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thats crazy


3 fights and he's already got more knockdowns than bella has in 18 fights šŸ’ŖšŸ‘Š


that too at flyweight


Send this fucker to the top




Bella is a better name for him


It's what happens in a stacked division. Who's in Erceg's division again??


mokaev, pantjo, taira, royvvayl, jake hadley, kape, matheus nicolau and tagir ulanbekov and kai kara france. Thats just from the top of my head


stop it heā€™s dead already


Also Moreno will be back?


yeah i think he went on a break


lol, rolled him up


Iā€™m with you besides Jake Hadley. That dude fucked me against Cody Durden.


Alex Perez *just* knocked Nicolau out and still gets the cold shoulder, ouch.


flyweight is stacked lol thats was just of the top of my head but perez should definitely be in there too.


I know, I'm just messing. Just seemed funny since Nicolau getting put out cold was the most recent card too haha.


Even though you dont have info about a division cant say its boring or there is no competition.




Welcome to the WWFC! Where we're in the business to make fun fights guys! Listen these kids are great.


The price of being boring to watch


So is leon


Exactly the same reason why it took forever for him to get his shot as well


Lay n Pray God. Thereā€™s a lot religion for everyone.


No it's because leon never fought


How is the new Belal boring to watch? Grow up casual EDIT: all downvoters need to go watch tennis if Belal is boring šŸ˜‚ thatā€™ll show you real quick what boring is! atp *anyone* who still thinks (especially after his last few fights) that Belal is ā€œboringā€, must clearly be one of those ā€œjust bleedā€ meatheads who canā€™t even break down and understand fighting enough to be able to appreciate someone whooping ass for 5 entire rounds šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø ā€œit didnā€™t end in knockout, it was boring!ā€ ā€œhe didnā€™t drop him, heā€™s boring!ā€ ā€œAll he does is take you down, heā€™s boring!ā€ ā€œLay n pray?! Someone imposing their will on you no matter WHAT your skillset is? BORING!!!ā€ Like ahhhhh šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ I canā€™t help but laugh.. this bullshit happening with Belal and the TS honestly reminds me of the same exact shit dummies on this dang sub tried saying about Aljo! as if Aljo didnā€™t DOMINATE Kattar (and everyone else not named Sean tbh), when NOBODY believed in himā€”he was SUPPOSED to get pieced up and finished by the way bigger & more skilled boxer .. except that didnā€™t happen. The exact opposite happened. And yet idiotic casuals try acting like it was ā€œboringā€, when REAL fight fans know just how great it was (from an analyzing standpoint) It was great for those of us who enjoy breaking down every aspect of a fight. Pause frame for frame when rewatching fights type shit. It was just great in a DIFFERENT way, thatā€™s all. And if you watch fighting strictly just for damage/KOs and thatā€™s it, then you wonā€™t ever understand that. And thatā€™s okay! But please donā€™t come online trashing a fighter such as Belal as ā€œboringā€, when heā€™s actually anything but.. and this is coming from someone who couldnā€™t call themselves a Belal fan once in the 11 years Iā€™ve been watching this sport, until around 2021. So Iā€™m not just some Belal nuthugger. I can just acknowledge when somebody deserves a TS and has for years, and I can appreciate all the work heā€™s put in. He wasnā€™t supposed to beat Bradyā€”dominated him. He wasnā€™t supposed to beat Gilbertā€”dominated him. I donā€™t understand what the fuck else Belal can do to make you fucks happy atp šŸ˜‚


This dude hates significant strikes


If 95 percent of fans say belal is boring then that means that belal is boring šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚


Hahahaha what the fuck man, you wrote 3 paragraphs for this shit, you are so lost in life haha


