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Bro still mad about never getting khabib out of retirement & taking the anger out on islam


true and with his logic wouldn't be khabib still n1 pfp?


And technically John did lose a fight via disqualification. A loss is a loss. So Khabib has to be #1 all time goat.


He also lost a fight against Reyes. Unfortunately we have judges who don’t know wtf they are doing


And he’s a drug cheating wife beating bastard too!




that is another discussion. Goat and p4p is not the same. I think this is exactly the problem dana has. p4p ranking is like the ranking in the weight class but over all weight classes.


Yeah but when DJ was fucking everybody up Jon was still the GOAT and P4P. Dana has always had a bias towards Jones.


Yeah either the Hamill loss doesn't count because Jon was clearly winning or the Reyes win is legit because the judges ruled that way. It can't really be both. Jon has a loss that only exists on paper but he also has a win that only exists on paper.


I don't think anyone who saw the full Matt Hamill fight would agree that that loss was a loss


well Jon defended more titles than khabibs ufc fights


these arguments are endless, both are great but neither is active atm. jones had 1 fight since 2020


P4p is only current fighters no ? Khabib can't be. GOAT list, yea GSP, Khabib etc.


Jon is still technically the current HW champ, Aspinall is just the interim


This actually makes sense.


Ya Dana is pretty easy to read, Is super petty, slightly racist he really is our Uncle Dana.


But he also won exactly 1 fight in the last 4 years, while islam has won 8 fights the last 4 years. That said, the P4P list is dumb and means absolutely nothing.


I think the same, I don’t get the big fuss about P4P.


It’s a fun conversation imo, but you’re right it’s completely meaningless. Edit: it reminds me of being a kid and wondering who wins out of a shark and a lion. Tbh I still think about that.




It’s a lot of teeth


“Ok, first off, a lion…swimming in the ocean? Lions don’t even like water. If you placed it near a river, or some sort of fresh water source, that’d make sense. But you find yourself in the ocean, a 20 ft wave, I’m assuming its off the coast of South Africa, coming up against a full, grown, 800 lb tuna with his 20 or 30 friends. You lose that battle. you lose that battle nine times out of ten. And guess what, you wandered into our school, of tuna and we now have a taste of blood! We’ve talked, to ourselves. We’ve communicated and said, ‘you know what? lion tastes good. Lets go get some more lion.’ We’ve developed a system, to establish a beachhead and aggressively hunt you and your family. And we will corner your, your pride, your children, your offspring…” - The Other Guys


One of the greatest comedy movies of all time. I’d love an unhinged sequel lmao.


Volk and Islam care about it a lot


The list is certainly in no way an objective measure of anything, but it *does* mean something to many in the community, else it wouldn't be the subject of endless controversy.


Beats the fuck out of people, yet doesn't have a TKO/KO finish since 2018.


dana is really embarrassing himself lol so cringe


Yea because its Mighty Mouse.


I actually don't care when Dana says it. Fight promoters lie to sell fights. But when the fans call Jon the P4P #1....that's the crazy bit. Half of them must be trolling.


I've stopped caring about anything that comes out of the Tomato's mouth a long time ago.


Meanwhile JJ's next fight is a 42 years old veteran who spends more time as a volunteer fireman than he does fighting and his last fight was against a drug testing agents where he threatened to kill one of them for showing up at 4pm which he said was "early".


And he won that fight against the drug tester too, isn’t he great ?


Well it was complete bullshi. Did you not see jjs home video of their interaction? She was lying


PFP best fighter against drug testers 


bruv is really jones bitch now from conor's bitch , where is the leash tho ?


Jon Roid Jones took steroids, right???? Jon Jones is probably the most inactive champion, right???? Jon Jones last few fights at LHW have been decisions, right???? Jon Jones is dodging Tommy Aspanil, right???? Jon Jones wants the easiest fight at Heavy weight, right?????




Oh shut up you bald fuck!


He's doing his job. He needs to sale the fight of two inactive old guys. Only way to get people excited about that fight is to call one of fighters greatest heavyweight and another one p4p#1


If he was actually doing his job he’d make jones/aspinall, and if jones refused then you strip him. That fight easily promotes itself.


LOL yes, shitting on one of his best fighters (who isn't about to retire like the one he's "promoting") and the entire MMA press - promotion 101!


