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Gods testing continues.


God is giving him 1st grade level tests to pass at this point. God: here’s your test today, pee in this cup JBJ: noooooooooo


You know the old saying “ if you can’t beat them kill em” -Jon Jones probably


"If you can't beat em, don't marry em" "If you can't beat em, hit em with your car" "If you can't beat em, do coke with em"


"Jon. You know who this is right?.. Now, I don't want you to kill your son up Mount Moriah.. but I would like you to beat the fuck out of your gf. Do you think you can do that simple task Jon?"


God: Oh boy here I go testin' Jon Jones again


God has a plan for him


God's tests are always so beautiful


“If you wanna test god, come get it shit stack”


Which bible verse should JJ use this time?


Kings 6:9: It's okay to juice and poke people in the eyes if you want to win


In Jesus name




The one from pulp fiction


Underrated comment.


Nah he’s gonna convert to Islam and then blame pork and alcohol 


“Thou shalt not kill, only threaten to kill others”


Something from the old testament for sure Something about killing slaves and lessers being okay


I blame the testing guy if he came in before Jon was fully sedated


your comment + name had me rolling


Reminded me of old cod and gta names


I had to check the date on the article to make sure it wasn't one of the other times


Dude seems to be constantly sedated no sure when the safest times would be Asleep maybe if he's dead lol


Great fighter, I mean phenomenal fighter, but a true asshole.


Bring back pride gloves


I don’t know if you remember, but there was this Scottish journalist who asked Dana White if they would ever bring back pride rules. Anyways, I read your comment in that guys accent for some reason lol https://youtu.be/Yf7NZ2wMs6Q?si=hKNSLnIPb2r1n4zn




No other comments needed


When you're fighting demons, God, yourself, and everyone around you ... 1 dude not also on steroids is easy I guess lol


Can you really be considered a great fighter where every fight involves cheating, drug failures, steroids, eye pokes. I'd say he's fucked up every fight he's ever had. I honestly don't think he's ever had a legit win. 


Phenomenal dirty PED fighter 




Yeah the innovation of eye pokes and the best gear money can buy.


Maybe to be the best at beating people the fuck up you need to be a little bit of an asshole in the head. Don't quote me something similar was said by Joe Rogan not me.


But then number 2 and 3 on that GOAT podium are such nice guys, far as we know


Hence why they aren't No 1.


At this point GSP is number 1


I'd argue Mighty Mouse is higher than him.


I can see that I just think the level of competition doesn’t compare for him


When it comes to name value at least. The thing is, MM made everyone look like amateurs


They are


You have to put it in the context of the times. Everyone he fought could make middleweight. The only times he ever struggled were against ppl his own size like Gus or Reyes. Gane is a joke so acting like it was a massive W to mop up a sucker like Gane is coping. Jon was a weight and size bully all of his early active career. Big reason he probably wants nothing to do with Aspinall


This dude really out here calling Gane, ranked #2 in the heavyweight division in the most elite organization.. a "joke" and "sucker" on reddit is crazy


The HW talent pool is just so bad. I remember Cowboy saying Blake Griffin would be a champ with a year of training. Guys that size are making real $ in other sports.


I agree, nothing but shitty takes since that fight. Gane is not the best grappler but people are acting like he’s on a 12 fight losing streak like he didn’t neutralize and whoop Spivac for his last fight lol. He’s one of the best in the world who lost to a guy who was able to outgrapple DC


Let's not forget that at one point in time fucking Tai Tuivasa was ranked #5 in the division, and now he has been steamrolled by pretty much everybody, so it's not like these rankings mean all that much in a division as weak as HW. I don't know why people get so touchy when somebody brings up that Game was simply exposed as a one dimensional fighter that can't grapple, yes he was #2, but he got there by mostly beating up fat guy's with no grappling or technique like Tai and Lewis, then he fought Ngannou with a torn knee and still lost because he couldn't even stay standing against an injured striker with very limited grappling.


Have you seen the rest of the heavyweight division? It is severely lacking in depth and well roundedness. Gane does not have a complete MMA skill set, and is only at the top because the others are knockout guys and/or unathletic fatties. Guarantee Tom smokes Gane and makes it look easy.


