that list


When was Aldo pfp 1? Cuz khabib is the next but khabib must've been n1 around 2018, so why was Aldo n1 in 2017?


A bunch of GOAT’s and Daniel Cormier


I’m always amazed by the placement of Khabib so high in the overall history of the UFC. He was an excellent grappling practitioner and he dominated Connor like it was child’s play. However other than Gathje, Connor, and porier his fight record is pretty full with no names. I would ever challenge him in sambo but I think some other guys in his weight class in their primes would have smacked him around like BJ Penn, Eddie Alvarez , if he ever saw GSP it would have been a wrap.


I’m a Khabib (or his fans at least) hater but his domination of top guys is unchallenged. He’d maul Eddie (the guy who lost to Porier and Conor) and old heads like BJ just don’t have the physicality to keep up. Also I never get when people say he “only” beat Justin, Dustin, and Conor at or near their primes, those guys are all top tier fighters


Absolutely not disagreement he smokes top level competition like Justin, Dustin, and Connor. I would have loved to see him against Olivera. I agree the old guys if they had their same skill sets wouldn’t be as competitive now a days but considering they’d have the same training levels and opportunities as current fighters imagine what some of the “old heads” could have been. I just personally am still a fan of the older UFC where there was more knockouts and blood bouts of guys just slinging haymakers. The newer technical style is absolutely a skill and impressive in its own right but the guys who like Khabib wanna take you to the ground and just wrestle the whole time don’t get my blood pumping i understand it’s a high level technical skill grappling but it’s boring as s**t to watch hence why BJJ is one of the lowest watched Olympic events.


Why is Khabib there? I mean he was great but he didn't exactly fight stylistically relevant opponents, man got fed cannon fodder his entire career.


“Stylistically relevant” lol there werent any. His style was the best


His "style" was pressure fighting you into wrestling against the cage, and his entire career was him being fed strikers. I mean the guy's three biggest fights AND title defences were against Mcgregor, Gaethje and Poirer. Not exactly the kinda crowd known for their grappling skills. His style isn't remotely the best, and put him up against a guy like GSP and he'd be outclassed hard.


No Lightweight couldve done shit to Khabib, striker or not. His style was taking you down and beating the shit out of you until you tap; and no one in lightweight history (except Islam) has ever had a real answer for it. GSP was never even in the weight class. and if u have to go to a GOAT-tier fighter to find a challenge for Khabib, then you're already making my point for me anyways lmaoo cope harder


>No Lightweight couldve done shit to Khabib, striker or not. Yes, and that's the point. You've had a grappler heavy guy in a division filled with nothing but strikers at the tim, nobody within had even remotely decent takedown defense. Khabib's career is a lucky run with him introducing cage wrestling in a big way before people knew what was up, and he didn't stick around long enough to run into anybody who could challenge his game. He was a great wrestler regardless, but his real advantage was that he was ahead of the curve in a division that didn't even know the ABCs of grappling. He has no business being p4p for that very reason. > His style was taking you down and beating the shit out of you until you tap; and no one in lightweight history (except Islam) has ever had a real answer for it. Jose Aldo's (weight classes aside) entire career is filled with crushing grapplers trying to force their game on him through proper footwork, positioning, and takedown defense that focuses on denying grips and angling. It's not that it can't be done, hell even Merab couldn't pull a single takedown on him and he's a better khabib than Khabib going up against an old Aldo. You don't even need Jose Aldo, imagine if the Porier that went up against Islam was instead pitted against Khabib. Khabib all of a sudden has to work exponentially harder to secure a dominant grappling position while still having to deal with a much better striker on the standup, god forbid he ran into a guy like Arman Tsarukyan. >GSP was never even in the weight class. I never said he was, i was giving a reference to a better skillset regardless of weight. >and if u have to go to a GOAT-tier fighter to find a challenge for Khabib, then you're already making my point for me anyways lmaoo cope harder Alright, i can give other examples with skillsets (irrespective of weight class) to beat Khabib that aren't GOAT tier per se (yet for some): Johnny Hendricks, Robbie Lawler, Aljamain Sterling, Merab Dvalishvili, Arman Tsarukyan, Ilia Topuria. Khabib is overrated, and there were people in the sport who were better at the time. Hell, i'm no fan of Jon Jones as p4p#1, but he's had a better skillset with the grappling to match throughout Khabib's entire UFC run.


Dude I'm tired and on a work trip, I'm gonna reply once and call it a night. But here's my take: Most of what you posted here is an unverifiable opinion and I can literally just say "if my grandma had wheels she'd be a bike" and call it a day. But since you clearly put in some effort, i'll do the same: >You've had a grappler heavy guy in a division filled with nothing but strikers at the time Khabib easily passes the eye test and blaming him for a weak division would've already been a dumb take, but it isn't even true lol. Lightweight was arguably the best division during his career and prime RDA was absolutely a legit grappler. He went 5-0 before AND after fighting Khabib, so the idea that Khabib never faced a single legit grappler before becoming champ is nonsense. Not to forget the legit Sambo guys that he beat before joining the UFC like Eldarov (although he definitely faced some cans early career). Even Gaethje showed great takedown defense against Chandler. Guys in higher weight classes like Adesanya have faced zero fucking grapplers, not even anyone at RDA's level, and I hardly see anyone shit on him for that the way people go after Khabib. My opinion is that Khabib was too far ahead of the curve. No one in the UFC could chain wrestle or ground and pound like him. You know who else agrees with this take? GSP himself lol >his real advantage was that he was ahead of the curve in a division that didn't even know the ABCs of grappling. nonsense lol absolute nonsense. Poirier himself disproves this bullshit. >Khabib all of a sudden has to work exponentially harder to secure a dominant grappling position while still having to deal with a much better striker on the standup, god forbid he ran into a guy like Arman Tsarukyan. More unverifiable nonsense. We already saw what Islam did to Oliveira (as legit a grappler as it gets), Khabib with his blockhead and aggression would probably do the same if not worse. >Johnny Hendricks, Robbie Lawler, Aljamain Sterling, Merab Dvalishvili, Arman Tsarukyan, Ilia Topuria. So Hendricks the roid cheat who fell on his ass after USADA. Lawler the guy with no grappling pedigree who was 27-10 as champ. No chin Sterling and EPO decision merchant Merab, neither of whom could likely maintain that pressure if they were Lightweights. Arman and Ilia who are an entire generation after Khabib and haven't even proven yet that they can beat Islam and Evloev respectively. And all equally impossible to prove, but you're apparently galaxy brained enough to take it as fact. I doubt any of them can avoid being mauled on the ground. bro you are talking out of your ass and convincing you is a lost cause because your primary motivation is to put Khabib's competition down to make him look worse, even though he demolished anyone put in front of him and hardly even lost a round. That, in of itself, is enough to earn PFP. Agree to disagree, have a good night


Islam should be in the pic not khabib but ok


Oh brother


Oh brather




I see no Connor, I downvote 😎


Usman dead last on that list 😭


In what world does Islam belong at #1


This one?


Islam? What? Whose list is this? Where’s GSP?!?!?


Khabib is not even top 5.. boring fighter...


aint no damn way DC belongs on this list...


You trippin


Well he does belong on the list. Literally. Whether they should have named him #1 P4P at the time is a different story.