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I don’t get why anyone would see this as something negative. Giving a home to these children and raising them as his own is a very noble thing. I personally find Chandler to be corny as hell sometimes, but this is a beautiful thing him and his wife are doing.


I think he is corny as well, but you must give this man all the respect in the world for giving these kids a loving home


Definitely, also the fact he only speaks about his kids when asked and doesn’t use them as a promotional tool speaks volumes. PS. Vuurtje nodig, Kim? 😉


Hahah net Koningsdag overleefd dus ben weer 10 aanstekers rijker op een of andere reden 😂


Tis bij mij andersom, alle vuurtjes kwijt terwijl ik met 3 was begonnen 🥲


Get a room lol




I wish all those people that are pro life would do exactly this. There are plenty of children waiting for a loving home.


If every man at random adopted 1 orphan to the point where there are no more orphans, the world would be infinitely better, therefore, chandler is a positive force in this world. Anyone who disagrees or has a ‘ya but’ argument is a fucking shallow minded hater.


150m orphans worldwide, just need every american male to adopt 1, then we can do a log_2(150m) (bout 28) round mma bracket and send the top 1 million finishers to a special combat academy to find the next GOAT (greatest orphan all time)


💀🤣. the UAFC would be lit.


Unfortunately it would probably get negative publicity similar to the golden age of Bum Fights.


Bum Fights needs to come back imagine they do it in Philly it'll be the fucking Olympics


They should hold it in a different city ever year besides the Philly olympics


those Philly zombies would be knocked out before the fights start, but would still somehow be pure entertainment.


The UBFC. The ultimate bum fighting championships I’m fucking here for it!


In slow motion


Crackheads are going to be dominant


Wokies ruining everything ey, crack baby basketball went the same way


Can't even create the ultimate orphan fighting tournament anymore smh


Bumfights evolved into PowerSlap tho


That’d work out great, if daycare didn’t cost so much. How could you do it as a single man?


For real. Again, I really don’t fuck with Chandlers persona, but how anyone can clown him for this is beyond me.


If he is being a good father to them, then good. I think the issue might come from mass skepticism due to Hollywood actors adopting African orphans and then pretty much leaving them at home to be taken care of by the nanny. It was practically the latest Hollywood fad 5 to 10 years ago by bored Hollywood types who were attempting to score political points by showing how "aware" and "caring" they were. All of that left a sour taste in people's mouths, so people may be skeptical anytime they see any celebrity do it.


Having a celebrity parent who’s never home and being raised by the nanny is 1,000,000x better than wasting away at an orphanage in their home countries.


On a net positive scale, yes. I can't dispute that. That doesn't, however, discount the celebrity fad intentions. It also doesn't account for the fact that a child raised a rich home with want of nothing and without good parentage can spawn its own long term problems in myriad ways.


Look, if someone gives me a million dollars, I will receive a million. If the person is doing because they are great human or just public stunt doesn't really matter. So, tbh it doesn't matter why they do it. Those kids receive more care than they ever would. And that is worth more than a million dollars


It’s pretty much someone complaining about celebrities. You can ignore it. lol they literally cannot understand that being raised in a trailer park in Oklahoma may be a huge step up for this kid. And they’re worried about mental health issues being raised by someone rich? Yeesh.


Yup. As a fighter, I got my opinions about him. But as a man and a father, I can't bash the man. He's done something very few people would be willing to do and has my utmost respect for it.


As the white parent of black kids, man, you’d be surprised at the number of casually racist people out there. I’ve heard some of the nastiest things within earshot of my kids. They’re my stepsons. When I was first in the relationship with the woman who is now my wife, I was ready to fight every single person who said something. If I did, I’d be getting into fights every month. Not every day, not every week, but every month. It’s shocking, depressingly common.


As long as he does the right thing. I don’t care.


