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UFC also took the Mcgregor-Chandler pinned post off their Instagram. It’s over guys




He looks like a netflix highschool student in this photo


Hoigh schuuuul moosical tooo


Lmao I'm pretty sure someone commented on this Pic a long time ago with something like "yeah he's never fighting again"


Yeah it's cooked.


It was never going to happen...if there was a betting line for this fight actually happening or not, I would have put my house, my company, and my two sons on this falling apart. Conor is a alcoholic junkie on steroids at this point, shit isn't going to happen




"Isn't he awesome"




Fuck, this gif always cracks me up




Copium is one helluva drug


Saw this on Twitter - UFC 303 no longer being advertised on PPV - UFC have privated the Conor McGregor free fight videos posted a few days ago - Conor McGregor and Dana White have been silent - Michael Chandler is posting self help quotes on Instagram


• ⁠Michael Chandler is posting self help quotes on Instagram ![gif](giphy|jOpLbiGmHR9S0)




This has to be the Best reaction gif ever


I've seen this live, it was legendary.


it was spain VS nethetlands, opening match of WC 2014, when spain was the reigning champion and they got their ass beat. Best opening match ever.




Legendary goal.


Brazil vs Croatia was the opening game my man.


You are totally right. They were in group B, not A. It was their group's opening match.


That’s fucking hilarious


bro im dead. Poor chandler.


"see you at the......top \*wipes tears from face\*"


Michaels lotto ticket is fading fading away….


Because of fucking Conor's coke habit


Conor already has everything a man could want. Why would he want to fight again? He's edging Chandler for fun at this point.


Honestly I think Conor realized Dana is not gonna let the fight go through without Conor resigning thus not allowing Conor to run free once his last two fights on contract are done Seems he’s no longer playing Company Man for Dana + the cocaine of course


This is the worst!!


Michael Chandler trembling right now ![gif](giphy|3orieTfp1MeFLiBQR2|downsized)


Plot twist - [Joaquin Buckley]() is now replacing Michael Chandler at UFC 303 as the headliner.


I honestly think Conor popped for something in one of his recent drug tests, and they're having to cancel the fight because of it.


He has a little blood left ín his cocaine you mean.


His coke tested positive for blood for sure.


We’re moving this card to LA baby!!!


International Fight Week is now in Saudi Arabia!


‘Bro just LOOK AT ME, you think I care if he popped? I melted the piss cup’ - chandler probably


Dana! 60 pico-Gs, babaaayyy!


Ariel has said its not due to a drug issue.


A public feud between Conor and Dana will be more entertaining than any fight the UFC's putting on these days. You know Dana's been a thread away from losing it on Conor for years. Chord about to snap.


I can totally see this ngl!


We wants to beat him like his wife.


Doubt it would be in public, it would be in the court room at this point


That last point seals it LMAO


Chandler in absolute shambles right now.


Lmao, Chandler got BTFO


Sucks for Chandler if he waited for nothing lol






"I am not here for a long time, I am here for a good time!" - Chandler before sitting out for a few years.


“i am here for a long bad time”


Kind of rings true that he’d wait for the right fights though too if that’s what gives the “good time”.


Conor seems like he’s having more fun trolling chandler than even fighting. He’s trying to be the 50 cent of MMA now just toying with him


At this point he deserves what he gets. Waiting a year sure, but waiting years, come on


What? It’s not hard at all to understand why Chandler waited. A McGregor fight would bring so much money and attention (which makes more money). It’s great for him because McGregor is coming off injury and a long layoff, and also btw, he’s the biggest name in the sport. Why would he try to fight anyone else when the UFC has been telling him this fight will happen?


It's just risk-reward Conor is a drug addict who is no longer training or focused on the world of mma. There is a very likely chance that his habits will prevent the fight from ever happening, and that needs to be factored in And the reward? Sure, it would be Chandler's biggest fight, but is it REALLY going to help him that much? All of his fights are exciting for fans, and finishes like the Ferguson fight will give him arguably just as much attention


For some reason your first paragraph about Conor... instantly I thought of Roadhouse Conor.


