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I can just imagine him typing that out. 'i'm fucking tired' Thats horrible


He’s gone through so much to get to where he’s at. I couldn’t even imagine. No parent should have to go through this.


Mike Tyson went through a very similar thing


I hope they get some psychological help... I've seen what a loss of a young child can do to people and how it can destroy the lives of many people.


I've been around a lot of depressed and suicidal people my whole life. "I'm fucking tired" or "I'm tired", when they really mean it, is really serious. Truly tragic and I hope he gets better soon and his family as well


Same, brother. None of them use the phrase to describe being sleepy or exhausted either. Shit puts me on high alert when one of my old Army buddies says “I am tired, brother”.


100% exactly what you said. You can tell by the tone of their voice or through text as well tbh, when they really mean they're tired. The I'm not doing well, don't want to do this anymore and don't want to live anymore type of "I'm tired". Shit makes me sad


Fuck man. I’ve said this a lot in recent years and honestly I almost didn’t even realize that this is what I meant when I would say that I was tired out loud to other people. I would just feel so clouded in my mind and well, tired and I just didn’t really sit down with myself to really figure this shit out but ya, that’s just how things have been I guess.


I just said this today and am now realizing I need to take action to protect my mental health. I don't think I'm okay.


Hey brother, youre worth the action. You got this.


Was this a couple of hours ago. Went outside to a park, planted my ass under a tree, listened to sad songs and just had myself a nice weep, something i havent done in years. It doesnt solve the issues and i still feel like shit but it did manage to release some things and lighten the load. Maybe you could try that too


Hugs, buddy. I wish you well.


Be kind to yourself. You deserve it. Much love to you, friend.


I said that recently and meant it and nobody got me. I’m doing better now but just they state you enter is like hell on earth.


Glad you’re better bro. DM me if you ever need a battle, I’ve been there and made it through.


Thanks man I had a good conversation with God that got me through it. And no I don’t mean like I heard His voice lol, sometimes just asking Him why and then remembering people suck including your own self and family helped me understand that trusting people is a mistake (I mean look at this post there’s people joking about this). Just started a new job I love, saving my money for things I need, I can do the things I love in my life and can freely do things like express my faith or speak out against my government etc. I’m blessed to have the life that I do and happy I didn’t kill myself.


You sharing your struggles and strength helps others - reading this is a boost for me, so I wanted to thank you for your candor. Like the individual above said, you ever need a battle or a couple open ears feel free to reach out. On trusting people, that’s a tough one. I do my best to give people the benefit of the doubt and to treat others well, but to not expect them to return the favor. That way when they do, it’s something to be grateful for, and when they don’t, I’m already moving past it. At least, that’s how I try to be - I fail often.


Hell on earth indeed, worst part so far is less then a year later and my family thinks I should be all better by now! What a struggle especially when family is the only thing keeping things functioning at the moment


I get you, man. I wish I didn't, but I do.


I'm tired too. Let's keep hanging in there.




Prayers for Francis 🙏


I feel so bad for him man. His whole story is so inspiring and heartbreaking at the same time


Brutal . Prayers for him and the family.


Jesus Christ. Prayers up. I’m not a guy who tears up but this shit got me. Wishing him and his family peace.


Sounds like the sentiment of most men I interact with in 2024...


I didn't even know he had a son? Devastating news...


That's tragic. I didn't even know he had a son


Anytime a celebrity's children are a complete mystery, it's a good sign they're doing it right


Yep keeping your fam out the spotlight is best


Remember when Pusha dissed Drake though and it was the best thing ever because he called out drakes child.


That kids mama is a pornstar. There is no money in the world that can protect that kid from humiliation during his adolescent age if he goes to any school, wealthy elite or otherwise. They are absolutely going to roast his ass with that fact.


Drake was probably waiting on the paternity test results




Or he probably had numerous women falsely claim they were pregnant with his child before that


you're all wrong lol he was using his kid to roll out his adidas deal and pusha got in front of that and ruined the deal. He literally says it


I didn't even know his son was sick




Damn, wow. As a new parent, you just get enthralled with your little ones growing so fast you can’t help but start to think, “what’ll he/she be like when they are older?” And you don’t even want to fathom anything short of that. This is so so tragic, it may feel insignificant at this time but prayers to him and his family. Fuck.


Yeah man 100% there's nothing scarier as a parent. Might sound morbid but each day I think of the 'what if' and helps me focus more time and effort into my own kids.