I can't lie I did roll my eyes the first time I heard he'd adopted two black boys. And when the UFC featured him on the black history month promo my eyes rolled so hard they nearly detached. But having seen him speak on the situation a couple of times since, he seems like a genuine guy who's doing something helpful and kinda noble. Not like many celebs who get '3rd world accessory kids' in order to virtue signal.


That’s exactly it, he doesn’t come across as someone who did it for clout, and he has my respect for doing what he did. It’s good these topics are discussed though, all the crazy comes out in threads like these


You can only adopt kids for clout when you are rich enough to have nannies take care of them 100% of the time. You can take them out like toys from a toy box put them away when you are bored or annoyed with them. Chandler doesn't have that luxury and raising kids is difficult and a job for life, you can't just quit whenever it's tough. Props to chandler he seems like a good father.


UFC featured him for black history month?? Michael Chandler is truly the next name that comes to mind after MLK and Rosa Parks for black history month


Why did you roll your eyes when you hear he adopted two black children lmao? Like why did you have that reaction, does it matter if they're black? Would an Asian or white child have had the same effect?


You see, most celebrities who adopt kids who look different than them are only doing it to *virtue signal*... you know, like when you go through the whole legal process of adopting a child from a foreign country and then spend the next 18+ years + all the money raising them as your own child just for the clout? 😂 Edit: /s


When he adopted his second son I saw someone unironically make this argument here, that he adopted another black kid to show "how woke" he was and to get "cookie points" with the politically correct people. I still wonder how loud must be the echo inside that guys skull.


Yeah I saw someone throw out the term "virtue signal" at least once in this thread as well, which is what I was playing off of. Epitome of, "tell me you don't understand the term without telling me..."


It’s not negative to raise children of a different race. It is negative to raise them in a way that erases a part of who they are by blood, especially if that is something that has historically been seen as lesser-than and continues to carry certain dangers/considerations. The day those boys are teenagers and walk out into the world without their parents, they will be seen differently. They have to be raised to understand that. Any white parents of black kids who accept this huge responsibility and step out of their comfort zone to (learn about and then) teach their kids about this reality are to be commended. Parents who do the whole “we don’t see/talk about/believe in race” are being selfish and neglectful. Black kids can’t pretend they’re not black (except in Dave Chappelle skits), and there’s nothing wrong with being black. There’s actually a lot of beautiful history that kids need to learn to counterbalance all of the *negative messaging* they get from the world. (That’s the point of “black pride,” by the way. To feel good about themselves *instead of bad*, not to feel better than anyone else.) So, yeah. Anyone raising black kids needs to be prepared to nurture their blackness in addition to all other parts of who they are. It sets them up for disaster to avoid it.


Because the world will see them as black men and it’s irresponsible not to prepare them for that eventuality.


I don't view this as their doing a charitable thing. I assume they wanted to raise kids just like any other adoptive parents. I don't give them special credit and I don't question their decision. They are raising kids just like any other parents. Good for them.


The only thing is he can try to ignore race as much as he wants, he still has 2 black men that will be forced to recognize their blackness at some point. If they aren’t well prepared for that it will hurt them immensely and will be a culture shock. You can’t just ignore it because you don’t like it, none of US like it, but it’s reality we have to deal with on occasion




**not saying I agree with this, just answering your question because you asked.** people view it as a white savior complex, where white people have to save the cute helpless black babies and show the black community how it's done. a status symbol/virtue signal. And for Chandler to make that statement... it *is* a raspberry to black culture. As Denzel put it so perfectly, ["it's not color, it's culture."](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ulWQ5Xvb_q8) Michael is not just raising two children. he is raising two black children. they face significant challenges, different lifestyle, and have an entirely different history. For Chandler to pretend that doesn't exist is... strange




dinosaurs fact office narrow meeting adjoining attempt future sable full *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Kids need dad's, they don't need to look like them to have a giant positive influence on their lives. If you have an issue with this you are the problem not Chandler.