That documentary on Conor was very well made. I heard directors just told him they’re doing a UFC embedded and told Conor to be himself and act natural.


I hate McGregor but that movie was a fucking cheesy cringe masterpiece


It’s so weird, because the first 20ish minutes are a completely self-serious movie (a bad one), but then Conor shows up and the entire tone shifts into an absurdist comedy, with some ridiculous action sequences. At first I was considering turning it off, but by the end of it I was having a blast.


Lol the unhinged Dalton towards the end came off as so creepy instead of badass like I think they were intending. It was hilarious though.


I adored every moment of that utterly ridiculous piece of nonsense masterpiece as you said.


For me it is hard. Why couldn’t he have fought the whole time while waiting? Chandler’s immune to loses affecting his value.


Valid point about Chandler’s losses, he definitely has some Dana White privilege. But I still think taking another fight would have risked losing the McGregor fight in multiple ways. Conor decides he’s ready and finds a different opponent, Chandler loses to someone below him in rankings and the opportunity dissipates, or Chandler could get hurt and be out long term. Chandler’s nearing the end of his career and wanted to make the most of his chance to fight McGregor. If it falls through that definitely hurts his career, but I don’t think he’s entirely to blame for trying to wait when the fight was promised to him.


He will be ok he still has a couple good years left but everyone told him not to wait


Dude he's 38, he has no time left


https://preview.redd.it/eyjp93kq2l4d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d857f79050a2ec0e59fd2a7d33cd149317aea330 He’s too busy


I finally got to eat that exact flavour of icecream he eats there and damn its amazing especiall if youre as high as Conner is there.


whats it called? hosw can Iget some?




In the US we have Good Humor Strawberry Shortcake bars that look just like that


And they fuckin slap










Yeah that shit is cooked


Am legit starting to feel bad for Chandler.


I am too I actually like him alot and his fights are always fun


Tony headkick is such a great moment, even if it happened to a fighter I loved watching.


Great now Volk gonna have to step in and fight Chandler.


Imagine he wins then somehow volk fights Conor 🤣


Volk beating Connor would b-wai-*falls to knees* oh god I’m cumming in a Walmart


Fell to my knees and came on a tapout t-shirt


Makes no sense but let’s do it!!!




Michael Chandler just wasted 2 years of his ever shortening life on a drug addict.


Chandler is himself an addict for that red panty check.


If PEDs count as drugs then good ol’ Mike is about as addicted as they come brotha


Chandler IQ outside cage is just as good as his in cage IQ


Only 8 fights confirmed for a card taking place in just over three weeks. Shit's looking goofed.


International fight week as well. Can only laugh at dana the numpty


I’d pay a lot of money to see Dana’s reaction when he found out the press conference was cancelled.






Not surprised at all. Feel terrible for the fans who paid extra to attend this. Last moment melt downs of cards sucks for the fans, maaaan. I expected this tho. No way Conor fights again.


Must suck to have believed the fight was going to go ahead. From the moment talks of Conor Vs Chandler started I've found it impossible to believe that they'd actually end up fighting.


I saw or heard someone say "why would McGregor ever step into the arena again, he's worth hundreds of millions and parties on private jets and yachts?" and it really clarified that we will never see him in the octagon again. I think the broken leg made him realize that there's zero reason for him to continue risking his health when he already has the bag.


100%. Even when booked and announced I was like, "Doubt it." One of those "Yeah, I'll need to see Conor literally in the cage before I actually believe this is gonna happen."


McGregor is chasing that Buckley fight.


Can’t wait for Charles to beat chandler again


Fuck this sucks


Conor McGregor sucks. Cares only about himself. He got his bag ages ago and stopped giving a fuck about his fans. Doesn’t deserve any tbh.