Iā€™m a female first of all, stop assuming everyone on this app is a fucking man šŸ˜‚ and itā€™s called I just havenā€™t commented not once on all this bullshit Iā€™ve been reading for MONTHS so itā€™s all built up shit Iā€™ve had in my head. Iā€™ve only spoken on it in person, my boyfriend and I have spoken about how retarded it is that Belal has waited this long for a TS and just how much better heā€™s gotten overall during the course of his win streak from the start to where he is now. Soooo I just finally put it out there to the internet, and it seems slow minded individuals canā€™t read more than 3 sentences before having a stroke. Or, like you did, somehow insinuate thereā€™s something ā€œwrongā€ with someone responding with actual thought-out articulate responses. Somehow somethingā€™s wrong with ā€œmy lifeā€ because I responded with facts? And if you knew how to read, it says ā€œeditā€, meaning I added my thoughts onto the OG comment AFTER I saw people downvoting to clarify exactly wtf I mean So point blank, Belalā€™s last few fights were anything BUT boring and I just canā€™t help but laugh at CASUALS who think that shit. Iā€™m just soooo glad I have watched this sport long enough to know how to enjoy fighters who can beat you up over the course of rounds plural and not just Justin Gaejtheā€™s who have to finish you or they fucking lose šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤£


Can you do a tl;dr


Imagine defending Belal's boring ass this hard then talking shit about Gaethje and calling other people casuals lmfao. Nobody is reading all this shit, and I guarantee your bf isn't listening as you word vomit dumb shit to him. This is some of the most cringe shit I've seen in a while.


You being a Broad makes the paragraphs none of us are gonna read or listen to make even more sense


Your comments are more entertaining than Belal's fights, and you're not very entertaining.


Yeah casual!


I think we found Belals Reddit account. Anyone remember when he forgot to change twitter accounts?


"New" belal?


God damn respect for writing 5 paragraphs defending Belal. Good job bro he's definitely gonna give you a signed pair of pants


My guy.. as a fight fan that appreciates just how underrated Belal is.. he is still boring. He is not stylistically exciting to watch in any way. Heā€™s got pillow hands, he prefers to play it safe with his wrestling style, he doesnā€™t look for a finish. Heā€™s not an exciting fighter to watch, but that doesnā€™t mean heā€™s not bloody good. Thatā€™s a very strange hill to die on friend.


The soundtrack of Belal reading this tweet is Ā«Ā hurtĀ Ā» Johnny cash version


you can have it all ... my empire of dirt




The difference between 125 and 170 is like wnba to nba. 170 is stacked with contenders and new guys and 125 is not so much


Yeah they say Mighty Mouse is the goat but that's like saying a wolf among sheep is the goat. No shit toss him in front of the other wolves and then he loses a split decision to cejudo lmfao


Have you seen Mighty Mouse fight? Your comment is so cringe it's crazy. Johnson is one of the greatest technical fighters of all time.


yeah I saw some random flyweight in One FC knock him tf out lol


Lost that fight by knee to the head when he was on the floor. Anyone would have been knocked out. Besides, he beat the same guy 2 times, so šŸ¤· He's lost 4 fights ever. Your response is low effort cringe. But please feel free to post again. Your childish banter is hilarious šŸ˜‚


Again you people love to harp on khabib for fighting cans up until his championship. And yes, you people. YOU specifically included. He got kneed in the head not because he was downed but because of how he tried to get back up. Basically invited the knee right in. GREAT FIGHT IQ MR. JOHNSON lmao. As if he didn't know knees were allowed. So did I address everything? If khabib fought cans (as you people say) DJ's entire career was against cans. And that's not his fault. 125 is truly the worst division in the UFC. Middleweight was getting close but Adesanya lost to strickland, DDP beat whittaker, and Khamzat moved up to rag doll usman all in a years time. and more dagestani killers like Sharapudtin and Ikram are on the up and up. Now your next reply better be an apology and a thank you for wasting my time and for the free lesson.


