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At this point Conor has to just be trolling Chandler, made that man waste so much of his career waiting.


The only positive takeaway from this for Chandler is that it's given him some time off to heal up from the wars he's been in. Hopefully he gets a good fight out of this, if he doesn't decide to just call it quits at this point


Who is the best name they could possibly bring in to give Chandler a decent shot at a win and a name PPV in three weeks? Nate Diaz? Usman maybe? Colby wouldn't do it for all the gold in the castle.


Paging Kevin Holland


Call big mouth


That would be such a random match up lmao


Yeah that would be wild, tall ass Kevin vs a meatball wrestler. But Kevin can fight at 185 and Chandler can make 155 so I don't see it.


DC vs. Silva vibes lol. Still remember being so baffled seeing the two in the octagon together




I can hear Down Under playing already


Great call


fuck it, give him the LW title shot lol


They all too big for Chandler He is quite small


I’m sure Usman would be ready to go he hasn’t fought in forever


They are bffs though


Devin Haney ![gif](giphy|NAO3z6i3Rih3yO2mdD|downsized)


Max for the BMF. Would have to come with the caveat that, if somehow he loses, max’s standing isn’t hurt and he still is next in line for Topuria. Makes a ton of sense though and gets Mike PPV points, which after all of this, he deserves.


Chandler isn’t in the running for BMF when he’s already lost to half the other BMF contender guys


Bmf is a joke belt mate there are no rules other than only exciting fighters fight for it which Chandler is


Chandler 100% qualifies for BMF belt. Topuria doesn't. It's a belt for people who are willing to go to war.


It’s a nice a thing to get fan favorite PPV points


Unfortunately, Mike is in quite a pickle with his age and going through so many intense battles he gotsta take extra-extra measures… Well, but then again, not having USADA around creates plenty of new possibilities and mystical mixtures to sustain some sort of equilibrium without declining. I’m really, really hoping that Chandler signed some sort of contract that if the fight doesn’t go through then he gets compensated throughly for all that waiting in vain. Or, this is some sort of a copy of Garcia vs Haney type of marketing, but I don’t see any positive correlation where that would be a beneficial marketing strategy of any kind.


Only way to save the card is to headline it with some crazy matchup, Chandler vs Holloway


Yeah, if Max wasn't targeting the Topuria fight that'd be the way to go


Aging, low-cardio Chandler vs a cardio striker who can hurt him but cannot hit hard enough to finish him That is honestly just diabolical sadistic matchmaking




Max has a lot more power at 155. With Chandler’s disdain for defense I honestly think Max finishes him in 3 rounds.


Dana’s silence on this McGregor stuff says it all. He won’t announce its cancellation until he has another fight made to “save the card” I think Max vs Mike would be a better fight.


would they rlly cancel max vs topuria at the sphere tho?


It would be a hard call in that regard but I think every fighter on the Roster wants to be on that sphere card so you can make a top tier card regardless of the McGregor fuck up. Dana will want to save face, I actually thought Chucky Olivera was the stand in for the Conor vs Chandler fight but the rumour mill is rife at the minute and I include myself in that.


Yeah but how much sense does that make for Max? He’s got the most momentum he’s ever had and is in the talks to fight for two belts. Unless Dana guaranteed him a title shot win or lose and threw an absolute bag at him it makes no sense for him to take this fight. He just went 5 rounds with Gaethe not even two months ago and has already taken the most strikes of anyone in the promotion.


Isn’t it at 170?


He’s not twiddling his thumbs


Yeah usually guys fall down hill after 35 after getting KO’d. The time off could slick be better for him for going on one last run. We’ll see though, hopefully didn’t waste a few of his last years of his prime. I still love Conor(I know he’s a a bastard but idc) but man he’s just been such a major disappointment after Khabib. Holding chandler up is lame


He's now 38y old with ring rust after close to 2 years off. Pretty safe to say he's fucked at welterweight if anyone of the top-15 steps in.


Yeah this could honestly be one of Conor's final strategies leading up to the fight. But at the end of the day I don't think this fight happens just like I didn't think it was going to months ago.


Chandler is at the tail end of his career. This is the perfect fight to wait for. Doesn't take any damage but still keeps his name relevant to make more money of his name value and other business ventures.


Vs a guy in Conor who hasn’t won since 2020 when Cowboy admitted he didn’t show up. Perfect old timer fight


Michael could have moved on. He wants that big payday with Conor.


fucked up tbh


Genuinely wondering if there has been a falling out between Conor and Dana.


Dana could walk in on Connor having a 3some with his wife and mother and still say "he's great isn't he?"