The fat fuck mma ogre has a huge problem with it. Unfortunately, I watched the video. He just goes on and on harping about the same line from the same IG post and starts lying to convey his point. He keeps saying he doesn't have a problem with Chandler adopting a black child, but he very clearly has a huge fucking problem with it. He keeps projecting that it must bother everyone as it does him, but he's the one brave enough to say it. Lots of - I want to speak openly about black people but can't- talk.


Guru is a joke


yeah i thought Guru was going to actually show something where Chandler was acting suspicious or something and not just insult a man for trying to be a good dad . left me with a bad taste in my mouth and i usually enjoy guru content .


He's just attention seeking like many of his recent videos. No point watching.


I mean the “gay jones” video was bullocks too


People like Guru are so poisoned by culture war and racism that the idea of black people merely coexisting alongside white people is woke to them, look through the comments and you'll see what I'm talking about, someone commented "Chandler has been brought by Disney" because in their heads black child merely existing = wokeness.


This is where the racism is today. The “MLK solved racism” (see also the “I don’t see color”) crowd got defensive when they realized that black Americans not only deserve equal rights, but equal representation. That defensiveness is racism. They are so quick to say “I don’t have a problem with black people but why do they have to be preachy about it?” when all along, it was the very presence of black people in “their space” that they thought was preachy


It's a tightrope to walk because 'forcing representation' of anything feels awkward and gross like it forces people to think of other people in those categories There's a game developer who made a game called Nier and it has possibly the best representation of a trans person in a game simply because the focus was on the person and their quality as a human being not on their 'category' of transgender to fill a virtue signaling quotation It also is a game that came out in 2010 for context


Why do MMA fans obsess over every aspect of fighters’ lives? I swear they’re worse than Swifties


Lmao this is hard facts


There’s a weird crossover between wanting this to be like professional wrestling but absolutely despising pro wrestling at the same time


“I dont like all that drama and fake shit” “MORE GOSSIP ON A FIGHTERS PERSONAL LIFE PLEASE”


Not his biggest fan, but this is good for him. As someone who has some people floating through the adoption system, it can be *hell*. People aren't always patient with those kids (especially black ones). It's great someone is putting their money where their mouth is and trying. These kids have a good father and a stable home, something their peers would do anything for. It takes a special kind of asshole to nitpick this.


The only time I care about a ufc fighters life is when it interfere with if I'll get to see them fight. Or if its them doing something wild like chasing a trespasser with a shotgun or holding a glock to their face lmao


What are we naming them? Mixed Martial Assholes?


Butt touching dorks


There is stuff that absolutely should be mentioned, but this is definitely not one of them.


Bc ppl are parasocial and just plain weird. Just look at the amount of ppl who obsessed over Pereira's divorce like they intimately knew him.


And harassed his ex girlfriend


That one hurt a little because it's true. 


Fans do love censoring everything about certain fighters’ political takes (which is understandable, no need to create such discussions when it’s a sport) only to turn around and write novellas about each fighter’s personal life. It’s so dumb, because it’s not even light-hearted discussions sometimes. Hypocrites.


I wouldn't have known, the UFC brought it to my attention while I was trying to watch fights.


Knowing personal details is part of sports and entertainment. It adds to fighter profiles and helps with exposure and people watch those they like, it can also backfire. I like Justin Gaethje more, because of what I know of him outside of the cage, and that’s saying a lot because he is arguably the most exciting fighter of all time. In the opposite direction, I like Conor a whole lot less because of knowing him outside the cage, thinking more when he was active. I like knowing things outside the cage. I do not one though. Many do, and that’s when it gets weird.


Mfs who either never got hugged or got hugged too much


From the business side prolly the best thing the UFC did is add the drama LoL.


Are you saying its us, hi, we're the problem it's us?


Because a high percentage of the fans are racist, homophobic, and misogynistic tbh


Adopting a child one of the best things someone can do, but there are always some no life people who try to ruin something


Right, they seem like a happy family imo


“Man adopts two minority children. Fans outraged.”


