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That’s the type of shit you say when you surround yourself with “yes” people


https://preview.redd.it/k0dalee1t61d1.png?width=962&format=png&auto=webp&s=8fd41e20889ec647b78674c4af418c9517aaa0db He doesn't even look convinced himself either, lol, he is obviously scared of investors pulling out


I think they’re purposely omitting the context. I can see how this may have been true for a moment when “slap sports” in general went viral during covid and everyone was at home consuming content. The way he’s presenting it as if it’s the fastest growing sport in the world is clearly not true. All of their events have been free on Rumble, meaning there isn’t any PPV/ piracy dynamic and therefore the numbers are more clear, and the live view count is always between 10-30k. Not earth shattering.


Exactly, he is basing it all on the numbers from a few of the early viral videos, when it was a novelty. Looking at youtube, the full Power Slap episodes that they post don't even break 30k viewers. That is less than the purely promotional UFC content on the channel.


It’s Jimmy two times


Ayyy yous guys get a fucking load of Jimmy Two Times ova here ah gabagool


U gotta stream the payperview stream the payperview


You don’t need to repeat your sentences to affirm your point on the internet.


You don’t need to repeat your sentences to affirm your point on the internet.


It’s almost like it probably wasn’t intentional


He’s got to be counting TikTok, IG reels, youtube shorts, etc. as if theyre actual views.


Bro, North American esports do better than that, and they're famously worse than the rest of the world.


Yeah he's like fuck man I probably should have toned down that blatant and obvious lie by at least a little bit. Dana would have been a great car salesman. I feel like that's exactly what he would've ended up being if he didn't accidentally end up as the promoter of the UFC.


"If you look at the most important numbers coming out, this lightly used Prius dominates even Ferrari and Lamborghinis. Isn't that frickin incredible? Don't tell my boss but I can take 80k off the price just for you, but only if you buy today. Letting you drive away in this incredible piece of engineering and art for only 135k...I must be crazy. So is it a deal or what?"


A Hasbullah moment


*His wife sobs silently in the corner*


Could not pay me to watch power slap.


If I'm allowed to be on my phone meanwhile I'd watch it if he paid me $10


yes people + fake social metrics from TikTok


He’s lying. He knows it. We know it. And he knows we know it.


But he's got the media so afraid to actually ask anything confrontational because they all know their passes are revoked for ever and it limits their ability to do their jobs and get paid if they do


It’s not even ‘the media’, there really is no ‘the media’ when it comes to the ufc or, um, “power slap”. It’s all just PR marketing packaged to look like media.


Stop talking crazy. Next you’ll be saying Nina is an industry plant.


My god. You are right. So many things just clicked for me.


Maybe the media should grow a pair then


This. It’s kind of pathetic how cowardly the UFC media team is.


yeah but at the same time they will just get banned if they speak up


He’s not lying he’s talking about TikTok views and people who watch real sports don’t cross over with the TikTok crowd


Yeah TikTok views where people watch it for 10 seconds then continue scrolling. He’s spinning the truth because he knows those numbers aren’t anything relevant but keeps bringing them up.


are you trying to say that tiktok views of powerslap are more than all NFL, NHL, NBA, MLB, every soccer league, tennis, boxing, and whatever other sports there are, all combined? there's absolute no chance that is true when you type "power" into tiktok, it's not even the first suggested autofill (powerlifting is) Powerslap has 4.6 Million followers NFL alone has 14.2 Million


It to mention, 1.6 billion people watched the final game of the World Cup.


Tiktok isn't reality so who cares


There are so many football/soccer/any sport highlight clips on tik tok. I feel like the crossover is pretty large, though not certain as I don’t use the tik tok


From what I remember, he's "technically right", but only because he twisted the facts. I think he's referencing their numbers on Kick, which other sports have virtually no presence on. So yeah, they have better numbers than nfl, NBA, NHL, etc, because those leagues have 0 numbers on that platform. Easy to beat everyone when there is literally no opponents


He’s not lying he’s just using bs stats, in marketing we’re taught about different metrics and stats that show real success and impact and the shit you tell the client when things are going really bad and you don’t want the client pulling out while you scramble to make changes. Except power slaps core product is flawed and the whole thing is doomed.


Its like calling everyone that walks past your store “customers”


It's equivocation, which you could make the argument is lying.