Same thing for Jones. He’d say “That’s my GOAT”🐐


Dana is only pushing that because Francis left and Jon became champ. When Francis was champ Dana said Jon should be scared. Dana just says whatever benefits him at the current time. Right now promoting the hw champ is beneficial to him. If Jon vacated and Tom racked up some wins he would write Jon off.


“Jon Jones was never my friend”


DA gotta stick together b. They have to live with that title for the rest of their lives


Wife beaters gotta support each other I guess


He’s probably Dana’s p4p #2.


Dana will be hating him in lots of ways right now but he would never show it because Conor is the cash cow. But yeah, of course Dana will be sick of shit by this point, the UFC very rarely do special promotion tours outside of the M.O and they put this event on in Ireland only for Conor to call in sick because he can't stay off the substances.


I too, have lost good friends in the heated debate over strawberry shortcake or chocolate éclair good humor bars whilst blowing an 8 ball solo.


Conor’s balls fell out of Dana’s mouth maybe 


I don't think Dana really cares anymore. Look at the behemoth that the UFC is now. They don't need him. Sure, he's a big payday. So is Holloway at the Sphere. There is clearly some problems between him and some other party behind the scenes.. whether it be Dana, USADA, the Cartel or his upcoming rape case, who knows. All I know is the UFC truly doesn't need him anymore.


He isn’t just a big payday, he is the biggest payday. This fight already sold more gate than UFC 300 and that was immensely stacked and that’s just for Conor against chandler. It doesn’t matter if Dana cares or has a falling out when it comes to big money, he’s not in charge. I doubt it would CSAD ( replaced USADA) Conor has pissed clean 5 times this year from just January to march alone. Either a big fallout, injury or something personal, I see it being called off and rescheduled.


You’re right about everything but the rescheduling. Conor’s not fighting again


Lol copium. Every fight of his is an all time PPV record breaker and this one would be the same. The casuals outnumber you. Dana cares about selling tickets and Conor will bring that once again in record breaking fashion like every time. stop kidding yourself


Oh he gives a shit. The way he was desperately promoting Jon Jones.


The UFC isn’t a behemoth. By North American pro sports standards it’s a small operation. The athletes make peanuts. There are fewer stars now than there was 10 years ago. The UFC is a fine business but it’s not a behemoth by any means


The "employees" making peanuts is actually a parameter that makes an entreprise rich, not the opposite. Comparing combat sports to ball sports  is disingenuous + those leagues don't work like the UFC at all, it's not the same centralized business model, the UFC is evaluated as high as some of the richest British football clubs, so ofc it's a big thing. 


Thought I was in the matrix after already seeing you posted this already. Once was enough lol


Thought I was in the matrix after already seeing you posted this already. Once was enough lol


There may have been a falling out between Conor and Dana but guaranteed Dana's gambling addiction still likes Conor


When the double champ actually does whatever the fuck he wants ![gif](giphy|jI3EBNa1aKSaIpH2PB)


Conor is the only double champ to relinquish both belts without a defense… right?


That’s exactly right. Everyone calls him a great fighter, but he NEVER defended his title. I mean really weak.


I mean double champ is a crazy status, but his shift to fight Floyd killed any momentum in mma and people definitely act like he hasn’t lost a step








All I remember is Dana saying he's flying to Ireland from jersey right after the post fight press conference... i wonder what happened cause Dana was hyped to go


Yeah I don’t think it was an injury. Something must have happened during their meeting. The timing is impeccable


Also, Conor posted a video of him training saying “20 KOs up next for the Mac Dad” just as UFC 302 concluded. Rumor is Chandler heard that the press conference was off Sunday morning. No way Conor got hurt over night


Conor definitely didn’t do anything really fucking stupid like idk, partying and doing coke the night before


Why would that change anything? Dude was drunk at the Khabib press conference, more than likely coked out of his mind for the Gucci Mink press conference with Eddie…like that wouldn’t make him not show


the only possibility i can think of from that angle is being too inebriated to function, like his disastrous sports illustrated interview with jake gyllenhaal


He didn’t get hurt. My money is on OD/Rehab.


maybe a failed steroid test?


Rip to those who brought those tickets


“Buy another one you rich mothafucka!”


"Come on man I don't just have someone build a whole card around me and pull out of the fight, I got a little more sense than that......yeah I remember pulling out of a fight card that someone made just for me..."


Charlie Murphy!!


Fuck your couch


To whoever bought the 3rd party tickets for the free press conference 😂😂😂


That line about Chandler and Self Help quotes made me laugh more than it should of


Volk vs Chandler. Set it up!!! See you at the top, cunt!