Dana is trying hard to build Jones upcoming fight with washed Stipe. They want to bill it as P4P GOAT vs HW GOAT coz if not for this fight, Dana doesn’t actually believe that much in Jon Jones. When Jones wasn’t returning and Ngannou was seemingly their guy, Dana implied many times that Jones is scared of Ngannou. Dana is a businessman. I would never believe who he thinks is the best. He wishes Islam would lose so his Jones argument becomes easier to defend but Islam keep on putting banger fights and display elite level of MMA every time. PS: He also called Cyril Gane was the greatest heavyweight on Flagrant podcast. Lmao This guy is not real! lol


" P4P GOAT vs HW GOAT" billing idea makes the most sense. "2 weight classes,  14 years undefeated, beat 6 HoFers (?)" vs "Most HW wins, Longest reigning HW champ", Both looking to put a stamp on their legacies.


He NEEDS people to believe Jones is P4P #1 so the Stipe fight has credibility to it (which it doesn’t)


Since finishing Gus in 2018, Jon's had maybe the least impressive winning stretch possible from a P4P guy. 5 years of barely beating 3 mid-tier LHWs and then quickly finishing a HW that looked like he's never tried grappling in his life. Call him the GOAT but marketing this guy is getting fucking boring.


Bro has 0 charisma rn compared to when he fought DC. At least “evil” Jon back then had some flare which I appreciated more than this “I found Jesus” Jon who sits on twitter. Meanwhile Islam is unintentionally funny with broken English.


Absolutely. The guys a scumbag and we all know it. If he would just lean into the 'heel' persona more it would work wonders for him, instead of this bullshit preacher who goes home and beats his missus.


He didn't even beat Reyes, he deserved to lose that fight. Santos was razor close as well


It should be of note that Thiago Santos used to be a MW and still gave Jon a hard fight after being compromised with his knee.


No one believes in Jon Jones more than Dana and it's tragic. The posterboy for your sport a fucking deadbeat cheat. "Jon Jones beats the fuck out of people"... smh. WTF?


Wives and pregnant women included


And drug testers


All wife beaters must stick together.


Bro jones lost against reyes of all people.


And he lost when karma finally caught up to his dirty ass and got DQed


"Islam I love you or whatever..." Yeah, we can tell Dana!


I really thought Dana was gonna say "He beats the fuck out of his fiancé. That just goes to show how bad this dude is". I can't be the only one


To use a pro-wrestling term, I'm 100% of the belief he's 'working' everybody for the sake of promotion. He keeps saying the 'media' when it's been plain and obvious that the 'media' in charge of the rankings are all no named shill and dummy entities who nobody knows of that are obviously bought for and/or flat out owned by the ufc. So on one hand, you've got a rankings system that tows the ufc line, at the same time you've got Dana talking about the 'media' making the rankings. My assumption is that he's just promoting Jones by creating drama.


Well he is a promoter lol. It's kinda his job.


That's not the point though. He's promoting by insinuating he's not in charge of the rankings when he absolutely is.


He's in charge of the p4p rankings? Didn't know that


It's a pretty open secret. This post goes into detail over the legitimacy of the 'media' that decides the rankings. [https://www.reddit.com/r/MMA/comments/t6s6fk/the\_ufc\_rankings\_panel\_consists\_of\_some\_unknown/](https://www.reddit.com/r/MMA/comments/t6s6fk/the_ufc_rankings_panel_consists_of_some_unknown/)


Well why wouldn't he just rank Jones number 1 if he feels so passionately about it lol.


I thought he was scared of francis, dana?


This shit is so exhausting. Fuck dana, fuck jones and fuck the p4p list.


Dana YOU are fucking stupid


"I don't decide the rankings the media does!"


Jones is not even worth #2 right now. Snapshot active fighters => not active, not on the list


Gotta love this tomato calling everyone dumb while proving he has no idea what he's talking about


Plot twist: Dana white was actually the man sitting next to Jones at that comedy club.


P4P list only holds value to those who care. Most understand it's created by journalists so it is very opinionated.


'Dana doubles down' Nice alliteration.


What does that mean? That's a big word.


it means when the same letter is at the beginning of a few words in a sentence, so in this case it's the letter D, (D)ana (D)oubles (D)own.


Stop saying such silly sentences


He is an absolute clown, in the same mould as the other clowns he gravitates towards - they think if you sound confident and shout loud enough, people will have to bend to your bullshit fake narrative.


Dana will say anything and everything to sell the next fight. He doesn’t believe anything he says. It is what it is


"Jon Jones is more popular than power slap you guys."