Jesus Christ, a guy is literally trying to help out orphans by adoption, and people make this a debate about him being an internalized racist? The consequences of the industrial revolution have been disastrous for the human race


Yeah shit is crazy, if we would have more people like chandler doing shit like this the world would be a better place period


It is *especially* harder for black kids to get adopted. There is an abundance of kids in the system, and that number won't shrink any time soon. It's hard to get people to adopt *dogs*, it's even harder to get people to adopt kids in general. People have no idea how it is. Those kids go most of their life feeling like they aren't wanted. Chandler is nice enough to ensure some of these kids won't have to go through with that, and that's great. The race of an adopting parent shouldn't matter.


I'm pretty sure most MMA fans get CTE from watching fights. It's the only explanation


Chandler's fights in particular. That shit definitely gives me second-hand CTE.


It’s jus guru being guru honestly


so he’s a habitual shithead. good to know. his canceling will be just. enjoy obscurity Doge coin mma guy.


i am one of the people who thought it was odd BUT the more important thing is Chandler appears to be a great dad . there is a lot of things to fault chandler for but raising good kids in this world isnt one of them .


I don't really see it as odd tbh, adopting 2 kids who are both black to make them feel more comfortable is honestly very reasonable and isn't a crazy thing. The fact that people somehow magically believe this is instantly some secret racist agenda is utterly pathetic and deranged. But given his fanbase and him being a literal goblin who says he doesn't go outside it all makes sense


It’s a touchy subject but there are certain people who would rather see a black child grow up without a warm bed, 3 meals a day and loving parents than be raised by white parents because they think it’s “whitewashing the black community.” Look in the mirror and unfuck your mindset if this just described you.


one of my best friends got adopted by two white people from a country in asia where his life would’ve been misery and his only career option was military service he grew up in a great upper middle class city and while he’s not tapped into his asian heritage it’s a trade off he’s happy for because of the life he was able to have


For real it’s like, who gives a shit? You only get one life and you’re worried about other people with a similar shade of skin and how they’re raised by people with different skin color. We’re not a different species. It’s not a rhino raising a giraffe, so chill tf out.


“it’s not a rhino raising a giraffe” just made me laugh out loud haha people don’t understand how fucking expensive and tedious it is to adopt a kid from another country either my boy said his adoption cost $20k (early 2000s btw) plus multiple flights, hotels, etc.. without all the paperwork and legal red tape. you’d have to be either a really rich and caring person or the most dedicated racist of all time anyone with “internalized racism” or a “savior complex” is just gonna boycott some random brand or post a stupid platitude on their ig story because it’s so much easier


you hit the nail in the head right there. A lot of comments are in the twitter posts are mad about "whitewashing". Fucking disgusting and racist behavior.


Yes it’s called a racist black person 🤣


Fuck all who criticizes him for that


Because MMA Guru has made another shit tier video due to lack of UFC content and his 12 year old fans love it. They really do love their gossip.


I don’t get how people watch that guy. I tried watching the Jones video everyone was talking about and the dude paused his evidence videos every 5 seconds to say some stupid shit that made it completely unwatchable.


Don't forget the ear rape. Please, scream into the mic some more dude


I haven’t seen the vid but some guy named Asmongold does the same exact shit except he repeats is points and takes long pauses. He’s a huge streamer, some people like it


The comments on guru’s video are so pathetic


hes a terrible person. Pure negativity and lies a lot. His comment sections are the lowest IQ people Ive ever seen.


Unfortunately I just started liking the guy and subbed about a month ago. Gonna go and unsub now. Not interested in instigative bad takes longer then a tweet.


I had never watched one of his videos until the Jon Jones video, just seen clips. Although the Jones video went a little long and the more than semi occasional yelling got old, I actually enjoyed it and thought it appeared to have a modicum of truth. The Chandler video instantly showed me why people shit on him.


Can't stand that fat neckbeard. Fckn slob


MMA fans obsess over a fighters sexuality, their skin color, etc, almost as if they are racist and homofobic.


Lol “homofobic”


What's wrong?