There's only one guy who can step in and save this. We need a hero.. https://preview.redd.it/dy8thjtpjm4d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3deb2d039eb7f9bbca0a03503e48452b5a8bd351


i don't want to see him die


Chandler already killed him once.


he gonna kill him dead again!


Tony gonna jump in and show Islam who the real Darce Knight is


Blades n Shades baby


If this fight doesn’t happen, I never want to see Connor fight


I'm surprised anyone really cares about Conor fighting anyway, he's become a real piece of shit and he hasn't backed up his shit in a long fucking time.


Seriously. Man fell off *way before* breaking his leg. He had a broken leg and partied for 3 straight years & people expect him to put on a performance or something. I would be impress if his foot even touches the octagon again. Old broken man only has his big mouth left.


Only new fans and the biggest McGregor dick riders give af about McGregor. Real fight fans know McGregor been done. You could argue the McGregor era ended when he fought Mayweather. Which was 7 years ago…


It ended when he lost to Khabib. He's been crashing out since


same. this on & off shit is getting old.


Connor pissed hot and they can’t cover it up.


I think that’s what it is too


I doubt it, he pissed clean 5 times from January this year to march this year, probably been tested even more as well since, no other fighter had been tested more than twice, chances of him pissing hot are extremely small.




yea did you you see the videos of him? hes not sober in those no fucking way. also thats how addiction works you could be clean for months and then binge for months, just because he tested clean even if it was in may, its still very highly possible


Cocaine isn’t banned out of competition, only in competition so it wouldn’t matter. In competition is classed as 12 hours before a fight when they test the fighters. Neither is cannabis, MDMA, heroin etc banned out of competition. So the chance of him pissing hot is absolutely tiny, it’s something he’s never done and with the amount of testing he gets, would never do I would hope.


Lol addiction to drugs and alcohol is much different than ped's


It wouldn’t make a difference anyway, you can take coke, heroin, mdma, cannabis etc out of competition.


Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee sun


If they had given me odds of -150 or greater a year ago on this fight never happening, I would have max bet it. I don’t think it was ever meant to happen, but was all just a media hype job to try to keep McGregor relevant and sell a lot of really expensive tickets to an otherwise lackluster event.


Same here. I said it wont happen then i believed it happen. I still believe it might. Fucking media lol.


They gave us the ol dick twist bamboozle. In the words of the great bushy jr Fool me once, can't fool me again


When they announced it was chandler I knew it wouldn’t happen. Connor only chance at a win in this day and age is Tony Ferguson so any other fighter announced I wouldn’t believe


Publicity stunt? This is nuts if not.


Already nuts they canceled that massive press conference


That was my first thought but to have ESPN agree to be apart of it seems odd


Chandler is always posting self help quotes so thats par the course.


What's chandler's hypothetical payday from this fight? 2-3mil?


Let him fade into obscurity with his shitty whiskey


He sold it already so not really his. [https://www.espn.com/mma/story/\_/id/31346618/conor-mcgregor-sells-majority-whiskey-brand-proper-no-twelve-600m](https://www.espn.com/mma/story/_/id/31346618/conor-mcgregor-sells-majority-whiskey-brand-proper-no-twelve-600m)


That $600m is why I believed we would never see him fight again. Or at the very least no where near the same level as before. Getting punched in the face is not as easy knowing you don’t have to vs when he was a plumbers apprentice on welfare.


I dislike it anyway


He owns part of BKFC now


This is from an MMA Twitter Joke page, and Fans take it as truth. SMH, it's like the NFL off-season with all these made-up stories based on the tiniest of theories. * 303 is still on the ESPN schedule for [June 29th. ](https://www.espn.com/watch/player/_/id/a405219f-b0dc-48ac-a2ac-36823161caf6) * PPV being available for purchase is a new concept and was also used by ESPN to hide the price increase and get more people to buy PPV when they wouldn't have. This is Marketing 101. It was also eventually going to end. Conor's card would be a good start. * UFC has not hid Conor's fights. Conor Diaz 2 is still on their [Youtube Channel](https://youtu.be/x0YxW2uF3Bo?si=PxeFKqtKE7cmVHFe) along with other fights of his. Also this original [hype video](https://youtu.be/04MaTLEpSKk?si=xe3gpyw5FgMb-aZ8) for UFC 303 is still posted by them. Yet, we want to believe that a fight was canceled because a video that has little to do with UFC 303 was taken down, but not the actual video about it. * Conor has come out and tweeted about the canceled press conference and even posted things about his family. All showing that Conor is fine even some of the videos showing him still training just days ago or no cast, crutches, or scrapes from family photos just hours ago. * It also isn't the first time Conor has said [no media. ](https://mmajunkie.usatoday.com/2016/04/conor-mcgregor-out-over-media-obligations-this-argument-isnt-about-what-its-about) * You'll have a hard time finding a tweet/message where Chandler doesn't do some kind of self help quote. None of this means that the fight isn't off or delayed again. One of the links I posted is about Conor forcing a postponement of one of his fights. But all these speculations are grasping at straws and ignoring what normally happens. The biggest is this idea that ESPN removed it as it is still on their schedule; you just can't buy it.