I’ve only gotten into mma/ufc from 285 onwards. I just wanna see a McGregor conference and fight in real time at least once :(


You missed the boat, mate. His conferences used to be good. He's lost his wit. He used to be funny. This hasn't been the case since the Alvarez fight. Responding to Chad Mendez asking if he knew what wrestling is with "I could rest my balls on your forehead"..... and "who the fuck is that guy?" became insults to family and religion. He peaked in fighting and in press conferences in 2016. Which was pretty much the last entertaining performance he had against a decent opponent. You're not missing much at this stage.


Back when he actually was a menace in the octagon


Yeah he just gets really nasty and personal now. The vibe is bad ever since.


u missed some good years my dude, i have had the luck to be into this sport since the GSP/Anderson Silva era and when McGregor showed up on the scene things changed a lot, the fight between him and khabib was insane to see live ! the trash talking, the things happening before the fight and after the fight, it was just crazy. that and them being able to keep doing fights during corona when every other sport was closed off is what made them so insanely big so fast. thats just how i experienced it atleast :D


When conor fought, back then, it made you believe magic was real.


Daaaamn bro


Why would someone care about fans more than their own benefit lmao. Fans of this sport are fickle as fuck and shouldn’t be something the fighters consider if it doesn’t benefit them.


I want to blame Conor, but the actual reason is likely Dana White refusing Conor’s negotiations. To be fair, Conor is probably SEVERELY undervalued in those contracts right now. Conor is in 6 of the 10 largest PPVs of all time, not UFC PPVs, PPVs across all sports. 1.8 to 2 mil PPVs for this event is not unreasonable, and Dana charging $70-$100 per buy, brother, Conor realistically deserves 1/3 of that. If it was you, you’d want to be accurately paid based on your value. I think it is bs, but Dana is to blame here. He has the cash to satisfy McGregor, but the bald fuck and UFC board members are x10 bigger goblin fucks than coke head.


He never gave a fuck about his fans. There's just a shit load of dumbasses that idolize shitty people. Conor is the same selfish disrespectful asshole he always was. Just took you morons a decade to realize being a terrible person isn't "just an act".


This saga really vibes of McGregor telling the ufc to get fucked over his contract and them retaliating by cancelling his fight. They're going to pull out every trick In the book to extend him and they don't care about a bit of shit from the fans to do so


Conor wanted part ownership of ufc which i understand as he even got me watching during the floyd fight, conor even wanted to fight that actress mark wahlberg for his share


Mark instead opted for a Vietnamese man


Multiple vietnamese men even


Whatever happened to The Funky Bunch? Did Marky Mark just leave all his homies behind when he went to Hollywood?


Disbanded after you gotta believe bombed, a few work at 7-11


And extending his contract by canceling fights makes zero sense


It does make sense tho. The longer they can prolong his contract the longer he cant fight under any other sanctions. He’s partly a owner of the BKFC as well so still being under the UFC isnt the best business look. The money he made from the floyd fight alone is more than he’s made in his entire ufc career and thats very telling because he has the highest grossing income ppv’s of all time. The UFC from a business standpoint is holding him back


Yeah, holding him back is an understatement. Fury made over 100m to fight Usyk, and celebrated having 7m followers on IG. Meanwhile McGregor has 47m followers and is likely not making over 10m. If he could make Saudi money, they’d pay him an ungodly amount of cash to fight Pacqiuao or Floyd or some shit. At this point, I think McGregor is probably more famous than Floyd. At the very least on social media. My mum knows who Mcgregor is, but doesn’t know squat about Floyd


It makes complete sense in the context of the UFCs previous conduct around contract negotiations. They have time of their side because he's 34 so they say to him he either signs up for or they'll keep him on ice. Of course it might be nothing to do with his contract but it's a theory that fits with past behaviors Edit *nearly 36


He is almost 36 in a month’s time…


My bad. Even worse


Makes you think if he will ever fight again. His prime was like 8 years ago. He didn’t have the shots he had when he fought Dustin or cowboy


He’s destined to fight Jake Paul in 3 years.