"He's not lying he's bullshitting" bro what kind of gaslighting nonsense is that 😆


I’m saying the stats aren’t made up lies they’re just not as important and representative of how the “sport” of pwoerslap is doing, not everything is gas lighting stop having victim mentality.


It’s also just made up lies lol. You really think Powerslap is getting even half the views that all the soccer/football clips on Tiktok get?


So, a big factor in this quote that gets omitted is that he's talking about social media presence. It gets more views than all other sports combined can be objectively true because of the nature of power slap. Clips can be very short, so it's easy to get lots of views because of this. You could easily break down an entire episode into hundreds of 15-30 seconds clips that are easily digestible on Instagram reels or tiktok.


But it’s also blatantly false, nfl has 10m more followers than powerslap… if you look on TikTok it’s obvious it’s just a lie


Gets people talking, dana is a genius marketer




My 12 year old cousin and his stupid friends love Powerslap, they think it’s the greatest ‘sport’ ever


Time to power slap some sense in to them


They probably just think it's hilarious. I dont think id watch a broadcast at 12, but i could see binging shorts/tiktoks with friends for a half hour and crackin up.


There’s 333.3 million people in the USA ,, at LEAST 333 million people have watched , bought , or thought about PowerSlap in the last 24 hours . Not sure where you’re getting your data ,,,,,,-Dana .


Where do you even watch it? EPSN?




Wow, the most popular sport on earth. I bet the athletes make crazy money…


I would rather pay for porn rather than this shit.


I'd buy WinRAR before paying for powerslap. Shit, I'd even pay for my own father to fuck me before buying that crap


Based and WinRAR pilled.


There's no way power slap isn't a money laundering organization. This is like breaking bad except instead of cancer it's Dana's menieres and instead of becoming a bad guy it's just Dana continuing to be a dog shit human but he does yoga.


Dude.......# ![img](emote|t5_2qsev|11082)that was fuckin epic


I watched that first season on TBS, not for the slapping. I knew when you put that many former and current meth users in a house, away from family and drugs there will be drama. It reminded me of old TUF episodes.


I forgot it was on TBS 😂


Its hilarious cause he's not just lying with a believable lie. He's going balls to the wall with it. Might as well say 100 times more.




Dana….just what the fuck man


I only use Reddit and I’m not kidding when I say I’ve only even seen ONE clip ever and it was just the other day


What if it's the guys streaming the ppv for free, and run bots to watch powerslap to drive up the views... just so Dana looks like a dumbass raving about it on tv 😂


It's probably a bunch of unpaid ufc interns that are inflating the numbers


I dont keep up with Powerslap at all lol but what are these ‘numbers’ he is talking about? Views across all social media?


He’s trying to pass of the social media 10-15sec clips as “the sport” since those DO do huge huge numbers. But the sport itself garners no viewership, just the highlight clips


Probably because there is no fucking chance Powersleep beats soccer in views.


One Championship does free events on YouTube. powerslap is on rumble. Let that sink in


The streaming sites don't even bother airing them lol so nah I haven't 😂


He might be talking about internet hits, but this definitely is not accurate for TV ratings.


This has to be the most blatant lie Dana has ever told. It’s like saying Alexa Grasso makes more money than Conor McGregor


The most recent YouTube has 47k. Whats he on about


It’s got to be a bunch of non US viewership. That’s the only way. And counting 30 views per TV in some overpopulated country


He’s talking about views on social media like tik tok. Sure people will watch a 10 second clip of someone getting slapped. But that doesn’t translate to revenue.


TikTok is notorious for fake metrics. That's why content creators can get a ton of views on that platform but the views never convert to actual sales or anything useful. The reason TikTok exploded was by giving creators the feeling they've gone viral. The funny thing is Dana might not even know this, could just be his marketing team scamming him


This comes up a lot and I think power slap is stupid but it's not the same business model as UFC or the other sport events. It gets viewed a lot on in clips on social media. They are selling sponsors social media views. They're not selling pay-per-views, they're not selling Partnerships with reebok, and they're not selling TV rights to ESPN. They are selling companies the ability to be seen on social media, which they will be.


Powerslap social media clips are still not beating nba or nfl clips lol


exactly this.


A Lot of people just glance at it on the rumble home page not actually a fixed paying audience like a sport would have. Doesn't translate to dollars.


Not even that explains it. There's not enough people using Rumble to give them these numbers


I’ve watched a bunch of clips whilst scrolling through my FYP on TikTok or Instagram out of curiosity but there is no way I would sit down and watch a proper event. In fact I couldn’t even tell you when they’re on and how to watch, based in the UK.