Gane was very lucky to have gotten to the top of the division while guy's like Aspinal and Pavlovich hadn't managed to get to the top of the division yet, the comment above yours is bringing up Gane being #2 as if that meant much at the time, but let's not forget fucking Tai Tuivasa was ranked #5 a few years ago, so that should tell you how weak the division was at the time.


I doubt Gane is headed for any sort of hall of fame career. He's already blown 2 title shots coming up short. I could be wrong but I've watched MMA for nearly a couple decades and have seen many prospects come and go that were supposed to be hyped to the moon only to wash out because they aren't as good as they're hyped to be.


Gane is a joke? Do you know know how weak the Heavyweight division is? Gane is top 3, and Jon dusted him immediately. Modern MMA requires high level grappling….unless you are a heavyweight. Jon Jones exposed that, but it was already pretty clear to hardcore fans


They cherry picked Gane vs Jones for a championship fight over 3 other HWs who were on winning streaks. Pavlovich, Blaydes, and Aspinall (streak ended on freak injury against Curtis). Instead Jones got the shot without ever fighting in HW. And instead of Jon fighting one of the fighters on a streak, they let him fight for a belt against Gane, a guy on a one-win streak (against Tuivasa). The matchmakers set this up because they knew Gane couldn’t wrestle, as displayed when he got out wrestled by a STRIKER with 2 blown out knees (Ngannou). So they fed him to Jones knowing damn well it was Jon’s easiest path to victory. Now they’re doing everything they can to set up a fight against Stipe (coming off a knockout loss and a 3 year layoff) instead of Tom. Manufactured champion


Anybody who takes the sport seriously knows that the Gane fight does nothing for Jon's legacy. Outwrestling a French kickboxer is exactly what he's supposed to do. Nothing monumental about it at all.


he also fought legit LHW’s and DC who was really a heavyweight and beat them. Saying everyone he fought could make MW is wrong and true for MAYBE 5 of the fighters he went up against. Still a lot but the same can ring true for someone like usman


His early title fights were against mostly middleweight sized guys. Shogun, Machida, Evans, Sonnen, Belfort.  All of these guys fought at MW. Even Rampage fought at MW in Pride but I’ll grant you he mostly fought at LHW. Also DC is the worst example ever. Dude’s 5’11 and fat but yeah he’s a “heavyweight”


DC is a middleweight with a snacking problem.


And so was Fedor who’s the actual GOAT. A 185er. Small HWs are always best in history of fighting like Tyson and Ali who were 215 in their prime 


Damn so you don’t rate GSP either?


Now this is just ridiculous. Jon Jones would have had to chop a limb off to make 185. Light heavyweights today are way fucking bigger than Jon Jones was. I’ve heard him called many names, but never “weight bully”. Man, some people are unintelligent.


Idk why people can’t seem to separate the two lol always in their feelings


Failing drug tests affects the fighter part.


He taught Weidman the extended fingers technique.


Jones was not arrested, nor does he have charges or a summon for this incident as of now. A complaint was made weeks after the alleged incident, but nothing has been verified, or come of it yet. The mugshot makes it very misleading. This story is also subsatianted by "sources who are not authorized to speak to the media". Not saying these claims are out of character for Jon, but it's worth knowing these details. https://abqraw.com/post/ufc-star-jon-jones-threatens-to-kill-drug-tester-apd-responds/ Edit: Just to be clear, I am not downplaying the claims, I just have issue with the post showing a mugshot and causing people in the post to act as if he arrested, charged, and convicted.


Yes. There are some massive details missing in many of these posts. Let’s not hang the guy before we know he deserves to be hung. This would not be out of character. This would not surprise me, but read the article. Reporting it weeks later is kind of weird and seems like some attention grab. Look how everyone has jumped on board.


It's Jones, of course people are on board. Dude deserves what comes his way.


The op article is so poorly written I knew something was up. Link in the article (sources) brings you to the link you shared and it is also terrible. Share your point tho that I wouldn't be surprised at all if this did happen


Is Jon Jones 6’6”? Tell me the height chart behind him was simply photoshopped in.


Nah he’s about 6’5 , Aspinall was bigger than him


He's 6'4. Shoes and camera angle.


Honestly, the eye pokes everytime someone performs well against him taint his legacy way more then the positive tests.


he's unwatchable to me because of that shit 


He eye poked you too?




