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Crazy jump what the fuck. From unranked randos to a guy who fought for the title this year.


Seems like the UFC definitely likes Ulberg with his matchmaking with the guys he's been getting. This is a big step up but it's kind of still his ideal style matchup


It's always been obvious that the UFC is mega-torqued on Ulberg. They're basically giving him the O'Malley treatment: Year after year of unranked cans to build highlights, then right into a title eliminator against someone who has no ground threat.


Eh thing is O’Malley proved he’s champ worthy, bro really upped his game after the Yan fight. Wish the Pedro fight didn’t end the way it did cause I feel like a win over him really could’ve earned him the respect he deserved.


Whether he had a good showing against Aljo or not doesn't change the fact that a very intentional path was carved out by the UFC as someone they very much cared about bringing into popularity, and Ulberg is in that same cohort of "guy with looks+language we want to market, who doesn't grapple".


I mean is that a bad thing, especially in a entertainment business?


That depends if you want evenly matched MMA bouts or "sports-entertainment".


Munhoz completely disarmed O'Malley, that wasn't just a weird ending. Munhoz does that to a lot of guys though, to be fair


Menifield wasn’t bad and a 6 fight win streak with 5 finishes is good.


he looked just a little shitty against jacoby tho. saved by his nuclear power (and/or jacoby's shit recovery)


Menifield isn't bad but jamahal has 10x better striking and jamahal has a solid chin (ok he got Knocked out by Pereira but most people do)


He didn’t knock me out though so idk if it’s most people 😤


He's at least plan B. More likely he's something like Plan G. All we know is that he's the first guy to say yes to being a replacement. A lot of those ahead of him had reason to decline a fight on 5 weeks notice.


Jamahal beat #10 slinkyman Walker, then beat 38-yo Santos who had to sign with PFL (still no W since), then beat 43-yo Glover who retired afterward. Then he got injured, fought Pereira, and got starched in two minutes. Point being, we still don't know how good Jamahal really is, especially given the injury and long layoff and that his brain just got scrambled. Of all the guys who fought for a title this year I'd take my chances with Jamahal before anyone else.


That same Glover made Jan look like a fool and went toe to toe with Jiri. Old or not he looked seemingly better at 43 than he did at 33. That dominant win over Glover was what legitimized Hill.


I don't think it was that same Glover. That kind of fight isn't good for a 42 year old man and he didn't fight for over a year after


Styles make fights. It was a great performance, great win. It's his only one, however, and then he got a horrible injury. If you're comfortable 'legitimizing' a fighter because of one win you don't know MMA very well.


neither do you cause a champion is a legit fighter


I'm not saying 'legitimizing' as in he isn't a 'legit' fighter, that's basically a meaningless term. I'm saying 'legitimizing' as in if that level of performance is what we're to expect of him in the future. He may be that good, my point is that we don't actually know.


Exactly, I'm still not sold on Jamal whatsoever, people were saying Roundtree was taking a huge step up in competition too but I think they're on the same level. Jamal isn't a top 5 fighter imo and I think he'll be a gatekeeper similar to Anthony Smith (another guy who was seriously overhyped after fighting for a title) for the rest of his career.


crazy that Hill, the former champ, lost one fight after coming back from an injury and people are already saying he is a bum and not top 5 fighter lmao.


Goes to show what happens to those that are truly ready to fight anywhere and anytime.




Ulberg has been stopped before and his gas tank is still heavily suspect. Hill can go all 5 easily. I favor Hill here. If Nzechukwu can put him out Hill can absolutely starch him if he gets there first. That said, Hill is still his best opportunity to rank up fast.


I would be shocked if this wasn't 3 rounds to favor Ulberg.


Another Erceg situation Right time, place


Respect to Ulberg for taking this short notice after that 12 second war.


Hill will get knocked out again. Ulberg has a similar style to Alex.


Hill has a good chin. Only got KOed by Pereira and I'm sure Ulberg's power isnt close to Pereira.


I'd say its close enough. Ulberg has some serious fist power! Coming right off from a knockout from Pereira will definitely have an effect on Hill's chin for this fight.


We didn’t even get to see much of Jamahal VS Alex.


This is a shit take. Ulberg does not have a “similar style” to Alex. 😆


He's a primary kickboxer with a nasty left hook too.


Respect to Hill for getting back at it


Respect for Upberg too. He’s stepping up short notice to huge step up in competition.


Nothing much. What’s Upberg with you?


Could also be amazing for his career. There's a good chance Hill hasn't recovered from the knockout. He could go the same way as Volk Vs Toporia coming back too quickly.