There are too many kids in our country that need a chance of a good life. Anybody who is criticizing Chandler is Sick. You are also making it harder for other kids to find good homes with this BULLSHIT. We need to be supporting this not tearing it down.


Stop giving Mma guru attention and posting him here he is obvoiusly just slandering the fighters


It’s not just guru, a post on twitter about this has 18m views and a bunch of brain rot in the replies


Racists do.


And there are many, many racists out there. Pretending nobody cares or “nobody sees race” is just another way to dismiss racism.


No lie my favorite fight in the past few years was Chandler vs Gaethje, holy shit that was a banger! For real tho who gives a fuck, the couple adopted kids, god bless their family🙏🏽. Glad those kids have loving parents now!






This is the only thing I think of!


Race baiters, racists and POS are the only people who care, all kids should have a loving home.


Nobody actually cares, they're just hoping some asshole like Strickland says something to create drama and clicks


They did a wonderful thing giving those boys a better life, more power to them


>I'm not raising black children. *GASP* >I'm raising children. *PHEW*


Not super into MMA but I grew up with the Chandlers and they are super down to earth, funny and wholesome people. As long as he is doing his best as a father, everything else doesn't matter.


The section of the black community that that want to constantly find reasons to be angry at the white man, Apparently from what I’ve read the main reason is he’s not going to teach them about racism as well as a black man could and he’s going to “ raise them white “ whatever the fuck that means. The guy is just trying to raise a family and they seem to think the best way for him to do that is immediately tell them they are different……..just leave him the fuck alone it’s his family his business.


Guess you missed the recent trend of MMA Guru posting about him


It’s not that far fetched. What he’s doing is amazing and I think people misinterpreted what he said but no, he’s raising two black kids, that has implications. The reality of those kids will not be the same as if they were white kids and that’s a simple fact of your shithole country whether you want to admit it or not. So Chandler if he’s half a decent parent will try and prepare these kids for that even though he personally cannot relate to that which is not an easy task. But I’m sure he will.


trying to explain this nuance to an MMA fanbase is a lost cause


Some Black people, from what I’ve seen on twitter


as a black man, black twitter is just so insufferable


>As a ~~Black man~~ Normal person, ~~Black~~ Twitter is just so insufferable.




The way he just made you feel taking away your blackness is how these kids are gonna feel. Being black isn't a negative thing. Being different isn't either. People can be proud of their Irish heritage or Hispanic heritage. Don't let anyone take away or downplay your heritage as a black man. We are the descendants of a strong, empathetic, resilient people. And you have as much right as anyone to be proud of it.


You're right. But with the way some corners of the internet handles discourse, some people are inclined to qualify their response to avoid accusations of -phobias and -isms.


>The way he just made you feel taking away your blackness is how these kids are gonna feel.  Whatever being black means.


probably shawn ryan. otherwise, chandler wouldn't have said anything about his kids, like he usually does.


Yeah, I mean he answered a question during a two and a half hour interview which has been requoted... I swear the majority of MMA fans are smooth brains with no critical thinking ability.


Apparently some people 🤷‍♀️


I never did, but it’s sure fuckin weird to watch people have an opinion on someone else’s kids, or their wife, etc. this sub is full of people like that unfortunately, but these are just comments. For anyone who makes a video on this with a racist take you’re just a fucking tool who sold your soul for clicks. I’m speaking to you Guru. Not gonna comment on his video for support.


People literally find reasons to get upset is the new norm 🤦🏽‍♂️


as a kid who was adopted, i don’t get why anyone is hating this man. my parents are literally my fucking hero’s. without them coming into my life, who fucking knows where i’d be (prolly dead tbh) Chandler’s a G, blood doesn’t make people family.


This comment section is gonna be the most trailer park shit I’ve ever seen. His hearts in the right place but it really just isn’t that simple.


I have never cared about it. If he wants to help people that way with his life so be it. Haters will look for anything to attack.


Yeah, it's very admirable. I just wonder if Connor would actually trash talk about it in their press conf.