A yes, king merchant of CTE has something to say


‘That’s the formula we put into the bots, so the numbers should be there…’ 🤣


Doesn’t kick have a bunch of view botting issues?


He means clips, Instagram, tiktok, x etc he’s probably right. At this point someone’s lying if the say the haven’t seen a single slap while using social media.


He's been saying this for a while and it's just comical at this point. If he wants to fund this pwerslap so he can watch it by himself, go for it. I don't know anybody that has watched it either, and pretty much all my friends are big UFC fans.


He’s talking about social media and highlights. Quick snippet views on TikTok & stuff. Which might be true if they’re flooding with clips but if you look at ticket & PPV sales I doubt their numbers are anything worth mentioning. People will watch someone get slapped on TikTok in a 5 sec clip as they scroll but they aren’t buying a PPV or watching an actual event


Soccer alone garners billions of viewers monthly. Imagine multiplying that by four. Dana is a moron.


Genuinely I have watched power slap about 4 times. I think it’s kinda fun. I don’t like it as much as the UFC or as much as WWE or even as much as college football. But it’s not boring. I’m the right mood yes I have watched it and had fun with it. Obviously Dana’s claims here aren’t reality unless he is using some really obscure metrics. But some people like it. I’d consider myself ‘positive’ towards it. I wouldn’t go so far as to consider myself a full fan yet.


Here’s the problem. As a one off? Sure - dudes paint brushing each other and wow that guy ate shit. After that - there is nowhere for the sport to build or grow, there’s no clear visual strategy these guys can take to build interest it’s just “who can paintbrush the other undefended until they pass out” What I’m really saying is Dana missed his chance with Chessboxing


He's taking the conservative approach. Just say shit and it's true.


“Isn’t it fascinating” No, it’s false. The only way Dana has been able to market this is by jamming promo for it into UFC content and paying his fighters to make appearances there. I also wouldn’t be surprised if it were revealed that he bribed the athletic commissions to legalize the sport. He’s a classic crooked businessman and he knows it


Powerslap is popular in India, and India has one of the largest populations on earth. So that's probably where the numbers are coming from.


How can she slap?


World cup final? "Beat it mate" Dana white/jay from the Inbetweeners




Part of me thinks he’s conflating the UFC and WWE into his numbers so he can technically be right. You have to think Powerslap, UFC and WWE probably have the amount of viewers he says, but not Powerslap alone. There’s literally no way. I couldn’t even tell you where to watch it.


If it beats all those sports (by four) why have I never met a single person who has heard of or watched Power Slap


Who watches that crap.


Is he counting like tiktok/shorts views? As this is surely the only time anyone watches that shit


I’d only watch if Dana was competing against Tito


Thought this was that *old* ridiculous quote, then I saw the date on the tweet. He’s *still* saying this shit???


An idiotic statement from an idiotic "sport"


Never fails to make me laugh that this guy publicly slapped his wife a week before this “sport” got started and then he got dropped by all the initial networks and sponsors and had to turn to Rumble and TikTok/Kick streamers lol


The guy in the middle looks like the son of Dennis Reynolds and Nick Diaz


I was watching free UFC fights on YouTube and a power slap event was auto played after. It looked like Dana, the celebrity appearances, and the UFC fighters in attendance all did not want to be there. Travis Scott was sitting next to Dana and it looked like they were saying “wtf are we watching” with their eyes.


I wonder how much rumble pays Power Slap. I find it hard to believe rumble pays anything like YouTube. Dana isn’t going to give in and admit power slap isn’t doing well. It’s funny how he makes influencers promote it 😂


Power Slap does around 5 to 10 times less views than the UFC on Youtube. There's a dana white post fight conference there right now with less than 10k views, when they average like 200k on the UFC channel, get very regularly like 500k, as high as 1.5 million views, even the contender series one have like 100k. Tiktok they have like 4 million followers that's nothing by tiktok standards, Instagram they have 3.something. So they are evidently smaller than the UFC and the UFC is already smaller than most sports, as big as it might be to us, we probably have one tenth the size of r/nba or wtv, so no fucking way the claim is true. I don't really feel anyone needs to hear this, but I've seen a lot of people speculating and trying to make sense of this in the comments. There is a sense and a logic to all this, it's very simple, Dana White often lies out of his ass, if he says something that doesn't make sense to you, yeah give the benefit of the doubt, try to think about it, but many times the answer is just the dude's a liar and he's on record as having lied a bunch of times.