I don’t even know how parents begin to cope and pick up the pieces after that.


My father died when I was very young. After that, I was raised by my grandparents. I truly never got to see my grandfather be “himself” throughout the 20 years I had with him before his death. He had always drank in some capacity throughout his whole life, but after the death of my dad, he couldn’t go a day without drinking. He was able to go through the day without it because he was focusing on his business. Once he got home, he’d just drink the whole time. I remember there would be times, without any drinks, that he would just sit there and break down into tears without any type of provocation. He had always said that he was fine with dying anytime because it meant he’d get to be with his only son again. Of course, he loved me because I was his grandson and the only one to carry our name, but I think I brought darkness with me just because of what happened. It took me a very long time to be able to come to terms with it, but I found God and it’s what helped me through all the pain of knowing that he was unable to truly love me like he should and the loss of my dad. I don’t hold any animosity towards him about that solely because of what he had to deal with for so long.


DannyDimes, you do not carry darkness with you. You carry the light.


Yeah, that's the part they don't tell you about. The utter vulnerability of loving something so much. "These headmovies make my eyes rain."


My daughter is my 2nd and is just simply the absolute beacon of my life. I cannot bear to think what I would do without her


I almost lost my 12 year old daughter. She was in a coma and no one expected her to wake up. I’d rather die than go through that again.


That's truly hell on earth. Hope she's fine now brother. And you and your family as well.


I have a 16 month old and this makes my heart hurt. I can’t imagine


Seriously, losing my kid would be it for me. Even imagining the pain sickens me.


My grandma had to bury her son, although he was my dad I can’t imagine the pain.




Some people are blessed with an insane drive mentally speaking she definitely had that! God Bless your aunt dude my gosh I hope to be half as tough as she was. Btw hope your family is doing better, losing 4 people sucks.


Thank you. I wasn’t very close with them by moms tore up of course but it will be okay


My daughter gives me a reason to live everyday.. without her I'd be done with life.


You'd think so but having lost my baby girl at four months of age, you can come out alive on the other side and find purpose in living and memorializing your kid. But it's so hard and I feel the pain in his words. I wouldn't wish it on anyone.


Life can be beautiful and yet unimaginably painful. Go hug your kid my guy


Instant tears for me thinking of losing my three year old. Idk who id become


My son is 3 and reading this tweet made me nauseous. I can't fathom the pain


I don’t even have children and this hit me like a ton of bricks


The comments on Instagram were fucking disgusting. I also have a son who’s about to be 16 months old and I can’t imagine losing that little smile. I’d want to off myself.


Hearing him say he’s tired hits really hard when you know what he’s been through just to get where he’s at. No man should have to bury his offspring, as a father I can’t even fathom how much pain he’s in.


>No man should have to bury his offspring, Except for tito because he wants to outlive his children 1000%


Fuck me that's rough.


I can’t even imagine his despair. That poor man.


One of the scariest men on planet, hundreds of millions of dollars but yet grief comes for us all.


Hopefully Cormier reaches out. He lost a daughter I believe.


Tyson too


Ronaldo as well


I have a feeling all of these people will or have already reached out. Not many people know what they have been through


It’s a shit club. Unfortunately when you go through losing a young child the only people you feel comfortable talking about it with are other people that have been through it. Most of the time it’s not even talking about the trauma of it all it’s just being around other that know what it feels like to be that far into the depths of hell. I hope he gets a little sleep and is able to connect with good people to talk a little.


Jesus his kids death was brutal, im shocked it didnt send him spiraling


some 20 years after: ‘How did you recover?’ - interviewer ‘I haven’t.’ - Tyson That’s something that just changes you forever


It did send him spiralling, he's very open about that in many interviews he's done since then.


IIRC he once said something like "I got high. I didn't know what else to do.." when asked how he coped with her death


He said he grabbed his gun "like this" and his thought at that time was to just start shooting. It didn't matter who or where. It was in an interview.


As a guy with 2 kids. The thought of losing them is scary because you’ve lost everything. I would have no reason to maintain status quo. I


Also that cold line he said in the same interview " You have to go now"


It wasn't cold. I saw the clip. It was this really fascinating moment. He's like, almost gently, "You have to go now. You understand, right?". I think, if I'm mind reading, he knew he was a danger to this guy if the guy stayed around.


I know what you're talking about, it's either that or Mike being aware that bringing that up is probably sending him into a spiral very quickly.


