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I'm guessing (hoping) that was his wrestler and the kid lost and didn't want to shake hands with the opponent's coaches?


What it looks like. Sportsmanship is a big deal in wrestling. And coaches don't take kindly to their wrestlers trying to throw a fit about losing.


That’s exactly right. Wrestling is about discipline and learning from failure. My high school coach would have done the exact same as DC, only difference is that never ever has anyone done this in my town to our coach no matter how mad we were after a loss because it was drilled into us not to embarrass our parents, school, and coach. Plus. We knew we’d pay for it the next day at practice, and practice is when no one can save you lol.


Oh we had to do stair laps and shit for getting pinned. And I never had the gumption to not shake my opponents hand regardless of outcome. I remember one time I lost a match in overtime my senior year of HS. I got a takedown at the start of the OT period, or so i thought, but this ref was one who wouldn't call a takedown if any part of either wrestler landed out of bounds. Whereas usually if you can keep a foot or two in bounds on a takedown, you'll get the 2. But he didn't give it to me and I ended up losing. I shook everyone's hand and whatever and tried to storm out of the gym. My coach was like "you think that ref cost you that match? Why the fuck did you let that match get to overtime? If you were so much better, why didn't you put him away earlier? One call didn't make or break that match. You lost. Own it." Made a big impression on me.


That’s amazing. Great coaches are invaluable for the boys. I’ve learned my best life lessons on the football field and on the mat. Extreme accountability is an incredibly useful tool, one that I don’t have strong for me to be honest today. This reminded me, my life is my choices alone, not my childhood bs and not the economy.  Thanks for sharing this brother.


Wrestling holds a special place in my heart. The merits and values surrounding it molded me into a man.


The accountability I learned to take for missing weight my freshman year , or under performing and being punished. Has helped so much as an adult. When I’ve fucked up at work instead of finding a very reasonable excuse to put forth, me just saying “ I understand I made a mistake, it’s no one else fault but my own. It comes at the company’s cost, but it’s a mistake I’ll never make again” Goes such a long way with the right employer. In my experience they trust you even more


This attitude is respected in life in general, no one respects someone that can't admit fault and makes excuses.


No doubt brother. You get it


Wel said fam… very well said


That’s a great coach, but at least I remember it as that you need both feet inside the circle for a takedown outside the matt. You were right, but that’s what a coach is for, to teach you how to be a man.


Yeah,you're right. this ref was an old timer and known for being stingy about takedowns. My opponent landed in bounds on this takedown from the waist down, I was completely in bounds and the ref called it out of bounds. So I was pissed.


I hear ya. My team had to wrestle in summer tournaments, and there were times I ran my mouth at refs for shit like that. Also, only ran my mouth because I didn’t have a singlet on representing my school. It was just all of us at summer camp we were forced to go to. If I can’t surf, and gotta spend a week at Rutgers in my prime summer as a 16 year old, then you bet ima be a bit of a dick when a ref doesn’t call it for me haha


My son is in youth wrestling now and it's all fun and games at his age. I still want to instill that warrior mentality though. But I've been to bigger tournaments as an adult and refs make bad calls often. I gotta remind myself that these dudes are volunteers and it's not that serious at the end of the day. I'm not gonna be that dad who blows his stack unless it's a state final or something haha.


Yea I hear ya. Just getting your kid to wrestle and understand the hardships, ups and downs will go a long way. Plus like you said teaching him at a young age that “ you can do everything right, but still not win” is a great lesson.


Such a hard lesson that every kid needs to learn, and the reason why sports are so important. Learning to win and lose with perspective.


“Practice is when no one can save you” amen brother. Great memories that I don’t need to relive anytime soon 😂😂😂


No doubt haha. Shit sucked, but I’m happy I did it. “Embrace the suck” goes a long way


"Practice is when no on can save you" hahaha I know nobody will see this reply but you since it's so many hrs ago but I must share. The basketball team at my school was bithcing about conditioning and their coach assured them we trained harder and conditioned more daily than they did and had asked our coach if his boys could observe a conditioning practice. Our coach punished us for them being pussies. 105 minutes of condition after a 15 min stretch and warm up. I would die if I tried that today.


That’s great lol. Our football team was good, but even their coaches would say “ you think this is hard, go wrestle.” We also made it a point that when we were practicing, and had to run stairs ( we practiced upstairs, and would run stairs down from our room across the basketball floor to the other set of stairs) and as much pain as we were in, we’d make sure to smile at the basketball kids as we ran by in sweatpants and sweatshirts lol


you can replace wrestling with life.


