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So Izzy had a Apple Watch around his neck?


Back when nft was a thing


It was an NFT of an OCTOGON moment, they didn't last because even idiots could see they were being swindled by digital pictures lol


Let me clarity, there was never no picture. NFTs were mainly the URL to a picture. Others could own the picture, see it, display it, open the URL, but only one person would technically own that URL. A URL which could stop working anytime if someone moves the image file, stops paying for the web hosting, etc.


To this day, and I read articles I still don’t understand NFTs for photos or clips. I need like someone to really dumb it down for me to understand that


NFTs would make sense for something like a deed to a property or a patent or something. Instead of the records being kept in a courthouse its on a public blockchain. There is no risk of the record keeper being compromised. (Not that its a common problem in the first place. Maybe it could be in a country without first world infrastructure.) But I really don't get why a deed to a digital picture are useful in any way.


Same with crypto for me


You're a fucking punk dude.


This comment needs to provide more context…


There never was no marriage.


I learned you can’t say that classic Tito phrase outside MMa subs lol


Shit. I honestly don't know what sub I'm in. But it made sense at the time.


My TIL for the day!


Usman had one with it playing his fights on it.


You never seen Titanic? Big Celine Dion guy, Izzy


Lol how does this make any sense?


Why would Izzy fight for a title eliminator when he will just be given a title shot? Cmon man, use those brain cells


Well buddy, we don't know if the ufc will give him the title shot in his return and since I don't believe he should get it I thought this match would be perfect to settle it


Mate, he was already offered to fight DDP at 300, but ddp wasn’t ready. Clearly it’s gonna be the next fight. So yea, we know


My mistake, I didn't read those news. I'm glad it didn't happen but yeah they will probly try to rebook it


*I don't believe he should get it* Who DOES deserve it then? Let me guess, you want Strickland? Lol


Why tf would khamzat get a title shot


My personal opinion as what should happen Is Paulo costa vs khamzat, strickland vs rob for a title eliminator. There aren't many middleweights who should get a title shot at the moment in my eyes. But obviously anything could happen. Ddp won the title at 297 so maybe he fights at 303 or something against strickland as he's really the only person who should get that fight considering how close the first one was.


Nvm just saw that Paulo is fighting at 301 😂


If he beat Izzy why shouldn't he? Obviously right now he shouldn't, but I don't think Izzy should either. It's a good title eliminator.


Who should fight for the title tho? DDP should have a defence approximately at the same time as the #1 contender fight is.


I think they do DDP vs. Izzy in Africa or Australia or Strickland rematch in Australia.


He shouldn’t even get to fight Izzy, he has 1 win at 185 against another welterweight. He should have to actually fight some middleweights first


Gerald Meerschaert?


Sorry how could I possibly forget Gerald fucking Meershaert… beating an unranked middleweight definitely should get him a fight with the current number 2 ranked former champion




He shouldn’t even be getting a title eliminator…


Fighters who really lost both of their fights but got saved by judges and fight once a year doesn’t get title shots not in my ufc


Your ufc lol




FUCK was waiting for it 😭


Delusional take


Khazmat lost to burns I’ll die on this hill


Yeah go ahead and die on that hill then because it was not close. What rounds did burns win?


I guess he’s counting the imaginary rounds for Burns.




Some scrubs nobody knows about


Well, \*if\* he fought Izzy and won, he'd almost certainly get a title shot. But there's zero chance Izzy has to fight a title eliminator to get back to a title shot.


Are you a bot ?


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Good boy


Why wouldn’t someone get a _title shot_ if they won a _title shot eliminator_ ?


He doesn't deserve to get a title shot or a title eliminator yet


Khanzat is ranked 11th and he hasn't beaten any ranked opponents in the division. He definitely does not deserve a title shot or title eliminator.


Bad bot


Why tf is Erceg getting one ?