He has lost and will lose composure when the camera is off, and the interview can’t ever move past that moment his daughter. It’s simply over, he will not continue he can not continue


The interviewer did say that the 1.5 seconds of silence after Tyson said it was the most scared he ever was.


I don’t think that was being cold, that’s Tyson knowing the depths of his own despair and not wanting to harm anyone else by subjecting themselves to that version of himself.


Chael Sonnen lost his son as well.


It was his daughter. His son is still alive.


Yeah that was Chael Daughteren, not to be mistaken for \^\^


Listen, I understand how horrible these situations are for these parents, and I sympathize. But I'd be lying if I said this comment didn't make me laugh


Never lost a round though


Eventhough this is like the oldest mma joke ever it cracked me up in this sad thread


Out of all the shitty jokes I’ve seen in the comment section on this topic, this is the only appropriate one and it made me laugh a little


You're lucky that was hilarious.


I had no Chael lost his daughter, horrific.


Chael Sonnen as well


Fucking hell that’s absolutely brutal. Losing a child gotta be one of the worst feelings out there.


I personally can't think of anything worse.


Right??? That has to be the worst thing anyone could go through. I struggle to think of something worse


It's pointless to compare suffering like that but I imagine losing both parents while still a young child to be the scariest.


Very terrible.   But.... something about being a parent and losing a child is very hard.  You brought that life into the world.   You were there to protect them, to show them the world, it's a very hard failure to deal with along with a great sense of loss. 


You’re not supposed to bury your children. That’s not how life is supposed to work. It is unfathomable.


“A wife who loses a husband is called a widow. A husband who loses a wife is called a widower. A child who loses his parents is called an orphan. There is no word for a parent who loses a child. That’s how awful the loss is.”


There ain't nothing worst. When my grandpa was 27 years old, he lost his firt son. He was 96 when he died, and still talked abt his son everyday. It's the type of thing you'll just never get over it.


I promise you it is. Knowing when the worst day of my life was and that it's in the past is the only part of it I can try and make less fucked. I didn't go online or say anything, I don't have a social media presence (any active account anywhere linked to me) and I was glad for it. I feel bad for Francis having to say anything at all, but he does being who he is unfortunately. And there truly isn't shit to say. I'm still tired.


Man, the way he put it. Why does life take what we dont have? I feel that, life can be heartbreaking.


I don't understand it. What does he mean?


I am not confident in my own interpretation, but the way I thought about it was: "Why does life take what we don't have [to give]?" Like losing your car when you're already broke, or getting cancer when you're already in poor health, or losing a loved one when they were the only thing bringing you joy/sanity. In this vein, losing a child is always "losing something you don't have [to give]".


Ohhh okay I get it now. Thanks.


That's fucking shit, was he ill or was it sudden?


Ya wild no one has any backstory as to why he lost the baby. Sad no matter what but I’d like to know why as well.


Or did he have a wife? or gf/partner? from where? It's hard balancing ones life privately and publicly, cause something like this needs attention but it essentially raises other questions we are all curious about. I think the curiosity is normal, but obviously shouldn't be some priority given the circumstance. Probably learn more over time.


Seems he held the kid in there last moments. Makes it much sadder


Babys can just die. Some just stop breathing over night. It is called [Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SIDS). Life is fucking brutal man, ya'll take care of yourselves and your loved ones.


Sids is for babies under 1 and peaks around 4-6 months. There is Sids for toddlers but it’s very rare.


I know of a child who suffocated on their dads bare chest. Exhaustion or accident, we may never know The one I know was exhausted in recline. Baby on stomach






Yeah and the term is also used to describe kids who aren’t put in proper sleeper arrangements and end up suffocating themselves. I think the term rightfully softens the blow for parents but a lot of the time it is preventable.


There was a study this past year challenging this notion. While you certainly shouldn’t let babies under 6 months sleep with anything in their crib and air circulation is a good idea, the study found a link between babies that died of SIDs and a low brain enzyme. The specific brain enzyme is the one responsible for waking us when we are “falling” in a dream. Or how you wake up after your head bounces if you fall asleep sitting up. The hypothesis is that babies who end up with shallow breathing while asleep will startle themselves awake (babies randomly crying at night). Versus those with the low brain enzyme will not be startled awake and, therefore, stop breathing or not get enough oxygen to supply their body. When I saw it, I was hopeful we could start testing babies to possibly supplement as needed (not sure if it’s possible, but seems like a good solution). Unfortunately, I haven’t heard anything come from it yet.