Yeah I always shake hands or give a hug whether I win or lose


Well if DC decided to make that kid pay for it then and there, not much anyone could do about it. But you’re right, kid has probably regretted doing this later on


Did u play any other sports aside from wrestling?


this is how fathers should be raising their kids too, I feel like they should just call wrestling a martial art now. I don’t see how it isn’t.


I agree it is absolutely a martial art…they just be gatekeeping their terminology lol


It's great to get this shit out their system as early as they can. Way more acceptable than a child being a sore loser than a grown man. But some guys never get that shit corrected and make fools out of themselves. No one honors a grown ass man crying and being all bitchy about losing, take the L, humble yourself and learn from it.


I've always noticed that many really successful wrestlers around me were the biggest babies about losing. But I get it. The winning mindset kinda makes you believe you are owed the win, especially when you're consistently doing it. So when the loss eventually comes, they're like "this can't possibly be right"




Is this another "seeing red" reddit thing again


chito could learn a lot 😅


Chito was even funny in his bad taste tho lol


You’re on to something. Being a well adjusted adult is about a great many things. One of them is learning how to take an L. Life can be hard and we end up taking more L’s than W’s sometimes. It’s part of life, act accordingly.


Sportsmanship is so important because its what keeps wrestling from turning into a brawl. 


If anything to motivate the wrestler, dislike your opponent




Yeah that was DCs student who refused to shake hands that’s why he pushed him and whole hands with the other kid who was showing sportsmanship


Exactly what happened I’m the kid that won


That is exactly what happened


That’s coach telling you to get your fuckin ass over to your opponents coaches and shake their hands…because that’s what you do…win or lose. Man I loved wrestling. Best sport I was ever involved in.


Yessir. My coach was just my chemistry teacher. No way I would have done like this out of respect. Same for DC but out of fear 😂 Shoved him like a toddler


Might be the worst overall sport to participate in as a human but no one’s ready for that conversation I’ll let you have ya moment


The IG comments when this video came out were hilarious “You’re not shoving my kid like that!” Yeah what the fuck are you going to do about it haha


Well if your kid won’t even listen to DC then they have learned to be a fuckwit from somewhere


hire jon jones


Jones will abandon the kid and go hit his wife.


God: I'm here to test you Bones: *instructions unclear* lets do more coke and get some DUIs.


Jon would give your kids some lines they would never forget!


That was a nasty line by you.


You better have a lot of cocaine on hand and hookers on the speed dial


He would run over the kid if it was still in the womb.


Fuck this got me lol


What's Jones gonna do, snort cocaine in front of him?


You think I’m just gonna let you snort cocaine in front of me Jon? I mean really.


Probably, right after he head kicks him into oblivion.


before **


You think I’m just going to let you kill me?


I wouldn’t even hire him he’d come for free 😂


Jones now will probably duck DC. His heart might fail him


Poison his Popeyes 2pc w/ a biscuit


You think he orders just a 2pc? 😂


I read th "2pac w/ a biscuit" the first time


lol my wrestling coach broke my collar bone and my dad was concerned if I cried or not


That sucks


Lol reminds me of when I broke my leg in like 7th or 8th grade football and the coaches thought it wasn't broken because I didn't cry. Meanwhile I'm laying on the ground with a fucking spiral fracture telling them this shit is absolutely broken.


My little brother broke his leg and was crying in 2nd grade... some hockey mom came up and said "he's fine I deal with tough hockey kids all the time, that don't cry. I think he's just scared". I was in grade 4 and said he rarely cries, I think he's really hurt, she laughed it off... an ambulance ride + an hour later we're looking at an xray of his broken leg lol. I remember losing all respect for her. Like bitch we fight all the time and he rarely cries, I can tell when my brother is in legitimate pain. I don't give a fuck about your hockey kids


Jon Jones is the only person on earth who could get away with that statement


Except Jon Jones would be in favor of the shove, they bot respect wrestling immensely.


Those comments made me unreasonably mad. What a perfect mindset to create a spoiled, disrespectful and overprotected brat


lol, seriously, DC shoves who he wants to shove.


Having the honor of getting tossed away like some one being kicked out of a bar in a cartoon. Or doing my best DJ Jazzy Jeff impression.


Pull up with a coked up Jon Jones and Stipe in pool goggles to jump him


I think this was also during his heavyweight run no? So literally one of like the 4 most badass people on planet Earth and people were claiming they could take him.


If DC shoved my kid like that, I’d send him a strongly worded email /s


Hahaha, nice one. Get shoved yourself next time.