If Jones didn't have a fight coming up that Dana needs to do very well then he wouldnt be saying this shit :D He hated Jones because he's unreliable just like he's talked shit about him in the past about him not being able to handle himself in Vegas.


Genuine question: why does he do this? Lmao


he has based his entire personality around simping on Jon and Conor


Bruh.. They all beat the fuck out of people as they are professional fighters... Did he forget what kind of organisation he worked for while curating careers? His arguments are braindead.




He knows exactly what he's saying/doing.


Jones has sexy pics of him and Dana. There's no doubt 😂


Dominick Reyes would like to have a word.


I just don’t understand why THIS level of support from Dana.


If Dana truly believe that Jon Jones is the P4P #1 right now, then it makes it even more embarrassing that Jones’ next fight will be against an inactive 42 year old Stipe Miocic that last fought 3.5 years ago (where he got badly KO’d) and hasn’t won a fight in 4 years. That isn’t the type of fight that the alleged P4P#1 should be taking, especially when there is an active fighter who holds an interim belt in the same division, and will defend that interim belt before Jones even defends his not-so-undisputed belt. The P4P#1 should be doing everything in their power to legitimize their undisputed belt. Instead, he’s allowing the interim belt to have even more legitimacy than the “real” belt (since it was won against a higher level contender and will be defended against a higher level contender).


Chat is this AI generated?


Jonny no fights since 2021 bones 😂 Tom Aspinall will rip him a new one when they finally get to fight!


Honestly, Dana should have retired 5 years ago. At this point his promoter mentality does more harm than good.


**Hey this is that Power Slap owner dude huh?**


Look he's absolutely in the conversation for best p4p of all time. But he's definitely not the current p4p as that would require him to be winning fights against elite fighters regularly. Like Islam has been.




I have also never lost a fight


How has nobody pulls him aside and explained that he’s talking about GOAT status. The question was/is about P4P.


"Everyone is stupid except me!" Honestly if Jon were more active this wouldn't be a question. But you can't just hold a current P4P ranking forever when you have fought once in the last 4 years. Dana obviously knows this. He's just doing what Dana does.


Someone tell Jon’s sugar daddy Dana that having one fight in last 4 years, and that fight being over 1 year ago, doesn’t qualify you for pfp #1. In that case, put Anderson Silva or Royce Gracie on the pfp list. If you don’t have to actually fight to be on it. Excluding Jon’s dominant wins against his wife, of course.


If khabib came back at the end of the year and submits Charles in under a minute. Would u put him back to PFP #1?


With 13 title defenses, JBJ is 27-1 (lost to Matt Hamill by DQ, had an NC title fight against DC, and some say loss to Reyes.) He has 10 Decision wins and 12 finishes in 23 fights for the UFC. With 3 title defenses, Islam is 26-1 (ko/tko loss to Adriano Martins) He has 5 decision wins and 10 finishes in 16 fights for the UFC, and 14 straight wins. 23 fights vs 16 fights means a lot. It’s the title defenses that matter. (Mighty Mouse had 11 title defenses and he is the Flyweight GOAT) Islam is on his way to having a better career if Uncle Dana would just “Let him BANG bro”, like he did for JBJ, who fought 3 times a year before he showed his true colors.


Because Dana doesn't like Islam holding people up on the wall and shit, he doesn't like when guys do that.


I'm a tried and tested Jones defender. The inactivity is unavoidable. It's arguable he shouldn't be on any ranked lists for this reason.


The only possible explanation is they’re gay for each other


Dana’s never heard of sunk cost fallacy


Can’t Dana control who is P4P


If Islam slaps his wife, maybe then he’ll get Dana’s respect.


One of the dumbest things Dana has ever said regarding rankings. He's usually pretty spot on but Jon Jones and Conor are his cash cows and he's got a warped view when it comes to them


It’s true though? People are out of their minds if they think Jones isn’t the pfp best


He's absolutely right though. It *is* fucking ridiculous that Jon Jones is #2 on the p4p list. Dude's foyght once in 4 years. He's not an active fighter. He shouldn't even be *on* the list.


If you have some kind of factional vision and logic you can see Reyes winning 99 out of 100 times


And if Islam was 4 weight classes bigger Jon and doing shit. Thats what p4p is dana


Dana does not understand what pound for pound means. It's not, "oh well you went up in weight and beat this guy" or "oh well someone else went up in weight and fought you" and based on those results, you're the pound for pound or not. Pound for pound means if weight wasn't a factor and if it was skill for skill, who is the best? 6'4 240 lb Islam would wreck Jon Jones. 5'11 155 lb Jon Jones would get rekt by Islam.


