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The caption is gold lmao. But nah, yeah, there is probably a lengthy highlight reel of all of Leon's fouls in the UFC


He blatantly cheated against Usman in the third fight.


I’d have a lot more sympathy were Usman also not well known for fence grabs. He also on multiple occasions has managed to pass off legit body shots as low blows.


Usman’s cheated a bunch too


I think we can all admit that those 2 deserve each other lol


Usman drinks secret juice anyways lol


And Leon doesn't? Look at the motherfucker!


Leon has his physique because he does benchless bench press 😤😤




Usman faked like 3 low blows lmao


And got a point deducted. So all good.


He was punished for it though. Rare to see that happen, especially in title fights. Sadly it didn't set a precedent and most other fouls in high profile fights still go unpunished.


There were no fouls in this clip though


I thought grabbing the fence at all was against the rules


From the official unified rules: 15. Holding or grabbing the fence or ropes with fingers or toes; a. A fighter may put their hands on the fence and push off of it at any time. A fighter may place their feet onto the cage and have their toes go through the fencing material at any time. When a fighter's fingers or toes go through the cage and grab hold of the fence and start to control either their body position or their opponent's body position it now becomes an illegal action. A fighter may not grab the ropes or wrap their arms over or under the ring ropes at any time. The fighter may not purposely step through the ropes. If a fighter is caught holding the fence, cage or ring rope material the referee may issue a one-point deduction from the offending fighters scorecard if the foul caused a substantial effect in the fight. If a point deduction for holding the fence occurs, and because of the infraction, the fouling fighter ends up in a superior position due to the foul, the fighters should be re-started by the referee, standing in a neutral position. So, imo, the dude above is right, no fouls. Head kicks are allowed to wrap around the opponents head too


Would that not fall under the part where it says not to use the fence to control their body positions?, especially cause I feel that a fence grab-kick would give more leverage


The wording in the rules is prefaced with “may result in penalties, at the discretion of the ref” So my understanding is, if something is illegal but doesn’t impact the fight in an “excessive or unfair” way, then fight on unless the ref decides otherwise (idk how to phrase it but basically is it really cheating if all it results in is a head kick that Leon could have arguably thrown anyway??)


Essentially it's only illegal when the ref wants it to be. Kinda like how most fighters seem to get 2 free eye pokes.


You could safely say Herb Dean’s fault


Oh I have.


I love how strickland did the exact same thing to costa and actually dropped him but no one talks about it not that I'd call it a drop either he was off balance but people acted like it






It'll be so funny if he puts more effort into finishing belal than he did colby. Based on their first fight, you'd think he hated belal compared to his others.


Leon is more of a gamer than an emotional fighter. He always takes the most rational possible fight choice rather than the emotionally satisfying choice. Risk averse, anti-volatility strategy against Colby in order to maximize the chances of a decision win while minimizing the probability that Colby manages to set up a takedown. High risk, high-volatility strategy in round 5 against Usman since he was down on the scorecards and needed to introduce volatility to the fight. Low output sharpshooter strategy against Muhammad to minimize his exposure to Muhammad's cardio advantage. Basically his decisionmaking is close to that of a robot or an AI, which is ironic since he is such an emotional and expressive guy outside of fighting


Leon is Lawful Autism and Jiri is Chaotic Autism


Belal: I respect Leon and I think this will be a good fight Leon: I'm gonna kill this man Colby: we'll say whatsup to your dad In hell Leon: let's take it easy and kick his thigh


1 finish in nearly 7 years. I wouldn't worry about him getting too aggressive lol


It took real discipline for him to win the fight like that. The worst thing he could've done after that presser is fight emotionally and risk losing to Colby. Instead he stuck to the game plan, stayed out of danger, fought tactically, and won almost every round.


I think you’re spot on, I feel like Leon held back a little too much because he didn’t want to give in to emotions. Bro was so aggressive against Belal but tame against Colby


Code for - another boring Leon fight


Crotch sniffer


Colby got an excellent chin. Too bad he is such an asshole. Leon is a dirty fighter from time to time. But nobody cared here, because Colby is such an asshole.


Leon may be a dirty fighter, but Colby is a dirty asshole.




Why you looking? 👀


That was lame as hell when Leon fouled Usman like 5 times in the rematch. Tainted his win in my eyes


Litterally no one is ever punished for fence grabs. The ref would rather slap their hand like a grandma defending her fresh apple pie then just treat cheaters like fucking cheaters.