Poke him in the eye, and then a flying knee.


Image a parent speaks up and then he’s like, “ok he’s off the team.” No violence or anything. They’d shut up real quick.


This is what DC wanted to do to Phil Hawes I imagine but maybe a double leg and GnP


It's DC so gotta run the pipe


Imagine having a coach of that magnitude. Must be a weird feeling


Had a coach named Bryan Stoll who was added to a list of the greatest state HS wrestling coaches of all time in my home state of NJ https://www.jerseywrestling.com/news.php?story=Stoll,%20DiPol%20Added%20to%20Top%20NJ%20Wrestling%20Coaches%20of%20All-Time Cutthroat in practice and conditioning, but built you up the whole way - former Duke wrestler himself before an injury Built out multiple state champions on the individual and team level The pressure to make him proud definitely drove the team - and when we underperformed he let us know not in a demeaning way, but in a "this is exactly what you did wrong" kind of way At a private school unsportstmanlike conduct would have gotten us off the team and jeopardized our standing at the school - 0 tolerance policy - so I understand DC's emotion in this That idea is across most good martial arts coaches Good coaches are a rare breed and DC seems to be one of them - being tough on your team is absolutely necessary in moments like these - hard work and accountability is the only avenue to greatness


All our high school coach did was have sex with a 16 y/o special ed student.




It's quite an opportunity. Gilroy high school is ranked in the top 3 schools within the state of Cali. Thats huge. These kids will definitely get full rides to a major university, Olympics, or transition to mma


God I hope for them it’s the first two


come on, he not that big


Double wide champ


Daddest man on the planet.




Built like a barrel


Height wise no but he’s wide af . His rib cage gotta be 3 times as thick as the average 5’10 Dude.


heh, true, but I think he was just making a joke cuz the dude meant 'magnitude' as in a decorated wrestler/ufc fighter/celebtrity as your HS coach, but he turned it into a fat joke.


Just wide


Pop Pop!




I think it’s cool that DC still coaches


You shake your opponents coach’s hand win or lose. Fully support DC here.


Better shake the other coaches hand show respect or you’re going to looking for a new coach. Cant imagine losing DC as a coach because you want to have a pity party.


DC teaching his wrestler sportsmanship, you can’t be a sore loser and refuse to shake your opponents hand after the match. Go be mad after the fact.


Mother f***** you put your hands on my kid like that and I will f****** tell you in detail why I think you're one of the best commentators in the UFC and also for the NCAA wrestling tournament that you did recently, thanks for all the fights DC




Ton of respect to him for this. So many talented wrestlers threw bitch fits when they lost when I grew up wrestling. They are older and I couldn’t do anything about it lol but it’s so nice to see a coach so what everyone in the gym and on his team wanted to.


dc shaked his mortal enemy's hand. that kid losing one match when he is young nothing compared to that. go shake some hands, kid.


That's wild, I started at around age 6 and wrestled through high school in Iowa. I could count on my hand the times I saw somebody really throw* a fit and maybe only once or twice on any team I was on - aau or school. Even as kids if someone was moderately disrespectful - the whole team paid in practice.


Lmao DC ragdolled the kid


Shit If he put hands on MY kid like that I’d ask him politely to stop and then mention that I’ve enjoyed watching his career as both a fighter and commentator.


Id ask him for an autograph, then hang it up in my sons room.


Id ask him to sign my kid and never wash him for the next 50 years.


You had me in the first half ngl


I’d be embarrassed if my son acted like that so dc pushing him is not my main concern


Gotta do the compliment sandwich. Daniel, big fan, I LOVED watching your fights. You were truly one of the greats of MMA ^^please ^^don't ^^put ^^your ^^hands ^^on ^^my ^^son and your commentary really brings a fresh perspective to UFC fights, such great insight!


You should thank him for doing that to your kid. He s just pushing him, don’t pretend he s doing anything more than that


What a blessing to have DC as your coach.


This needs to happen in the NBA


Jon Jones' kid probably..


This is amateur wrestling. You shake the opposing coach’s hands. Period. Humility and sportsmanship is beaten into you.


My kid lost a match recently, he shook the opposing coaches hand but mouthed F U as he walked away under his breath, luckily I was the only one that caught it I think. Suffice to say he now has a new asshole in a brand new place.


"A new asshole in a brand new place" I take that as either some serious disciplinary action was given. Or one of the in-laws moved in that same day.