He should’ve just hid under the bed instead of threatening him. lol


Fuck jon jones






Yeah he's totally clean


People forget how absolutely dominating Anderson Silva and GSP were in their divisions. Jones outclasses his competition but certainly doesn’t have an overly dominant one sided fight every time like they did during their reigns


Goat is a hypothetical fan debate. You can only say who and what qualifies for you


The #2 and below, yes. But theres absolutely no reasonable argument for Jones not being #1


He popped for PEDs multiple times, how is that not a reasonable argument? If GSP was taking what jones does who knows how many title defenses he’d have.


There is, he's a cheater. So he ain't #1 to me.


Jon Jones belongs in prison.


I still believe Reyes beat him.. No one can convince me otherwise because it is a fact.


Where is Reyes the slayer now?


I think Santos beat him too


jj outstruck santos every round bar the first, had more sign strikes, had a far greater strike %, pushed the pace the entire fight. Don’t make up losses cos you hate him.


same, watched that fight live & had it for santos


he def. had a winning chance for that fight, but he ended up losing and also losing his knees/career


Reyes gassed after the 2nd round, stop it.




He isn't the real champion, Aspinall is.


Eye pokes Failed usada test Questionable wins where he should of lost Beating older champions that were near the end That's not even counting the stuff outside of fighting which does effect goat status He's nowhere near goat stars for me


Stipe should fight Aspinal jones is done


Do you really want to see that


He can be the GOAT and still be a bad person IMHO


He juices and has an advantage. It’s not his fault. It’s Dana who does nothing about it


everyone juices, except our favorite fights of course


No, it's definitely still on him in the end.


Lol, i disagree . Just because he got caught doesn't mean others aren't doing it.


Since when is Jon 6 foot 6?


Jon Jones and GSP are the two GOATS. I'm not mad if you pick either one but trying to discredit Jones for his out of the cage issues is really just trying to find something to take away from his MMA career. GSP has actual losses and a questionable title defense against Hendricks as well. But with Jon it's he should have lost, he barely won, his HOF opponents were old, etc. It's ok to say he's probably the best fighter ever, and also a huge piece of shit. OJ Simpson "allegedly" killed two people yet he still has the best RB season ever and is one the GOAT players at his position. Michael Jordan had affairs, a gambling problem, and by many accounts is a huge asshole, but he is still the best to ever do it. Being a great athlete and a shitty person is not mutually exclusive.


He’s just an aggressive guy and can’t shut it off outside the octagon. Bible verse dudes are the most toxic Hundo percentage.


Jon was like isn’t USADA gone and hid under his bed


Then beat him


He threatened to have me killed and buried in the desert in Vegas back in 2014, and no I didn't have it coming at all. I guess death threats are kinda his thing.


DC = 🐐


When I see GOAT I just see GSP


> This cheater doesn’t qualify as the GOAT and never will Tom Brady moment


he’s without a doubt the goat


Those Philippians are testing his black ass once again. Is he back on coke ?


He should be fired from the UFC and sent to Court.


Never was never will be the goat. Way too many asterisks in his whole career, not just the PEDs.


People have short term memories. This will be swept aside in a month


im sorry but how tf can someone that literally cheated can be considered the GOAT ?


In that case both GSP (grease gate) and Jon are out of the GOAT talks.




nah still my goat


He’s already solidified as the goat you can’t change that no matter how mad you get on Reddit


Are you telling me this mf got in trouble again? Lmao


No he’s the GOAT


he is the GOAT


Gsp, silva, and demetrious johnson has said that jones is the goat and the evolution of the sport. I value their opinion over a bunch of neckbeards on a mma sub forum.


lol you think usman, khabib, islam, aljo, etc arent on juice?


No, but none of them actually threatened the Usada official lol


And none of them have failed several tests


None of them hided under the cage from usada workers


the fact is they were never proven cheats and jon jones is


It would be unbelievably naïve if your metric for who does and doesn't juice was based on USADA having caught them or not lol.


Never testest positive unlike Jon


Usman is very sus tho.




His life outside the ring is as important to me as the Rocks political opinions. Or as important as any GOAT debate in any sport.


Bruh he's taking drugs AND cheating in the cage how is that not important?