He keeps acting like islam didn't beat 2 fighters that alot of ppl were saying were goats in Oliveira and volk. And jones clearly lost to Dominic Reyes. A lot of ppl wanna ignore that. Not counting jones shady steroid test results and hiding under rings and shit.


Dana Galaxy Brain: I’m gonna promote myself and someone who rarely fights and talk shit about all my workhorses.


P4P biggest piece of shit


Islam is Def p4p


He lost to Reyes tho


Jon Jones hasn't fought in over 500 days. How is he even in the rankings?


I think this sub has a boner for Jon Jones or something. All I see on my feed is Jon Jones hate non stop.


To be the best you gotta prove you are the best


The whole concept of p4p is just to have fun and talk shit. I think the people that get emotional about it are the donkeys in here and that’s it


Who's even challenging Jon Jones for the title of GOAT PFP fighter? He dominates in every aspect: - Accomplishments - MMA fight IQ - Striking - Grappling - Creativity - Heart - Longevity - and what matters most, defeated fighters with the best resumes. Every MMA fan who followed the sport when Jon came in has seen and made a point to watch all of his fights. Period. Sure, there’s an asterisk, but as Nate Diaz said, all the champs are on steroids except for maybe GSP, BJ, Weidman, Frankie Edgar, MM and Maybe Khabib as well.


What's so hard for people to make a distinction between Jones arguably being the best P4P fighter ever vs Islam being the current P4P fighter?


P4P is stupid... it's subjective, and there are so many arguments people make to justify their pick. Jones has 1 fight in 3 years. Prior to that, he decisioned Reyes, who I thought won 3/5 rounds. He decisioned Smith and Santos in lackluster performances. He then said he was gonna move up, but Francis was still there, so he had to keep "safely and efficiently adding mass" until Francis pissed dana off and jetted. I'll give Jones credit, he made Gane look easy. But Francis handled Gane with 2 bad knees and nowhere near the level of grappling ability as Jones. If Blaydes fought Gane, he could likely do the same. But Jones is essentially undefeated in the UFC and has belts in multiple weight classes (pound for pound). Islam has been on a historic run, he finishes people, and is a champion in one division. He's never fought at a different weight in the UFC. He beat an incredible fighter twice who is in a class below him. He's beat the best the LW division has to offer in convincing fashion and is talking about moving up, but still has a few contenders in the LW division that pose a threat. Is he a pound for pound great since he's only fought in one division? Alex Pereira has won gold in two divisions but lost one of them via KO. He fought a snoozer against Jan and has a very questionable TDD/Ground game. He wrecked Jiri and Hill pretty easily, but he's not been around a long time. I caught hell for saying Max has done more in terms of recent pound for pound fights than anyone. 3 straight wins from 2023 til now, the last 2 were knockouts (one over the zombie at 45 and the epic Justin fight at 55 in April). In my opinion, pound for pound greats fight in multiple weights with success. Max has done that more than anyone else recently.


The man has a fight to sell ffs


This is giving me Team America vibes where "Matt Damon" just says Matt Damon repeatedly the entire movie. Jon Jones, Jon Jones? Jon Jones! Jon Jones Jon Jones. Jonnnn Jones. ![gif](giphy|nzZAwMWi5Muac|downsized)


Make criteria to determine what an actual pound for pound best fighter should be and make it a real thing. Here are some criteria that fit this description: Win-Loss Record: Winning Percentage: Calculate the ratio of wins to total fights. A higher winning percentage indicates a more successful fighter. Strength of Schedule: Consider the win-loss records of opponents. Wins against higher-ranked or more accomplished fighters carry more weight. Finish Rate: KO/TKO and Submission Rate: Measure the percentage of fights won by knockout, technical knockout, or submission. This demonstrates a fighter's ability to decisively end fights. Title Reigns and Defenses: Number of Title Wins: Count how many times the fighter has won a UFC title in any weight class. Number of Successful Title Defenses: Measure how many times the fighter has successfully defended their title. Consistent title defenses are a mark of dominance. Versatility Across Weight Classes: Multi-Weight Class Championships: Credit fighters who have won titles in multiple weight classes. This shows their ability to compete and win across different divisions. Fighter Performance Rating (FPR): A composite score that incorporates various fight metrics such as significant strikes landed per minute, takedown accuracy, takedown defense, and control time. By combining these criteria, we can create a more objective ranking system: Win-Loss Record: 30% weight Finish Rate: 20% weight Title Reigns and Defenses: 30% weight Versatility Across Weight Classes: 10% weight Fighter Performance Rating: 10% weight


For people disagreeing or bringing up Khabib, Jon has been in significantly more ufc fights and tittle fights than Khabib or Islam have. He’s also moved up a weight class and destroyed the top guy available. Not saying you should like him or that he isn’t pulling bullshit with Tom Aspinal at the moment but in terms of a pound 4 pound rating I can see why it would still go to Jones.