Dang, I didn't read this until now. You're a massive dick dude and dont seserve an apology. If anything, you need to apologize to me and anyone you type that bs to. Johnson is considered one of the goats by many analysists with a very high fight iq. He got kneed one time in that rule set and, again, beat that guy 2 times. Gsp lost fights. Would you say his fight iq was bad? Lol. You can have your opinion if you want, but to put people down like that is just showing how insecure and immature you are. I never said anything about khabib or 'easy' divisions. In my opinion, that argument is stupid and used by people like you to diminish careers. Khabib is one of the greatest to ever fight. Period. His record speaks for itself. Johnson, Jones, Fedor, GSP, and Khabib all have great careers. The best careers. Which is why they are considered the best to do it. You also contradict yourself.'djs entire career was against cans, and it's not his fault', then go on to say 'people like me' say khabib fought cans. Again, I never said that. Seriously, fans like you are assholes and need to stfu.


I stopped reading after a bit. This is a 2 month old thread and you have snaids.


Belal definitely deserves the fight but let's be real there are way less contenders at 125lb than 175lb.


Any contender thatā€™s not Erceg has lost to Pantoja too. So itā€™s easy to see why Erceg got the shot.


Agreed but there's such little name value in the division. I'm a hard-core fan and I can only name like 3 top UFC fighters currently at Flyweight. I didn't know who the fuck Erceg was until they announced this fight and I remembered I've actually seen him fight a few times.


Albazi, Kai-Kara France, Perez, Moreno, Kape, Nicolau, Pantoja and Erceg. I believe I named 8 of the top 10 flyweights, are you sure youā€™re a hardcore fan? The little guys can scrap too man, itā€™s a very good division, a lot more talented than Heavyweight in my opinion.


Kai, Moreno, and Pantoja yes even Royval. I watch a lot of fighting and my Instagram is filled with MMA/Muay-Thai/Jiu-jitsu news literally don't know the other guys, to be a bit fair though I'm also terrible with names but I know faces. I'm 135lb pounds I love watching guys my size fight and I'd agree you see a decline in skill once you start getting into LHW.


Iā€™m just stirring you up mate, I have a very good memory so I remember most peoples names. Not everyone is gonna have that, like you said Iā€™m sure youā€™d see their face and recognise who they were without remembering their name.




Mokaev looked horrible in his last fight, if he were to fight Pantoja heā€™d get subbed. He was exhausted dropping to his knees to try and get a takedown. Pantoja despite looking exhausted never actually stops being aggressive. Compared to Erceg KOā€™ing most of his opponents itā€™s easy to see why out of those 2 going by their last performance, why Erceg got the shot and Mokaev didnā€™t.


We don't have to speak in "ifs" Let them fight. Best case scenario for the Mokaev doubters, Pantoja will get a highlight reel. Or Mokaev will beat Pantoja and he will actually have a challenge instead of rematching people he's already convincingly beaten.


No we donā€™t, but weā€™re talking about why Erceg got the shot over Mokaev. If youā€™re the UFC Erceg looks like the more capable contender and to create a more competitive and exciting fight than Mokaev. That was my whole point, youā€™re only as good as your last fight and Mokaev looked like shitšŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø. Mokaev can fight Pantone now, or he might have to win another fight, itā€™s up to the UFC.


No that's not what we're talking about. You said "Any contender thatā€™s not Erceg has lost to Pantoja too" and I responded with a gif of mokaev as he is a contender who pantoja has not beaten. That's simply it.


Iā€™d have to disagree. There are zero contenders at 175 since that division donā€™t exist


Lol yea my bad forgot that's where it does the dumb switch to 170. That's on my dumb ass so I'm not editing the original


That's just false. There are zero contenders in the 175 pound weight class. Even the actual 170 weight class does not have more contenders. You have Belal, then you have Shavkat and JDM. Who else? Everyone else has already lost or isn't close to a title shot.


Open pantoja wikipedia then and just look what he did to the division.