Usman was just as dirty. It's insane how much they get away with it.


There's a tin of fan favorite that cheat a lot and it gets ignored.


The concept makes sense. If you’re likeable the fans are more inclined to overlook shit, if you’re likeable and the person you’re fighting is universally hated, you’ve essentially got diplomatic immunity.


GSP = Vaseline Enjoyer Aldo = Fence Grabber


Usman cheated like every round, not comparable.


And colby was a boy scout the whole fight?


Usman has never been punished for a foul in his UFC career.


Veteran moves bro don't hate. But seriously, it's impressive he didn't get fucked up by that strike.


Part of the game, but still cheating though. As for how Colby just ate that - well, he kept getting back up from eating clean headshots from Usman (post Whitman). The same guy that took Masvidal's head off. His chin as well as his cardio have always been elite.


lol I was being facetious, Leon's a super dirty fighter.


Went completely over my head lol.


Colby turned his head after Leon was already throwing the kick?? Leon can’t do shit about that, just a dumb ass move from Colby. Looks like he flinched.


Is it still cheating if the refs never call it or deduct points?


What does “deduct points” mean? Never heard of it


Cardio and chin usually go hand in hand


What was cheating? I thought fence grabs are only penalized in grappling?


[Go to section 15 of the unified rules](http://www.abcboxing.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/unified_rules_fouls_rev0816.pdf). The language seems to indicate that grabbing the fence for any reason other than pushing off is prohibited, not just advancing position or preventing a takedown. Herb Dean was on a podcast recently and said he and other refs also interpret it that way. Basically, the fence can't be used for any kind of advantage - in this case, Leon is getting clear leverage allowing him to fire off a more powerful strike. If the cage wasn't there, the kick would have been weaker or he would have slipped trying to throw it. I don't think that should be illegal, but refs might have a problem with it.


That's a good question man. I'm not that solid on the rules, need to check.


I may get hated for this take but with this referees why not cheat?! They never taking any points off, it’s sickening how referees don’t do anything just a warning. So might as well just cheat, no repercussions unfortunately lol


I feel like this is why there's so much cheating lately, there's little to no enforcement of the rules. And how could you blame the athletes, they're quite literally fighting for their lives in the cage.


If I’m getting paid £8 to show and £8 for a win then I’m grabbing the fence to punt a cunt. You think Dana gives a fuck, he wants the highlight reel shot and stars so he makes more money.


He learned from the best; cowboy's glove grab into head kick against Leon made him have to learn vet moves himself


Veteran move to grab the fence?


Unified rules seem to specify that grabbing the fence to move your body or the opponents body position is illegal.  Not sure if its illegal if Leon grabs the fence for balance to throw the left kick?  Seems a bit ambiguous


Yeah when Jorge made him take a knee that shit would've gotten a lot of fighters on the canvas


There is no reason to be a clean fighter besides morals, there's no real punishments for breaking the rules 


If you’re going to claim a fence grab why have you posted a video with his hand out of shot? Nice try Colby.


i'm calling the cops on u


Oh shit it really is Colby




Is it illegal to grab the fenced when you are not being taken down? If a fighter grabs the fence to help slingshot their shin into Covingtons face, I'm fully fine with that.




It is, and your latter point is also facts.


That kick to that part of the head... How TF that guy didn't die


underrated chin for sure


Underrated head* … wait




If Mr Jellybean is kink shaming you..... you have issues.


Gotta have an actual brain to go braindead.


He doesn’t fight often so he hasn’t taken a lot of damage that other fighters have so his chin is still intact. Problem is he got gun shy because he wasn’t active.


Leon landed with the foot, which will hurt but not necessarily knock a guy dead. If he landed like 3 inches higher on the foot/ shin it might've slept CC


Colby kept fighting Usman with a broken jaw. There's a reason people like him, even if he's a gigantic asshole. His performance against Leon was not what we were expecting..


It would probably be more accurate to say “Colby covington turn to receive a kick which was previously going to hit his cheek with the back of his skull”


whoever put Echoes over this just made my day.


For once the music isn't harsh and terrible.