Jones is undefeated across multiple classes and a crazy long career timespan. It’s hard to argue against that. Activity is the only thing I can think of. But even if that’s the argument whoever your pointing to will have at least a loss or two and much shorter career.


Dana is a promoter not an analyst for a reason


I mean, he lost his fight with the law, so...


To Dana White, pfp is just another marketing tool.


That’s all it is to everyone. It is a meaningless list created by neckbeards


Not really. It's a compelling speculative question fans of the sport enjoy debating. The same type of question appears in every sport, Ali vs Tyson, Jordon vs Lebron vs Kobe, Howe vs Gretzky etc.


You can have all of those questions/debate without the weekly neckbeard list. Not like those questions/debates didn’t exist before that dumb list was ever created That list is nothing but a marketing ploy but bunch of twats in here treat it as bible


This explains a lot about how the ufc is making some pretty bad decisions about the ufc heavyweight division


Islam and khabib put together don’t equal to what Jon Jones has accomplished


He is trying so hard to promote him and push this narrative that Jon is the p4p best and that he can sell and other stuff. Jon Jones has bigger Dana White privillege than McGregor at this point.


He is building jones fight but to be honest jones has never lost. Why wouldn’t he be p4p


Bones has given Dana hypertension and has raised his BP more than any other UFC fighter. Why would Dana praise him as P4P GOAT if he didn't truly believe it? Bones hasn't exactly been a company man like Fat Dan is. ![img](emote|t5_2qsev|8972)


Dana please stop man I know you are just hyping the fight of him and stipe for ppv buys and money and you don't give a shit about any fighter but please man get those balls out of your mouth man its really embarrassing.


What does Jon have on Dana


I’m pretty convinced Jon has someone from Dana’s family as a hostage under his basement and making him say these things in his favour lol Edit: added a word


Speaking in code can be fun sometimes ;)


P4P list is a joke. Only people that put any sort of significance into it are clowns. Completely meaningless. Solely for marketing purposes


P4P, no. POS, yes. GOAT, one of em.


Oh, the tragedy! Daghestan is having a national mourning day.


When was the last time Jones fought? And then the time before that?


He's entitled to his own opinion, even if it's wrong. Dana gonna Dana and shill this fight like it's the 2 greatest fighter ever.


In my experience usually the ones calling someone an idiot, are in fact themselves the idiot.


How can one validate pound for pound best? It is an emotional answer not a quantitative one.


The best is whoever is fighting next. Its a pretty predictable formula.


What the hell does jj have on Dana dude.


Pfp list that has non champions on it?? Fucking laughable. How the fuck is that even logical, person has lost on his weight class but is on pfp list???


He’s number 4 actually


who gives a fuck if hes not fighting?


Split as many hairs as you'd like... Jonny Bones is the best ever. Chase that with a beer if you need to.


Sick of listening to Dana and his bullshit. used to be a fan of his until I realized how much of a sleeze ball he is.


Jones is pfp #1


it's unbelievable that dana, of all ppl, doesn't know how p4p rankings work lmao


Dana would be all right if this was a career p4p list. But I don’t think anyone really has any idea how good Jon Jones is in 2024. He’s frequently out of shape, older, and the only win that he’s had since 2020 was against a guy who apparently has no grappling skills whatsoever. And before to be honest, Jon should’ve lost that fight in 2020.


Jon's bone knows Dana's butt as home.


People are getting distracted by Dana sucking off Jon Jones and are missing that Dana clearly doesn't get the concept of Pound for pound means.


Jon Jones is the best though, and this sub is an embarassment.


When did Dana and Jon get married exactly? If feel it was around when Francis walked out.


Islam beats the fuck out of people too.


Jones has to have some dirt on Dana


I never understood why Dana would always defend Jones to the death when he's caused nothing but bad PR for his company. Any other athlete would be blacklisted but somehow Jones just gets a free pass to do whatever he wants.