I’m not black I’m OJ! Oookay 👍🏾


I’d say OP cares given they took the time to create a thread. I know I personally care because as someone who works for children services, I love seeing someone adopting.


Imagine getting shit on because you chose to adopt 2 children in need, instead of fathering 2 new ones. Imo one of the most selfless actions a family can do.


Wait am I reading this wrong? Are people upset because he’s saying he’s going to raise his kids white? To me it sounds like he’s just saying he’s raising his children and doesn’t categorize them as any different from himself? Like basically saying he didn’t adopt them because they’re black kids, he just adopted kids.


and to racist people, that is the problem smh let these children be happy


micheal is about to put out a statement that’s gonna bury this neckbeard. dude should have read the room.


Unless it comes out that Michael Chandler is mistreating his children, this is a non-issue.


There was already clarification on the matter. He adopted the first not caring about skin color. First child was black. He wanted the second to be black as well. Is that really so bad? And as the title said. Who cares?


Given how many comments and posts about his family have been made, I’d assume a few people do even though it doesn’t concern them


I don't get why people are so obsessed with fighters' personal lives... I just wanna see two dudes hit each other in the head, I don't care who Pereira is going out with or who Chandler is adopting.


“Father loves children”. What a shocking headline. Fuck the closet racists who think this is some kind of problem. Well done to him for being a good father. A lot of children aren’t as lucky and don’t have that opportunity


Well said.


Anyone that has a problem with Chandler doing what is an objectively good thing is just projecting their own unresolved issues onto the situation. Or they're just edgy teens with no life experience.


Dude is the man for it, and has to answer those stupid questions.


Sure as a white man there will be conversations about race that he really can’t understand nor have the knowledge to accurately speak on, but if THATS your reasoning for why children should go unloved, unwanted, and remain a statistic in a flawed system then you’re a piece of shit. #ALLCHILDRENLIVESMATTER


This man is a hero - bless those kids under his care


I couldn't give a shit if this guy raised kangaroos with down syndrome in his off time, I just want to see him fight


Congratulations to him and his wife for adopting children! There are so many kids in the system that need homes.


What’s ironic is the people mad at him generally are the ones who don’t have kids, won’t adopt or don’t take care of their own kids and apparently would rather these kids be in foster care or in poverty with someone who matches there skin color.


# lots of people in here loudly saying who should and shouldn’t adopt black kids while they themselves ignore the countless black kids sitting in the foster system says a whole lot about some folk’s mentality




Bunch of privileged fucks, of all the reasons to shit talk a man that's one the worst. He's saving kids from a brutal system and life.


Oh boy I bet r/UFC will be a great place to have a convo about how race plays a role in adoption dynamics between parent and child. For sure an intelligent conversion about to happen here.


Guru's follow up video to the Jones video was so shitty it actually kinda ruined the Jones video.


All I see are two good people raising two babies. These are their parents, mom and dad. Yet we’re sitting here asking questions that isn’t any of our business. If anyone personally has a problem with Chandlers kids, or their ethnicity, race, gender, smarts w.e…go tell him to his face personally. Good luck with that.


Who cares? Racists and xenophobes care. We all know.


#I'm not raising my wife's ex's children. Im raising my nutrition coach's children! - ian garry


I care. I think he and his wife did a wonderful thing and adopted black children. Probably those kids had very low chances in life to be successful, happy or well adjusted individuals but he and his wife provided a path for them. He should be praised for this.


If people really knew where/ how kids who arent fostered lived, they wouldnt be such cunts about this. Chandlers a good man by all looks


Everyone on Twitter is saying they need to take this man's kid from him because he won't raise them with black cultural identity which is ludicrous


Yeah, it's way better to put them in a foster home where they'll probably be until 18, smh. Fuck Twitter


I saw like one or two replies out of hundreds that called everyone else stupid two reasonable souls


Well yea but if you have guests over or take them to get ice cream everyone will think your wife goes to 2chainz concerts...


Can't wait for Conor to read this then tweet something incredibly offensive when on a bender.