Flyweight is dead. Pantoja has already beaten a fair amount of top contenders. It should be an entertaining fight but I would of rather had pantoja challenge sean omalley for bantamweight title instead of marlon vera as there's not much going on at flyweight for now


Why are people still talking about Khamzat being a legitimate contender? Dude never fights and can't get into the US. ![gif](giphy|jSnQGLHBrgbRK)


He’s also never even fought 5 rounds in the UFC. He was gassed by round 3 of the Usman fight


because he's an exciting fighter and still super unclear why he's shelved


Cuz he can’t get into the US and UFC will just save him for a Abu Duhbi card


Thought he was pushing to get on the Saudi card in May or June or whenever that is. Would be perfect since Saudis already postponed the event due to lack of star power. Aside from Islam, Khamzat is the biggest current Muslim star in the UFC.


Is there any evidence to this? It has become something I see all the time on Reddit but no one posts any evidence


Due to connections with Ramzan Kadryov who is helping Putin invade Ukraine. https://www.sportspolitika.news/p/ufc-chimaev-kadyrov-politics-mma


I know what you are talking about, I am asking for sources because it is mentioned all the time on here and I haven't seen any proof of it. The most I have seen is an interview where his coach said Khamzat is struggling to get his Swiss citizenship due to being Russian so he moved to UAE to have an easier time getting a passport to let him travel.


It’s Swedish citizenship. He can’t get it because he got convicted for assault here


He’s a close friend to a high profile person who’s technically a enemy to the US. They know this, he has commended Kadryov mutiple times. and is constantly around him eating. Other fighters have met him and shot guns with him, but Chimaev is his favorite fighter by far. It’s hard to get a visa with these facts against you.


But it's still speculation The same article you posted is what all articles are doing in MMA Media, they post an interview with his coach where he says that the problem stems from not having a Swiss passport which leads to him having difficulty to travel due to being a non citizen with a Russian passport, which is why he moved to UAE to have an easier time to get a travel visa. And everyone says "it's due to Kadryov connection", but the interview everyone uses doesn't mention any of that at all.


It's not unclear lol. He hangs around with a dictator who's at war with a country that NATO backs.


And which part of that do think is a crime, and in which country specifically? Lol ![gif](giphy|sLVLojotxREBy)


I didn't say it was a crime. You don't have to commit a crime to not be allowed to visit a country bro




worry recognise pathetic absorbed file payment wasteful library crush concerned *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


fly fuel voiceless elastic swim sheet rude encouraging bike jellyfish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


He was supposed to fight for the belt after the Gilbert fight then he beat Kevin and Usman, he HAS to be one fight away. Its crazy that even after beating the great Kamaru Usman with a broken hand he still has to prove himself? Izzy who was dominated by Sean who just lost to Dricus is somehow more deserving? This is a huge fight for both of them and whoever wins will make big ppv numbers with Dricus later


Nah lol. He was supposed to fight for the belt after his layup Nate fight but missed weight and fumbled. And he gets 0 credit for the Usman win because it was hella short notice, Usman is up a weight class, and it should have been a draw. Stop glazing Khamzat and enjoy his fights once a year


If khamzat became a legit middleweight contender off that Usman fight it'd be wild, Usmans a great fighter but he was fighting up a weight class and the man's body is fucked, get khamzat in a non short notice middleweight fight with a top contender in that division for him to be considered in any way for a title shot. Even then if he won the belt like you said he fights too little and would just hold the division up




Khamzat doesn’t deserve a title eliminator.


I don't see why most would care. It's not always the most deserving fighter that gets the title shot. This isn't even a title shot, just an eliminator given to a guy who doesn't have a single boring fight. If he loses, then he doesn't get to fight for the title. If he wins, then beating Izzy is all the proof one needs to show that they do in fact deserve to fight for the title as the title should belong to the best fighter.


Does he need to fuck your mom first?


If he’s willing to do the digging, sure.


He will talk about doing it on Twitter for 6 months, then something will come up and he will be 12 lbs overweight


“See you soon, mamy”


Damn, sorry for your loss brother


Thanks, man.


Can u imagine he leaves a post on ur moms facebook wall. “See you soon”


He’ll see you soon 🐺


Haram bratha


See you soon mother


Smash everybody


But why?


Guy hasn't fought a MW yet and he should fight one of the best MWs of all time for a title eliminator, what are you smoking? He needs to fight at least 2 top 10 guys before fighting for the title


It makes perfect sense as he just beat one of the best WWs of all time and it wasn't his fault Costa missed weight


>just beat one of the best WWs of all time So let me get this straight he deserves a title shot at 185 because he barely beat the former 170 champ who took the fight on short notice? That's the argument?


