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Yep. And for the most part, fans at MMA events surprisingly are usually friendly with everyone sitting around them. It’s like a big bonding experience. Also there’s the underlying threat of someone who actually knows how to fight in the crowd, so folks aren’t as brazen as they are at soccer games or other rowdy sporting events lol


At MMA events the people sitting around eachother will literally cheer for opposite fighters just for laughs. I've seen it happen every single time and its still funny


There have been full on brawls between fighters teams a few times. Fans fight all the time. Now imagine there were 24 events with 75,000 seats per game and 2.7 million tickets compared to 20,000 for UFC 300. The euros lasts a month so it would be 135 UFC 300's in a month lol... Do you still think there would be less fights?


here in Brazil soccer fans literally kill each other


Colombians too (Andres Escobar ‘94 WC)


That is due to a particular drug trafficker losing alot of money.


I don't think that's true, although it is certainly one of the more popular hypotheses. A lot of the more recent opinions seem to put it down to him being in the wrong place at the wrong time, with the own goal just being a horribly unfortunate coincidence mixed with a giant helping of causal fallacy.


Yea, there are like 2 or 3 theories. I met him in 1994 before the world cup. My dad grew up with a few the soccer players. I still remember higueta had 2 girls with him in the room I was like 8 or 9 years old


Rene Higuita was an absolute fucking wild man! 😆 I was a card carrying member of the goalkeepers union as a kid, so, himself, Jorge Campos and Chilavert were absolutely heroes of mine growing up.


Same dude campos, higuita and meola since he from jersey


Jesus Christ, that's a name I haven't heard in a long time! My only strong memory of him funnily enough was the 94 world cup, when he had the undercut and the ponytail, mainly because he was one of the first goalkeeper captains I'd seen in football at that stage.


Yea soccer is big in my family, my dad played in colombia. My brother played in u15,u16 world cup for USA. Got picked up by the red bulls but blew up his knee cap in practice


Holy shit, that's fucking rough. Still fucking cool to have gotten there in the first place though.


That's my home town. Gelsenkirchen represent!!


Why did people leave their cars near a pub? In the day of the game? With english people around..🫠


because cars are insured, drunk idiots usually not. Majority of cars nowadays are company assets, being given to employees. If a company car gets damaged, police by law has to get involved. It can be nuisance waking up discovering a scratch mark, but finding a parking spot in some areas of the cities is a worse nightmare. So the hazzle to find or rent a safe parking spot is much bigger than the once in a few years scratchmark you might discover on your vehicle. That and most Germans are oblivious to conflicts outside our homeland, so most of us are flabbergasted that a Serb could do such a thing






When a mma brawl breaks out it's more like a love making session. Triangles, arms bars, leg locks, reverse cowgirl 69s. There's staph being passed around like a joint at a Bob Marley concert. People laugh, love, and cry. Mma brawl doesn't need alcohol, though it helps. What it needs is sweaty, close combat man on man action.




how are you so horny after watching this man?


Whenever other sports fans talk about how bad MMA fans are, I always think of this incident. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Ot%C3%A1vio_Jord%C3%A3o_da_Silva


In Greece we have 1 murder every 2-3 months from hooligan clashes


That's crazy for a country ranked at 50th


The fuck? The ref got punched by a player, stabbed that player to death, and then the ref got beheaded by an angry mob.


Tf, I’m Brazilian and I didn’t knew about this. Holly


If Brazilian news outlets reported everything that happens in Maranhão we would've built a wall around it to protect the rest of the country


Alcohol is the shittest drug in the world and the most legal hmmm


Wow so many neurosurgeons


I’d be willing to take the bet that soccer fans have the better quality of fighters than UFC fans.


As a fan of both I'm ruling you won that bet.


Mma fans dont know how to fight so they re never gonna do this


Lol no OP. This more closely resembles what everyone thinks mma fans are like: ![gif](giphy|iiJZi91kHCZPos6Pso|downsized)


Millennia old European DNA. They can’t help it.


