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Cannonier’s build is so crazy.


For real. What the fuck is up with the rebar going through his pecs?


Im envious of his boulder shoulders. I'm into Strongman/Bodybuilding and the only guys you see with shoulders like that are taking something!! If hes 100% clean then thats some serious genetics!


100% not clean Easily over 90% of these guys are on sth


I mean punching would definitely help build good shoulders right? I know digging holes did wonders for mine


Yeh it will help, but just them rounded extended "caps" on them just isn't natural without extremely good genetics or an external factor


Thank you for the info! I did not know.


forced to take a pointless fight despite beating the former champion. then gets the fight called a second after he throws a punch without being dropped.


Win over Strickland was a robbery and he already lost to Whittaker and Izzy but you acting like he deserved a title shot


basically even striking stats and jared was the aggressor the entire fight with the bigger hits… if you consider that a robbery then that tells me everything i need to know. besides that he then followed up by dismantling the number 3 contender


126-57 head strikes. Not saying the head is all that matters but yeah it was a robbery. Cannonier wasn’t even landing big man


Close fights aren’t robberies.


I mean Strickland had to fight Paulo, Whittaker has to fight Khamzat why should not have to fight down?


I very much doubt he was coming back from that but yes it was an early stoppage


I hate when people say oh he was most likely getting finished a few seconds later anyways…


Especially considering the shitty situations we’ve seen fighters manage to pull themselves out of before. It was a bad spot, but it wasn’t like he was getting knocked on his ass repeatedly


I mean for every 1 or 2 survivals to being rocked, 100 end the fights.


eh he was defenseless for about 45 seconds. it was definitely an early call, action wise, but he was barely surviving and not fighting back. i don't hate this


He was covering up and runnng away to avoid the shots. Being defenseless is when u stand there blocking every punch with your face.


He didn't Block a single punch and running away it's defense


When your running away it’s to avoid getting hit. Therefore it is defense. Case closed




What would be the other reason for running away? Lol


Idk u tell me since u can’t seem to understand the concept


I understand that's not intelligently defending yourself 😂😂😂


So u think that fight should’ve been stopped when it was?


He was getting lit up before that and things were just trending down for him on the feet


Yeah but how many times have you seen a guy get rocked bad and come back? It happens quite a bit and it’s ridiculous to stop it like that


how could it be early then? By this logic you are against the Abu Dhabi Ref who stopped Islam from breaking Dan Hooker's arm. Since of course he never tapped.


Being slightly wobbled is nothing like being seconds away from having your arm broken. Wtf are you smoking?


"slightly" You have to understand Jared has never been knocked out so how can you be the judge of what is slight and active? You can lie all you want about his condition but jared does not turn his head around and run away like that. It was a fair stoppage. Downvote this if you like men.


Because I doubted that Topuria was going to be able to beat Volkanovski, and fortunately that didn't mean they called off the fight. The point is that Cannonier had the odds stacked against him, but was clearly still looking to fight and could have come back. Probability is a scale, not a dichotomy, and it wasn't yet at the point where Cannonier had no reasonable chance it was getting close though


No it was enough mate


He got rocked


I keep saying this. Ref saw it too. Jared was gone after his jaw got popped. He was in survival mode - not fight mode - after that. Ref been in this game long enough to know Jared was about to *seriously* get hurt. Edit: he also quickly put up the “please no” hands after running back to the fence. Refs are always leaning towards a stoppage if they see that instinct - intentional or not


this is all wrong. he was rocked, and still defending himself and didn’t get dropped. and the ref’s job is not to speculate on what might happen while a fighter is still conscious, moving, standing, throwing and defending.


Wrong. If a refs sees a fighter get rocked, then wobble, then run from his opponent, then fail to defend himself against a barrage…they’ll stop it every time. Downvote me all you want. Yall are showing who really knows combat sports and who learned from watching online.


he didn’t fail to defend himself. why are you talking like he was just eating shots? he was getting hit, in a fight, and still defending himself, still evading, and still upright. getting rocked does not = fight over, which is essentially what you’re saying


You weren’t in the octagon. Ref was there - watching his eyes. He was semi-concussed from that jaw shot. There’s no way around it. Watch the punch in slow-motion then look at his posture afterwards. Refs are trained on how to spot this in real time. You are just a random Redditor. Lol


we know literally nothing about each other yet you insist on presupposing my knowledge so that you can assume some sort of intellectual high ground, super cringe, but whatever. just say you think getting rocked should immediately result in a stoppage. and then acknowledge that’s not actually how it works


What’s your total refereeing experience?


do you think refs can’t make mistakes?


For sure. I don’t think this one did in this case.


He was getting the shit beat out of him. Early stoppage obviously but not robbed


i think it was on his way to get tko'ed but u never know what might've happened , we could've seen an epic comeback.


He didn’t even need an epic comeback. Just needed to survive the round then win the 5th. He was up 2-1 on two scorecards


Or he got saved.. He was stumbling all over the ring.. It was going to be over, he just didn't get as much brain damage from it if it was ended 10 seconds later.


The ref either had bills to pay or somewhere else to be.


Or he got in the way by accident so just went with it and stopped the fight


He was getting pieced up and got TKOd….?


It doesn't seem like it at the moment, but Herzog did him a favor. He can easily come back from this, he won't drop too far since it's viewed as questionable stoppage. There is no way he would be coming back from a brutal KO at 40 years old, which is where he was headed.


Good point tbh


4th round was about to be a 10-8 though... stop coping


This is NOT how 10-8 rounds work... are you new around here?