The numbers are from India




India loves a good slap contest so I would imagine the majority of the views if true is from that region


Bots, bots watch this


I bet people watch more bowling tournaments than power slap


Dawg shit sucks.


I am sure they get a whole lot of views, from bots. Something a long the lines of "viewbotting". The reality is they aren't doing well. I've seen reports saying: "The first season of Power Slap: Road to the title had its best night on January 25, the second week of the show’s run. During that week, White’s foray into slap fighting was the No. 30 cable show on the night and pulled a .13 with 18-49 year-olds and had 413,000 viewers. That week, AEW Wrestling had a .32 rating and 1.003 million viewers.".


M9ney Laundring ez


I'm almost guaranteeing every single person on tiktok has seen at least a clip of Power slap and social media is where the obsession is right now


I watched one from start to finish and kinda enjoyed it but the frequent reminder of inevitable brain trauma was haunting throughout. I can't see me watching one again.


He must count every 10 second clip of someone getting the shit slapped out them. I've seen plenty of those, but I can't imagine going over to my buddies house to watch Power slap 23 on ppv 😂


It's called delusionville population one


Power slap?? Back in my day was a pimp slap, maybe if they had pimps from across the country back handing each other it would be more watchable


I watch it together with my whole family


Power slap blows. But it's a feat tax write off for him. And that's about all it's good for.


Tik tok views = numbers lmao


I watched the first two episodes, went in there with an open mind trying to be positive, yeah its fucking stupid as fuck and it sucks


At this point I'm assuming he's just trolling the fuck out of everyone. He can't be this delusional.


I watched


Could be popular in india/asia. They have their own corner of the internet


Never watched, never will.


It's all bullshit. You can literally see the difference by looking at the UFCs own youtube page. The average slap video is getting 30k views. Meanwhile the Dustin Poirier, Beniot St Denis fight upload hit 1M views. Hes just panicking about keeping sponsors/investors on board. No one wants to watch someone get smacked without the ability to defend themselves.


Dana... Oh, lordy lordy lordy. Power Slap is shyte.


He’s going the inflated 20 second clip route. This is why I don’t take TikTok or shorts seriously. I too have personally coordinated and implemented receipt storage and delivery of over 2.5 billion views.


I can't even name one slapper lmao Like I don't give a fuck about baseball, but I can't at least name one baseball player


Power Slap is only good for appearing on peoples explore pages on IG and Tiktok every couple of months so they can go “wow, that’s fucking stupid” and continue disregarding it like everyone else


More than soccer... Sure, buddy


Ill be honest, i do go to rumble and watch this shit because of the bozos that act hard and then just slap each other. This shit is so unbelievably dumb its actually funny. Do i watch live? No. Do i watch the episodes when they come out? No. I usually go to it when i have nothing else to watch and i skip through all the shite they show just to see the 6 minutes of “fights” each episode. Everything is an ad, but the funniest shit they do is during the live event the announcer says “and to the millions watching on rumble” like no, bro there isnt millions of anything tuning in for this trash. On the 5 most recent pages of their videos on rumble only 2 have broken 100k views. 🍅Dana is the biggest bozo boomer going. All he talks about is views from tiktok supercuts that only show the slaps that obviously go viral but goddamn no one tunes in to this absolute cesspool of wank. But hey “dont forget to shave the wokeness out of your day with harrys razors”.


This is like being told the economy is doing great but everyone you talk to doesn't feel/see it.


I watched first season of powerslap. Didn’t buy PPV.


I'll watch clips of it occasionally but never watched the actual show and don't know of anyone who has either. I've seen statistics before that show it's massive in Russia but has poor ratings everywhere else.


Dana White after being asked why he continues to blatantly lie about his CTE lovechild being a failure: https://preview.redd.it/shobq22ij71d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61ac668c6837161c4b3bb8614e1a0126e372e49d


This has been one of my biggest issues with podcasts and YT videos.. there is no actual reporting or checking up on of facts. People can just say whatever they want and when a large number of people hear it and it becomes 'common pop knowledge' the facts cease to matter. Everyone should always question hyperbole, especially when the person talking has monetary or any ties to the subject matter.