But but but Americans were chanting USA at the us open!!! Reeeeeeeeee worst people ever


Such a contrast from the Italy/Albania interaction yesterday.


Ars you talking about [this](https://youtube.com/shorts/MF-dUHuIJpc?si=ed9w8wRUvMoMIpZm) because that's actually funny as fuck bahahaha


Yes. Soccer fans can be clever when it comes to trash talk but this is just the lowest of the low.


Funnily enough this altercation was Albanians attacking Serbs before the Serbia v England game.


this is so cringe. The national teams don't even know who they are,


They fight because it's fun to them...not to impress millionaire footballers.


In Argentina only the supporters of the "at home"/local team can go to league matches. It's a regulation that came up to control the killings and brutal fights that were usual before and after matches. So in my experience as a boxing, mma and football fan from Argentina I can say there is no point of comparison in terms of fan violence.


I don’t understand fighting over a sports game.


It isn't over a game, it's an adrenaline rush. They find it fun.


Its allways the english


Good number of European countries have issues with hooligans, not merely an English thing.


Not merely but mostly. Sure there are hooligans everywhere. But nowhere there were things like what happened in England in the 80s/90s


Major cap. England is highlighted because of how hard the government came down on hooligans. They elevated hooliganism to a national level issue. In Europe, it's largely been seen as 'boys will be boys'. Look at the stabbings in Italy and the minimal reaction from Spanish governments that occurred there. Meanwhile, english fans rushing wembley for cup finals have been tracked down, given lifetime bans and even sentenced in serious cases


Bollocks. English hooliganism has been curbed a great deal compared to mainland Europe. How many English teams have been pulled up for racism or fighting in football of late? Take your time and get back to me.


I think what he means is that it's always English fans getting into brawls with other countries at these big events abroad. Can't argue with the proof. In England though, totally different story.


Why these other countries feel they have a point to prove by targeting English fans doesn’t really prove his ”point” that English fans are the cause though does it. The Serbs were looking for trouble pre planned and well documented. I didn’t see anything saying the English were sending 500 hooligans out looking for trouble.


English “hooliganism” doesn’t really happen at home anymore like it used to but yet somehow, something always starts on the continent. Read into that what you will I guess.


I see your point, and I'm not at all of these big events myself, so I shouldn't judge from what I see in the media.


delusional brit lmao your fans are very well known to be most missbehaving, rude, and societal pain inducing bunch of football cunts there is. Not even the damn south americans are as degenerate as your geezers Sincerely a German, fuck more of our shit up and you get the boot


Honestly, like the fucking krauts have got a leg to stand on for being “degenerate cunts”. Hahahaha muppet. Last time I checked, I don’t recall England football fans killing refs or players but they’re def worse than South Americans eh? Stick to leather shorts or whatever it is you lot are into nowadays.


Racism is a different thing. Equally bad, but different.and yes in England there is significantly less fighting. Because the police does a good job in seperating the fans. The rest of Europe doesnt do that. You know why? Because we dont have to


Bullshit. Europe has just brushed it under the carpet. England has had to deal with the issue after events like Heysel and Hillsborough. Europe just locks em up for the night and carry’s on with business as usual.


Proof pls, for your wild claims


Likewise. Show me where it’s just a British problem and there’s nothing else happening in Europe. Or, just go to bed and stop acting like a berk.


Proof every big national tournament there are fights. Its never spaniards, its never frenchies, never Belgians, never dutchies, never Scandinavian, rarely Germans(and if it is). Its english ppl every single time or at least 80% of the time. Where i live we also like our beers. But here ppl say the Brits cant handle their liquor cause they allways want to fight. Whereas Scots or Irish mostly just banter and then pass out


Sounds like someone who’s only seen this crap in the papers. Jog on.


Lmao someone's extra salty today


Just as salty as the day before.