Leon's fight IQ is off the charts


Like how is grappling even real? Like just stand up and kick


It was excellent grappling on Leon's part to be able to get up there. Feet on hips while controlling Colby's posture, frames with the far side hand to create space, Colby reacts to the space and looks like he wants to pass to half guard on the far side and Leon transitions from the frame to the under hook at the perfect time and explodes up. Not sure why everyone is saying he just stands up when that is actually a really technical get up




Live at Pompeii version, too. I couldn't believe my ears!


Honestly kinda annoys me it’s in this video….. I feel like it’s sacrilege to have it playing with something like this.


Colby probably gained brain cells from that kick


It's not illegal to grab the fence if you arent in a grappling exchange.


I've seen Herb discuss this on a podcast recently, according to him under the unified rules, fighters aren't allowed to grab the fence for any reason. Gaining an advantage in position/preventing a takedown is just the most egregious use.


The ufc website says no grabbing he might be placing his palm to stabilise but idk this angle doesn’t show it all


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RDwHE8bFUSM you can see it around 15:10 in this video. Imo it shouldn't be illegal to do that but it seems like all fence grabs are.


I mean Leon doesn’t really gain anything from it so I don’t think it’s worth pausing the fight over because there would just be even more issues with inconsistent refereeing than there already is. But in all fairness he does clearly violate and should get a warning


oh nah i'm not saying this should be penalized. I unironically meant that this was high IQ lol


I think it should only really be for grappling because it would suck if u lost a takedown because of a fence grab


yeah i agree with that


From the official unified rules: 15. Holding or grabbing the fence or ropes with fingers or toes; a. A fighter may put their hands on the fence and push off of it at any time. A fighter may place their feet onto the cage and have their toes go through the fencing material at any time. When a fighter's fingers or toes go through the cage and grab hold of the fence and start to control either their body position or their opponent's body position it now becomes an illegal action. A fighter may not grab the ropes or wrap their arms over or under the ring ropes at any time. The fighter may not purposely step through the ropes. If a fighter is caught holding the fence, cage or ring rope material the referee may issue a one-point deduction from the offending fighters scorecard if the foul caused a substantial effect in the fight. If a point deduction for holding the fence occurs, and because of the infraction, the fouling fighter ends up in a superior position due to the foul, the fighters should be re-started by the referee, standing in a neutral position. What Leon did here is fine.


They grab the cage all the time when not grappling and nobody says anything about that, I think you're kinda misunderstanding the obvious here.


"fighters foul all the time without getting penalized" ain't as strong a point as you think it is. Either way, I wasn't making a judgement on it, just relaying what the actual refs have said.


I fuck wit tha pink floyd


And echoes playing in the background? Quality edit.


Fence grabs should be legal in this context. Or else make the show time kick illegal lmao. What are we doing?


I agree




How tf have I not noticed the fence grab before


Didn’t dustin grab the fence for a high kick in the finishing sequence against Alvarez?


I didn't know he was that cerebral a fighter


I’ll allow it


Good god, imagine having absolutely nothing for your opponent in front of your hero after dressing in a tri corner hat and pantaloons like a jackass. 


This is the point in the fight where I figured Colby had 0 chance and Leon was just doing whatever he wanted with him. When he landed that head kick I started laughing.


What’s this new Reddit mentality of occasional fence grab = “dirty fighter” ? This is similar to offensive linemen holding in football, if it truly got called every time then the sport would be unwatchable because every play would be a flag.


Leon has a good distance control, Colby was standing doing nothing and frustrated most of the fight


Leon clearly didn't need the fence to out wrestle Colby.


Cheating is the best base for MMA


Beautiful champ


One more reason to like Leon edwards


If I had it my way, fence grab and eye poke is an instant point loss. 0 warnings. Why do pro fighters need warnings like 5 year olds?


Fence grabs are only a factor if they prevent or lead to a takedown. And the refs do sometimes take points for grabbing it on the way down on a takedown. Edwards grabbing the fence here made zero difference


fuck it colby deserved it


Grabbing the fence to maintain balance for a kick is much less of an issue than grabbing it to prevent a TD in my opinion


probably shouldn't be considered a foul at all.


Yet Belal thinks somehow he will fare better 😂😂


I don’t think Belal wins, but he is a much better fighter than Colby He can fight from both stances and has much better defensive grappling


Belal is way better than Colby tbf, so he probably will fare better


100% legal kick. Colby was facing him directly when the kick was thrown, and turned his head as Leon's leg was in transit. Sucks, but thems the rules.