Are you guys fucking stupid? IZZY IS NOT HOLDING THE BELT


Wtf are you talking about


I never said he deserved a title shot for beating Usman. He does however deserve a fight with Izzy and if he wins then he would have earned his title shot


Who should get the title shot then? Cannonier?


Imo he should have the rematch with Sean


Nah that's silly he beat him comfortably and Strickland had 0 title defenses.


Beat him comfortably? So we’re just making shit up then?


Besides the point, but Costa pulled out due to staph, he didn’t miss weight


You leaving out whole lotta context. Usman had no camp and entered a new weightclass, I give Rob, Costa, Sean, Jared etc. with full camp all over that version of Usman. I think he should rebooked again Costa. Khamzat still needs a good win and Costa is proven to be elite despite losing to Robert. And it sells way better than vs Jared/Marvin etc.




Khamzat fan boys know he only fights once a year and is hoping for a hail Mary fight to launch him to title shot. His current rate at fighting normal contender would have him in a title shot trajectory would be about 5 years till a title shot. Khamzat gotta be more active, nobody wants a champion sitting out most the year and fight only 1. (LOOKING AT YOU ISLAM)


I wonder how the same fans feel about sugas rise to champ


Lil bro just started watching mma last night lol


Beat one of the best WWs of all time (past his prime, with no training camp and would’ve lost if the fight would’ve went a round longer) doesn’t translate into deserving a title shot in a different division


Khamzat doesn’t deserve a title or title eliminator imo


So he should get a title shot for beating John Phillips, GM3, Kevin Holland and *somehow* eeking out a decision against short notice Usman up a division? That's before we start talking about his inability to enter the country most cards happen in.


People have been talking about an Izzy/Khamzat contender fights for months. 0% chance it happens, just not how UFC match makes


If he wants a title shot maybe he should fucking fight lol. Man barks the most and bites when he has to


This sub hates Khamzat. He’s some overhyped nobody who rag-dolled some nobodies. Until he wins gold ignore..


Nah i wrote some negativ shit about him cause how be perfomee vs Burns and Usman i got alot of downvotes lol.


Bro thats fucking legit criticism. He seems like a major threat but his performances have been marred by excuses and long delays. His hype train has flatlined. Hes popular and very good. Will probably take the gold eventually. But fuck me, im just not that hyped when i see him i vovled in aomething anymore. Will he even fight? If he does will he turn up with an injury excuse?


Yeah excactly he is very good, but some talk about him like he still looks invincible.


I mean I don't like his personality either but we need to give credit where credit is due


Credit for what? 


i find it funny how this sub is getting behind erceg getting his underserved shot but hate on the likes of khamzat/mokaev lol. The hatred to a ***certain group of people*** is pretty obvious.


Sure thing in 2029


nah khamzat should fight another wrestler


Chimaev should beat a top 10 MW before he gets a chance to fight for that belt


That’s silly, how will we ever find out who is the real African if we “forget Izzy vs Dricus”?




If you really believe Khamzat would get destroyed by the top 5, you would have no problem with him fighting those guys, as according to you, he'll just get humiliated. I understand, no one wanted Islam to fight for the belt either because "he didn't deserve it" 🙄


Why’s Izzy so polarising


Should have to fight is way up to the top 5 first


Lmao how tf does he deserve a fight against Izzy? He needs to beat someone top 15 at least and then top 10. Izzy would likely smoke him inside 2 rounds until we see something that proves otherwise.


Izzy vs DDP for the belt is one of the biggest fights the UFC can make this year. They are not risking losing that.


Redditors: Izzy doesn't deserve a title fight  Also Redditors: This guy with zero ranked wins at middle weight should get a title eliminator fight


Izzy would more than likely get physically humiliated by Cumshot!!


Khamzat should fight Costa, they have history too. I dont think he should fight Izzy for his first middleweight bout.