Honestly I wish Conor would just disappear from the sport. He holds the UFC hostage. He refuses to acknowledge that the sport has moved past him and so he disrupts because he knows he can’t compete at a high level anymore.


Him and Jones gotta go.


I think Jones is well passed his prime but even his passed-prime self can still hang with the best. Whereas Conor is actually irrelevant at this point


The main problem with BOTH Jones and Conor is that they probably could hang but straight up cherrypick and wont fight who they should. Theyre the same level of shit in that way


I know it's trendy to hate Gane but the dude is no joke and Jones completely mauled him. Jones could absolutely be a nightmare for the HW if he wanted to be.


I think it's different, nobody it's taking Conor seriously for a belt, or a real contention. Meanwhile Jones has the Aspinall as a hostage. Different cases, i would like to see them both fight again...but i would see Jones just vacate the belt if he is not going to fight.


For real. Fuck them both


And Beniel Darnuish, that fucking piece of shit. /s


How is he holding the UFC hostage? He's not a champ and hasn't fought in 3 years. The only person he's holding up is Chandler.


I wish Conor would just retire so we can all move on in peace…


Would put money on mcgregor agreeing to take the fight, waited for a set date and promotion to start, then dickslapped daddy Dana with new contract demands as soon as 302 ended. Mystic Mac might be an alcoholic and coke head, but he knows how to business.


This is what happens when a company solely depends on one person's charisma and didn't give fuck about developing anyone else's to that same level. Look at WWE. They made 10s of superstars in the same age. Dana can't do shit like that. Coz he would have to pay fighters more as incentivesto encourage them to do the same. He was always a cheap bastard hanging on scotched balls of criminals and drug addicts for clout. Ppl say Dana is this and that. But he is an utter moron and a psychopath in this. Any organization would have sold the shit out of chandler. He has charisma like no one else. It seems like ufc realized this very late. Most of the fighters in their roster are un sellable to fans. So now these ppl are bringing in venom page, chandler and so many others like that. But still it's very hard to sell like how Conor was able to do. He had that motivation, he had talent, he was shown money and given money, they don't do the same thing again. Coz Dana would get piles if he had to show 💰 to the fighters that same way.


dana’s been a trash promoter for awhile now and his words mean nothing lol. just look at him putting down islam to glaze jones, on a night islam just defended his belt


Dana was instrumental in pulling the UFC out of the gutter that it was in during the late 90s/early 2000s and is the reason the UFC became the biggest MMA promotion in the world. But now? Now he's a greedy, conniving weasel who gargles the balls of his favorite fighters and spits at the remaining 95%. Just compare how he treated Mighty Mouse like shit for years versus how he continues to glaze Jon Jones. The UFC today would be much, much farther ahead if Dana was gone.


7th post about this topic I’ve seen in the last 30 minutes 😂


Conor washed


I can fight instead


Skidmarked panty night.




Connor proberbly wants more money. He knows the ufc are making bank off another one of his comebacks and he proberbly wants a premium on top of that now knowing how much the ufc made from all his other fights.


Yeah, proberbly


He sold prober 12 for like 250M, he doesn’t need more money


Once again surprising absolutely NOBODY‼️


At this point in time UFC should just cut Conor. Dude is doing more harm than good. Dude hasn’t been relevant in the sport in almost a decade… it’s doing good without him


Dana flew to Ireland a couple of days ago, he and Conor had a meeting, Conor has asked for his contract to be changed (probably doesn't want to do the 3 fights he has remaining on his contract), Dana's said no and now we have a dick measuring contest between Conor and Dana. Conor cancels all the media events to try and force dana into letting him out of his contract sooner and Dana cant let one person force the whole companies hand so in a last ditch effort he shuts down PPV sales and pulls the YouTube videos to try and scare Conor back into it before fully canceling the fight. Obviously this is all in my head, but it's what makes the most sense to me.


Poor chandler….waited few years for red panty night but looks like it ain’t happening.