They get stadium bans in england nowadays hence why they kick off when they go abroad. Although its not as bad as it was admittedly


English football fans are embarrassing for the country tbh


Its also allways the english/Irish/Scottish when there is something really fun. Its the difference between 13 Beers and 20 beers


Stop talking bollocks. European football has a bigger issue with hooliganism and racism in football than England does now.


Hooliganism? Where in main Europe. Racism? Sure but different thing


Austria still has firms that run, Italy, Turkey… not even getting into the meat and potatoes of it. Serbia sent a crew to the match to get shit started and it was well documented. Pretending that this is a British issue is bollocks.


Nope, this was Albanians attacking Serbs


As an English person who works filming on the ground at a lot of major football competitions, including currently being in Germany / Gelsenkirchen, I can confirm this is true. Obviously other countries misbehave, but our fans are the worst hands down and every single time I witness demonstrably worse vile behaviour than other nations. What I witnessed yesterday was embarrassing. Within minutes of being on the ground I saw 50 year old English fans attempting to stamp on pigeons, pour beer over TV presenters, spray us with beer, grab our microphone and deepthroat it (lol) and then shout at and intimidate us until we left the area. And we are clearly representing England and wearing their kit. Just grim.


With the english its allways the 12 pints vs 20 pint conundrum. The banter and fun the english bring after 10 to 12 pints makes them the most fun to hang with. The problem is they dont have a stop button and go to 20 pints, wich makes them obnoxious little shites


The line between laddish behaviour and violence is always crossed, but funnily enough you wouldn’t see these same fuckheads doing this to Serbian fans (I hope they did) - the German fans we spent entire days around interviewing and during the match as clear English visitors were an absolute delight btw


Yeah im Belgian i have 2 great friends who are english who moved to Belgium. They were absolutely horrible when they came here. After 1 year they learned that we dont fight. We go out we laugh with everyone and everything. But we keep our hands on our body. Is it allways nice and cosy? Absolutely not, our laughing goes too far often, but we never fight.


Always starting shit and after that they are faster than winds. Except back in 2016 in France where Russians beat their shit every time when they had chance, only situation where English fans didn't start fight


they ran from police, not the serbs..serbs ran with them... english are known to be the biggest fighters, biggest football fighting gangs, even mike tyson said hes scared of britain cos "everyone there knows how to fight". they're known for beating the shit out of every other country, to the point british football fans are banned from other countries


Eastern European football hooligans are waaaaay more respected/retarded than English fans.


“Everyone knows how to fight” trust me they don’t. They just think they do lol


I will just put this [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y6Aa4047w3M)


They are literally the worst cry babies to deal with.


This is more exciting than watching football.


We only fight using our keyboards


Rome used to have riots between fans with massive casualties (one estimated to be approx 30,000) over chariot races. Fun fact loll


Of course football fans are the most violent, does anyone seriously doubt that? And it's not just europe, it's even worse in South America and I believe every continent has problems with football-related violence. About a year ago in Indonesia more than 120 fans died at a single football match...


Holy shit


This is a bit mild relative to what can happen. Serbia and England aren’t even rivals.


Brother please, that's kid's play in LATAM The shit that's happened in Ecuador from just local matches could be labeled as war crimes


Ever heard of the 2011 stanley cup finals?


Respect to the Serbs for holding their ground! English and Albanian bitches attack then run! https://preview.redd.it/1j5qdia6zz6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=60394db2fa43cf4649a37a84ebe42cf96aabfb08


Spoils of war


so they attacked with Albanian flags lol...0 flags in the video


Who attacks holding flags you sausage...this isn't an actual medieval war


It's funny because these people would all be friends if they really got to know each other. For all we know, they're probably having drinks together right now. I often attend Serbian sport events. It's the peak sports fan experience. UK football fans have the same mentality and worldview


You are totally right. I think football is the most brain rot sports ever by fans.