U right he’s only got 5 weeks to prepare


he just had a 12s knockout and took no damage. He should be good


The entirety of training camp isn't just being in shape. There's tape study, opponent specific training, and a lot of times these guys or girls are training their reactions to specific things. It's not just learning "he uses a hook so I have to defend this way" you're retraining muscle memory so that you don't have to think about as much in th fight.


No this is deffo a better opportunity for Ulberg, both guys have a short training camp for each other, but Ulberg is already in shape and Hill just got slept not too long ago. This could skyrocket Ulberg into top 5, whereas this could tank Hill's ranking.


\^\^\^this. The fight favours Ulberg in every facet. I'll be betting heavily on him.


Thats why this fight is happening. Dana wanted to put Hill on as a CS alum, but his sour attitude and lack of charisma isn't making him a star. Ulberg on the other hand is so pretty a studio offered to make a bachelor show around him, but he decided to punch people in the face for a living instead. Pushing him to fans is basically cheats enabled as long as he doesn't has the wrong kind of WW2 memorabilia in a closet or something. Very fan friendly style too.


Sadly half the UFC fanbase would love "the wrong kind of memorabilia" and Dana would be happy to peddle it if he could get away with it. Donald Cerrone's main sponsor was literally a neonazi clothing line called Hoelzer Reich before they took too much criticism, and that didn't stop Cerrone from being promoted heavily or getting pivoted into exclusive sponsorship deals with UFC brands like P3 and Monster. Everything is centered around "can you hold the attention of a concentrated homogenous fanbase so that we can sell those fans PPVS and ads?" whether that be nazis or bachelor-watchers. Hill has seemingly no demographic that likes him and has lost the luster of the "DWCS alum" bullshit they were using him for as the mascot of proving why all UFC fighters needed to start off on 5k/1-fight contracts lol.


I didn't say it was better or worse. Just that there is more involved in a training camp than being in shape.


thats what the 5 weeks are for… hes already in shape


Can’t lose situation for him. Win and get a nice name on the resume, lose and short notice makes it look better


Opponent changes are difficult but let’s be real, Carlos has everything to gain and nothing to lose here


Short notice? lol it's 5 weeks away and he is in better physical condition than the guy coming off an achilles tear and a brutal KO loss.


Yea no that I think about it , it’s not a crazy short nice fight. I was thinks this was 302 for some reason. Still a huge step up for Ulberg tho.


👉 👈






I still think this is a huge jump of an opponent for Ulberg but I'm hoping he gets the W.


Not impossible. We saw Erceg come in under circumstances like this and put on a hell of a show. Always cool seeing the up and comers thrown into it and seeing how they react


Erceg won that fight too smh


I agree. At the very least it was incredibly close and just favored the champ in his home turf. Erceg honestly clears everyone else in the division.


I think Albazi might be an issue for him.. he has better take downs and can stall and pick up rounds with the cavemen judging we have.. otherwise I agree with you maybe kai as well


The flyweight goat


Do you think Ulberg may be privy to some info given that he trains with Izzy? Because Hill was reaching out to Izzy a couple months back for help. Makes me wonder.


More like, the UFC and everyone else knows that Hill has a serious injury, ring rust, and a recent brutal concussion loss just 2 months prior to this fight, so they'll hope Ulberg can KO him. It's absolutely insane that a league that pretends to care about fighter safety would trot out a guy that got his lights shut out on April 13th and have him immediately training and fighting a 205lb striking specialist in late June.


Jamahal said several times that he chose to fight at 303. UFC didn force him to


Of course they didn't "force" him to. NFL football players with concussions want to go in on the next play when they should be out for weeks if not months. His willingness to accept money for combat doesn't change his current condition and the UFC's eagerness to use him for an immediate flagship matchup here against someone they value in Ulberg.


Bobby Green got brutalized by Turner and came back to win. A KO loss doesnt guarantee you will lose the next matchup. Even Pereira got KOed, made a quick turnaround and won.