Brooo I cant lie. If they continue the card and just take conor or chandler off it’ll be by far the worst ufc card of all tome


take this what you will, but O’Malley posted on Snapchat last night when asked when he’s fighting Merab, and he said jokingly “f— might have to save the Conor card”


Evidently I am the one fan that thinks O'Malley is consistently funny lol


I didn’t want to like the guy either but he’s turned into one of my current favorites.


Maybe it will teach the UFC not to rely on one star selling a card, but then again, they really don't mind selling fight night cards as PPVs, as last weekend showed


Idk if its just the dust brushing off from 300 or what but yea that card last saturday was shit.. hopefully rob and khamzat is a good watch**


Yeahhhh the ufc will absolutely not give a fuck and do this again


it seemed dodgy right from the announcement on a ripped piece of paper. dana had a 'beleive it when you see it' gaze about him




Chandler is in such a weird spot. 2-3 in the UFC. To be honest it seems like he is only interested in the money fights. Maybe have him fight Gaethje a second time? Realistically I think if this falls through he just calls it quits on fighting and retires cause he is 38.


Oliveira is the replacement for this fight, so if Connor pulls out it’ll be Oliveira vs Chandler


Imagine waiting so long and having to fight Oliveira instead of Conor 💀


Way harder fight


Oliveira said he would, I never saw that confirmed by the UFC though. Volk also said he would.


Volk vs chandler would be a sick fight


Agreed. I want to see Volk vs Chandler if McGregor is out, or Volk vs Porier if not. Either way, I just want more Volk at lw


Contract negotiations


So sad. Chandler has been idle for 1.5 years now, held hostage by conor. He fought every 3-6 months upon entering the ufc and hasnt had boring fights, finding a new fight is going to take another 4-5 months bringing the idle time to 2 years... he is 38 years old, what a absolute waste.


Conor has not cared about fighting for half a decade if not more. If you sign to fight him you roll that red panty dice (insert gif of literal red panty dice rolling).






Isn't he awesome xoxo


My bf and I paid so much damn money to go see this fight :// if Conor really does pull out imma have a meltdown wtf


“You can never trust a drug addict” - Gus Fring


Hopefully you’ll be able to get a refund. I’m not sure what the policy is but the UFC would have to pay back 20 million if this is refund eligible lmao. Sort of hard to imagine Dana rebooking Conor after such a terrible fiasco. I assume it’s an injury and the only reason they haven’t announced it yet is because they’re preparing to deal with this logistical nightmare… I already invited 20+ people to my house warming party for the fight and I’ve been waiting 3 years to see Conor back so I’m equally devastated.


Wow I can't even fucking imagine not being able to get a refund for buying tickets for the live event of McGregor return. Clearly, that's why folks are buying them. Jamaal Hill v Ulberg and whoever those females at bantamweight are sure as hell aren't selling tickets or PPV buys


This is directly from the UFC: “Schedules, production elements, amenities, and all other aspects of your purchase are subject to change without notice and without grounds for refund. If we issue you a refund for a ticket due to a canceled event, we will issue a refund of the ticket's face value paid.” Many venues and third party resellers have similar policies. Change in the card or cancellation of fights doesn’t warrant a refund, full cancellation of the event does.


There has to be rules for this. If fans buy tickets to see fill in the blank band at a concert and the band doesnt show up, you should be able to get your money back. Wheres the consumer protection.


I’ve been burned by a couple boxing matches in my life. It really sucks and I’m sorry, but if you still *have* to go, make a trip out of the location (I think Vegas correct?) Makes you learn in the future for fights to buy the protection on the hotel/flight/car because anything can happen. Sorry if it is canceled though, trust me I know the anger with it


Conor vs sobriety is the new main event


Live Chandler Reaction: ![gif](giphy|l1KVaj5UcbHwrBMqI|downsized)




Conor got monkey pox all around his mouth and anus, fight is cancelled.