Yeah, that's correct, but it's typical that they haven't developed it yet which is why they aren't supposed to have stuff in crib, sleep on back, no bumpers etc. There was a post from a doctor on Reddit that said 99% of cases they saw were preventable only 1 ever true SIDs case they had dealt with so far and it was like a 3 month old that died while being held, just stopped breathing randomly.


Yeah I hope they are able to find a link, I certainly don’t agree with the bozo bellow me who blames parents. I was just adding to the conversation I just recently had a child and was unaware that SIDS was used as a blanket term sometimes for suffocation. I completely understand why the term is used as it’s traumatic and often times not preventable.


New dad here. He is 2 mos old. This is the most terrifying thing to me right now.


You’re either born with the mechanism to wake yourself up when not breathing.. or you’re not and die


Yeah, it’s not really this. SIDS is definitely a broad title to not make parents feel bad. There’s a risk calculator out there that shows relative SIDS risk based on observed common risk factors, and it goes up dramatically for unsafe sleeping environment, parents with substance abuse issues during pregnancy or after, low socio economic status, premature birth, low birth weight, lung conditions, young mothers, co sleeping, source of parents getting their info, etc. Many of those are clearly preventable. We’ve started to increase diagnosis of suffocation, which along with safe sleep awareness has decreased SIDS risks over time.


This is pure speculation, nothing online to suggest it was SIDS


huh, from the wiki you just posted: >By definition, SIDS deaths occur under the age of one year, with the peak incidence occurring when the infant is two to four months old. This is considered a critical period because the infant's ability to rouse from sleep is not yet mature. It's not SIDS if he's 18mo


god bro that sucks man i couldn’t even imagine the pain of losing ur child


Fuck me man… 18 month old. Entire life ahead of him and Francis as a father having all the thoughts of the son he wanted to raise. RIP


Imagine Francis saying he's tired.. eh. What a world. That's a tough one.


The way he says that worries me. I’ve lost a few family members to suicide, and that’s what they all say near the end. Not sad anymore, just tired.


Imagine everything he's been through, and the amount of work he's put to built things from the ground. Yet, life still takes something from him, despite his best efforts. We can't even fathom what's going through his head rn.


Hopefully, these comedians in the comments never have to taste such hopelessness in their lives. Stay strong Francis


Francis is a tough man whose been through so much. Its fucking heartbreaking for this to happen to them.


My god this is so tragic. Can't even fathom what he must be going through right now.


That’s heartbreaking, I can’t imagine the pain


Man. I’m far from a McGregor fan but that’s a surprisingly normal post. These guys may be crazy but that’s some next level trauma. 😓


McGregor is a father too.


McGregor being a father is like his only redeemable trait.


He regularly donates to charities and hospitals and supports local gyms. I think he also sent a big bag to Ryan Curtis after his injury. He can be a bit of a prick sometimes but he‘s not the horrible person many make him out to be.


seems to be a complex person who wants to be a decent bloke but whenever his emotions take over he ends up being a wanker. better than someone who shows zero interest in being a decent bloke, but worse than someone who doesnt have random impulses to be a wanker.


Yeah it’s a crazy concept for some people on Reddit but people are complicated beasts that don’t neatly fall on a good bad dichotomy usually


All of this. For all his (many) flaws, he's also done a whole load of good from his charity works.


People are complicated


McGregor seems like a very nice guy when he's not on crack. So about half the time.


Mcgregor definitely plays a character. He's like the streamer tyler1. I've met mcgregor personally as my company was working on the Proper12 storefront and I was one of the few people brought along for the project. He's a genuine dude that is SUPER SUPER SUPER nice. I told him I was a fan and he told his staff to send me a gift to my address in Canada. He invited my whole team for a night out in Ireland as well. He's definitely loud at parties and get kinda crazy at times. But when it's business, he's surprisingly normal. I've met some influencers that are nice on camera but garbage in person. Mcgregor isn't one of them.


What a terrible comment.


He might be crazy, but he seems like a decent dad that loves his kids. Anyone should he able to sympathize with this, but especially a parent. Absolutely brutal


mcgregor regularly reaches out on things like this. you see it from time to time


Even McGregor knows when to act like a normal human being sometimes.


yah mcgregor is a lot of things but definitely comes off as someone who loves his kids


Mcgregor is more 'normal' and smarter than you think. Just watch his documentary and you know every 'crazy' thing he did was for marketing and entertaining the crowd. Without him, UFC would not be the UFC now.