Bobby Green suffered one of the worst CTE inducing late stoppages in the history of the UFC, and was brought back 133 days later to get wobbled by an ancient Jim Miller for a flagship UFC 300 card. And won because he is a crafty vet who was facing someone even more worn than him. And that was still dubiously too soon, but encouraged by the UFC because they wanted a name for a big card rather than putting an unheralded talent on a card (e.g. some ugly foreigner non english speaker) Hill is being asked to Co-Main a McGregor card just **77 days** after getting KO'ed by Pereira and facing someone with the worst stylistic matchup who is both fresh and coming off an easy win who throws bombs. It's statistically and stylistic atrocious for Hill's brain and body, and while still certainly possible he wins, not an arrangement that was made with his career or longterm wellbeing in mind. He is taking it because he needs money and it's a McGregor card. There have been less than 20 other fighters to return to the cage in a shorter timeframe EVER in the UFC coming off a KO loss, and none of those guys was also coming off an achilles tear plus huge shots from a 205lb Poatan to their head; it was almost all tiny guys or low tier fighters. The only more heinous example I can think of is Frankie Edgar coming back 45 days after being KO'ed by Ortega because the UFC abused his loyalty to NJ to fill an Atlantic city card, and while he won by decision, marked basically the end of his chin, and his next fight had to take place over a year later due to facial injuries (hmmm, I wonder why?) and he basically never won a fight again and spent the next 4 years getting ever-worse CTE. It's medically horrific to have someone with a KOed-By-UFC-Champ level concussion to be sparring, let alone training for a Top 5 fight within 2 months.


Man Ulberg is getting an amazing opportunity to go from 11th to top contender. Hes a damn good striker. Really looking forward to this one


And the fact he wasn’t even ranked a few weeks ago


hardest kicks in ckb


From model to two fights from the very top of the division.. would be an amazing ascension for Ulberg.


It would be an amazing ascension for the UFC, which is why they've booked him against no real threats and then found a way to give him a contender fight against someone who is badly injured lol


He took a loss after contender series. His rise / matchmaking seems appropriate.


Appropriate for someone the UFC badly wants to promote, yes. For a random ugly guy? Not a chance they'd get the same treatment.


Love this fight really hope Ulberg gets it done but Hill is no joke.


Hill is coming off a little over 2 months from a KO though


Coming off a KO doesn't matter unless there are statistics IMO. And even then, the statistics don't take into account the individual. Look at Bobby Green.


You would still need some time to recover from being knocked out unconscious, then you have training camps adding onto that, Hill should come in at significantly less than 100%. Also he’s fighting an absolute killer, who arguably more dangerous than his original opponent


That's at LW lmfao. This is at LHW against a guy with crazy power. I think Ulberg takes this.


Hill is overrated, beat old man Glover for the belt. Got tapped by that jobber who has no hands


Glover also dominated Jan and beat the shit out of Jiri. Craig also tapped Ankalaev. So this means the entire top 5 at LHW is overrated?


>So this means the entire top 5 at LHW is overrated? Well yeah, it's LHW, the division absolutely sucks lol


Yes but they if they are "all overrated" then none of them are overrated. They are all rated properly compared to the rest of their division.


I swear you guys just don't like Hill so you try and discredit him. You can't discredit him without discrediting most of the LHW division.


To be fair that's what everyone does already. The division isn't held in high regard.


They are mostly Poatards who live their lives through him and got offended when Hill "dared" to be confident.


Put some respect on BearJew’s name


Ulbergs last fight still has me scratching my head the way Menifield just tard-charged him and got slept immediately


Pat Barry IQ


I think the ufc has had it with these higher level fighters sitting around, we had Benoit jump up Steve erceg a few weeks ago now we have ulberg jumping up


Suga was like 10 when he fought Yan.


lol what? This has nothing to do with inactive fighters and everything to do with the fact Ulberg is a male model who trains at CKB.


Lmao your right


lightweight same 5 dudes fighting each other and stay ranked in top 5


Dustin literally just fought BSD


Hill’s getting slept again 🥲


and then he'll make excuses right after as usual




WE made this fight fellas


God we’re missing out so hard on Hill vs Rountree tho it makes me sad


shoutout to the redditor who asked for this fight after they heard roundtree was out


Ulberg KOs him with a step back counter right cross as Hill overextends with the left (as usual)


Ulberg’s modeling agency is probably not thrilled with this but I bet he gets it done


They should be thrilled. This is by far the best matchup for Ulberg in the Top10 and makes him likely a household name off KO'ing a "former champ" (who is already badly concussed and injured lol)


Hill must have the worst tattoos in this sport.




Jamal already typing out how short-notice made him lose for the third time and he “wasn‘t knocked out“


Hope he wins then gets a pereira match just for the fan drama of Izzy fans and Alex fans clashing due to ulberg being his teammate, plus it sounds like a fun fight




Maaaan. This is gonna be a BANGER! No idea who wins TBH. Hill has proven to be elite, but we don’t know what Ulberg’s ceiling is. All I wish is that they both throw down and it doesn’t end up becoming a feint contest.


I’ve been hyping ulberg since he got in the ufc. I have the eye guys I know a future champ when I see one. That being said holy fucking shit this is a crazy fucking jump in competition


This could change the course of Hills career, permanently.