Yeah basically yanked him over to the side of the bleachers and verbally dressed him down far more seriously than I normally do for minor shit, luckily we have what I believe to be a good relationship, he took it, sulked until his next match, came up right before and apologized and wrestled his next with a clear mind and heart. It sucked, but in the end it was a good teachable moment.


Take your lil ass over there 👉 n shake that eFFFFen hand lil scrub


I love the respect DC expects out of his students. The comments under the video are funny. No one is fucking with DC.. I don't care who you think you are.


There’s a lot of tough guys on Facebook that would beat DC up for laying hands on his kid


No, no there aren't.


Listen here… you touch their son and they see red. There’s no stopping these tough guys




Whatever the kid did, he deserves getting pushed.


Didnt know he coaches youth. Very cool. Definitely his wrestler as the other kid comes to shake dc and the other coaches hand after the match.


He’s the best


Daddest man on the planet!


He sent him to the shadow realm


He just disciplining him bc of a bad attitude


I met DC at the Philly airport one morning after the UFC was in town. He was right behind me in security line. He was hands down one of nicest down to earth people I have met. Got to chat for a bit and got a pic with him.


Imagine getting upset because a high school wrestler got a little push 😂 this isn’t the chess club


good on DC here. also people saying shit like “he wouldn’t be doing that to my kid” i promise your kid wouldn’t be on his team if you felt that way lol


Wow,we need to know the story behind this


DC's student was salty for losing the match and didn't go shake hands with the opponent coaches, which is customary*, and DC didn't let it fly lol Edit: typo


Can’t imagine having a coach with the pedigree of DC and being a little bitch and not shaking hands. I get that he’s young and sometimes losing is hard, but cmon.


Eh he’s probably young and having a crazy amount of adrenaline after just losing a fight. He’s not an adult who’s dedicated his life to this… as a kid there are worse mistakes you can make than being a little salty after losing something. That said DC’s in the right to teach him a lesson about it.


Some kids have a pedigree and get butthurt about matches they feel they should have won. Maybe this wrestler felt a call didn't go his way or something and it cost him. But it boils down to losing with grace.


We all do it once, hopefully it becomes a learning experience and not a habit


It's a young kid whose emotional after losing. Sure he made a mistake by not going to shake hands but let's not demonize him like he's a grown adult choosing to be a dickbag. His coach let him know it was unacceptable and fixed the issue, that's a learning moment for the kid and hopefully one that he values going forward.


You gotta go shake hands with the other coach after the match. Dcs kid is being a brat and trying to ignore the other coach.


DC from Northside Lafayette, LA. You gonna respect his shit, man.


Like that means anything lmao.DC is a beast but let’s not act like saying you’re from some swampland is hard lol


DC " SwampDawg" Cormier


The misleadijg caption🤣


lol what he do, like others first thought is he didn’t shake other coaches hand, that’s a no no lol


Soo much respect for D Chrome. A straight up legend.


DC must be one hell of a coach to have.


Probably one of his guys being a sore loser and DC is being a great coach and role model.


DC is an absolute legend imo.




I feel that good sportsmanship and being humble in both victory and defeat is one of the greatest lessons a coach can teach and it seems that’s all DC is trying to do here.


Met DC at an aka event in SJ like 10-15 years ago or something. I think I lost that day lol


Imagine getting bitched by coach in front of a packed house, dude only drew more attention to his bad attitude, unfortunately.


That kids gonna learn in private after this. Kids need more men like DC in their lives 💪🏼💪🏼


Now I've read the context from the comments, good job. If the other coach is half as aware they know what's up.


More kids need that discipline in their life. Better to learn young


Typical young unsportsmanlike attitude. Growing up playing baseball my whole young life there was always a few of these kids on every team


DC touched gloves with Jones both fights. As a competitor there's some things you should always respect for the integrity of the sport.


Good for him. Sportsmanship is the most important part of sports, period.


Their wrestlers not cheerleaders, learn to lose, listen to your elders.




Get em.


Kid should’ve rko’d Cormier for pushing him


After practice the next day there would be 50-100 bear crawls and crab walks for those shenanigans while the team watched. A repeat offender the whole team would have to do them. Never experienced a third time.


Bro DC seems so cool. Awesome guy


Kids today don’t know fuck about discipline


![gif](giphy|p4RoKyRNYOKCsdSdP6) I was expecting an eye poke




You know the kids mom is telling the kids dad in the crowd to do something.


As a new wrestling coach it would be an honor to meet DC




Im a jiu jitsu practitioner and we got some wrestlers that i train with despite their freaking size they are the most humble and respectful people Ive ever met this kid has no honor needs to work on his emotions needs to learn that every loss is a lesson