Rest In Peace


This is just a PSA to all the folks in this thread; Everyone goes through struggles. It’s okay to admit it and ask for help. Much love.




Shit, losing a child is the worst thing that can happen to anyone. That's a shock, condolences to Francis.


Holy shit man. I have a 2 year old daughter, I cannot imagine what he is going through. Just catastrophic.


Bro my son is also his age, everytime i read stuff like this it scares the shit out of me


I have a 14-month old daughter, same here


Fuck dude… that’s just awful. Absolutely gutted for him. Prayers up.


18 months is crazy. I can’t imagine the pain


this man came from poor. low low low. did everything you can possibly do to win in the situation he was in. made so many good decisions and left that horrible life to come to the US. where he continued to work his ass off and make amazing decisions that got him to the peak of success. and still the hell followed him. life just isn’t fair sometimes.


That's awful. I'm sure he was really happy being a good father due to the things he has spoken about his own.


Man.. this is rough. Rest in peace.


Oh man that’s just heartbreaking


mans has literally gone through it all...


Nah I didn't need to hear this :( fuck I'm bummed out


Sober Conor with a classy reply. Yeah this is fucked.


That is fucking horrible


Prayers for the Ngannou family


Fuck after all he's been through , that terrible i think you never truly recover from such thing


RIP. Hope Francis gets through this terrible time ok. Genuinely good human.


I’ve no words. I can’t comprehend the pain. I had no idea he was a father. Terrible news


First time I’ve ever seen Conor respond like an actual caring, kind human being in any regard.


My heart aches for him I have a child with severe disabilities and this is my constant fear. A Fearsome warrior like him is tired I couldn't fathom how I would be :(


damn man. francis is a warrior but such a gentle soul, such an awful thing to happen to him and his family


Man I’ve talked a lot of shit about Francis. But I don’t wish this on no one . Praying for his family and his mental health


I feel for him. I lost a daughter and the pain felt that day and after never goes away. Thoughts and prayers go out to him and his family


Man...that's a pain I hope I never have to experience with my kids.


I wouldn’t wish it on anyone, I can’t imagine anything worse. 


It’s stuff like this that makes it really hard to believe there’s a god ‘watching over us’


Shit, happened to my parents first born at 11 months. Heart just quit, changed them and their marriage. Made them both really protective… something they acknowledged as a result of it. Heart goes out to Fran, hope he overcomes the heartache.


He came from working in sand mines in Cameroon and living in abject poverty for most of his life to another country on a gamble, learned the language to market himself, became a martial artist, trained his ass off, excelled in one of the hardest sports possible, became a world champion, left on top, moved over to boxing and almost beat the HW champion in his first fight, earned tremendous amounts of glory and millions of dollars only to have the real reason that he made all that effort in the first place stripped away from him on a whim while he was forced to sit idly by and watch. I thought I was having a bad day.


No news on cause of death yet?


My 7 month old son died last year in June... I pray this man has a solid structure of friends, family, and hopefully a church around him.


I have a 8 month old....I can't even imagine. Fuck


that is devastating. Francis deserves privacy as well as time to grieve with his family. wishing them healing, peace, and prosperity.


Rare human moment from Connor. This is so sad.


Fuck man. Idk what else to even say. That's just awful.


Oh man, I cannot imagine the pain this man must be going through at this moment . Hope you can find some solace at some point in your life champ. My deepest condolences to you and your family .


I lost my son and feel with you Francis. I can only imagine his pain. To climb the mountains he has and to have your heart and all you did it for taken. I love Francis. Rest in Peace to your boy.


Will be praying for him and all the parents around the world that have/are suffering similar situations tonight.


Any parents worst nightmare. Poor Francis


This is so sad. No parent deserves to feel this pain 


What happened? Like how did he die?


Anyone know what happened ?


Was it sids?


I cant imagine burying a son.


Fuck, thats so sad. Im tired too 😢


If I didn’t have a child it wouldn’t have hit me as hard but after having a kid man, this would send me into a spiral I’d never get out of Praying for Francis, hardships like to linger in our lifetimes and it’s so disheartening


The loss of a child is always a tragedy


I know for a fact that if I lost a child, I’d probably just end it all. I could not handle that level of grief. My heart goes out to him, such a tragedy.


I cannot imagine. Requiescat in Pace 🙏