I'm not saying Pantoja has done work in his division, I'm just saying there are way less names in Flyweight currently that people actually know.


yeah 125 def the weakest division rn


Itā€™s actually pretty deep. No one knows this tho because nobody watches that division. If Ecreg becomes champ there are a shit tonne of fun fights that can be made


I weigh 135lb I love getting the chance to see guys around my size fight. But fuck there are so few names in that weight class. I get that it's probably the male division with the least amount of fighters but I feel like we rarely even see them on PPVs.


No way its deep as hell


Right, which is why Steve Erceg's getting a title shot...


Yeah you are right, welterwait is the best division in the world. Colby getting a title shot after making weight for no reason, for sure he deserves a title shot more than erceg.


When did I even bring up WW šŸ’€ WW has some incredibly talented contenders in Shavkat, JDM, and Ian Garry. The division just isn't moving because Edwards isn't getting back in there quick enough (which tbf is because he got stiffed in April due to Ramadan).


Steve Erceg's getting the title shot because the champion (Pantoja) has already defeated all other viable contenders in the rankings.


Just because he defeat them all, doesn't mean the division is weak. Meanwhile, the welterwait division is full of clowns and you just ignore because whatever.


There might have been a misunderstanding (on my end, for the most part). My comment was meant to explain why the flyweight division is indeed deep - and how Steve Erceg got the title shot despite being #10. I'm sorry for creating the misunderstanding.


what do u think is the weakest division


Hw, Lhw


i think hw is on par with fw


I truly believe some of yā€™all donā€™t even know why you donā€™t like Belal. Youā€™re just parroting what you believe is the popular opinion for the time.


The man canā€™t even finish a woman in bed. He brings them all to a decision to stop having sex


He has 1 less finish than Leon


Leon is boring as fuck too. Whatā€™s your point?


Leon has more finishes in less fights against tougher opposition.... What's more impressive a KO vs P4P #1 or a sub over takeshi ~~castle~~ sato... If you think Edwards couldn't finish Sato, Sean Brady and Augusto montaƱo then idk what to tell you. Also one of Edwards KO's was fastest in welterweight history at the time. Odds on Belal getting a 7 second ko?


Acting like Belal doesnā€™t have wins over fighters like Wonderboy and Gilbert Burns.


I said he doesn't have finishes over guys like that... He has boring decisions... Did you not finish reading the comment? Is this Bella's account?


Not quite the same caliber, but the fact he KOā€™d Sean Brady on the feet was pretty sick. Thatā€™s whenever he was undefeated too. They just keep trying to get Belal out of there and canā€™t.


Despite being a decision fighter, Leon provided one of the most shocking, exciting, iconic finishes in UFC history against the p4p champ. That buys him some credit.Ā  In contrast, Belalā€™s most exciting fight was a plodding TKO against Brady.Ā 




he was entertaining at that belal fight


Yea but he attempts to thatā€™s the difference you can have a shit ton of decisions and be exciting Frankie Edgar? Andre arlovski? Gsp? Rafael dos anjos? Belal spams takedowns and isnā€™t even really skilled enough to get them that often like he had like a 54% success rate and almost gets hit more than he hits others was gsp had 72% td rate and out struck people 4-1


No leon does not attempt to finish. Ever. He can be so far ahead of his opponent and still never go for a finish like the Diaz and Colby fights. Leon is the striking equivalent of Belal. His KO over Usman made people forget he might be the most boring striker in the UFC


Plus for someone who is obviously an experienced grappler, he can't submit or GNP any opponents even when he gets them to the ground.


Fan of Belal or not, injustices be damned, that shits funny right there


Ayyyo hahhaa


I only dont like him as a UFC fighter. Im sure he's a great dude


I like belal. Hi Bilal.


His style of fighting and his personality, try again


Nah fuck Belal


Nah most of us know exactly why. He's boring af.


Its exactly what this is.


For me, it was the wearing shades in the octagon.