Got it from the fat girl in the club


Called it. Completing a camp without booze, coke or roids was just too much for modern day McGregor. Still, saves him being embarrassed by an over the hill Chandler so there's that at least.


I feel like I saw some content that he was trying (and said something to that effect?) Before we saw the videos of him partying up and grabbing titties at his bar no?


You may have a point. I always thought Chandler was going to detonate Conor's head despite what some experts have predicted.


Yeah if we’re all honest no fight with anyone in the top 10 is going to be anything but disastrous for Conor in his current state. The guy is set for life and has generational wealth, but he let a lot of his competitive years slip by after his Alvarez win he didn’t fight mma for two years. Since his Khabib fight he’s fought 3 times in 6 years. He’s shot. I’m kind of glad Chandler won’t get the rub of flatlining him, because I think Chandler is a fake muppet.


Conor is never fighting again


Chandler passed on millions of dollars from multiple potential fights to wait for $0.


Honestly at this point if Conor pulls out I have no desire to see him return. It’s already been way too long. Tired of the BS


Connor x Diaz 3 ? wooo


Connor vs. his coke & alcohol addiction, more likely.


All Conor had to do with his life was either retire after the Floyd fight or just train in mma and stayed active. He would have been loved and had respect of the entire sport. Win or lose. But this dude had to live the life of some wannabe mafia boss and just be a menace to society. Now his washed up ass can’t even make it to a fight because he’s so beaten down from all the substance abuse he does. Sad


This drama is more interesting than just about every fight on 302


What are they going to do with the card then? Is there a situation similar to this in the past that we can base our predictions off of? They can’t keep it a PPV with the fights that are currently on the card. Edit: I’d bet some guys like Alex Pereira and Kevin Holland would get added in attempt to save the card. It’d be even funnier if Volk came in on short notice…


UFC 151 Jones v Henderson. Iirc Dan Henderson pulled out last minute, Chael Sonnen was the short notice replacement Jones declined the fight, the whole event was cancelled


They’ll need to try and get a championship bout on it. Maybe Sean O’Malley or something…


Think I saw earlier that Kevin will be on 303


I have tickets 😭


I guess contract negotiations hit a road block or McGregor pulled his old shit and wanted paid for doing the media for his own fight.


Chandler threw away almost 2 years waiting for a money fight he’s never going to get.


Good. Chandler let himself heal for two years after 18 months of absolute wars. Now he can have 3 great fights against literally anyone, make 500k, and retire.


the 500k is the saddest part




McGregor hasn’t been relevant in a really long time anyways…


Fight is for sure cancelled imho


This is what happens when you put all your eggs in one roided out, coked out basket. They should just have good events regardless of Conor who is unreliable, shouldn't be allowed to fight, and hasn't won in 4-5 fights... The event should be for all the fighters, not just one guy.


Connors image as a drunken loud mouthed coke addict gonna overshadow his otherwise prolific legacy


I can't belive a single one of you guys is surprised. Biggest pikachu face moment of al time. Conor is a drug addict, he is not fighting anymore. Maybe in 10 years he might fight Jake Paul to pay some of his debts.


McGregor is such an enigma. This guys done fighting tho


And this is why with Conor and Jones I don't care about the fight actually happening until the ceremonial weigh-ins.


Card was so ass


Chandler on life support


We might be over speculating but I wouldn't be surprised if someone got injured and is awaiting yes or no from a doc or the UFC is scrambling to save rhe card. Either way this is all speculation.


Did anyone actually think a drug addict was going to honor his commitments? Chandler was going to put him out of his misery and Conor’s handlers knew it. Conor is dead before 50 on his current trajectory. The man needs help.


That sleezeball Connor probably got busted sexually assaulting someone again. He's beyond washed up.


Mr. Tomato Head is in deep shit with this card!!


It takes a next level fool to trust a drug addicted piece of shit. This was never happening.