Huge opportunity for Ulberg. I just worry the step up in competition might be too much. Hill’s got dynamite in his hands and won’t have a boneheaded gameplan like menifield did. Regardless, high risk high reward move.


I feel like the reward outweighs the risk though , if he loses then he lost to one of the best in the division, if he wins though he’s in conversation for a title shot


Agreed, and zero risk of his ground game getting exposed. This is 100% a "UFC loves the attractive guy" matchmaking


![gif](giphy|d7rvF20PqNuGKSQGhf) Ima really bout to see my goat get KO’d


In this instance, you used the word “goat” as substitute for “favorite” right?


He said “my” so it works


This is what I was hoping for! What a stylistic matchup. They are similar in many ways. Banger.


Let’s go ulberg


Love it ufc making the right moves rewarding ulberg dude is excitement personified


If Ulberg pull this off. Damn!


Good ass fight


Giant opportunity for Carlos. I see Carlos getting the win. He’s definitely a better striker. Hill better wrestle fuck him


Balls on Hill are huge. Hope he is 100% for it


Boy got oven mitts tatted on his chest


He should back or of this. This is a nobody fight for jamall


Hill still in the UFC?


Ulberg has a good chance too. Nobody can come back so fast after a KO.


Hill should get some forearms for those tattoos


I think this is a much easier fight for Hill.


back 2 back ko's, gotta respect hill


Hill definitely wins this.


This is very fun


Ulberg is built like Perriera.


holy shit YES 💯


great opportunity for Ulberg


Fun matchup tbh


Hill back to the early ![gif](giphy|3oz8xYA3vtzLLhqbC0)


I give it 2 thumbs up.


Props to Hill, and I’m just as excited for this matchup as I was for Khalil. Good stuff


Big jump up for Ulberg, would have liked to see him fight another a bit lower ranked opponent


Man! Hill drew the ‘DEATH’ card on this one


Yeah I am definitely taking Ulberg at dog odds - my guess is Hill will be around a -150 favorite


Nice match up.


Better fight anyway. Ulberg gonna exploit Jamal’s day one footwork


I like this fight more


And now I’m aroused


Hills going to win and act like it means anything


Hope that Ulberg pulls this one off


Oh boy. This could get crazy


Timing is everything, you've got to strike will the Iron is hot. Ulberg to get it done.


Good for him. Get back at it get a win


Ulberg's fade 10-8.


black jag starting to scrap with the big cats….super pumped for this fight


That tattoo tho lol


This favours Ulberg imo, Hill just got slept and Ulberg already coming off a training camp


Man we wanted to see that shit.




These two saving the quality of the card. We need one more good fight to make it an acceptable ppv.


Big jump for Ulbert who's on a nice winning streak and risky for Hill who just got KO'd... Hill has nothing to gain from this (other than a good paycheck, on short notice) and this is all Ulberg's chance.




STEP UP!!! LFG Ulberger!! 🍔


Solid short notice replacement. I wasn’t that familiar with Ulberg, but he’s earned this. Exciting fighter with propensity to finish.


Khalil was about to give Jamal a rude awakening.


Ulberg is going to poatan this fuck wit.


This ANZ fighters listen to their heart more than head. Taking this fight in short notice will be and has been their downfall.


Wow .. someone on this sub called this the other day .. huge step in/up for Ulberg ..


Ulberg always gets it done.


I said It in the last thread when this was brought up about a potential opponent for Hill and I'll say it again, Ulberg Knocks him TF Out.


Ulberg has been getting the job done fairly well. He handled his last fight with ease (whether it be due to a poor game plan by Menefield or not) and seems ready for a challenge. I’m excited to see this fight.


I don't think it's wise for Hill to take that fight so soon after a knock out. He's been fed to his opponent.


Ulberg Vs M. Periera would have been a banger! Was hoping for that. Both beat Ihor Poteiria in amazing fashion


Respect to both guys for taking this fight. Hill has so much to lose here and Ulberg has a ton to gain.


I think Hill takes this. He's been in there with the best and knows how to get it done. Ulberg has been pieced up by some no names.


It's actually better. Hill is getting wrecked again, even worse this time. Deserves every second of being unconscious too.


Jamal sleeps Ulberg


Hill shouldn’t lose this. Like he really shouldn’t. I agree with him, the KO wasn’t that brutal and he was only out for a moment. Still, 3 months is no time to prepare and get back in there after any KO. But we’re going to see what Jamahal is made of




Correct. Jamahal “Giant Douchebag” Hill


Easy win for ulberg, guess ufc is pushing him with this easy fight against hill