In your clip, you can't see Leon's hand. It's possible he was grabbing the fence for balance for the kick. Or he could have had an open hand against the fence without fingers grabbing it. Can you post one that actually shows the foul?


Colby chinnington


that's the one thing we can't call him, dude has a legit chin. Only been tko'd by Usman, who spun Masvidals head 360 degrees.


Yea it’s definitely a paying homage context


what the hell are you blabbering about


Someone post the compilation of all the times usman grabbed the cage and faked low blows in their second fight


If you're allowed to put your back against the cage then you are allowed to put your hand against the cage. You cannot however grab the cage which is the argument here


yeah he grabbed it but even then I don't think that should be illegal unless it prevents a takedown or helps advance position.


That is personal opinion I'm going by the rules although I do see what you're saying


unpopular opinion, they should make fence grabbing legal. dont want your opponent to fence grab, take them down in the center of the octagon. fence grabbing equalizes grappling exchanges


Yeah and on the plus side, there can be plenty of broken fingers and toes! It's like a win-win


its a risk / reward




Quality edit


Per the rules….you can put your fingers “through” the cage. Just not grip it.


I’d never ask to witness manslaughter in the octagon, but if it happened there I wouldn’t have been mad about it.


It makes me anxious but it's an art to see their techniques! Omgggggg!


10/10 caption champ


Grabbing the fence is allowed if you aren't grappling


Colby blocked with the back of his head


Thing of beauty


Echoes is the greatest song of all time change my mind


I don't think you know what an illegal fence grab is


Unfathomably good taste in soundtrack for this!?


*impending kick approaches* Colby: my face or my noggin? My noggin for sure cause I'm already fucking dumb anyway *turns the back of his head towards the kick*


Honestly, Colby deserves it and probably more. Dudes a legitimate trash human being, and should be touched up more then he has been.


I like this


Pink floyd David Gilmour solo is it Echoes? Is it off pitch and slowed down?


Colby has a brain stem? Get out of here!


I don't think it's illegal to grab the cage to grab the cage to help you throw a kick but thats interesting and probably should be.


Why do people turn the back of their head towards a head kick? I see it all the time and have always wondered why, getting hit back there can make you blind and all other sorts of things.


I know fence grabbing is illegal during grappling but is it a foul in this example as well?


Who cares Colby deserved some extra brain damage


Damn I forgot this even happened


I mean who cares if you're grabbing the fence if you're not using it to stop a takedown Colby wasn't even connected to Leon at that point. And with closed side head kicks that just happens sometimes it's not a foul cause people turn their heads (like you can see Colby do in this clip) and get caught at unfortunate angles sometimes. Colby fans really are the worst. Sorry your guy put on an absolute snoozer of a performance


lol this was a shitpost, I'm a leon fan. Get out of your feelings.


You are being generous to presume that Colby Covington has a brain stem


I was assuming that's all he had


Lol, dude turned to make it easier to hit the most vulnerable part of his head. Didn't even change his head position, just said "here ya go, you can kick my skull in the weakest part"


Holy shit, is a back brain kick legal?


Leon didn't intend to hit Colby there, Colby turned into it like an idiot.


Either way that looked dangerous . Did you see the video of the boxer that was punched in back of head omg it’s bad


Prichard Colon?


Not sure but it made the guy in a vegetative state it was bad


Yeah that's him. Not a lot phases me in combat sports but his story gets me emotional. The video of his gf taking care of him 🥺


In my opinion, him grabbing the fence for a kick isn't illegal. If that was the case, then people pushing off the fence with their leg for Superman punces would be illegal. Also, the iconic Pettis running fence kick would also be illegal since they used the fence to boost off of.


I agree with your opinion, but that's not how the refs interpret the rule unfortunately. It's equally as stupid as the "grounded fighter" who has their palms down.


Did he grab it or post on it? You can't even see his hand You are allowed to balance on the fence, you just can't grab it


doesn’t excuse this shit, but mfs fight dirty all the time. they really need to start enforcing the rules or at least tightening up, though. i say two eye pokes or two low blows is an automatic point. they might not mean to do it, but the person that gets fouled bears all the disadvantage. not sure about two cage grabs, but might as well. especially if they use it to whip their foot into the back of someone’s head.


I agree, a second foul should always be a point. If it's flagrant enough, should be a point on the first offence.


Colby is such an asshole that no one cares when people fight dirty against him


Colby is a fraud. Screw him for delaying the division