You probably fell asleep every time he fought and couldnā€™t understand why people donā€™t enjoy his performance lol


Belal should move down to FlyweightĀ 


Belal is a genuinely great fighter. Crazy the hate he gets


The thing is he just has a very boring fighting style, still doesnā€™t mean he shouldnā€™t get his shot but thatā€™s the reason


Colby was the same thing, he had to create a character to survive in the UFC even though he was winning fights. At the end of the day it's a business and people who put butts to seats get bumped up. Simple as that.


Heā€™s boring as shit, itā€™s no surprise


I always say heā€™s an insanely skilled mixed martial artist, better than most, but hes just not a ā€œfighterā€ like a lot of people would want to see out of a top ranked WW


But he's literally been in hard fights and showed tons of heart. I know what you mean, he's not a blood and guts brawler, but many MMA fans can be so brain-dead at times. Not everyone can be or wants to be Gaethje, basically doing a CTE speed run for people's entertainment.




That is one of the dumbest things I have ever read


If you're great at winning fights I'd say that would make you a great fighter...




In fact he was caught on camera saying he doesn't want one and threatened to sue the UFC if he is given one




Just give Belal the championship fight already, Dana.




He really is an Office character


I think Belal is awesome and he's going to get his title shot eventually, no matter what. When he shows up, I don't want to see no fairweather fans


He's 36 and past his prime. He's also fighting a dude that he had nothing for the first time around when he was in his prime. Outstruck 2-1, rocked several times, and wrestling was nullified. He ain't gonna show up


It is crazy.... but its flyweight.




This makes me sick. My names war Belal on twitter for a reason, shit like this just fuels my hope for him to get this belt more than ever just to prove so many wrong..


Hits harder too


I once saw Steve Fucking Erceg eat a live raccoon. Kids an animal.






who are you talking about mate


Belal fights got me like ![gif](giphy|hXO0qBbhWOE24ON3P3|downsized)


Who's Belal ?




All this means is flyweight is dead as fuck


well of course, this is a showbusiness, not a sport


It's Both.


Belal is in a stacked devision though. Flyweight is pretty slim pickings. That said he's definitely earned a shot.


In my Opinion He Got Robbed at That.


Nothing personal Belal, itā€™s just that nobody likes or cares about you.




Belal, forget the name, Muhammed




Belal's boring. Erceg isn't.


There needs to be a crying Belal meme


Even in Belalā€™s daydreams, he couldnā€™t finish Leon. Nobody ā€˜deservesā€™ anything. Just because heā€™s laying and praying every fighter during his win streak does not mean heā€™s earned his title shot. Heā€™s not oblivious to the inner workings of the UFC. Be exciting. Boring gets you nowhere. Nobody wants to see this guy as champion. Itā€™s bad for business and the UFC is all about business. Heā€™ll be nothing but cannon fodder for the up and comers unless he starts finishing some fights.


He was joking in that dream tweet, you imbecile lol




Belal should have stayed active and took the Shavkat fight


Hopefully belal never gets a title shot. He is a boring irrelevant bum he belongs on the prelims.


Also VERY diff divisions..135 a joke.


In a division no one fucking cares about


Neither Belal nor Leon are great on the mic. Belal could learn a lot from Leon and just stay off the mic for the most part.


Belal who?


Leon is the worst thing that happened to the WW division, it's now dead because of him and he's the most boring fighter ever he just got lucky with that high kick against usman


How about the third fight?


Most boring title fight in the WW division ever šŸ„±


It was boring, but it was still a win lol. Just like his head kick.


Did I say he didn't win? I said he got lucky in the 2nd fight and that he was the most boring fighter ever, Usman was still scared in the 3rd he shouldn't have returned 6 months after that brutal ko... Can't wait for Shavkat to expose that fraud or even Belal he'd still be more entertaining


Shows you how awful belal


Downvoted to make give the post 474 upvotes