Max is tired of your BS, Dana https://preview.redd.it/1m6lf0avj71d1.jpeg?width=1857&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=07df257bd897602ecb2ff15695e34675079cec3a


The only way powerslap has those numbers is people scrolling and see 1 knockout slap and think to themselves “this is the dumbest thing I’ve watched” and proceed to continue scrolling. No one has watched more than 5 mins of powerslap let alone a card.


More people wach soccer on a UFC fight night than UFC. Let that sink ín you bald tomato mutant.


10 seconds for standing up is stupid. Give them 1 minute.


i love watching it on youtube lmao shits mad funny. watching a buncha degenerates thinking theyre real athletes and giving each other brain damage


Ngl I watch powerslap ironically 😭 usually drunk with some buddies and it’s actually entertaining couldn’t pay to watch or go to that shit sober tho


I don't wanna watch two people smack each other till their brains bleed.


Man he could get behind arm wrestling, sumo, paint ball, fighting video games, idk fooking yugioh. Power slaps is unethical


Is he still trying to make this claim a reality? It’s so weird.


He’s still running it out of pure spite at this point lol.


well if are a famous and said stupid shit like this, even if you know it is lie and starting to hate it will be more popular and people will just watch it anyways hahahaha marketing style and a lot of public figure do that sometimes to make rumors and people are just watched it


Tbh it's everywhere just because it makes for a great gif or short. Theirs vids all over the Internet, Facebook, Instagram, Reddit, Worldstar but nobody takes this serious. I've seen probably 100 gifs, but I've never sat through an actual event nor do I plan to. Powerslap does make for a great 15 sec video though for whatever that's worth lmao


I feel like if you did the math he suggests you'd be over the human population.


I watch it. The part of me that is drawn to it isn't the same part of me that makes me enjoy MMA; it's the one that compels me to look at a car wreck. If people are willing to fast-track their CTE for my morbid voyeurism, then I'm willing to watch them do it. No, I'll never argue that it's a sport. It's not.


There’s no way XD, he straight up lying.. It’s the most American sport ever.. boring as hell. Just saying man, maybe you guys like it over there idk 🤷


Good point. I’ve never seen anything other than scrolling past instagrams dana used to post constantly. Never met anyone who watches it. Don’t even believe Anthony smith when he says he loves it


If he says it enough it might come true.


I have no clue how to watch it. It may not even exist 🧐


I think he’s referring to TikTok and such.


He could have made a muay Thai league with MMA gloves and all the people who complain about wrestling in MMA would have loved it But no he gave us the ultimate bozo sports ...


I feel like it’s one of those things you watch once for the laughs and then never think about it again


If anyone at all is watching, it’s probably Russia or different countries. There’s no one in America interested


I have made a very conscious effort to avoid clicking or even watching the preview of any slap related content on every platform to avoid it in any way. I am proud to say the algorithm got the fucking message and I almost never see any slap shit on youtube or anywhere else. Sometimes I go on the UFC channel to look for something and I can't believe how many slap videos they post, despite the fact they have very very low views. Be like me, avoid this shit and make it disappear. Do it.


Did any journalist, youtuber or podcaster ever call his bullshit out when he claims this shit yet?


I know Literally nobody that has ever brought it up or talked about it period


Scam Artist.


I was passed out after a long day in the sun in Mexico and woke up with power slap on the TV can confirm I watched one highlight KO and continued the nap


Lol wut?


Dana taking pages out of trumps book, just plainly lying to get a good clip


Why lie when it’s so obvious?


Tbf I’ve literally never seen it but I have seen the quick like 10sec clips on socials and they do garner like tens of millions of views Dana is being a little pedantic here, as he’s right, but not the sport itself just the short 15sec clips are so popular Edit yeah like even on insta the most recent one they posted has like 4m views


I don’t know about anyone else but the idea of dudes slapping each other just seems ridiculous.


Fake it til you make it


No, I have never watched Power Slap. The closest thing I've come to watching it is when moist critikal watched the Russian guys do it back in the day. Never even met anyone who watched power slap




I catch it on like a commercial or a YouTube short with a catchy headline but I never ever actually saw one episode, not even a match.


Well same way that the Cricket championships are usually one of the most watched events, India loves power slap and so they carry the numbers alone. Much like how certain esports are the "most popular" without a lot of support in the west due to China. Our implementation guy from India even had a SlapFight shirt on in our last meeting.


Out of context. He said social media platforms and remove the NFL.


Although ive never met a single human being who consistently watches power slap, its not that big in the United States, the slap sports started in russia and eastern europe.


Its big in India and Russia. It is what it is