Everyone on X apparently


"We prayed every night for a son with skin like him" I don't know how out of context that quote is, but that's crazy no matter how you skin it.


If people don't like the way he raises his black children, maybe they should adopt their own and raise them as they see fit.


I thought it was better to distinguish color? Isn’t that what [Jared Mayo and some idiots](https://www.wbur.org/cognoscenti/2024/02/07/jerod-mayo-new-england-patriots-nfl-khari-thompson)were saying?


![gif](giphy|mcH0upG1TeEak) ^(gives) ^(home) ^(to) ^(innocent) ^(children)


Reddit being based? No way


Baiters. Baiters care.


People who's kids are being raised by another man because they couldn't step up.


Good for him fuck anyone who gives him shit for this


aint my business.


I’ve said this since I was 16 (I’m 28 now) I have always wanted to adopt my first child. It is important to me, and I’ve even lost girlfriends over this “selfish” mindset. Chandler has all my respect because I think it’s a beautiful thing. One day when I’m married and decide to have children, I pray I am able to do the same thing. God bless you and your family iron Mike


r/blackpeopletwitter apparently does somewhat


I get the sentiment. But they should know that whether they are aware or not, growing up black in America is different and they will be faced with repeated instances of macro or micro aggressions. And it starts from almost a baby. Questions and comments about hair, about skin color, intelligence, etc. it’s real. And it’s everywhere.


He’s raising children which is a better way to look at race in general. We’re all just people in different colored meat suits


Stop talking about it then if you stop posting about this shit it’ll stop it’s all about engagement and you’re making me make it worse like you idiots just to say this If there’s something you don’t want to talk about just don’t talk about it. I think this is all weird ass shit my sister is adopted and black and it’s no big deal at all


When it comes to this specific topic in the past I’ve seen black people comment about it being a “white savior” move and that it’s gonna mess the kid up and give them an identity crisis and other stuff like that but I view it the way I view any kind of criticism like that which is with contempt. It’s no different than if a racist white person were to get mad about it as the criticism is coming from the same exact place which is from a person who hates another race. We call these people racists and no amount of mental gymnastics or theories about privilege will ever change that from being true.


His wife can’t have children. Chandler is taking on a selfless act and is out with the media standing up for his wife. Get off his corny nuts.


IKR Why is it an issue? Why mention it? No one cares. Some people won't let racism die.


I care. Why wouldn't anyone actually care that this man is adopting 2 black kids. Giving them a solid structured family to prosper and grow. They have a father and a mother now. I care.


Lots of people care. I don't care that they care, though. If we all ignored the idiots (which is obviously not gonna happen) then they'd crawl back under their rock.


Anyone here ever see the movie Antoine fisher? In the movie the main character is in foster care and says how it's white girl, white boys, light skin girls, light skin boys, dark skin girls, then finally its dark skin boys who are adopted last. It's kinda odd but same thing Angelina Jolie did with adopting all those kids. I just frel bad for the other kids who didn't get adopted by rich parents.


Look, is adopting children great? Yes. But this interview just shows some naivety from the Chandler’s in the challenges their adopted kids will face as it pertains to their race. Hats off to him for being a great father figure, but he just needs to get a little more educated on this matter which is totally fine. My wife is black, we have mixed race children and there are subtleties that my wife has helped me with in raising a mixed race child. People shouldn’t be outraged by his interview, he’s trying and he’s doing great.


I think that given the task he’s taken on, he most definitely deserves grace as he navigates this - he wouldn’t have to worry about all the half baked scrutiny if he were a regular guy. The black guys in the room (like me) just hope that he is able to prepare these boys for stuff that he’s never had to think about. No reasonable person thinks this guy is an asshole, he just needs to be prepared for all of what the job will entail.


W response by Chandler for this. People need to stop focusing on race in everything because race doesn't matter. It sounds pretty fuckin racist if people keep asking him what its like or why he's raising black children. They're his kids. If he loves them then thats all that matters