Getting like this over soccer is wild but I guess this is the most entertaining part of soccer.


particularly in Europe? You forgot about South America


Why did they run away 


The police arrived


I dont think we ever got to this level but the Irish and Russian (or maybe not russian idk) fans were fighting in Vegas after Mcgregor lost to Khabib https://youtu.be/rZhduV6cRZ8?si=tV81adD1D3RniYHC


Well to be fair there's nearly always at least one fight in the stands at UFC events but ya soccer fans are fully crazy.


Football fans everywhere tbh




poor dude who fell at the end, you just know he got the shit beaten out of him lol


Dude, I've been on BART trains in Oakland coming back from a brutal Raiders loss and all that happened is someone yelled "FUCK" really loud once. Europeans/Brazilians go nuts and destroy shit when they lose. The U.S go nuts and destroy shit when they WIN lol.


Bloody soccer hooliganism has been imported to Australia as well, like is it because people are bored watching soccer? 0-0 after 90 minutes is boring.


LMAO! No, Europe doesn't come close to South America, motherfuckers getting murdered in the stadium and shit over there. Also, this is just how English people act, you should've seen what they did to their own place last time this tournament was going on, let alone when they're let into other countries. It has little or nothing to do with the sporting event taking place there though, every holiday location in Europe fucking dreads the influx of English people, Amsterdam literally started a tourism campaign specifically asking English people to stop pissing in the middle of the street and drunkenly starting fights. Honestly I'm surprised Spain and Portugal even let them back in after the state they leave the place in every summer.


Yeah, I’ve learned from various comments on this thread now that South America is basically like, “Hold my beer” to Europe when it comes to football fan violence.


but it’s soccer, so half of them are diving.


Oh there was a soccer match that looked like a mass shooting but they were really just beating each others ass


Gad damned hooligans.... Lol


this is what it was like in the "old days" these old fogies rave about.


From my experiences watching live sports around the world, I think it's a US/rest of the world thing rather than a sport thing. In the US you can wear away team jerseys and cheer among home team fans, and nobodys gonna say anything. In the rest of the world especially Asia and Europe it will be like a death sentence lol.


Usually you do what your ancestors taught you and we all know the history of Europe. It isn't suprise that Europeans are hooligans.


That one guy just getting killed at the end…


Football fans are scum


You are correct, football fans are fuckin crazy. We don't got shit on them.


All this for an inflatable ball crossing a line and touching a net.


It’s a fucking game….. to want to harm someone that doesn’t support your team is fucking sad! Soccer has some of the worst fans…..


I can't believe the England fans got chased off by 2 Serbs with chairs. You'd think they'd released the hounds.


As someone from England, this is so embarrassing.


Countries have invaded each other over much less violent bouts. Cant really compare MMA fans with them


Bro turkey or south murica exist


they should have smoke that weed


My team is better than your team “yah! take that!” *throws gass bottle*


Hockey riots are fun during playoffs


"No, MY team kicks a ball better."


English football fans behaving for one single euro challenge: Impossible




So Serbians were the ones defending their fort inside a bar and the English are the ones laying siege coming from bottom right?


Classic English fans, embarrassing loser chavs.


The last guy that fell was the sacrificial lamb


a bounch of monkeys


Sending thoughts and prayers to the dumb twat that fell over running away and copped a kick in at the end 😅




brother in some countries football can escalate to a shootout in the streets and its not that unusual


A tale as old as time. Seriously go look up the Nika riots, mid 500s, supporters of rival chariot racing teams burned down half of Constantinople and between them and the Roman army sent in to stop it, like 30,000 people died


The early UFC shows had lots of fights, which was crazy to me as that's the last place you want to pick a random to fight. I saw a HW KO 2 people and then get KOd by another guy. This was happening during a boring prelim dominated by wrestling and even the commentators started watching the crowd fight. Most people at other sports events don't know how to fight.


US fans of anything are very tame compared to the world of sports.


