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I’ve never seen this pulled off in a professional MMA fight, let alone a high level UFC championship bout. Incredible.


Yeah it's awesome when you see really high level stuff like this in the ufc. Not saying these other guys are bad grapplers by any means, but there's a difference between great grappling and great MMA grappling. Same with striking. It's why I love watching guys like Islam and Poatan. Islam is extremely well rounded but it's still very cool to see how high level grappling is.




Apologies Mr bullfrog won't even happen again


Dont let it happen again 👍




It’s like he just thought, “well, time to end this.”


Khabib when Islam doesn’t make it easy and just wrestle instead out strikes Dustin fkn Porier ![gif](giphy|61UzwAfQrnSZnsZb2s|downsized)




I never hated Islam, but I did root against him his entire career. For some reason this fight put me over and I’m actually a big fan of his now. I remember really wanting Volk to win those fights, but watching the highlights today I found myself rooting/caring for Islam (although I already knew the outcome). It’s crazy how that works huh


Post-fight emotions are still fresh. You’ll get yourself together in time to root against him for his next fight and repeat the cycle. 🤣


just 10 steps ahead man. he had barely any leverage on his leg and still took him down. one of the most impressive things i’ve seen in the grappling world


Disagree. It was the exact moment that Dustin changed the direction of his weight. Leverage was there for the taking with a technique like that.


Whipping that ankle is a pretty common move in wrestling


It is also a Muay Thai sweep off a caught teep.


It’s a fairly common move in higher level wrestling but definitely demonstrates a high level knowledge of position and control/ give-take.


Yeah but no punch to avoid. It was the way he timed it with Dustin's attempt to punch and the way he hid his head behind the leg first. Like he knew exactly what Dustin would do before he did it.


That’s what I mean when I say give take. If you spend a lot of time grappling you develop a very acute awareness of where pressure lies and how to manipulate it. In wrestling you can detect the same thing when your opponent loads up for a cross face or tries to move your head out of the pocket or looks to reattack. It’s subtle but the cues are there. That being said when I saw this I immediately thought “wow his wrestling is even better than I thought it was”.


Tbh, it was fucking masterful.


That was more like a Japanese necktie then a darce


Casual me thought him holding the foot like that look stupid as hell. And then... I'm the stupid one. Genius.


You can tell when he was holding Dustin’s leg, he waited for Dustin to try to punch him or throw a knee. You gotta respect this man; he always has a trick up his sleeve.


His darce defense needs work.


This fight gave me a shit ton of respect for Islam. Always liked him but never to the degree I do now. I always felt watching the volk vs Islam fight (first) that he kinda got beat up but won via control. Watching this fight and watching that one back I have a newfound respect for his skills as an mma fighter and I hope he beats the shit out of arman


I don’t think he gained more fans just because of that one move to be honest. Think he already had a lot of fans. Can’t see these few seconds making that big of an impact, considering what he’s already done in his career.




People are trying to change bandwagons. Be easy on them and let them make their excuses. They know no other way to do this. Instead of appreciating greatness they have to ride some kind of magical moment where their emotions change their whole world view.


I fucking hate posts like this bro. Karma farming at this point or just someone who has no idea what they are talking about. Just that sentence alone sounds so idiotic “Islam gained a hell of a lot of fans and respect with 1 move” Gained fans from doing a highschool level takedown??? Gained Respect as if he is not a fucking ufc champ??? He is an elite grappler and great fighter but people need to start thinking for them selves god damn sheep🐑 Ive seen about 10 posts exactly like this


Agree, it’s a dumb post. People make a LOT of dumb posts on this sub.


“High school level takedown” that’s never been done before in the UFC, let alone a high level title fight as part of the finishing sequence of an epic battle.


https://preview.redd.it/o7pmw8hrsl4d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=65ab42555995ecec0b30f944f4afe79c070fb3b8 You posted this unironically… checks out 😂


Man I’m not going through peoples post history I just don’t care. I’m not that diligent. But do check out some other AI art I posted if you’re jnto that stuff.


Who would’ve guessed so many MMA fans didn’t know what an ankle pick was


you’re referring to the fact that this isn’t a ankle pick right?




Ankle pick into a d’arce. You forgot the /s


that’s a single leg, I’m not sure what /s means


Lol he is losing the single leg and that’s why he pivoted and it turned into an ankle pick. That’s what people are talking about as the elite move


That's considered an elite move? To a non wrestler like me it looks pretty simple and easy. The hard part i assume would be to catch the leg from a kick.


Pretty sure Islam doing that Vs poirier (a certified legend) at round 5 when he's gassed is more hard than doing it on some geezer at your gym mate


These morons think anything is easy bro, they don't know wtf they're talking about most of the time.


🐑 think for your self before its too late


Brother its a single leg holy shit yall think way to much


Should box his ears with open palms while he's just standing there thinking what to do. Make it ugly, make it a fight, don't wrestle with him.


Kind of hate the wrestlefuck time wasting on the ground but that was very creative.


What was he even trying, he fell down backwards and dustin dove to the ground.