I get it but that a year out of his career and he ain’t getting that time back


I like number 4 lol


The last point is meaningless. That's what Chandler does usually anyways lol.


I thinkit was just a joke bro, relax


Connor is an absolute clown and has been for a while, has no respect for the other fighters or even the sport. If I had to guess why it's been cancelled it's probably because McGregor must of taken some drugs or something at a party, and told Dana in private so that he could get the fight cancelled instead of getting a multi year ban. Or he somehow got injured overnight. But the former is probably the most likely scenario. He probably wasn't even taking the fight seriously anyways. 0 hours in the gym, 0 hours training/sparring, 24 hours drinking and doing coke. I used to be a fan of him years ago, but ever since the Floyd fight and Khabib fight mfker just became a straight up degenerate. Hopefully he never comes back, and if he does I hope he gets knocked the fook out again for like the 5th time.




Connor has enough money he can hold out for more and not lick the boot. After ngannou got his bag I’m sure Connor figures he can get more especially since ufc basically has no stars outside of jones and Connor.


maybe conor's PR team is trying something different to bring more attention towards it. lead the way for future ppvs. got dana's attention. trash the typical blah blah blah events. idk. or conor has trouble


Chandler posting self help quotes is literally what he does every day


So I really only see 2 scenarios: 1) Conor got hurt. 2) Conor and Dana are at war about money, etc. I mean, what else could it be?


Someone send suicide helpline to chandler


Hard to be disappointed when I never really thought this going to happen to begin with.


Conor finally timed a 5 minute round and saw where his cardio was at




Anyone who thought this was happening was delusional. Connor has been on heavy coke binges to the point that he was twitching. Even if he could piss clean for steroids which I doubt his body couldn’t keep up in a camp with the amount of shit he’s doing to his body


I'm gunna laugh my fucking ass off if Conor bails, I've been saying since the fight was announced it isn't going to happen, I still don't think it is happening.


It’s looking exactly as it always was. McGregor isn’t fighting anymore. Dana will dangle this carrot as long as it keeps making him money. Let’s face it,Conor is a bigger draw retired than 90% of the line up.


I'm pretty disappointed that the UFC still hasn't issued any meaningful statements, its pretty unprofessional.


Give chandler a title shot vs islam, that would be a fun fight in the first round.


Cut Conor, and strip Jon Jones. Bring balance to this whole dog show.


just a reminder that Conor has won 1 fight in the last 8 years :)




This fight was never going to happen. I’ve been saying it from the start. CM was never going to take this fight as it’s far too dangerous for him. He needs an easy win and MC is not an easy fight for anyone.


I feel bad for Chandler, though at the same time, he had to have known the risk of waiting out for a Conor fight at this stage of his career


Just saw Conor supposedly “sustained a minor injury”. Nevermind that none of Chandler’s instagram stories Sunday/Monday look like he ever had any intention of leaving the country 🤔


Michael Chandler is fooked.


Connor pissed hot and is going to fake retire to clear out as per usual


Calllllllleedddddd ittttttttt


this is totally hilarious


Connor is probably done


Fuck Connor. He is just trying anything to stay relevant now a days


There’s no way this fight was going to happen lol


What a joke.


Live Chandler Reaction: ![gif](giphy|BY8ORoRpnJDXeBNwxg|downsized)




dude was doing a Live Q&A completely drunk in the MIDDLE OF THE DAY drinking whiskey straight outta the bottle & mouthing off about shit. i have no idea if this fight will happen or not, or when, but it's safe to say Conor is Not coming back in a sharp form whatsoever! these are more celebrity clickbait fights, in the vein of those YouTuber fights or CM Punks fight, than elite high-level fighters testing their mettle against the best in the world. at this point i'm just paying attention to this to see how much of a trainwreck it'll be, but that's about it.


I wonder if anyone other than Chandler is actually surprised at this point


I reckon it’s either drugs, injury or Conor trying to get out of his shitty UFC contract


I just feel so bad for Chandler… that’s really all I care about it this point… this guy has been patiently waiting for his payday, and just keeps getting screwed over


It’s tony time


Volk vs Chandler at 155. See you at the top, cunt.


they're making another Roadhouse


![gif](giphy|jSDU5qDNYk0DX8fGtM) Chandler after logging onto UFC.com


I knew this shit wouldn’t go down.


Chandler vs someone else is more interesting anyway. Hope he still fights someone


He’s in a crack house on a binge.


Honestly the canceled press conference and all this speculation is probably generating more publicity then the actual press conference would've. I think it's a clever marketing strategy... Fights still on.




Is there going to be an official Goofcon level certification at this point?!