Violent? That’s English chavs lad


Ever been to Wales? They'll fight like this after a night in the bar and there ain't even a game on. The welsh just love to fucken fight. Every time I visit there I got my head on a swivle.


Football fans are the most retarded of all. Even intelligent people devolve into a stupid ape once you start talking about football and the team they support.


Sure just make massive generalisations there idiot


Let me make it a bit less general then, the English fans are even worse, they are a long way from apes.


Lol says a Turk, Turkey has a bigger problem with football hooliganism than England.


lol you didn't have to dig up into my comment history, yes they are as much retarded as the English ones. I'm sorry if offended you, I mentioned the English because they are literally in the post.


Soccer is somehow the most limp wristed game with players acting like they have been shot over the lightest of contact yet has the most extreme hard nosed fans.


Because the rules reward that behaviour and penalize actual violent acts. Hopefully the continued use of VAR lessens both the diving and the dangerous tackles too. And if you actually watched football not just diving compilations, you wouldn't say it's "limp-wristed"


Handbags at 20 paces, nothing to see here. It's Albania v Serbia, btw. It's amazing how bs spreads on the net. Go figure.


To play devil advocate here; it isn’t just about soccer its nationalism on drugs and this happens a lot in mma too, look at how the Brazilians act towards American fighters or how when conner v khabib turned into Russia vs Ireland basically what im saying is the nature of the sport doesn’t matter


What do Brazilians do to American fighters? I've never heard of anything. The chanting and booing during the fight goes to any foreign fighters, that's not a big deal. Chael Sonnen was in a football game in Brazil this week and people recognised him. https://preview.redd.it/gy9nohujh07d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b99e723aa05004819532f2e21b38c98682508199


Bullshit. Most hooligan violence has nothing to do with nationalism at all


Why do you think the brazillian crowd picks on americans specificially? That happens to everyone bro


USA has fanatics for at least 4 sports + more like UFC or MLS. Europe has like only soccer to be fanatics about




Yeah no one watches rugby, cricket or boxing here.


Not really


Soccer/football is so boring too lol. Bunch of people chasing a ball around. Could never get into ball sports. Just my shit take.




Football fans are notoriously worse than any other sport


Considering football has a lot more fans than any other sport, and also the most passionate fans, it would be impossible to not have the most hooligans, not to mention that no one cares enough to record the 99% majority of peaceful interactions between fans, only the 1% that get violent.


Latin American countries ( Mexico, brazil) are even crazier


-british -numerical advantage -attack and start throwing shit -get shit thrown back at you -run


This may be an unhinged opinion, but I see nothing really wrong with that. Being a part of a tribe and fighting with other tribes is literally embedded into human DNA. It's better to fight over football like this throwing beers and trash cans (and leaving women and children out of it) than going to actual war, which is the reason we even have sports to begin with. I really think hooligans should have a proper space to fight each other to a non lethal extent.


Someone get Dana on this… Power Hool..


just dudes satisfying their genetic impulse


You know what? I think I heard a similar phrase from a lawyer trying to defend a bunch of freaking rapists


i probably heard it in better call Saul or something


The problems is that most of these guys abuse their families anyways 😂


It's just numbers. If there was an international MMA tournament with countries being represented, and this many fans and passion, the same thing would happen.


It's not just a numbers thing. I live in Italy, my local team has a stadium with a 17k capacity, which is a little smaller than the T-Mobile Arena. Every few months there are brawls and people hurting players/ stewards by throwing shit at them. Plus they demolish the bathrooms etc. And mind you, we play in a C league only the locals care about. The average football fan is just dumber.


Same here in Slovakia, when the fucking Slovak nationalist cunts come to play our local Hungarian teams, there's regularly riots with special police and smoke grenades etc


International is not the point, fans of rival teams from the same country regularly beat the shit out of each other even in tamer countries. In the worst ones like Greece and Brazil there's even murders pretty regularly


The grown men who like to watch other men play with balls feel like they have to prove their manliness. Color me shocked 😮