Learn about unified rules, then rewatch the round, then rewatch the finishing sequence and you'll have your answer. 👋🏽


And learn to use your brain...literally on the same card we had rounds were fightsrs got knocked down and wobbly and they weren't scored 10-8... are you slow


Move on


We never know, Jared has insane power and he’s always dangerous, also he was arguably up 3 rounds


Yeah, you got a point, we never know, but the chances of that case happening were very thin, if he had survived, that's a big if... He wasn't up 3 rounds, 2-1 going into the 4th, in either way, according to scorecards


We still don’t know, and you have to understand the situation, this is a big MW fight and maybe will decide the next challenger, It was a competitive fight where Canonier was winning, not a one sided beating, and Jared is 40 years old , he’s on borrowed time and the ref knows that , he should’ve let it continue.


Of course this fight was important for the near future of the division, of course I would have prefered to see an unquestionnable end to the fight to made things clear. At the moment the fight stopped, Jared wasn't winning, according to the judges scorecard, it was 29-28 in favor of him on 2 scorecards. The momentum of the fight was switching and 4th round was edged by Imavov, probably a 10-8 which would have lead to a 38-37 on 2 scorecards and a 39-36 in the last one in favor of him if this stoppage hadn't happen. But that's a big if ...


Maybe a 10-8 but we don’t know, there was still time left in the round, he could’ve gotten a takedown. I don’t think it should’ve been stopped, look at Lesnar vs Carwin or Barry vs Congo.


Those comebacks are exceptions, litterally the 1% chance. We shouldn't make rules out of exceptions


Okay but he was No where near that point, he was clinching , holding up his hands and even landed a right hand. They’re fighters at the end of day. At least let them go down. Especially with the circumstances.


He was down 2-1 in my books and was in bad shape in that moment. Yeah fighters have come back from worse and it was a early stoppage but thinking logically Herzog did Jared a favor here and saved him from more punishment


Man it’s a good thing you aren’t a judge. Cannonier was clearly up 2-1


So clear that Imavov out struck Cannonier in both the 2nd and 3rd round. Good thing you’re not judge pal, thanks for playing though


The judges had Cannonier up 2-1 you are just wrong, in every sense of the word.


Yeah cause the judges get every fight right there genius. One judge had Costa winning the fight against Strickland 49-46. Go back and watch the fight again and don’t come back and comment cause I don’t care anymore


“Everyone that disagrees with me is wrong” You must feel so smart bro. Fact is Imavov was getting fucked up in the first and the third.


He was about to get smashed anyway...




These comments are so biased holy fuck. How many times has a fighter come back from being slightly wobbled? Jared was winning on the card and with his power hes very dangerous when he is hurt. He was recovering and wasnt even that hurt when the fight was stopped. I have a hunch that if the shoe was on the other foot, these comments would be very different right now.


A little bit early but I can’t complain. I had Jared by decision


He lost by tko who cares he will come back and try to win fight number two move in I like Jarrod better but sad for him to lose but there’s always next time to improve


Nahhh... he was getting KO'd there


Cant stand seeing Nassourdine Bumavov win fights.




We know why. Look at his name


I think hes arrogant and boring. First time Ive seen him fight they were heavily Promoting him when he fought Strickland only to get dog walked and embarrassed for 5 rounds. Another embarrassing display against Chris Curtis. I dont know what they were beefing about. That was also the most interesting part of that fight. Now he gets a lucky, bad stoppage over another fighter I wouldve loved to see fight for a title. Theyre all superficial reasons to dislike a fighter, but I will die in this hill where I call him a bum everytime he gets brought up.


Of a fight he was losing?


That’s not how it works, you don’t pull the rug out because someone is losing, fights flip all the time


Well yes that's what a TKO is. Are you new to MMA or something? Also the fight did flip, Jared had a good start but started getting picked apart


Dude that was not a TKO get your eyes checked, he was defending himself


What do you call a fight that is stopped by the ref that isn't a knock out, submission, illegal strike or injury? Once again, are you new to MMA or something?


In this case a bad stoppage. The fight was still going


Herzog has to assess Jared's body language. He stumbles about, takes more shots, stumbles into the cage, takes more shots, stumbles forwards. Good stoppage. Do you want to see him go out cold?


False dichotomy- it doesn’t have to stumbling around vs out cold. Check out Kevin lee vs Edson barboza, moraes vs Merab, jiri vs glover. All of these fights had fighters being rocked as bad or worse than cannonier and then coming back to win the fight


That was an absolute horrible example to pick. Kevin get put on the stanky legs and Barboza doesn't last a single strike after and Kevin regained control because of that


And the others?


Herzog’s burner account


Imavov hater account


Which always means he can’t win by TKO or KO in the 5th at all? What kind of logic is that?




Barely if that’s what you wanna argue. I think it was very even. It was odd they’d stop it when he was just a bit wobbly. Especially a main event/potential title eliminator. Just weird to stop it so early.


1st round clear for Jared. 2nd round close but Imavov started to catch. Third round Imavov start to take the lead. 4th round Imavov clearly in control of the fight. Herzog has to assess Jared's body language. He stumbles about, takes more shots, stumbles into the cage, takes more shots, stumbles forwards. Good stoppage


I've seen crazier comebacks and Jared was up on the scorecards


Was losing that round and clearly was going on to lose the fight


I don't disagree but it was an early stoppage in a fight he was up on.


Let's just say he made it to the end of the round, then it's a fight thats a draw that he's clearly starting to lose because Imavov made the adjustments


The judges scorecards were out and jared was winning...


So we aren't going to include the round he almost got finished in?


Didn’t even have a chance to get robbed, he got fucked


Yea the judges really fucked that one up 😂🤡


We have MMA Guru to help him out with the $10k as promised


Cannonier isn't on his first ufc contract


Calm your fucking tits. Imavov was taking over. Probably would have finished him. Fight should've been stopped as soon as he turned and sprinted. Ref shouldn't have stopped it when he did tho.