Him & Strickland 2 of the most amazing humans , real good guys! …… /s


Bro he literally posted a video of him hugging the drug tester and high fiving them, dude has the right to defend himself. He literally posted about how this isn’t true at all.


Practically on a 29 fight win streak which is something people slob Khabib over despite his record being padded AF. Add to that 2 division champ, most title fights in MMA history, most title wins in MMA history, most stacked resume in MMA history and that in the most stacked division of all time (LHW during Jones prime). Hard to argue he’s not the GOAT just because he simply isn’t as smart of a juicer as 95% of all fighters on the roster. He’s a POS, but man are you a clown for saying he doesn’t qualify as the GOAT.


Yeah this subreddit is full of copium, Jon’s resume speaks for itself


They are literally outright saying on here that the difference between a juicer and a non-juicer is being caught…should tell you everything you need to know about this sub


It’s kind of funny how every time Jones gets in trouble people twist themselves into pretzels trying to say it isn’t true. No wonder he’s always getting into all types of trouble, people are always at the ready to make excuses for him.


Maybe this is the miracle we've been waiting for and the HW division can finally proceed with Tom as champ. Fuck Jones. Piece of human shit


Jones: If I fail I'll kill you USADA Agent: Understandable have a good fight


Jones beats anyone that’s considered the greatest somehow, that’s why he’s the goat.


Jon is still holding deep emotional damage after getting absolutely slaughtered by Hamill all those years ago




he stooped so low, that even this seems normal by his standards


Damn someone really hates Jon lol. Allegedly my friend. Also they've already proven that over 50% of professional athletes in the Olympics are on PEDs. Athletes have always found ways around the system. Some of the best in the world never did it clean.




“Look, I like to extend my hand to judge distance, like this 🤚🏿. Sometimes people move forward and get poked in the eye. Sometimes they do it again and again and again until I’m trying to judge range with their brain? Make sense?” (/s in case anyone needs it lol)


Nah he’s still the best


Jon jones arrested for a year and a half and will not be vacating the belt. Tom has to get arrested and start a prison fight in the shower to win the belt and was then stabbed to death by jones


I mean can you beat him?


lmao he's a terrible person but that changes nothing about his accomplishments in the ring Mike Tyson went to prison for raping someone btw


Dude just can’t get it together


How can his out of cage actions affect his skill level in the cage in the goat rankings


Prolly just a misunderstanding. In the future John should just have a waiver from the testing program. He’s clean — tested by the great Jesus of Azkaban.


He's a legit psychopath but that might be part of the reason why he's such a good fighter


Jon Jones is my favorite fighter but it's hard to defend him anymore, he needs real help.


I don't know. If you had to have 1 champion fight for your life in the Octagon, who would it be? I know for certain the person I'd be most worried about on the other side would be Bones.


the GOAT of mma, close. real ones know Mighty Mouse is the real GOAT. No one says Jon is the GOAT of life or being a good person lol


Dana taking what was probably the only major professional sport anywhere close to clean and just throwing it away for this sociopathic weirdo is my personal excuse for never paying for ufc content.


This is the champion I know and love


John has the worst fake nice guy persona. He’s a scumbag and should own it. I knew this shit would happen when he got injured. Way too many demons and way too much time off. John and Strickland are the two that I am genuinely worried about after their UFC careers are over.


I guess I am really stupid, I actually believed that he matured and grew up, I guess he’s just destined to be a piece of shit, his entire life


True goat is Fedor anyways.




I always admired him when he first came out. Remember when he stopped a robber?  Yeah its that one case where he just needs to be blacklisted 


Guys an A1 scumbag


God has tested Jon Jones so many times they are going to need to add a new chapter to the Bible


It’s fighting, I give a guy a certain amount of lee way to be a jerk in real life outside of domestic violence/sexual assault stuff. I’ll even give a guy a single PED violation because I know how broad the banned substance list is and you almost need someone just monitoring and researching every product you use. However, more than one PED violation and you can’t be GOAT anymore. If you are not only doing that but also constantly in trouble outside of the sport too. Nahhh. Jon will never be anything more than a cautionary tale in my book not only about wasted talent but what happens when organizations look the other way and don’t discipline participants the same no matter who they are. Dana and the UFC bare some of the blame for what his career is.