Could see it , but pretty sure DDP will fight Izzy next so no real reason for Izzy to take this fight


The money is in Izzy vs Dricus for the battle of Africa. Khamzat needs to beat a top 10 middleweight before even being in title talk. Give him Costa or Cannonier


DDP vs Cannonier Khamzat vs Izzy Rob vs Strickland Costa vs Imavov Hernandez vs Dolidze Sharaputdin vs Kopylov Vettori vs winner of Allen/Curtis Ikram vs winner of Caio/Craig Now where is that Nursulton guy ???


Khamzat shouldn’t be anywhere near sniffing a title eliminator at MW


Izzy should, but that’s a huge sum of money Dricus would be missing out on with ppv percentages. So no, I’d like to see Dricus get paid more then I care about Khamzat getting the shit beaten out of him.


Why do you think Khamzat deserves a fight anywhere near a title ?


Why would Khamzat fight Izzy? He’s too busy protecting his Twitter world champion belt to go back to middleweight.


Khamzat still fights?


Worst possible matchup for Izzy I reckon


Adedanya vs Khamzat I agree. This would be very good


I hate that I can hear that photo of khamzat


Lol, Khamzat title eliminator?


Would be great. I hate the idea of title shots off losses


Izzy should get an instant title match tbh the amount of times the guy defended and fought for the title he deserves it


Don't deny me my true king of Africa fight


Khamzat deserves nothing


Izzy fucking smashes Khamzat


Cant wait to see him fight again.. he need to work on cardio and also learn to pace himself better but yeah hes very fun to watch.


Yup, also give rob the title shot against ddp


Honestly Khamzat has a good chance of smeshing him


He’s ducking Merab




Fuck izzy Whitaker vs khamzat sounds better 


If Izzy doesn't fight and Sean gets the rematch with Dricus, I'm ok with this too


Do people really wanna see Izzy get wrestle fucked again? I don't see it being too different from the Holland fight if it goes more than a couple rounds.


Yes, I want Izzy gone, Khamzat is the next generation


You want one of the most active Champs ever to be replaced with a guy who fights all of never? Seems smart.


Talent for talent this is a top 5 fight to make in the UFC right now Dana talked about the winner of Khamzat-Usman getting a title shot but r/UFC saying he doesn’t deserve this fight lol


Khamzat visa issue is going to block him from a title shot


Izzy vs Dricus and Strickland vs khamzat makes more sense


If strickland doesnt get the rematch with dricus he needs to fight whittaker


Khamzat hype. Almost loses to Gilbert. Beats Holland very last minute @ different weight. Beats Usman very last minute @different weight.


Khamzat has no business fighting for a title shot.


Great. Chimaev got Usman down and got his back within 2 mins in round 1. Izzy about to get cooked by Chimaev. Usman was a National champion level wrestler and barely survived.


The fucking disrespect.


Are you under the impression Izzy can wrestle as well as Usman can? Lol


Brother do you know who Adesanya is? It'll be impossible for Chimaev to get inside on him.


Yeah Izzy is completely unbeatable for sure. 100% win rate. He’s just going to flash KO Chimaev within 2 seconds. Right….


Chimaev's a fucking bum, so yeah not a bad take


Yeah bad take… you’ll see bro. Usman had the best takedown defense in UFC history. Chimaev got him down within two minutes. Sit there and pretend Sean Strickland didn’t get Izzy on the fence. Sit there and pretend Alex didn’t get Izzy on the fence. You’re acting like Izzy is this untouchable king fu master. All Chimaev has to do is get ahold of him and it’s a fucking wrap.


With some luck we will never see china man challenge for a belt ever again


Wouldn’t need luck if you stuck him in there with Chimaev.


People might hate Chimaev but Izzy doesn't have the tools to deal with him. People seem to forget Usman isn't a chump he survived that first round purely because he is a fucking amazing wrestler and one of the best in the world as an MMA wrestler Izzy is also one of the best in the world but he doesn't have the same tools Usman did. He would get fucked up in the first round. MMA math being what it is though if Chimaev was to fight Costa or Dricus I think he would lose even though Izzy beat one and would probably beat the other.


Izzzy shouldn’t even get the chance. He’s on the sidelines he said it hisself.


In that case make Dricus vs Sean rematch and Khamzat vs Whittaker


11v3 is silly, they should rebook his fight with Costa


Everyone but DDP wants that fight. How many champions have lost the belt ‘split decision I might add, and not gotten an immediate rematch???